Пример #1
void test_unfold( )
  typedef IntLabeledGraph Graph;
  typedef Graph::edge_type edge_type;
  typedef Graph::vertex_type vertex_type;
  Graph F;

  int o = F.newVertex( );
  Word x1( 1 );
  Word x2( 2 );
  for( int i=0 ; i<5; ++i ) {
    Word w = Word::randomWord( 2 , 3 );
    addLoop( F , o , w.begin( ) , w.end( ) );
  set< int > candidates;
  candidates.insert( o );
  list< FoldDetails< vertex_type , edge_type > > details;
  fold( F , candidates , &details );
  if( F.getVertices( ).size( )>1 )
  pair< bool , list< edge_type > > path = trace_path( F , o , x2.begin( ) , x2.end( ) );
  liftup( F , o , path.second , details.begin( ) , details.end( ) );
int main( )
  FPGroup G;
  cout << "Enter nilpotentcy class first then group ";
  int NilpotentcyClass;
  cin >> NilpotentcyClass;
  Chars errMsg = cin >> G;
  if (errMsg.length()>0) 
    return 1;
  NilpotentGroup ng(G.namesOfGenerators(),
  VectorOf<Word> vw;
  Word w;
  for (int i=1;true;i++){
    cout << endl << "Enter the "<<i<<" generator of subgroup"<< endl;
    cout << "Empty word to finish: ";
    w = G.readWord(cin,errMsg);
    if (w.length()==0)
    if (errMsg.length()>0) 
      return 1;
  SGOfNilpotentGroup sg(ng,vw);
  cout << "The Hirsch number :" << sg.theHirschNumber() << endl;
  cout << "Index in parent group :" << sg.index() << endl;
  cout << "Is Trivial :" << sg.isTrivial() << endl;
  cout << "Is Central :" << sg.isCentral() << endl;
  cout << "Is normal :" << sg.isNormal() << endl;
  cout << "Is abelian :" << sg.isAbelian() << endl;
  cout << "Subgroup class :" << sg.subgroupClass() << endl;
  cout << "Generators of normal closure :" << endl;
  vw = sg.normalClosureGens();
  for (int i=0;i<vw.length();i++){
    cout << endl;
  PresentationForSNG sgp = sg.makePresentation();
  cout << "Presentation of subgroup :" << endl;
  cout << endl << "Enter the word :";
  errMsg = "";
  w = G.readWord(cin,errMsg);
  if (errMsg.length()>0){ 
    cout << errMsg;
    return 1; 
  cout << endl << "Does subgroup contain the word :" << sg.contains(w) << endl;
  PolyWord result;
  if (sg.decompose(ng.decompose(w),result))
    cout << "Decomposition in sg basis :" << sg.asDecomposition(result);
    cout << "Subgroup does not contain this word";

Пример #3
// get wordID_t index for word represented as string
wordID_t Vocab::GetWordID(const std::string& word_str,
                          const FactorDirection& direction, const FactorList& factors, bool isNonTerminal)
  // get id for factored string
  Word word;
  word.CreateFromString( direction, factors, word_str, isNonTerminal);
  return GetWordID( word);
Пример #4
int Group::right (int v, const Word& word)
    int g = v;
    for (unsigned t=0; t<word.size(); ++t) {
        g = right(g, word[word.size() -t -1]);
    return g;
Пример #5
int main6() {
	Word *word = new Word("wordfdsafds");
	RedisProxy redisProxy("localhost", 6379);
	word = redisProxy.getWord(word->getId());
	std::cout << word->getId() << " " << word->getName();
	return 0;
Пример #6
Word GAConjProblemForORGroupSolver::greedyReduce( const OneRelatorGroup& group , const Word& word )
  Word w = word;
  w = w.cyclicallyReduce( );
  while( oneGreedyReduce( group , w ) );

  return w;
static Word MakeWord(string text)
    FactorCollection &factorCollection = FactorCollection::Instance();
    const Factor* f = factorCollection.AddFactor(Input,0,text);
    Word w;
    return w;
Пример #8
wordID_t Vocab::GetWordID(const std::string& word_str)
  FactorList factors;
  Word word;
  word.CreateFromString(Input, factors, word_str, false);
  return GetWordID(word);
Пример #9
bool operator > (Word w1, Word w2) {
    string w1word = w1.getWord();
    string w2word = w2.getWord();
    transform(w1word.begin(), w1word.end(), w1word.begin(), ::toupper);
    transform(w2word.begin(), w2word.end(), w2word.begin(), ::toupper);

    return (w1word > w2word);
Word TheGrigorchukGroupAlgorithms::reduce( const Word& w )
  Word result;
  for( Word::const_iterator w_it=w.begin( ) ; w_it!=w.end( ) ; ++w_it )
    push_back( result , *w_it );
  return result;
Пример #11
 Word int2word(int g)
   Word result;
   while (g) {
     result.push_back((g % 10) - 1);
     g /= 10;
   return result;
void GlobalLexicalModel::Load()
  FactorCollection &factorCollection = FactorCollection::Instance();
  const std::string& factorDelimiter = StaticData::Instance().GetFactorDelimiter();

  VERBOSE(2, "Loading global lexical model from file " << m_filePath << endl);

  m_inputFactors = FactorMask(m_inputFactorsVec);
  m_outputFactors = FactorMask(m_outputFactorsVec);
  InputFileStream inFile(m_filePath);

  // reading in data one line at a time
  size_t lineNum = 0;
  string line;
  while(getline(inFile, line)) {
    vector<string> token = Tokenize<string>(line, " ");

    if (token.size() != 3) { // format checking
      UTIL_THROW2("Syntax error at " << m_filePath << ":" << lineNum << ":" << line);

    // create the output word
    Word *outWord = new Word();
    vector<string> factorString = Tokenize( token[0], factorDelimiter );
    for (size_t i=0 ; i < m_outputFactorsVec.size() ; i++) {
      const FactorDirection& direction = Output;
      const FactorType& factorType = m_outputFactorsVec[i];
      const Factor* factor = factorCollection.AddFactor( direction, factorType, factorString[i] );
      outWord->SetFactor( factorType, factor );

    // create the input word
    Word *inWord = new Word();
    factorString = Tokenize( token[1], factorDelimiter );
    for (size_t i=0 ; i < m_inputFactorsVec.size() ; i++) {
      const FactorDirection& direction = Input;
      const FactorType& factorType = m_inputFactorsVec[i];
      const Factor* factor = factorCollection.AddFactor( direction, factorType, factorString[i] );
      inWord->SetFactor( factorType, factor );

    // maximum entropy feature score
    float score = Scan<float>(token[2]);

    // std::cerr << "storing word " << *outWord << " " << *inWord << " " << score << endl;

    // store feature in hash
    DoubleHash::iterator keyOutWord = m_hash.find( outWord );
    if( keyOutWord == m_hash.end() ) {
      m_hash[outWord][inWord] = score;
    } else { // already have hash for outword, delete the word to avoid leaks
      (keyOutWord->second)[inWord] = score;
      delete outWord;
Пример #13
void WQueue::print()
	Word* cur = front;
	while (cur != NULL)
		cout << cur->getData() << " ";
		cur = cur->getNext();
Пример #14
void TTSQueue::DisplayS()
	Word * word = header;
	while(word != NULL)
		word = word->next;
Пример #15
Word Word::operator+(const Word& rhs)
	char* temp = new char[this->string_length_ + rhs.len() - 1];
	strcpy(temp, this->string_);
	strcat(temp, rhs.getString());
	Word sum(temp);
	delete [] temp;
	return sum;
Пример #16
TEST_F(Gtest, test_Word) {
	std::string name = "wordfdsafds";
	Word *word = new Word("wordfdsafds");
	RedisProxy redisProxy("localhost", 6379);
	word = redisProxy.getWord(word->getId());
	std::cout << word->getId() << " " << word->getName() << std::endl;
	EXPECT_EQ(name, word->getName());
Пример #17
int main10() {
	RedisProxy redisProxy("localhost", 6379);
	User *user = new User("yinliang");
	Word * word = new Word("ABCD");
	redisProxy.userBuyWord(user->getId(), word->getId());

Пример #18
Elt SubgroupRep::eval( const Word& w ) const {
  #if SAFETY > 0
    if ( w.maxOccurringGenerator() > theNumberOfGenerators )
	   error("SubgroupRep::eval: attempt to evaluate word with no "
				"interpretation in parent group");

  return w.replaceGenerators(theGenerators);
Пример #19
void Probe::operator()(const SmartPointer<Block> &block) {

  if (!block->isDeleted()) {
    if (!didOutputProbe && block->findWord('M', 3)) {
      didOutputProbe = true;
    if (didOutputProbe && block->findWord('G', 1) &&
        getAxisPosition('Z') < clearHeight) {
      double x = getAxisPosition('X');
      double y = getAxisPosition('Y');
      double z = getAxisPosition('Z');

      vector<ProbePoint *> pt = grid->find(Vector2D(x, y));
      double x1 = pt[0]->x();
      double x2 = pt[1]->x();
      double y1 = pt[0]->y();
      double y2 = pt[2]->y();
      double denom = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1);
      double v[4] = {
        ((x2 - x) * (y2 - y)) / denom,
        ((x - x1) * (y2 - y)) / denom,
        ((x2 - x) * (y - y1)) / denom,
        ((x - x1) * (y - y1)) / denom,

      SmartPointer<Entity> expr;
      Word *zWord = block->findWord('Z');
      if (useLastZExpression) expr = getVarExpr('Z');
      else if (zWord) expr = zWord->getExpression();
      else expr = new Number(z);

      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (!pt[i]->address)
          THROWS("Point " << pt[i] << " does not have address");

        SmartPointer<Entity> ref = new Reference(new Number(pt[i]->address));
        SmartPointer<Entity> num = new Number(v[i]);

        expr = new BinaryOp(Operator::ADD_OP, expr,
                            new BinaryOp(Operator::MUL_OP, ref, num));
      expr = new QuotedExpr(expr);

      if (!zWord) {
        zWord = new Word('Z', expr);

      } else zWord->setExpression(expr);

Пример #20
void Wordreciting::start()
	isStart = true;
    wordlist = (strategy->selectRandom ? random : ordered);
	for (int i = 0; i < wordlist->size(); i++)
		Word *word = wordlist->getWord(i);
Пример #21
bool QuadEquationTranformationGraph::isTrivialSolution( const Word& e ) const
  Word r;
  for( Word::const_iterator e_it=e.begin() ; e_it!=e.end( ) ; ++e_it ) {
    int g = *e_it;
    if( theEquation.isGenerator( g ) )
      r.push_back( g );
  return r.length( )==0;
vector< int > getTail( int N , const Word& w )
    vector< int > V( N , 0 );
    for( Word::const_iterator w_it=w.begin( ) ; w_it!=w.end( ) ; ++w_it ) {
        int  x = *w_it;
        int ax = abs(x);
        V[ax-1] += x>0 ? 1:-1;
    return V;
Пример #23
bool Equation::trivialSolution( ) const
  Word image;
  Word::const_iterator w_it = theEquation.begin( );
  for( ; w_it!=theEquation.end( ) ; ++w_it )
    if( isGenerator(*w_it) )
      image.push_back( *w_it );
  return image.length()==0;
Пример #24
WQueue::WQueue(WQueue& q)
	Word* cur = q.getFront();
	while ( cur!= NULL)
		cur = cur->getNext();
Пример #25
Word Group::parse (int v)
    Word result;
    v = inv[v]; //to parse forwards
    for (int j=whence[v]; j!= IDENTITY; j = whence[v]) {
        v = left(v,j);
    return result;
Пример #26
Elt Map::evalImage( const Word& w ) const {

	if (w.length() == 0) return range().eval(w);
	// don't bother to compute the image of the trivial word

	Elt res = range().eval( imageOf(w[0]) );
	for (int i = 1; i < w.length(); i++)
		res = range().multiply( res, range().eval( imageOf(w[i]) ) );
	return res;
Пример #27
/*virtual*/ void Distributor::Manipulate( Data& data )
	Word* word = dynamic_cast< Word* >( data.oldResult );
	if( word )
		if( word->type == Word::SUM && word->scalar )
			for( ResultList::Node* node = word->resultList.Head(); node; node = node->Next() )
				Word* nestedWord = dynamic_cast< Word* >( node->data );
				if( nestedWord )
					nestedWord->ScaleBy( word->scalar );
					Word* product = new Word( Word::GEOMETRIC_PRODUCT );
					product->resultList.InsertAfter()->data = word->scalar->Clone();
					product->resultList.InsertAfter()->data = node->data;
					node->data = product;

			delete word->scalar;
			word->scalar = nullptr;

			data.treeModified = true;

		for( ResultList::Node* node = word->resultList.Head(); node; node = node->Next() )
			Word* nestedWord = dynamic_cast< Word* >( node->data );
			if( nestedWord && word->DistributesOver( nestedWord ) )
				Word* newWord = new Word( nestedWord->type );

				for( ResultList::Node* nestedNode = nestedWord->resultList.Head(); nestedNode; nestedNode = nestedNode->Next() )
					Word* newNestedWord = new Word( word->type );

					for( ResultList::Node* leftNode = word->resultList.Head(); leftNode != node; leftNode = leftNode->Next() )
						newNestedWord->resultList.InsertAfter()->data = leftNode->data->Clone();

					newNestedWord->resultList.InsertAfter()->data = nestedNode->data->Clone();

					for( ResultList::Node* rightNode = word->resultList.Tail(); rightNode != node; rightNode = rightNode->Prev() )
						newNestedWord->resultList.InsertBefore()->data = rightNode->data->Clone();

				data.newResult = newWord;
				data.treeModified = true;
Пример #28
 Word str2word(const char* g)
   Word result;
   char num[2] = { 0, 0 };
   int I = (int)strlen(g);
   for (int i = 0; i < I; ++i) {
     num[0] = g[i];
   return result;
Пример #29
void Instance::randomize(int num_words, int superstring_length, float avg_common_part_percentage){

	Word superstring;
	superstring_length_ = superstring_length;
	for(int i = 0; i < superstring_length; i++){
		superstring[i] = random_nucleotide();
	std::vector<  std::pair<Word, int>  > temp_words;
	for(int i = 0; i < num_words; i++){
		temp_words[i].second = i;
	int basic_word_length = superstring_length/num_words;
	int random_scope = int(0.25 * float(basic_word_length) * avg_common_part_percentage);
	int sideword_length = int(float(basic_word_length) * (1.0 + (avg_common_part_percentage)/2.0));
	int midword_length = int(float(basic_word_length) * (1.0 + avg_common_part_percentage));

	temp_words[0].first.resize(sideword_length + randint(-random_scope, random_scope+1));
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < temp_words[0].first.size(); i++) {
		temp_words[0].first[i] = superstring[i];

	temp_words[num_words-1].first.resize(sideword_length + randint(-random_scope, random_scope+1));
	for(int n = temp_words[num_words-1].first.size(), i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		temp_words[num_words-1].first[i] = superstring[superstring_length - n + i];	

	for(int j = 1; j < num_words-1; j++){
		int n = midword_length + randint(-random_scope, random_scope+1);
		int I = (n - basic_word_length)/2 + basic_word_length*j;
		if(I < 0){
			n += I;
			I = 0;
		if(I + n >= superstring_length){
			I = superstring_length-n;
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++, I++){
			temp_words[j].first[i] = superstring[I];

	std::random_shuffle(temp_words.begin(), temp_words.end());

	for(int i = 0; i < num_words; i++){
		solution_[i] = temp_words[i].second;
Пример #30
Result Candidate::QueryMatchResult( const Word &query ) const {
  // Check if the query is a subsequence of the candidate and return a result
  // accordingly. This is done by simultaneously going through the characters of
  // the query and the candidate. If both characters match, we move to the next
  // character in the query and the candidate. Otherwise, we only move to the
  // next character in the candidate. The matching is a combination of smart
  // base matching and smart case matching. If there is no character left in the
  // query, the query is not a subsequence and we return an empty result. If
  // there is no character left in the candidate, the query is a subsequence and
  // we return a result with the query, the candidate, the sum of indexes of the
  // candidate where characters matched, and a boolean that is true if the query
  // is a prefix of the candidate.

  if ( query.IsEmpty() ) {
    return Result( this, &query, 0, false );

  if ( Length() < query.Length() ) {
    return Result();

  size_t query_index = 0;
  size_t candidate_index = 0;
  size_t index_sum = 0;

  const CharacterSequence &query_characters = query.Characters();
  const CharacterSequence &candidate_characters = Characters();

  auto query_character_pos = query_characters.begin();
  auto candidate_character_pos = candidate_characters.begin();

  for ( ; candidate_character_pos != candidate_characters.end();
          ++candidate_character_pos, ++candidate_index ) {

    const auto &candidate_character = *candidate_character_pos;
    const auto &query_character = *query_character_pos;

    if ( query_character->MatchesSmart( *candidate_character ) ) {
      index_sum += candidate_index;

      if ( query_character_pos == query_characters.end() ) {
        return Result( this,
                       candidate_index == query_index );


  return Result();