// langId is language of the query
long long getSynBaseHash64 ( char *qstr , uint8_t langId ) {
	Words ww;
	ww.set3 ( qstr );
	long nw = ww.getNumWords();
	long long *wids = ww.getWordIds();
	//char **wptrs = ww.getWords();
	//long *wlens = ww.getWordLens();
	long long baseHash64 = 0LL;
	Synonyms syn;
	// assume english if unknown to fix 'pandora's tower'
	// vs 'pandoras tower' where both words are in both
	// english and german so langid is unknown
	if ( langId == langUnknown ) langId = langEnglish;
	// . store re-written query into here then hash that string
	// . this way we can get rid of spaces
	//char rebuf[1024];
	//char *p = rebuf;
	//if ( strstr(qstr,"cheatcodes") )
	//	log("hey");
	// for deduping
	HashTableX dups;
	if ( ! dups.set ( 8,0,1024,NULL,0,false,0,"qhddup") ) return false;
	// scan the words
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < nw ; i++ ) {
		// skip if not alnum
		if ( ! wids[i] ) continue;
		// get its synonyms into tmpBuf
		char tmpBuf[TMPSYNBUFSIZE];
		// . assume niceness of 0 for now
		// . make sure to get all synsets!! ('love' has two synsets)
		long naids = syn.getSynonyms (&ww,i,langId,tmpBuf,0);
		// term freq algo
		//long pop = g_speller.getPhrasePopularity(NULL,
		//					 wids[i],
		//					 true,
		//					 langId);
		// is it a queryStopWord like "the" or "and"?
		bool isQueryStop = ::isQueryStopWord(NULL,0,wids[i]);
		// a more restrictive list
		bool isStop = ::isStopWord(NULL,0,wids[i]);
		if ( ::isCommonQueryWordInEnglish(wids[i]) ) isStop = true;
		// find the smallest one
		unsigned long long min = wids[i];
		//char *minWordPtr = wptrs[i];
		//long  minWordLen = wlens[i];
		// declare up here since we have a goto below
		long j;
		// add to table too
		if ( dups.isInTable ( &min ) ) goto gotdup;
		// add to it
		if ( ! dups.addKey ( &min ) ) return false;
		// now scan the synonyms, they do not include "min" in them
		for ( j = 0 ; j < naids ; j++ ) {
			// get it
			unsigned long long aid64;
			aid64 = (unsigned long long)syn.m_aids[j];
			// if any syn already hashed then skip it and count
			// as a repeated term. we have to do it this way
			// rather than just getting the minimum synonym 
			// word id, because 'love' has two synsets and
			// 'like', a synonym of 'love' only has one synset
			// and they end up having different minimum synonym
			// word ids!!!
			if ( dups.isInTable ( &aid64 ) ) break;
			// add it. this could fail!
			if ( ! dups.addKey ( &aid64 ) ) return false;
			// set it?
			if ( aid64 >= min ) continue;
			// got a new min
			min = aid64;
			//minWordPtr = syn.m_termPtrs[j];
			//minWordLen = syn.m_termLens[j];
			// get largest term freq of all synonyms
			//long pop2 = g_speller.getPhrasePopularity(NULL,aid64,
			//					  true,langId);
			//if ( pop2 > pop ) pop = pop2;
		// early break out means a hit in dups table
		if ( j < naids ) {
			// do not count as repeat if query stop word
			// because they often repeat
			if ( isQueryStop ) continue;
			// count # of repeated word forms
		// hash that now
		// do not include stop words in synbasehash so
		// 'search the web' != 'search web'
		if ( ! isStop ) {
			// no! make it order independent so 'search the web'
			// equals 'web the search' and 'engine search'
			// equals 'search engine'
			//baseHash64 <<= 1LL;
			baseHash64 ^= min;
		// count it, but only if not a query stop word like "and"
		// or "the" or "a". # of unique word forms.
		//if ( ! isQueryStop ) nuwf++;
		// get term freq 
		//if ( pop > maxPop ) maxPop = pop;
		// control word?
		//if ( wids[i] == cw1 ) ncwf++;
	return baseHash64;
Пример #2
// . return the score of the highest-scoring window containing match #m
// . window is defined by the half-open interval [a,b) where a and b are 
//   word #'s in the Words array indicated by match #m
// . return -1 and set g_errno on error
int64_t Summary::getBestWindow ( Matches *matches, int32_t mm, int32_t *lasta,
                                 int32_t *besta, int32_t *bestb, char *gotIt,
                                 char *retired, int32_t maxExcerptLen ) {
	// get the window around match #mm
	Match *m = &matches->m_matches[mm];

	// what is the word # of match #mm?
	int32_t matchWordNum = m->m_wordNum;

	// what Words/Pos/Bits classes is this match in?
	Words *words = m->m_words;
	Section **sp = NULL;
	int32_t *pos = m->m_pos->m_pos;

	// use "m_swbits" not "m_bits", that is what Bits::setForSummary() uses
	const swbit_t *bb = m->m_bits->m_swbits;

	// shortcut
	if ( m->m_sections ) {
		sp = m->m_sections->m_sectionPtrs;

	int32_t nw = words->getNumWords();
	int64_t *wids = words->getWordIds();
	nodeid_t *tids = words->getTagIds();

	// . sanity check
	// . this prevents a core i've seen
	if ( matchWordNum >= nw ) {
		log("summary: got overflow condition for q=%s",m_q->m_orig);

		// assume no best window
		*besta = -1;
		*bestb = -1;
		*lasta = matchWordNum;
		return 0;

	// . we NULLify the section ptrs if we already used the word in another summary.
	if ( (bb[matchWordNum] & D_USED) || ( sp && (sp[matchWordNum]->m_flags & badFlags) ) ) {
		// assume no best window
		*besta = -1;
		*bestb = -1;
		*lasta = matchWordNum;
		return 0;

	// . "a" is the left fence post of the window (it is a word # in Words)
	// . go to the left as far as we can 
	// . thus we decrement "a"
	int32_t a = matchWordNum;

	// "posa" is the character position of the END of word #a
	int32_t posa = pos[a+1];
	int32_t firstFrag = -1;
	bool startOnQuote = false;
	bool goodStart = false;
	int32_t wordCount = 0;

	// . decrease "a" as int32_t as we stay within maxNumCharsPerLine
	// . avoid duplicating windows by using "lasta", the last "a" of the
	//   previous call to getBestWindow(). This can happen if our last
	//   central query term was close to this one.
	for ( ; a > 0 && posa - pos[a-1] < maxExcerptLen && a > *lasta; a-- ) {
		// . don't include any "dead zone", 
		// . dead zones have already been used for the summary, and
		//   we are getting a second/third/... excerpt here now then
		// stop if its the start of a sentence, too
		// stop before title word
		if ( (bb[a-1] & D_USED) || (bb[a] & D_STARTS_SENTENCE) || ( bb[a-1] & D_IN_TITLE )) {
			goodStart = true;

		// don't go beyond an LI, TR, P tag
		if ( tids && ( tids[a-1] == TAG_LI ||
		               tids[a-1] == TAG_TR ||
		               tids[a-1] == TAG_P  ||
		               tids[a-1] == TAG_DIV ) ) {
			goodStart = true;

		// stop if its the start of a quoted sentence
		if ( a+1<nw && (bb[a+1] & D_IN_QUOTES) && 
		     words->getWord(a)[0] == '\"' ){
			startOnQuote = true;
			goodStart    = true;

		// find out the first instance of a fragment (comma, etc)
		// watch out! because frag also means 's' in there's
		if ( ( bb[a] & D_STARTS_FRAG ) && !(bb[a-1] & D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR) && firstFrag == -1 ) {
			firstFrag = a;

		if ( wids[a] ) {

	// if didn't find a good start, then start at the start of the frag
	if ( !goodStart && firstFrag != -1 ) {
		a = firstFrag;

	// don't let punct or tag word start a line, unless a quote
	if ( a < matchWordNum && !wids[a] && words->getWord(a)[0] != '\"' ){
		while ( a < matchWordNum && !wids[a] ) a++;
		// do not break right after a "strong connector", like 
		// apostrophe
		while ( a < matchWordNum && a > 0 && 
			( bb[a-1] & D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR ) )
		// don't let punct or tag word start a line
		while ( a < matchWordNum && !wids[a] ) a++;

	// remember, b is not included in the summary, the summary is [a,b-1]
	// remember to include all words in a matched phrase
	int32_t b = matchWordNum + m->m_numWords ;
	int32_t endQuoteWordNum = -1;
	int32_t numTagsCrossed = 0;

	for ( ; b <= nw; b++ ) {
		if ( b == nw ) {

		if ( pos[b+1] - pos[a] >= maxExcerptLen ) {
		if ( startOnQuote && words->getWord(b)[0] == '\"' ) {
			endQuoteWordNum = b;

		// don't include any dead zone, those are already-used samples
		if ( bb[b] & D_USED ) {

		// stop on a title word
		if ( bb[b] & D_IN_TITLE ) {

		if ( wids[b] ) {

		// don't go beyond an LI or TR backtag
		if ( tids && ( tids[b] == (BACKBIT|TAG_LI) ||
		               tids[b] == (BACKBIT|TAG_TR) ) ) {

			// try to have atleast 10 words in the summary
			if ( wordCount > 10 ) {

		// go beyond a P or DIV backtag in case the earlier char is a
		// ':'. This came from a special case for wikipedia pages 
		// eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyover
		if ( tids && ( tids[b] == (BACKBIT|TAG_P)  ||
		               tids[b] == (BACKBIT|TAG_DIV) )) {

			// try to have atleast 10 words in the summary
			if ( wordCount > 10 && words->getWord(b-1)[0] != ':' ) {

	// don't end on a lot of punct words
	if ( b > matchWordNum && !wids[b-1]){
		// remove more than one punct words. if we're ending on a quote
		// keep it
		while ( b > matchWordNum && !wids[b-2] && endQuoteWordNum != -1 && b > endQuoteWordNum ) {
		// do not break right after a "strong connector", like apostrophe
		while ( b > matchWordNum && (bb[b-2] & D_IS_STRONG_CONNECTOR) ) {

	Match *ms = matches->m_matches;

	// make m_matches.m_matches[mi] the first match in our [a,b) window
	int32_t mi ;

	// . the match at the center of the window is match #"mm", so that
	//   matches->m_matches[mm] is the Match class
	// . set "mi" to it and back up "mi" as int32_t as >= a
	for ( mi = mm ; mi > 0 && ms[mi-1].m_wordNum >=a ; mi-- )

	// now get the score of this excerpt. Also mark all the represented 
	// query words. Mark the represented query words in the array that
	// comes to us. also mark how many times the same word is repeated in
	// this summary.
	int64_t score = 0LL;

	// is a url contained in the summary, that looks bad! punish!
	bool hasUrl = false;

	// the word count we did above was just an approximate. count it right
	wordCount = 0;

	// for debug
	//char buf[5000];
	//char *xp = buf;
	SafeBuf xp;

	// wtf?
	if ( b > nw ) {
		b = nw;

	// first score from the starting match down to a, including match
	for ( int32_t i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) {
		// debug print out
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSummary ) {
			int32_t len = words->getWordLen(i);
			char cs;
			for (int32_t k=0;k<len; k+=cs ) {
				const char *c = words->getWord(i)+k;
				cs = getUtf8CharSize(c);
				if ( is_binary_utf8 ( c ) ) {
				xp.safeMemcpy ( c , cs );

		// skip if in bad section, marquee, select, script, style
		if ( sp && (sp[i]->m_flags & badFlags) ) {

		// don't count just numeric words
		if ( words->isNum(i) ) {

		// check if there is a url. best way to check for '://'
		if ( wids && !wids[i] ) {
			const char *wrd = words->getWord(i);
			int32_t  wrdLen = words->getWordLen(i);
			if ( wrdLen == 3 && wrd[0] == ':' && wrd[1] == '/' &&  wrd[2] == '/' ) {
				hasUrl = true;

		// skip if not wid
		if ( ! wids[i] ) {

		// just make every word 100 pts
		int32_t t = 100;

		// penalize it if in one of these sections
		if ( bb[i] & ( D_IN_PARENS | D_IN_SUP | D_IN_LIST ) ) {
			t /= 2;

		// boost it if in bold or italics
		if ( bb[i] & D_IN_BOLDORITALICS ) {
			t *= 2;

		// add the score for this word
		score += t;

		// print the score, "t"
		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSummary ) {
			xp.safePrintf("(%" PRId32")",t);

		// count the alpha words we got

		// if no matches left, skip
		if ( mi >= matches->m_numMatches ) {

		// get the match
		Match *next = &ms[mi];

		// skip if not a match
		if ( i != next->m_wordNum ) {

		// must be a match in this class
		if ( next->m_words != words ) {

		// advance it

		// which query word # does it match
		int32_t qwn = next->m_qwordNum;

		if ( qwn < 0 || qwn >= m_q->m_numWords ){g_process.shutdownAbort(true);}

		// undo old score
		score -= t;

		// add 100000 per match
		t = 100000;

		// weight based on tf, goes from 0.1 to 1.0
		t = (int32_t)((float)t * m_wordWeights [ qwn ]);

		// if it is a query stop word, make it 10000 pts
		if ( m_q->m_qwords[qwn].m_isQueryStopWord ) {
			t = 0;//10000;

		// penalize it if in one of these sections
		if ( bb[i] & ( D_IN_PARENS | D_IN_SUP | D_IN_LIST ) ) {
			t /= 2;

		if ( gotIt[qwn] > 0 ) {
			// have we matched it in this [a,b) already?
			if ( gotIt[qwn] == 1 ) {
				t /= 15;
			} else {
				// if we have more than 2 matches in the same window,
				// it may not give a good summary. give a heavy penalty
				t -= 200000;
		} else if ( retired [qwn] > 0 ) {
			// have we matched it already in a winning window?
			t /= 12;

		// add it back
		score += t;

		if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSummary ) {
			xp.safePrintf ("[%" PRId32"]{qwn=%" PRId32",ww=%f}",t,qwn,

		// inc the query word count for this window
		if ( gotIt[qwn] < 100 ) {

	int32_t oldScore = score;
	// apply the bonus if it starts or a sentence
	// only apply if the score is positive and if the wordcount is decent
	if ( score > 0 && wordCount > 7 ){
		// a match can give us 10k to 100k pts based on the tf weights
		// so we don't want to overwhelm that too much, so let's make
		// this a 20k bonus if it starts a sentence
		if ( bb[a] & D_STARTS_SENTENCE ) {
			score += 8000;
		} else if ( bb[a] & D_STARTS_FRAG ) {
			// likewise, a fragment, like after a comma
			score += 4000;

		// 1k if the match word is very close to the
		// start of a sentence, lets say 3 alphawords
		if ( matchWordNum - a < 7 ) {
			score += 1000;

	// a summary isn't really a summary if its less than 7 words.
	// reduce the score, but still give it a decent score.
	// minus 5M.
	if ( wordCount < 7 ) {
		score -= 20000;

	// summaries that cross a lot of tags are usually bad, penalize them
	if ( numTagsCrossed > 1 ) {
		score -= (numTagsCrossed * 20000);

	if ( hasUrl ) {
		score -= 8000;

	// show it
	if ( g_conf.m_logDebugSummary ) {
		log(LOG_DEBUG, "sum: score=%08" PRId32" prescore=%08" PRId32" a=%05" PRId32" b=%05" PRId32" %s",

	// set lasta, besta, bestb
	*lasta = a;
	*besta = a;
	*bestb = b;

	return score;