Пример #1
XIRef<Packet> AVDeMuxer::Get()
    XIRef<Packet> pkt;

    if( _bsfc && (_deMuxPkt.stream_index == _videoStreamIndex) )
        pkt = _pf->Get( (size_t)_filterPkt.size + DEFAULT_PADDING );
        pkt->SetDataSize( _filterPkt.size );
        memcpy( pkt->Map(), _filterPkt.data, _filterPkt.size );
        pkt = _pf->Get( (size_t)_deMuxPkt.size + DEFAULT_PADDING );
        pkt->SetDataSize( _deMuxPkt.size );
        memcpy( pkt->Map(), _deMuxPkt.data, _deMuxPkt.size );

    if( IsKey() )
        pkt->SetKey( true );

    return pkt;
Пример #2
XIRef<Packet> ExportOverlay::Process( XIRef<Packet> input, int64_t clockTime )
    cairo_surface_t* surface = NULL;
    cairo_t* cr = NULL;

        surface = cairo_image_surface_create( CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, _width, _height );
        cr = cairo_create( surface );

        uint8_t* cairoSrc = cairo_image_surface_get_data( surface );
        int cairoSrcWidth = cairo_image_surface_get_width( surface );
        int cairoSrcHeight = cairo_image_surface_get_height( surface );
        if( cairo_image_surface_get_stride( surface ) != (cairoSrcWidth * 4) )
            X_THROW(("Unexpected cairo stride!"));

        cairo_set_source_rgba( cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
        cairo_rectangle( cr, 0.0, 0.0, cairoSrcWidth, cairoSrcHeight );
        cairo_fill( cr );

        memcpy( cairoSrc, input->Map(), input->GetDataSize() );

        PangoLayout* layout = pango_cairo_create_layout( cr );

        pango_layout_set_text( layout, _decodedMsg.c_str(), -1 );
        PangoFontDescription* desc = pango_font_description_from_string( "Helvetica 22" );
        pango_layout_set_font_description( layout, desc );
        pango_font_description_free( desc );

        PangoRectangle logicalRect;
        pango_layout_get_pixel_extents( layout, NULL, &logicalRect );

        uint16_t y = (_vAlign==V_ALIGN_TOP) ? 14 : _height - 52;

        uint16_t timeX = 0;
        uint16_t msgX = 0;
        uint16_t bgX = 0;
        uint16_t bgWidth = 0;
        _GetXPositions( timeX, msgX, logicalRect.width, bgX, bgWidth );

        cairo_set_source_rgba( cr, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.50 );
        cairo_rectangle( cr, bgX, y, bgWidth, 32 );
        cairo_fill( cr );
        cairo_set_source_rgba( cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );

        if( !_decodedMsg.empty() )
            _DrawMessage( cr, layout, msgX, y );

        if( _withTime )
            _DrawTime( cr, timeX, y, clockTime );

        g_object_unref( layout );

        // copy from our watermark surface to our output surface...
        cairo_set_source_surface( cr, _wmSurface, _logoX, _logoY );
        cairo_rectangle( cr, _logoX, _logoY, _logoWidth, _logoHeight );
        cairo_clip( cr );
        cairo_paint_with_alpha( cr, 0.70 );

        // Copy data out of our cairo surface into our output packet...
        size_t outputSize = (cairoSrcWidth * 4) * cairoSrcHeight;
        XIRef<Packet> dest = new Packet( outputSize );
        memcpy( dest->Map(), cairoSrc, outputSize );
        dest->SetDataSize( outputSize );

        cairo_destroy( cr );
        cairo_surface_destroy( surface );

        return dest;
        if( cr )
            cairo_destroy( cr );
        if( surface )
            cairo_surface_destroy( surface );
