Пример #1
void testElement(XmlDocument& doc)
  std::string testTag = "child1";
  title("testing element(" + enQuote(testTag) + ")");
  std::vector<sPtr> found = doc.element(testTag).select();
  if (found.size() > 0)
    std::cout << "\n  found " << found[0]->tag();
    std::cout << "\n  couldn't find " + enQuote(testTag);
  std::cout << "\n";

  testTag = "foobar";
  title("testing element(" + enQuote(testTag) + ")");
  found = doc.element(testTag).select();
  if (found.size() > 0)
    std::cout << "\n  found " << found[0]->tag();
    std::cout << "\n  couldn't find " + enQuote(testTag);
  std::cout << "\n";
Пример #2
void testElementDescendents(XmlDocument& doc)
  std::string testTag = "child1";
  title("testing doc.element(" + testTag + ").descendents()");
  std::vector<sPtr> found = doc.element(testTag).descendents().select();
  if (found.size() > 0)
    for (auto pElem : found)
      if (pElem->tag() != "")
        std::cout << "\n  found: " << pElem->tag();
        std::cout << "\n  found: " << pElem->value();
    std::cout << "\n  couldn't find descendent elements";
  std::cout << "\n";
// --------------------  This Function sends the Dependent files to the client--------------------
void Server::sendFileDependencies(HttpMessage msg, std::string path, Socket & socket)
	std::string cPort = msg.findValue("From-Port");
	int ClientPort = Converter<int>::toValue(cPort);
	std::string requestedFile = msg.findValue("file");
	Sender send;
	std::vector<std::string> depFile = FileSystem::Directory::getFiles(path, "*.xml");
	std::string src = path + depFile[0];
	XmlParser parser(src);
	XmlDocument* pDoc = parser.buildDocument();
	std::vector<std::string> depFileNames;
	std::vector<sPtr> found = pDoc->element("Dependencies").descendents().select();					// Read the dependencies xml
	if (found.size() > 0)
		for (auto pElem : found)
			if (pElem->value() != "dep") 
	for (std::string f : depFileNames) {																			// Sending each of the dependency file if exists
		std::string fileToSend = Utilities::StringHelper::trim(f);		
		std::vector<std::string> dirs = FileSystem::Directory::getDirectories("./ServerDrive/", fileToSend +"*");		
		if (dirs.size() == 0)
			Show::write("No such file present in the repository => " + fileToSend + "\n");		
		if (dirs.size() > 0)
			std::string latest_dir = getLatestDir(dirs, fileToSend);			
			std::vector<std::string> files = FileSystem::Directory::getFiles("./ServerDrive/" + latest_dir, fileToSend + "*");
			Show::write("\nSending Dependency File of "+ requestedFile+ " => " + files[0] + " to client @: "+cPort);
			send.sendFile("./ServerDrive/" + latest_dir + "/" + files[0], socket , getServerPort(), ClientPort);
			path = "./ServerDrive/" + latest_dir + "/";			
	msg = makeMessage(1, "quit", "toAddr:localhost:"+cPort);
	send.sendMessage(msg, socket);