int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *filename = "qatest.colormap"; if ( argc > 1 ) { filename = argv[1]; } printf("Creating simple one-plane colormap\n"); YuvColormap *cm = new YuvColormap(); for (unsigned int u = 100; u < 150; ++u) { for (unsigned int v = 100; v < 150; ++v) { cm->set(128, u, v, C_ORANGE); } } unsigned char *imgb = malloc_buffer(YUV422_PLANAR, cm->width() * 2, cm->height() * 2); cm->to_image(imgb); ImageDisplay *imgd = new ImageDisplay(cm->width() * 2, cm->height() * 2); imgd->show(imgb); imgd->loop_until_quit(); delete cm; printf("Trying to create colormap with illegal depth, should throw an exception.."); try { cm = new YuvColormap(3); printf(" Test failed, colormap was created\n"); delete cm; } catch (Exception &e) { printf(" Test succeeded, caught exception\n"); } printf("Trying colormap with depth of %u\n", BIGDEPTH); cm = new YuvColormap(BIGDEPTH); for (unsigned int d = 0; d < cm->depth(); ++d) { unsigned int y = 256 / cm->depth() * d; printf("d=%u y=%u u=[%u,%u] v=[%u,%u]\n", d, y, cm->depth() * d, cm->depth() * (d+1), cm->depth() * d, cm->depth() * (d+1)); for (unsigned int u = cm->deepness() / cm->depth() * d; u < cm->deepness() / cm->depth() * (d+1); ++u) { for (unsigned int v = cm->deepness() / cm->depth() * d; v < cm->deepness() / cm->depth() * (d+1); ++v) { cm->set(y, u, v, C_ORANGE); } } cm->to_image(imgb, d); imgd->show(imgb); imgd->loop_until_quit(); } printf("Saving colormap to a file\n"); ColormapFile cmf; cmf.add_colormap(cm); cmf.write(filename); ColormapFile::ColormapBlockVector *blocks = cmf.colormap_blocks(); printf("Written, created %zu blocks\n", blocks->size()); delete blocks; delete cm; cmf.clear(); printf("Reading colormap from file\n");; Colormap *tcm = cmf.get_colormap(); if ( (cm = dynamic_cast<YuvColormap *>(tcm)) == 0 ) { printf("Error, did not get valid yuv colormap\n"); } else { printf("Showing all %u colormap levels\n", cm->depth()); for (unsigned int d = 0; d < cm->depth(); ++d) { cm->to_image(imgb, d); imgd->show(imgb); imgd->loop_until_quit(); } } delete cm; unsigned int depth = 4, width = 128, height = 128; printf("Trying colormap with low resolution, choosing %dx%dx%d\n", depth, width, height); cm = new YuvColormap(depth, width, height); printf("YuvColormap dimensions: %dx%dx%d\n", cm->depth(), cm->width(), cm->height()); ColormapFile cmfr(depth, width, height); delete cm; cmfr.write(filename); cmfr.clear();; cm = dynamic_cast<YuvColormap *>(cmfr.get_colormap()); printf("Read back colormap dimensions %dx%dx%d\n", cm->depth(), cm->width(), cm->height()); delete cm; //delete imgd; //free(imgb); return 0; }
/** Copy constructor. * Creates a colormap in shared memory for the given LUT ID and copies the data of the * given existing colormap. * @param cm color mape to copy from */ YuvColormap::YuvColormap(const YuvColormap &cm) { constructor(cm.depth(), cm.width(), cm.height()); memcpy(lut_, cm.lut_, lut_size_); }
void FvRetrieverThread::init() { colorspace_t cspace = YUV422_PLANAR; std::string cspace_str = colorspace_to_string(cspace); try { cspace_str = config->get_string((cfg_prefix_ + "colorspace").c_str()); cspace = colorspace_by_name(cspace_str.c_str()); } catch (Exception &e) {} // ignored, use default if (cspace == CS_UNKNOWN) { throw Exception("Unknown colorspace '%s' configured", cspace_str.c_str()); } try { logger->log_debug(name(), "Registering for camera '%s' (colorspace %s)", camera_string_.c_str(), colorspace_to_string(cspace)); cam = vision_master->register_for_camera(camera_string_.c_str(), this, cspace); } catch (Exception &e) { e.append("FvRetrieverThread::init() failed"); throw; } try { char *imgbufname; if ( asprintf(&imgbufname, "retriever_%s", cfg_name_.c_str()) == -1 ) { throw Exception("Cannot allocate buffer name"); } shm = new SharedMemoryImageBuffer(imgbufname, cam->colorspace(), cam->pixel_width(), cam->pixel_height()); free(imgbufname); if ( ! shm->is_valid() ) { throw Exception("Shared memory segment not valid"); } } catch (Exception &e) { delete cam; cam = NULL; throw; } try { std::string frame_id = config->get_string((cfg_prefix_ + "frame").c_str()); shm->set_frame_id(frame_id.c_str()); } catch (Exception &e) {/* ignored, not critical */} seq_writer = NULL; try { if ( config->get_bool("/firevision/retriever/save_images") ) { logger->log_info(name(), "Writing images to disk"); Writer* writer = new JpegWriter(); seq_writer = new SeqWriter(writer); std::string save_path; try { save_path = config->get_string("/firevision/retriever/save_path"); } catch (Exception &e) { save_path = ("recorded_images"); logger->log_info(name(), "No save path specified. Using './%s'", save_path.c_str()); } seq_writer->set_path( save_path.c_str() ); seq_writer->set_dimensions( cam->pixel_width(), cam->pixel_height() ); seq_writer->set_colorspace( cam->colorspace() ); } } catch (Exception &e) { // ignored, not critical } __tt = NULL; try { if ( config->get_bool("/firevision/retriever/use_time_tracker") ) { __tt = new TimeTracker(); __ttc_capture = __tt->add_class("Capture"); __ttc_memcpy = __tt->add_class("Memcpy"); __ttc_dispose = __tt->add_class("Dispose"); __loop_count = 0; } } catch (Exception &e) { // ignored, not critical } __cm = new ColorModelLookupTable(1, "retriever-colormap", true); YuvColormap *ycm = __cm->get_colormap(); for (unsigned int u = 100; u < 150; ++u) { for (unsigned int v = 100; v < 150; ++v) { ycm->set(128, u, v, C_ORANGE); } } __cam_has_timestamp_support = true; try { fawkes::Time *t = cam->capture_time(); if (t->is_zero()) { throw NotImplementedException(""); } cap_time_ = NULL; } catch (NotImplementedException &e) { __cam_has_timestamp_support = false; cap_time_ = new Time(clock); } }