int sax2( int argc, char * argv[] ) { // create a SAX content handler that prints all events to standard out XMLSerializer lContentHandler( std::cout ); void* lStore = zorba::StoreManager::getStore(); // initialize the Zorba engine and get a pointer to it Zorba* lZorba = Zorba::getInstance(lStore); try { // compile a query XQuery_t lQuery = lZorba->compileQuery("<a xmlns:f=\"foo\" xmlns=\"\"> text a text a <b xmlns:ns1=\"\" attr1=\"value1\" attr2=\"value2\"> text b </b><f:bar>foo</f:bar><foo /><bar /><b><![CDATA[ foo ]]></b></a>"); // register the content handler created above lQuery->registerSAXHandler( &lContentHandler ); // execute the query and call according SAX callbacks // i.e. equivalent to serializing to xml and parsing using SAX). lQuery->executeSAX(); } catch ( ZorbaException &e ) { std::cerr << e << std::endl; } lZorba->shutdown(); zorba::StoreManager::shutdownStore(lStore); return 0; }
int runQuery(const char* query) { void* lStore = StoreManager::getStore(); Zorba *lZorba = Zorba::getInstance(lStore); XQuery_t lQuery = lZorba->compileQuery(query); std::cout << lQuery << std::endl; lZorba->shutdown(); StoreManager::shutdownStore(lStore); return 0; }