void sparseArithTesterMul(const int m, const int n, int factor, const double eps)

    if (noDoubleTests<T>()) return;

#if 1
    array A = cpu_randu<T>(dim4(m, n));
    array B = cpu_randu<T>(dim4(m, n));
    array A = randu(m, n, (dtype)dtype_traits<T>::af_type);
    array B = randu(m, n, (dtype)dtype_traits<T>::af_type);

    A = makeSparse<T>(A, factor);

    array RA = sparse(A, AF_STORAGE_CSR);
    array OA = sparse(A, AF_STORAGE_COO);

    // Forward
        // Arith Op
        array resR = arith_op<af_mul_t>()(RA, B);
        array resO = arith_op<af_mul_t>()(OA, B);

        // We will test this by converting the COO to CSR and CSR to COO and
        // comparing them. In essense, we are comparing the resR and resO
        // TODO: Make a better comparison using dense

        // Check resR against conR
        array conR = sparseConvertTo(resR, AF_STORAGE_CSR);
        sparseCompare<T>(resR, conR, eps);

        // Check resO against conO
        array conO = sparseConvertTo(resR, AF_STORAGE_COO);
        sparseCompare<T>(resO, conO, eps);

    // Reverse
        // Arith Op
        array resR = arith_op<af_mul_t>()(B, RA);
        array resO = arith_op<af_mul_t>()(B, OA);

        // We will test this by converting the COO to CSR and CSR to COO and
        // comparing them. In essense, we are comparing the resR and resO
        // TODO: Make a better comparison using dense

        // Check resR against conR
        array conR = sparseConvertTo(resR, AF_STORAGE_CSR);
        sparseCompare<T>(resR, conR, eps);

        // Check resO against conO
        array conO = sparseConvertTo(resR, AF_STORAGE_COO);
        sparseCompare<T>(resO, conO, eps);
Пример #2
TEST(Where, MaxDim) {
    const size_t largeDim = 65535 * 32 + 2;

    array input  = range(dim4(1, largeDim), 1);
    array output = where(input % 2 == 0);
    array gold   = 2 * range(largeDim / 2);
    ASSERT_ARRAYS_EQ(gold.as(u32), output);

    input  = range(dim4(1, 1, 1, largeDim), 3);
    output = where(input % 2 == 0);
    ASSERT_ARRAYS_EQ(gold.as(u32), output);
Пример #3
void assign(Array<T>& out, const af_index_t idxrs[], const Array<T>& rhs)

    vector<bool> isSeq(4);
    vector<af_seq> seqs(4, af_span);
    // create seq vector to retrieve output dimensions, offsets & offsets
    for (dim_t x=0; x<4; ++x) {
        if (idxrs[x].isSeq) {
            seqs[x] = idxrs[x].idx.seq;
        isSeq[x] = idxrs[x].isSeq;

    vector< Array<uint> > idxArrs(4, createEmptyArray<uint>(dim4()));
    // look through indexs to read af_array indexs
    for (dim_t x=0; x<4; ++x) {
        if (!isSeq[x]) {
            idxArrs[x] = castArray<uint>(idxrs[x].idx.arr);

    vector<CParam<uint>> idxParams(idxArrs.begin(), idxArrs.end());
    getQueue().enqueue(kernel::assign<T>, out, out.getDataDims(), rhs,
                       move(isSeq), move(seqs), move(idxParams));
Пример #4
Array<outType> histogram(const Array<inType> &in, const unsigned &nbins, const double &minval, const double &maxval)
    float step = (maxval - minval)/(float)nbins;

    const dim4 inDims  = in.dims();
    dim4 iStrides      = in.strides();
    dim4 outDims       = dim4(nbins,1,inDims[2],inDims[3]);
    Array<outType> out = createValueArray<outType>(outDims, outType(0));
    dim4 oStrides      = out.strides();
    dim_t nElems    = inDims[0]*inDims[1];

    outType *outData    = out.get();
    const inType* inData= in.get();

    for(dim_t b3 = 0; b3 < outDims[3]; b3++) {
        for(dim_t b2 = 0; b2 < outDims[2]; b2++) {
            for(dim_t i=0; i<nElems; i++) {
                int bin = (int)((inData[i] - minval) / step);
                bin = std::max(bin, 0);
                bin = std::min(bin, (int)(nbins - 1));
            inData  += iStrides[2];
            outData += oStrides[2];

    return out;
Пример #5
TEST(Accum, MaxDim)
    const size_t largeDim = 65535 * 32 + 1;

    //first dimension kernel tests
    array input = constant(0, 2, largeDim, 2, 2);
    input(span, seq(0, 9999), span, span) = 1;

    array gold_first = constant(0, 2, largeDim, 2, 2);
    gold_first(span, seq(0, 9999), span, span) = range(2, 10000, 2, 2) + 1;

    array output_first = accum(input, 0);
    ASSERT_ARRAYS_EQ(gold_first, output_first);

    input = constant(0, 2, 2, 2, largeDim);
    input(span, span, span, seq(0, 9999)) = 1;

    gold_first = constant(0, 2, 2, 2, largeDim);
    gold_first(span, span, span, seq(0, 9999)) = range(2, 2, 2, 10000) + 1;

    output_first = accum(input, 0);
    ASSERT_ARRAYS_EQ(gold_first, output_first);

    //other dimension kernel tests
    input = constant(0, 2, largeDim, 2, 2);
    input(span, seq(0, 9999), span, span) = 1;

    array gold_dim = constant(10000, 2, largeDim, 2, 2);
    gold_dim(span, seq(0, 9999), span, span) = range(dim4(2, 10000, 2, 2), 1) + 1;

    array output_dim = accum(input, 1);
    ASSERT_ARRAYS_EQ(gold_dim, output_dim);

    input = constant(0, 2, 2, 2, largeDim);
    input(span, span, span, seq(0, 9999)) = 1;

    gold_dim = constant(0, 2, 2, 2, largeDim);
    gold_dim(span, span, span, seq(0, 9999)) = range(dim4(2, 2, 2, 10000), 1) + 1;

    output_dim = accum(input, 1);
    ASSERT_ARRAYS_EQ(gold_dim, output_dim);

Пример #6
static inline uint rank(const af_array in, double tol)
    Array<T> In = getArray<T>(in);

    Array<T> r = createEmptyArray<T>(dim4());

    // Scoping to get rid of q and t as they are not necessary
        Array<T> q = createEmptyArray<T>(dim4());
        Array<T> t = createEmptyArray<T>(dim4());
        qr(q, r, t, In);

    Array<T> val = createValueArray<T>(r.dims(), scalar<T>(tol));
    Array<char> gt = logicOp<T, af_gt_t>(r, val, val.dims());
    Array<char> at = reduce<af_or_t, char, char>(gt, 1);

    return reduce_all<af_notzero_t, char, uint>(at);
Пример #7
Array<outType> histogram(const Array<inType> &in, const unsigned &nbins, const double &minval, const double &maxval)
    const dim4 dims     = in.dims();
    dim4 outDims        = dim4(nbins, 1, dims[2], dims[3]);
    Array<outType> out = createValueArray<outType>(outDims, outType(0));

    kernel::histogram<inType, outType, isLinear>(out, in, nbins, minval, maxval);

    return out;
Пример #8
static forge::Image* convert_and_copy_image(const af_array in)
    const Array<T> _in  = getArray<T>(in);
    dim4 inDims = _in.dims();

    dim4 rdims = (inDims[2]>1 ? dim4(2, 1, 0, 3) : dim4(1, 0, 2, 3));

    Array<T> imgData = reorder(_in, rdims);

    ForgeManager& fgMngr = ForgeManager::getInstance();

    // The inDims[2] * 100 is a hack to convert to forge::ChannelFormat
    // TODO Write a proper conversion function
    forge::Image* ret_val = fgMngr.getImage(inDims[1], inDims[0], (forge::ChannelFormat)(inDims[2] * 100), getGLType<T>());

    copy_image<T>(normalizePerType<T>(imgData), ret_val);

    return ret_val;
void sparseArithTesterDiv(const int m, const int n, int factor, const double eps)

    if (noDoubleTests<T>()) return;

#if 1
    array A = cpu_randu<T>(dim4(m, n));
    array B = cpu_randu<T>(dim4(m, n));
    array A = randu(m, n, (dtype)dtype_traits<T>::af_type);
    array B = randu(m, n, (dtype)dtype_traits<T>::af_type);

    A = makeSparse<T>(A, factor);

    array RA = sparse(A, AF_STORAGE_CSR);
    array OA = sparse(A, AF_STORAGE_COO);

    // Arith Op
    array resR = arith_op<af_div_t>()(RA, B);
    array resO = arith_op<af_div_t>()(OA, B);

    // Assert division by sparse is not allowed
    af_array out_temp = 0;
    ASSERT_EQ(AF_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, af_div(&out_temp, B.get(), RA.get(), false));
    ASSERT_EQ(AF_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, af_div(&out_temp, B.get(), OA.get(), false));
    if(out_temp != 0) af_release_array(out_temp);

    // We will test this by converting the COO to CSR and CSR to COO and
    // comparing them. In essense, we are comparing the resR and resO
    // TODO: Make a better comparison using dense

    // Check resR against conR
    array conR = sparseConvertTo(resR, AF_STORAGE_CSR);
    sparseCompare<T>(resR, conR, eps);

    // Check resO against conO
    array conO = sparseConvertTo(resR, AF_STORAGE_COO);
    sparseCompare<T>(resO, conO, eps);
Пример #10
Array<T> * transpose(const Array<T> &in)
    if ((std::is_same<T, double>::value || std::is_same<T, cdouble>::value) &&
        !isDoubleSupported(getActiveDeviceId())) {
    const dim4 inDims   = in.dims();
    dim4 outDims  = dim4(inDims[1],inDims[0],inDims[2],inDims[3]);
    Array<T>* out  = createEmptyArray<T>(outDims);
    kernel::transpose<T>(*out, in);
    return out;
Пример #11
static af_features susan(af_array const &in,
                         const unsigned radius, const float diff_thr, const float geom_thr,
                         const float feature_ratio, const unsigned edge)
    Array<float> x = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());
    Array<float> y = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());
    Array<float> score = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());

    af_features_t feat;
    feat.n = susan<T>(x, y, score,
                      getArray<T>(in), radius, diff_thr, geom_thr,
                      feature_ratio, edge);

    feat.x           = getHandle(x);
    feat.y           = getHandle(y);
    feat.score       = getHandle(score);
    feat.orientation = getHandle(feat.n > 0 ? createValueArray<float>(feat.n, 0.0) : createEmptyArray<float>(dim4()));
    feat.size        = getHandle(feat.n > 0 ? createValueArray<float>(feat.n, 1.0) : createEmptyArray<float>(dim4()));

    return getFeaturesHandle(feat);
void sparseArithTester(const int m, const int n, int factor, const double eps)

    if (noDoubleTests<T>()) return;

#if 1
    array A = cpu_randu<T>(dim4(m, n));
    array B = cpu_randu<T>(dim4(m, n));
    array A = randu(m, n, (dtype)dtype_traits<T>::af_type);
    array B = randu(m, n, (dtype)dtype_traits<T>::af_type);

    A = makeSparse<T>(A, factor);

    array RA = sparse(A, AF_STORAGE_CSR);
    array OA = sparse(A, AF_STORAGE_COO);

    // Arith Op
    array resR = arith_op<op>()(RA, B);
    array resO = arith_op<op>()(OA, B);
    array resD = arith_op<op>()( A, B);

    array revR = arith_op<op>()(B, RA);
    array revO = arith_op<op>()(B, OA);
    array revD = arith_op<op>()(B,  A);

    ASSERT_NEAR(0, sum<double>(abs(real(resR - resD))) / (m * n), eps);
    ASSERT_NEAR(0, sum<double>(abs(imag(resR - resD))) / (m * n), eps);

    ASSERT_NEAR(0, sum<double>(abs(real(resO - resD))) / (m * n), eps);
    ASSERT_NEAR(0, sum<double>(abs(imag(resO - resD))) / (m * n), eps);

    ASSERT_NEAR(0, sum<double>(abs(real(revR - revD))) / (m * n), eps);
    ASSERT_NEAR(0, sum<double>(abs(imag(revR - revD))) / (m * n), eps);

    ASSERT_NEAR(0, sum<double>(abs(real(revO - revD))) / (m * n), eps);
    ASSERT_NEAR(0, sum<double>(abs(imag(revO - revD))) / (m * n), eps);
Пример #13
static void sift(af_features& feat_, af_array& descriptors, const af_array& in, const unsigned n_layers,
                 const float contrast_thr, const float edge_thr, const float init_sigma,
                 const bool double_input, const float img_scale, const float feature_ratio,
                 const bool compute_GLOH)
    Array<float> x     = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());
    Array<float> y     = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());
    Array<float> score = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());
    Array<float> ori   = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());
    Array<float> size  = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());
    Array<float> desc  = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());

    af_features_t feat;

    feat.n = sift<T, convAccT>(x, y, score, ori, size, desc, getArray<T>(in),
                               n_layers, contrast_thr, edge_thr, init_sigma,
                               double_input, img_scale, feature_ratio, compute_GLOH);

    feat.x           = getHandle(x);
    feat.y           = getHandle(y);
    feat.score       = getHandle(score);
    feat.orientation = getHandle(ori);
    feat.size        = getHandle(size);

    feat_ = getFeaturesHandle(feat);
    descriptors = getHandle<float>(desc);
Пример #14
T det(const af_array a)
    const Array<T> A = getArray<T>(a);

    const int num = A.dims()[0];

    if(num == 0) {
        T res = scalar<T>(1.0);
        return res;

    std::vector<T> hD(num);
    std::vector<int> hP(num);

    Array<T> D = createEmptyArray<T>(dim4());
    Array<int> pivot = createEmptyArray<int>(dim4());

    // Free memory as soon as possible
        Array<T> A_copy = copyArray<T>(A);

        Array<int> pivot = lu_inplace(A_copy, false);
        copyData(&hP[0], pivot);

        Array<T> D = diagExtract(A_copy, 0);
        copyData(&hD[0], D);

    bool is_neg = false;
    T res = scalar<T>(is_neg ? -1 : 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        res = res * hD[i];
        is_neg ^= (hP[i] != (i+1));

    if (is_neg) res = res * scalar<T>(-1);

    return res;
Пример #15
static af_features fast(af_array const &in, const float thr,
                        const unsigned arc_length, const bool non_max,
                        const float feature_ratio, const unsigned edge)
    Array<float> x = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());
    Array<float> y = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());
    Array<float> score = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4());

    af_features feat;
    feat.n = fast<T>(x, y, score,
                     getArray<T>(in), thr,
                     arc_length, non_max, feature_ratio, edge);

    Array<float> orientation = createValueArray<float>(feat.n, 0.0);
    Array<float> size = createValueArray<float>(feat.n, 1.0);

    feat.x           = getHandle(x);
    feat.y           = getHandle(y);
    feat.score       = getHandle(score);
    feat.orientation = getHandle(orientation);
    feat.size        = getHandle(size);

    return feat;
Пример #16
dim4 getOutDims(const dim4 &ldims, const dim4 &rdims, bool batchMode)
    if (!batchMode) {
        DIM_ASSERT(1, ldims == rdims);
        return ldims;

    dim_t odims[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        DIM_ASSERT(1, ldims[i] == rdims[i] || ldims[i] == 1 || rdims[i] == 1);
        odims[i] = std::max(ldims[i], rdims[i]);

    return dim4(4, odims);
Пример #17
void whereTest(string pTestFile, bool isSubRef = false,
               const vector<af_seq> seqv = vector<af_seq>()) {

    vector<dim4> numDims;

    vector<vector<int> > data;
    vector<vector<int> > tests;
    readTests<int, int, int>(pTestFile, numDims, data, tests);
    dim4 dims = numDims[0];

    vector<T> in(data[0].begin(), data[0].end());

    af_array inArray   = 0;
    af_array outArray  = 0;
    af_array tempArray = 0;

    // Get input array
    if (isSubRef) {
        ASSERT_SUCCESS(af_create_array(&tempArray, &in.front(), dims.ndims(),
            af_index(&inArray, tempArray, seqv.size(), &seqv.front()));
    } else {
        ASSERT_SUCCESS(af_create_array(&inArray, &in.front(), dims.ndims(),

    // Compare result
    vector<uint> currGoldBar(tests[0].begin(), tests[0].end());

    // Run sum
    ASSERT_SUCCESS(af_where(&outArray, inArray));

    ASSERT_VEC_ARRAY_EQ(currGoldBar, dim4(tests[0].size()), outArray);

    if (inArray != 0) af_release_array(inArray);
    if (outArray != 0) af_release_array(outArray);
    if (tempArray != 0) af_release_array(tempArray);
Пример #18
//////////////////////////////////// CPP /////////////////////////////////

    vector<dim4> numDims;

    vector<vector<int> > data;
    vector<vector<int> > tests;
    readTests<int, int, int>(string(TEST_DIR "/where/where.test"), numDims,
                             data, tests);
    dim4 dims = numDims[0];

    vector<float> in(data[0].begin(), data[0].end());
    array input(dims, &in.front(), afHost);
    array output = where(input);

    // Compare result
    vector<uint> currGoldBar(tests[0].begin(), tests[0].end());

    ASSERT_VEC_ARRAY_EQ(currGoldBar, dim4(tests[0].size()), output);
Пример #19
Array<outType> * histogram(const Array<inType> &in, const unsigned &nbins, const double &minval, const double &maxval)
    const dim4 inDims   = in.dims();
    dim4 outDims        = dim4(nbins,1,inDims[2],inDims[3]);

    // create an array with first two dimensions swapped
    Array<outType>* out = createEmptyArray<outType>(outDims);

    // get data pointers for input and output Arrays
    outType *outData    = out->get();
    const inType* inData= in.get();

    dim_type batchCount = inDims[2];
    dim_type batchStride= in.strides()[2];
    dim_type numElements= inDims[0]*inDims[1];

    // set all bin elements to zero
    outType *temp = outData;
    for(int batchId = 0; batchId < batchCount; batchId++) {
        for(int i=0; i < (int)nbins; i++)
            temp[i] = 0;
        temp += nbins;

    float step = (maxval - minval)/(float)nbins;

    for(dim_type batchId = 0; batchId < batchCount; batchId++) {
        for(dim_type i=0; i<numElements; i++) {
            int bin = (int)((inData[i] - minval) / step);
            bin = std::max(bin, 0);
            bin = std::min(bin, (int)(nbins - 1));
        inData  += batchStride;
        outData += nbins;

    return out;
Пример #20
Array<T> transpose(const Array<T> &in, const bool conjugate)
    const dim4 inDims = in.dims();

    dim4 outDims   = dim4(inDims[1],inDims[0],inDims[2],inDims[3]);

    // create an array with first two dimensions swapped
    Array<T> out  = createEmptyArray<T>(outDims);

    // get data pointers for input and output Arrays
    T* outData          = out.get();
    const T*   inData   = in.get();

    if(conjugate) {
        transpose_<T, true>(outData, inData,
                            out.dims(), in.dims(), out.strides(), in.strides());
    } else {
        transpose_<T, false>(outData, inData,
                             out.dims(), in.dims(), out.strides(), in.strides());

    return out;
Пример #21
    Array<uint> where(const Array<T> &in)
        const dim_t *dims    = in.dims().get();
        const dim_t *strides = in.strides().get();
        static const T zero = scalar<T>(0);

        const T *iptr = in.get();
        uint *out_vec  = memAlloc<uint>(in.elements());

        dim_t count = 0;
        dim_t idx = 0;
        for (dim_t w = 0; w < dims[3]; w++) {
            uint offw = w * strides[3];

            for (dim_t z = 0; z < dims[2]; z++) {
                uint offz = offw + z * strides[2];

                for (dim_t y = 0; y < dims[1]; y++) {
                    uint offy = y * strides[1] + offz;

                    for (dim_t x = 0; x < dims[0]; x++) {

                        T val = iptr[offy + x];
                        if (val != zero) {
                            out_vec[count] = idx;

        Array<uint> out = createHostDataArray(dim4(count), out_vec);
        return out;
Пример #22
double LPQNorm(const Array<T> &A, double p, double q)
    Array<T> A_p_norm = createEmptyArray<T>(dim4());

    if (p == 1) {
        A_p_norm = reduce<af_add_t, T, T>(A, 0);
    } else {
        Array<T> P = createValueArray<T>(A.dims(), scalar<T>(p));
        Array<T> invP = createValueArray<T>(A.dims(), scalar<T>(1.0/p));

        Array<T> A_p = arithOp<T, af_pow_t>(A, P, A.dims());
        Array<T> A_p_sum = reduce<af_add_t, T, T>(A_p, 0);
        A_p_norm = arithOp<T, af_pow_t>(A_p_sum, invP, invP.dims());

    if (q == 1) {
        return reduce_all<af_add_t, T, T>(A_p_norm);

    Array<T> Q = createValueArray<T>(A_p_norm.dims(), scalar<T>(q));
    Array<T> A_p_norm_q = arithOp<T, af_pow_t>(A_p_norm, Q, Q.dims());

    return std::pow(reduce_all<af_add_t, T, T>(A_p_norm_q), 1.0/q);
Пример #23
Array<outType> histogram(const Array<inType> &in, const unsigned &nbins, const double &minval, const double &maxval)
    ARG_ASSERT(1, (nbins<=kernel::MAX_BINS));

    const dim4 dims     = in.dims();
    dim4 outDims        = dim4(nbins, 1, dims[2], dims[3]);
    Array<outType> out = createValueArray<outType>(outDims, outType(0));

    // create an array to hold min and max values for
    // batch operation handling, this will reduce
    // number of concurrent reads to one single memory location
    dim_t mmNElems= dims[2] * dims[3];
    cfloat init;
    init.s[0] = minval;
    init.s[1] = maxval;
    vector<cfloat> h_minmax(mmNElems, init);

    dim4 minmax_dims(mmNElems*2);
    Array<cfloat> minmax = createHostDataArray<cfloat>(minmax_dims, h_minmax.data());

    kernel::histogram<inType, outType>(out, in, minmax, nbins);

    return out;
Пример #24
// This tests batching of different forms
// tf0 rotates by 90 clockwise
// tf1 rotates by 90 counter clockwise
// This test simply makes sure the batching is working correctly
TEST(TransformBatching, CPP)
    vector<dim4>        vDims;
    vector<vector<float> >  in;
    vector<vector<float> >  gold;

    readTests<float, float, int>(string(TEST_DIR"/transform/transform_batching.test"), vDims, in, gold);

    array img0     (vDims[0], &(in[0].front()));
    array img1     (vDims[1], &(in[1].front()));
    array ip_tile  (vDims[2], &(in[2].front()));
    array ip_quad  (vDims[3], &(in[3].front()));
    array ip_mult  (vDims[4], &(in[4].front()));
    array ip_tile3 (vDims[5], &(in[5].front()));
    array ip_quad3 (vDims[6], &(in[6].front()));

    array tf0      (vDims[7 + 0], &(in[7 + 0].front()));
    array tf1      (vDims[7 + 1], &(in[7 + 1].front()));
    array tf_tile  (vDims[7 + 2], &(in[7 + 2].front()));
    array tf_quad  (vDims[7 + 3], &(in[7 + 3].front()));
    array tf_mult  (vDims[7 + 4], &(in[7 + 4].front()));
    array tf_mult3 (vDims[7 + 5], &(in[7 + 5].front()));
    array tf_mult3x(vDims[7 + 6], &(in[7 + 6].front()));

    const int X = img0.dims(0);
    const int Y = img0.dims(1);

    ASSERT_EQ(gold.size(), 21u);
    vector<array> out(gold.size());
    out[0 ] = transform(img0    , tf0      , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,1 x 1,1
    out[1 ] = transform(img0    , tf1      , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,1 x 1,1
    out[2 ] = transform(img1    , tf0      , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,1 x 1,1
    out[3 ] = transform(img1    , tf1      , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,1 x 1,1

    out[4 ] = transform(img0    , tf_tile  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,1 x N,1
    out[5 ] = transform(img0    , tf_mult  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,1 x N,N
    out[6 ] = transform(img0    , tf_quad  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,1 x 1,N

    out[7 ] = transform(ip_tile , tf0      , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // N,1 x 1,1
    out[8 ] = transform(ip_tile , tf_tile  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // N,1 x N,1
    out[9 ] = transform(ip_tile , tf_mult  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // N,N x N,N
    out[10] = transform(ip_tile , tf_quad  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // N,1 x 1,N

    out[11] = transform(ip_quad , tf0      , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,N x 1,1
    out[12] = transform(ip_quad , tf_quad  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,N x 1,N
    out[13] = transform(ip_quad , tf_mult  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,N x N,N
    out[14] = transform(ip_quad , tf_tile  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,N x N,1

    out[15] = transform(ip_mult , tf0      , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // N,N x 1,1
    out[16] = transform(ip_mult , tf_tile  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // N,N x N,1
    out[17] = transform(ip_mult , tf_mult  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // N,N x N,N
    out[18] = transform(ip_mult , tf_quad  , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // N,N x 1,N

    out[19] = transform(ip_tile3, tf_mult3 , Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // N,1 x N,N
    out[20] = transform(ip_quad3, tf_mult3x, Y, X, AF_INTERP_NEAREST);  // 1,N x N,N

    array x_(dim4(35, 40, 1, 1), &(gold[1].front()));

    for(int i = 0; i < (int)gold.size(); i++) {
        // Get result
        vector<float> outData(out[i].elements());

        for(int iter = 0; iter < (int)gold[i].size(); iter++) {
            ASSERT_EQ(gold[i][iter], outData[iter]) << "at: " << iter << endl
                    << "for " << i << "-th operation"<< endl;
Пример #25
 Array<T> *initArray()
     return new Array<T>(dim4());
Пример #26
forge::Chart* setup_surface(const forge::Window* const window,
                            const af_array xVals, const af_array yVals, const af_array zVals,
                            const af_cell* const props)
    Array<T> xIn = getArray<T>(xVals);
    Array<T> yIn = getArray<T>(yVals);
    Array<T> zIn = getArray<T>(zVals);

    const ArrayInfo& Xinfo = getInfo(xVals);
    const ArrayInfo& Yinfo = getInfo(yVals);
    const ArrayInfo& Zinfo = getInfo(zVals);

    af::dim4 X_dims = Xinfo.dims();
    af::dim4 Y_dims = Yinfo.dims();
    af::dim4 Z_dims = Zinfo.dims();

        // Convert xIn is a column vector
        xIn = modDims(xIn, xIn.elements());
        // Now tile along second dimension
        dim4 x_tdims(1, Y_dims[0], 1, 1);
        xIn = tile(xIn, x_tdims);

        // Convert yIn to a row vector
        yIn= modDims(yIn, af::dim4(1, yIn.elements()));
        // Now tile along first dimension
        dim4 y_tdims(X_dims[0], 1, 1, 1);
        yIn = tile(yIn, y_tdims);

    // Flatten xIn, yIn and zIn into row vectors
    dim4 rowDims = dim4(1, zIn.elements());
    xIn = modDims(xIn, rowDims);
    yIn = modDims(yIn, rowDims);
    zIn = modDims(zIn, rowDims);

    // Now join along first dimension, skip reorder
    std::vector<Array<T> > inputs{xIn, yIn, zIn};
    Array<T> Z = join(0, inputs);

    ForgeManager& fgMngr = ForgeManager::getInstance();

    // Get the chart for the current grid position (if any)
    forge::Chart* chart = NULL;
    if (props->col>-1 && props->row>-1)
        chart = fgMngr.getChart(window, props->row, props->col, FG_CHART_3D);
        chart = fgMngr.getChart(window, 0, 0, FG_CHART_3D);

    forge::Surface* surface = fgMngr.getSurface(chart, Z_dims[0], Z_dims[1], getGLType<T>());

    surface->setColor(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    // If chart axes limits do not have a manual override
    // then compute and set axes limits
    if(!fgMngr.getChartAxesOverride(chart)) {
        float cmin[3], cmax[3];
        T     dmin[3], dmax[3];
        chart->getAxesLimits(&cmin[0], &cmax[0], &cmin[1], &cmax[1], &cmin[2], &cmax[2]);
        dmin[0] = reduce_all<af_min_t, T, T>(xIn);
        dmax[0] = reduce_all<af_max_t, T, T>(xIn);
        dmin[1] = reduce_all<af_min_t, T, T>(yIn);
        dmax[1] = reduce_all<af_max_t, T, T>(yIn);
        dmin[2] = reduce_all<af_min_t, T, T>(zIn);
        dmax[2] = reduce_all<af_max_t, T, T>(zIn);

        if(cmin[0] == 0 && cmax[0] == 0
        && cmin[1] == 0 && cmax[1] == 0
        && cmin[2] == 0 && cmax[2] == 0) {
            // No previous limits. Set without checking
            cmin[0] = step_round(dmin[0], false);
            cmax[0] = step_round(dmax[0], true);
            cmin[1] = step_round(dmin[1], false);
            cmax[1] = step_round(dmax[1], true);
            cmin[2] = step_round(dmin[2], false);
            cmax[2] = step_round(dmax[2], true);
        } else {
            if(cmin[0] > dmin[0]) cmin[0] = step_round(dmin[0], false);
            if(cmax[0] < dmax[0]) cmax[0] = step_round(dmax[0], true);
            if(cmin[1] > dmin[1]) cmin[1] = step_round(dmin[1], false);
            if(cmax[1] < dmax[1]) cmax[1] = step_round(dmax[1], true);
            if(cmin[2] > dmin[2]) cmin[2] = step_round(dmin[2], false);
            if(cmax[2] < dmax[2]) cmax[2] = step_round(dmax[2], true);

        chart->setAxesLimits(cmin[0], cmax[0], cmin[1], cmax[1], cmin[2], cmax[2]);

    copy_surface<T>(Z, surface);

    return chart;
Пример #27
af_err af_approx1_uniform(af_array *yo, const af_array yi,
                          const af_array xo, const int xdim,
                          const double xi_beg, const double xi_step,
                          const af_interp_type method, const float offGrid)
    try {
        const ArrayInfo& yi_info = getInfo(yi);
        const ArrayInfo& xo_info = getInfo(xo);

        const dim4 yi_dims = yi_info.dims();
        const dim4 xo_dims = xo_info.dims();

        ARG_ASSERT(1, yi_info.isFloating());                        // Only floating and complex types
        ARG_ASSERT(2, xo_info.isRealFloating()) ;                   // Only floating types
        ARG_ASSERT(1, yi_info.isSingle() == xo_info.isSingle());    // Must have same precision
        ARG_ASSERT(1, yi_info.isDouble() == xo_info.isDouble());    // Must have same precision
        ARG_ASSERT(3, xdim >= 0 && xdim < 4);

        // POS should either be (x, 1, 1, 1) or (1, yi_dims[1], yi_dims[2], yi_dims[3])
        if (xo_dims[xdim] != xo_dims.elements()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                if (xdim != i) DIM_ASSERT(2, xo_dims[i] == yi_dims[i]);

        ARG_ASSERT(5, xi_step != 0);
        ARG_ASSERT(6, (method == AF_INTERP_CUBIC         ||
                       method == AF_INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE  ||
                       method == AF_INTERP_LINEAR        ||
                       method == AF_INTERP_LINEAR_COSINE ||
                       method == AF_INTERP_LOWER         ||
                       method == AF_INTERP_NEAREST));

        if (yi_dims.ndims() == 0 || xo_dims.ndims() ==  0) {
            *yo = createHandle(dim4(0,0,0,0), yi_info.getType());
            return AF_SUCCESS;

        dim4 yo_dims = yi_dims;
        yo_dims[xdim] = xo_dims[xdim];
        if (*yo == 0) {
            *yo = createHandle(yo_dims, yi_info.getType());

        DIM_ASSERT(1, getInfo(*yo).dims() == yo_dims);

        switch(yi_info.getType()) {
        case f32: approx1<float  , float >(yo, yi, xo, xdim,
                                           xi_beg, xi_step,
                                           method, offGrid);  break;
        case f64: approx1<double , double>(yo, yi, xo, xdim,
                                           xi_beg, xi_step,
                                           method, offGrid);  break;
        case c32: approx1<cfloat , float >(yo, yi, xo, xdim,
                                           xi_beg, xi_step,
                                           method, offGrid);  break;
        case c64: approx1<cdouble, double>(yo, yi, xo, xdim,
                                                    xi_beg, xi_step,
                                                    method, offGrid);  break;
        default:  TYPE_ERROR(1, yi_info.getType());

    return AF_SUCCESS;
Пример #28
unsigned harris(Array<float> &x_out, Array<float> &y_out, Array<float> &resp_out,
                const Array<T> &in, const unsigned max_corners, const float min_response,
                const float sigma, const unsigned filter_len, const float k_thr)
    dim4 idims = in.dims();

    // Window filter
    convAccT* h_filter = memAlloc<convAccT>(filter_len);
    // Decide between rectangular or circular filter
    if (sigma < 0.5f) {
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < filter_len; i++)
            h_filter[i] = (T)1.f / (filter_len);
    else {
        gaussian1D<convAccT>(h_filter, (int)filter_len, sigma);
    Array<convAccT> filter = createDeviceDataArray<convAccT>(dim4(filter_len), (const void*)h_filter);

    unsigned border_len = filter_len / 2 + 1;

    Array<T> ix = createEmptyArray<T>(idims);
    Array<T> iy = createEmptyArray<T>(idims);

    // Compute first order derivatives
    gradient<T>(iy, ix, in);

    Array<T> ixx = createEmptyArray<T>(idims);
    Array<T> ixy = createEmptyArray<T>(idims);
    Array<T> iyy = createEmptyArray<T>(idims);

    // Compute second-order derivatives
    second_order_deriv<T>(ixx.get(), ixy.get(), iyy.get(),
                          in.elements(), ix.get(), iy.get());

    // Convolve second-order derivatives with proper window filter
    ixx = convolve2<T, convAccT, false>(ixx, filter, filter);
    ixy = convolve2<T, convAccT, false>(ixy, filter, filter);
    iyy = convolve2<T, convAccT, false>(iyy, filter, filter);

    const unsigned corner_lim = in.elements() * 0.2f;

    float* x_corners = memAlloc<float>(corner_lim);
    float* y_corners = memAlloc<float>(corner_lim);
    float* resp_corners = memAlloc<float>(corner_lim);

    T* resp = memAlloc<T>(in.elements());

    // Calculate Harris responses for all pixels
                        idims[0], idims[1],
                        ixx.get(), ixy.get(), iyy.get(),
                        k_thr, border_len);

    const unsigned min_r = (max_corners > 0) ? 0.f : min_response;
    unsigned corners_found = 0;

    // Performs non-maximal suppression
    non_maximal<T>(x_corners, y_corners, resp_corners, &corners_found,
                   idims[0], idims[1], resp, min_r, border_len, corner_lim);


    const unsigned corners_out = (max_corners > 0) ?
                                 min(corners_found, max_corners) :
                                 min(corners_found, corner_lim);
    if (corners_out == 0)
        return 0;

    if (max_corners > 0 && corners_found > corners_out) {
        Array<float> harris_responses = createDeviceDataArray<float>(dim4(corners_found), (void*)resp_corners);
        Array<float> harris_sorted = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4(corners_found));
        Array<unsigned> harris_idx = createEmptyArray<unsigned>(dim4(corners_found));

        // Sort Harris responses
        sort_index<float, false>(harris_sorted, harris_idx, harris_responses, 0);

        x_out = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4(corners_out));
        y_out = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4(corners_out));
        resp_out = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4(corners_out));

        // Keep only the corners with higher Harris responses
        keep_corners(x_out.get(), y_out.get(), resp_out.get(),
                     x_corners, y_corners, harris_sorted.get(), harris_idx.get(),

    else if (max_corners == 0 && corners_found < corner_lim) {
        x_out = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4(corners_out));
        y_out = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4(corners_out));
        resp_out = createEmptyArray<float>(dim4(corners_out));

        memcpy(x_out.get(), x_corners, corners_out * sizeof(float));
        memcpy(y_out.get(), y_corners, corners_out * sizeof(float));
        memcpy(resp_out.get(), resp_corners, corners_out * sizeof(float));

    else {
        x_out = createDeviceDataArray<float>(dim4(corners_out), (void*)x_corners);
        y_out = createDeviceDataArray<float>(dim4(corners_out), (void*)y_corners);
        resp_out = createDeviceDataArray<float>(dim4(corners_out), (void*)resp_corners);

    return corners_out;
Пример #29
TYPED_TEST(Select, LeftScalar)
    selectScalarTest<TypeParam, true>(dim4(1000, 1000));
Пример #30
TYPED_TEST(Select, Simple)
    selectTest<TypeParam>(dim4(1024, 1024));