//recursive function (with end conditions and backtracing) to find the solution path (recall that y and x are swapped due to how apmatrixes work)
bool findpath(apmatrix<char> &grid, int y, int x, int &turns){
	//evaluates whether the tile stepped on is valid, invalid or the goal.
	if (grid[y][x] == 'X') return false;
	if (grid[y][x] == '#') return false;
    if (grid[y][x] == '+') return false;
    if (grid[y][x] == 'G') return true;
    if (grid[y][x] != 'S') grid[y][x] = '+';

	//first checks if the move will be outside of the maze, if not - check to see if its valid
    if (y != 0)
        if (findpath(grid,y-1,x,turns) == true) return true;
    if (x+1 < grid.numcols())    
        if (findpath(grid,y,x+1,turns) == true) return true;
    if (y+1 < grid.numrows())    
        if (findpath(grid,y+1,x,turns) == true) return true;
    if (x != 0)    
        if (findpath(grid,y,x-1,turns) == true) return true;

	//backtraces and marks invalid paths with an X.
    grid[y][x] = 'X';
    return false;
//Initializes allegro and the graphical window.
void init(apmatrix<char>matrix) {
	set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED,matrix.numcols()*20, matrix.numrows()*20, 0, 0);
	set_window_title("A-Maze-ing Recursion  - Kevin Dai");
//Uses allegro to output the maze and mark the walls,valid path, invalid path and ETC.
int display(apmatrix<char> omatrix) {
	for (int i=1 ; i < omatrix.numrows()+1 ; i++ ) {
		for (int j=1 ; j < omatrix.numcols()+1 ; j++){
			if (omatrix[i-1][j-1] == '#') floodfill(buffer,j*20-5,i*20-5,makecol(0,0,0));       //paint the walls
			else if (omatrix[i-1][j-1] == '.')floodfill(buffer,j*20-5,i*20-5,makecol(255,255,255));     //paint the open
            else if (omatrix[i-1][j-1] == 'X')textout_centre_ex(buffer, font, "X", j*20-9, i*20-12, makecol(255, 0, 0), -1);   //paint the start
			else if (omatrix[i-1][j-1] == 'S'){
                floodfill(buffer,j*20-5,i*20-5,makecol(255,255,255));     //paint the open
                textout_centre_ex(buffer, font, "S", j*20-9, i*20-12, makecol(255, 0, 0), -1);   //paint the start
			else if (omatrix[i-1][j-1] == 'G'){
                floodfill(buffer,j*20-5,i*20-5,makecol(255,255,255));     //paint the open
                textout_centre_ex(buffer, font, "G", j*20-9, i*20-12, makecol(0, 0, 255), -1);   //paint the end
			else if (omatrix[i-1][j-1] == '+')textout_centre_ex(buffer, font, "+", j*20-9, i*20-12, makecol(0, 0, 255), -1);   //paint the succesful path
	blit(buffer, screen, 0,0,0,0,omatrix.numcols()*20,omatrix.numrows()*20);
	return 0;
Пример #4
// Show all stops inside a certain radius
apvector <ID> withinOneRadius(apvector <apstring> & id, apmatrix <int> & dist, double rad, apstring theid)

	int n = id.length();

//	double rad;

//	cout << "Enter the desired radius to be searched in: "; // ?? should radius be *100 or not??
//	cin >> rad;

//	apstring theid;

//	we hate getline
//	cout << "Enter the stop ID for which you would like the radii: ";
//	getline(cin, theid);

//	theid = "2051051WB007   ";

	// now should search the stopID file for the value of the node in id
	int row = 0;
	while ( theid != id[row] ) // assumes that id1 was entered correctly
//		cout << id[row];

	apvector <ID> withinRad(n + 1);

	ID temp;

	int col, count = 0;
	for ( col = 0; col < dist.numcols(); col++)
		if ( convertDistance(dist[row][col]) <= rad )
			temp.stopID = id[col];
			temp.distance = convertDistance(dist[row][col]);
			// the distance is dist[row][col], will eventually be added to a data structure?
//			cout << id[col] << " is within the radius with distance of " << convertDistance(dist[row][col]) << endl;
			withinRad[count] = temp;
			count ++;

	withinRad.resize(count + 1); // resize the array to be smaller and not wasteful
	return withinRad;
Пример #5
// Show all stops inside a certain radius for all stops
apvector <apvector <ID> > withinAllRadius(apvector <apstring> & id, apmatrix <int> & dist, double rad)

	int n = id.length();

//	double rad;

//	cout << "Enter the desired radius to be searched in: "; // ?? should radius be *100 or not??
//	cin >> rad;

	int row = 0;
	int col;
	int count = 0;

	apvector <ID> withinRad(n + 1);
	ID temp;
	apvector <apvector <ID> > allRadii(n + 1);

	for ( row = 0; row < dist.numrows(); row++)
		for ( col = 0; col < dist.numcols(); col++)
			if ( convertDistance(dist[row][col]) <= rad && row != col)
				temp.stopID = id[col];
				temp.distance = convertDistance(dist[row][col]);
				// the distance is dist[row][col], will eventually be added to a data structure?
//				cout << convertDistance(dist[row][col]) << '\t';
				withinRad[count] = temp;
				count ++;
		allRadii[row] = withinRad;
//		cout << endl << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;

	return allRadii;