/// \param begin The beginning of the character range to search. /// \param end The end of the character range to search. /// \param rex The regex pattern to search for. /// \pre \c [begin,end) is a valid range. regex_token_iterator ( BidiIter begin , BidiIter end , basic_regex<BidiIter> const &rex ) : impl_() { if(0 != rex.regex_id()) { this->impl_ = new impl_type_(begin, begin, end, begin, rex); this->next_(); } }
regex_token_iterator ( BidiIter begin , BidiIter end , basic_regex<BidiIter> const &rex , Subs const &subs , regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default ) : impl_() { if(0 != rex.regex_id()) { this->impl_ = new impl_type_(begin, begin, end, begin, rex, flags, detail::to_vector(subs)); this->next_(); } }
regex_token_iterator ( BidiIter begin , BidiIter end , basic_regex<BidiIter> const &rex , detail::let_<LetExpr> const &args ) : impl_() { if(0 != rex.regex_id()) { this->impl_ = new impl_type_(begin, begin, end, begin, rex); detail::bind_args(args, this->impl_->iter_.what_); this->next_(); } }