Пример #1
void be_sequence::putter
   ostream& os,
   be_Tab& tab,
   const DDS_StdString& seqptr,   // pointer to a sequence
   unsigned long uid
   DDS_StdString uids = BE_Globals::ulong_to_string(uid);
   DDS_StdString length = (DDS_StdString)"len" + uids;
   DDS_StdString data = (DDS_StdString)"data" + uids;
   DDS_StdString index = (DDS_StdString)"i" + uids;

   // first, let's put the length

   os << tab << "DDS::ULong " << length << " = " << seqptr << "->length ();" << nl;
   os << tab << "DDS::Codec::Param lenPutArg = { DDS::_tc_ulong, &" << length
      << ", DDS::PARAM_IN };" << nl;
   os << tab << baseType->CppTypeWhenSequenceMember().ScopedName() << "* "
      << data << " = (" << baseType->CppTypeWhenSequenceMember().ScopedName()
      << "*)" << seqptr << "->get_buffer (FALSE);" << nl << nl;

   os << tab << "os.put (&lenPutArg, 1"
      << XBE_Ev::arg (XBE_ENV_VARN) << ");" << nl << nl;

   os << tab << "for (DDS::ULong " << index << " = 0; " << index
      << " < " << length << "; " << index << "++)" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;
   tab.indent ();
   baseType->put_for_sequence (os, tab, data, index, uid);
   tab.outdent ();
   os << tab << "}" << nl;
Пример #2
void be_structure::put_core_fields
   ostream & os,
   be_Tab & tab,
   const DDS_StdString & sptr,
   FieldList & coreFields,
   unsigned long uid
   DDS::Boolean wroteOne = FALSE;
   DDS_StdString uids = BE_Globals::ulong_to_string(uid);
   DDS_StdString _in_ = (DDS_StdString)"_in_" + uids;
   FieldList::iterator it;

   // first, let's declare the core args for putting

   for (it = coreFields.begin(); it != coreFields.end(); it++)
      (*it)->declare_for_struct_put (os, tab, sptr, uid);

   // now, let's initilize our put args
   os << tab << "DDS::Codec::Param " << _in_ << "[" << coreFields.size() << "] =" << nl;
   os << tab << "{" << nl;

   tab.indent ();
   for (it = coreFields.begin(); it != coreFields.end(); it++)
      if (wroteOne)
         os << "," << nl;

      (*it)->make_put_param (os, tab, sptr, uid);
      wroteOne = TRUE;
   tab.outdent ();

   os << nl << tab << "};" << nl;

   // and finally, let's put 'em

   os << tab << "os.put (" << _in_ << ", " << coreFields.size ()
      << XBE_Ev::arg (XBE_ENV_VARN) << ");" << nl;
Пример #3
void be_sequence::getter
   ostream& os,
   be_Tab& tab,
   const DDS_StdString& seqptr,   // sequence pointer
   unsigned long uid
   DDS_StdString uids = BE_Globals::ulong_to_string(uid);
   DDS_StdString length = (DDS_StdString)"len" + uids;
   DDS_StdString size = (DDS_StdString)"size" + uids;
   DDS_StdString data = (DDS_StdString)"data" + uids;
   DDS_StdString index = (DDS_StdString)"i" + uids;
   DDS_StdString maxArg;
   DDS_StdString swapArg = data;
   DDS_StdString incData = data + "++";
   DDS_StdString swapCall;

   if (!IsBounded ())
      maxArg = length + ", ";
   // now, let's declare our get args
   os << tab << "DDS::ULong " << length << ";" << nl;

   // then get the length
   os << tab << "DDS::Codec::Param lenGetArg = { DDS::_tc_ulong, &" << length
      << ", DDS::PARAM_OUT };" << nl;

   os << tab << baseType->CppTypeWhenSequenceMember().ScopedName()
      << "* " << data << ";" << nl << nl;

   os << tab << "is.get (&lenGetArg, 1"
      << XBE_Ev::arg (XBE_ENV_VARN) << ");" << nl;

   if (isInterfaceSeq)
      os << tab << seqptr << "->length (" << length << ");" << nl;

      os << tab << data << " = " << seqptr << "->get_buffer (FALSE);" << nl << nl;
      os << tab << data << " = " << ScopedName() << "::allocbuf (" 
         << length << ");" << nl << nl;

   os << tab << "for (DDS::ULong " << index << " = 0; "
      << index << " < " << length << "; " << index << "++)" << nl;

   os << tab << "{" << nl;

   tab.indent ();

   if (isInterfaceSeq)
      os << tab << "if(" << data << "[" << index << "])" << nl;
      os << tab << "{" << nl;
      tab.indent ();
      os << tab << "DDS::release(" << data << "[" << index << "]);" << nl;
      os << tab << data << "[" << index << "] = 0;" << nl;
      tab.outdent ();
      os << tab << "}" << nl;

   baseType->get_for_sequence (os, tab, data, index, uid);
   tab.outdent ();

   os << tab << "}" << nl << nl;

   if ( IsBounded() && !isInterfaceSeq )
      os << tab << seqptr << "->replace (" << length << "," << data << ",TRUE);" << nl;  
   if ( !IsBounded() && !isInterfaceSeq )
      os << tab << seqptr << "->replace (" << length << "," << length << "," << data << ",TRUE);" << nl;