Пример #1
// Tries new position to see if it is a valid move. The move is valid if the
//  destination square is on the board, and either empty or containing an 
//  opposing piece. Valid moves are added to the move list.
// Returns true if square is on the board and EMPTY. If it has an opposing piece,
//  the move is added to the move list, but we return false. Good for generating
//  moves for rook/bishop/queen.
bool try_square(
  piece_colour pc, const row_col& pos, const row_col& newpos,
  const board& b, move* movelist, int& num_moves)
  if (newpos.is_out_of_bounds())
    return false;

  square s = b.get(newpos);
  if (get_piece_colour(s) == pc)
    return false; // piece on destination square is the same as our colour

  movelist[num_moves] = move(pos, newpos, b);

  return is_empty(s);
Пример #2
int check_captures(position src, position dst, board const& board,
                   piece what, OutIter out) {
  piece::color_t const player = what.color();
  board::mask supporters;

  int score = 0;

  if (trap(dst)) {
    supporters = neighbourhood(dst) & board.player(player);
    supporters[src] = false;

    // Check for piece stepping into a trap.
    if (supporters.empty()) {
      *out++ = elementary_step::make_capture(dst, what);
      score -= CAPTURE_COEF * cost(what, src);

  // Check for piece abandoning another one standing on a trap.
  if (neighbourhood(src) & board::mask::TRAPS && !trap(dst)) {
    position const trap =
      (neighbourhood(src) & board::mask::TRAPS).first_set();
    boost::optional<piece> const trapped = board.get(trap);
    if (trapped) {
      piece::color_t const trapped_player = trapped->color();
      supporters = neighbourhood(trap) & board.player(trapped_player);
      supporters[src] = false;

      if (supporters.empty()) {
        *out++ = elementary_step::make_capture(trap, *trapped);
        score +=
          (trapped->color() == what.color() ? -1 : +1) *
          CAPTURE_COEF * cost(*trapped, trap);

  return score;
Пример #3
void gen_moves(const board& b, piece_colour pc, move* movelist, int& num_moves)
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
      row_col rc(i, j);
      square s = b.get(rc);
      if (pc == get_piece_colour(s))
         piece_type pt = get_piece_type(s);
         switch (pt)
         case NONE:
           assert(0); // only here if square contains one of our pieces
         case PAWN:
           pawn_moves(pc, rc, b, movelist, num_moves);
         case KNIGHT:
           knight_moves(pc, rc, b, movelist, num_moves);
         case BISHOP:
           bishop_moves(pc, rc, b, movelist, num_moves);
         case ROOK:
           rook_moves(pc, rc, b, movelist, num_moves);
         case KING:
           king_moves(pc, rc, b, movelist, num_moves);
         case QUEEN:
           queen_moves(pc, rc, b, movelist, num_moves);
Пример #4
move::move(const row_col& f, const row_col& t, const board& b) :
  from(f), to(t), from_sq(b.get(f)), to_sq(b.get(t)), score(0)