void cPickup::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk); BroadcastMovementUpdate(); // Notify clients of position m_Timer += a_Dt; if (!m_bCollected) { int BlockY = POSY_TOINT; int BlockX = POSX_TOINT; int BlockZ = POSZ_TOINT; if ((BlockY >= 0) && (BlockY < cChunkDef::Height)) // Don't do anything except for falling when outside the world { // Position might have changed due to physics. So we have to make sure we have the correct chunk. GET_AND_VERIFY_CURRENT_CHUNK(CurrentChunk, BlockX, BlockZ) int RelBlockX = BlockX - (CurrentChunk->GetPosX() * cChunkDef::Width); int RelBlockZ = BlockZ - (CurrentChunk->GetPosZ() * cChunkDef::Width); // If the pickup is on the bottommost block position, make it think the void is made of air: (#131) BLOCKTYPE BlockBelow = (BlockY > 0) ? CurrentChunk->GetBlock(RelBlockX, BlockY - 1, RelBlockZ) : E_BLOCK_AIR; BLOCKTYPE BlockIn = CurrentChunk->GetBlock(RelBlockX, BlockY, RelBlockZ); if ( IsBlockLava(BlockBelow) || (BlockBelow == E_BLOCK_FIRE) || IsBlockLava(BlockIn) || (BlockIn == E_BLOCK_FIRE) ) { m_bCollected = true; m_Timer = std::chrono::milliseconds(0); // We have to reset the timer. m_Timer += a_Dt; // In case we have to destroy the pickup in the same tick. if (m_Timer > std::chrono::milliseconds(500)) { Destroy(true); return; } } // Try to combine the pickup with adjacent same-item pickups: if (!IsDestroyed() && (m_Item.m_ItemCount < m_Item.GetMaxStackSize())) // Don't combine if already full { // By using a_Chunk's ForEachEntity() instead of cWorld's, pickups don't combine across chunk boundaries. // That is a small price to pay for not having to traverse the entire world for each entity. // The speedup in the tick thread is quite considerable. cPickupCombiningCallback PickupCombiningCallback(GetPosition(), this); a_Chunk.ForEachEntity(PickupCombiningCallback); if (PickupCombiningCallback.FoundMatchingPickup()) { m_World->BroadcastEntityMetadata(*this); } } }
void cProjectileEntity::HandlePhysics(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { if (m_IsInGround) { // Already-grounded projectiles don't move at all return; } auto DtSec = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(a_Dt); const Vector3d DeltaSpeed = GetSpeed() * DtSec.count(); const Vector3d Pos = GetPosition(); const Vector3d NextPos = Pos + DeltaSpeed; // Test for entity collisions: cProjectileEntityCollisionCallback EntityCollisionCallback(this, Pos, NextPos); a_Chunk.ForEachEntity(EntityCollisionCallback); if (EntityCollisionCallback.HasHit()) { // An entity was hit: Vector3d HitPos = Pos + (NextPos - Pos) * EntityCollisionCallback.GetMinCoeff(); // DEBUG: LOGD("Projectile %d has hit an entity %d (%s) at {%.02f, %.02f, %.02f} (coeff %.03f)", m_UniqueID, EntityCollisionCallback.GetHitEntity()->GetUniqueID(), EntityCollisionCallback.GetHitEntity()->GetClass(), HitPos.x, HitPos.y, HitPos.z, EntityCollisionCallback.GetMinCoeff() ); OnHitEntity(*(EntityCollisionCallback.GetHitEntity()), HitPos); if (!IsTicking()) { return; // We were destroyed by an override of OnHitEntity } } // TODO: Test the entities in the neighboring chunks, too // Trace the tick's worth of movement as a line: cProjectileTracerCallback TracerCallback(this); if (!cLineBlockTracer::Trace(*m_World, TracerCallback, Pos, NextPos)) { // Something has been hit, abort all other processing return; } // The tracer also checks the blocks for slowdown blocks - water and lava - and stores it for later in its SlowdownCoeff // Update the position: SetPosition(NextPos); // Add slowdown and gravity effect to the speed: Vector3d NewSpeed(GetSpeed()); NewSpeed.y += m_Gravity * DtSec.count(); NewSpeed -= NewSpeed * (m_AirDrag * 20.0f) * DtSec.count(); SetSpeed(NewSpeed); SetYawFromSpeed(); SetPitchFromSpeed(); /* LOGD("Projectile %d: pos {%.02f, %.02f, %.02f}, speed {%.02f, %.02f, %.02f}, rot {%.02f, %.02f}", m_UniqueID, GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), GetSpeedX(), GetSpeedY(), GetSpeedZ(), GetYaw(), GetPitch() ); */ }
void cProjectileEntity::HandlePhysics(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { if (m_IsInGround) { // Already-grounded projectiles don't move at all return; } Vector3d PerTickSpeed = GetSpeed() / 20; Vector3d Pos = GetPosition(); // Trace the tick's worth of movement as a line: Vector3d NextPos = Pos + PerTickSpeed; cProjectileTracerCallback TracerCallback(this); if (!cLineBlockTracer::Trace(*m_World, TracerCallback, Pos, NextPos)) { // Something has been hit, abort all other processing return; } // The tracer also checks the blocks for slowdown blocks - water and lava - and stores it for later in its SlowdownCoeff // Test for entity collisions: cProjectileEntityCollisionCallback EntityCollisionCallback(this, Pos, NextPos); a_Chunk.ForEachEntity(EntityCollisionCallback); if (EntityCollisionCallback.HasHit()) { // An entity was hit: Vector3d HitPos = Pos + (NextPos - Pos) * EntityCollisionCallback.GetMinCoeff(); // DEBUG: LOGD("Projectile %d has hit an entity %d (%s) at {%.02f, %.02f, %.02f} (coeff %.03f)", m_UniqueID, EntityCollisionCallback.GetHitEntity()->GetUniqueID(), EntityCollisionCallback.GetHitEntity()->GetClass(), HitPos.x, HitPos.y, HitPos.z, EntityCollisionCallback.GetMinCoeff() ); OnHitEntity(*(EntityCollisionCallback.GetHitEntity()), HitPos); } // TODO: Test the entities in the neighboring chunks, too // Update the position: SetPosition(NextPos); // Add slowdown and gravity effect to the speed: Vector3d NewSpeed(GetSpeed()); NewSpeed.y += m_Gravity / 20; NewSpeed *= TracerCallback.GetSlowdownCoeff(); SetSpeed(NewSpeed); SetRotationFromSpeed(); SetPitchFromSpeed(); // DEBUG: LOGD("Projectile %d: pos {%.02f, %.02f, %.02f}, speed {%.02f, %.02f, %.02f}, rot {%.02f, %.02f}", m_UniqueID, GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), GetSpeedX(), GetSpeedY(), GetSpeedZ(), GetRotation(), GetPitch() ); }
/// Moves pickups from above this hopper into it. Returns true if the contents have changed. bool cHopperEntity::MovePickupsIn(cChunk & a_Chunk, Int64 a_CurrentTick) { UNUSED(a_CurrentTick); class cHopperPickupSearchCallback : public cEntityCallback { public: cHopperPickupSearchCallback(const Vector3i & a_Pos, cItemGrid & a_Contents) : m_Pos(a_Pos), m_bFoundPickupsAbove(false), m_Contents(a_Contents) { } virtual bool Item(cEntity * a_Entity) override { ASSERT(a_Entity != NULL); if (!a_Entity->IsPickup() || a_Entity->IsDestroyed()) { return false; } Vector3f EntityPos = a_Entity->GetPosition(); Vector3f BlockPos(m_Pos.x + 0.5f, (float)m_Pos.y + 1, m_Pos.z + 0.5f); // One block above hopper, and search from center outwards double Distance = (EntityPos - BlockPos).Length(); if (Distance < 0.5) { if (TrySuckPickupIn((cPickup *)a_Entity)) { return false; } } return false; } bool TrySuckPickupIn(cPickup * a_Pickup) { cItem & Item = a_Pickup->GetItem(); for (int i = 0; i < ContentsWidth * ContentsHeight; i++) { if (m_Contents.IsSlotEmpty(i)) { m_bFoundPickupsAbove = true; m_Contents.SetSlot(i, Item); a_Pickup->Destroy(); // Kill pickup return true; } else if (m_Contents.GetSlot(i).IsEqual(Item) && !m_Contents.GetSlot(i).IsFullStack()) { m_bFoundPickupsAbove = true; int PreviousCount = m_Contents.GetSlot(i).m_ItemCount; Item.m_ItemCount -= m_Contents.ChangeSlotCount(i, Item.m_ItemCount) - PreviousCount; // Set count to however many items were added if (Item.IsEmpty()) { a_Pickup->Destroy(); // Kill pickup if all items were added } return true; } } return false; } bool FoundPickupsAbove(void) const { return m_bFoundPickupsAbove; } protected: Vector3i m_Pos; bool m_bFoundPickupsAbove; cItemGrid & m_Contents; }; cHopperPickupSearchCallback HopperPickupSearchCallback(Vector3i(GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ()), m_Contents); a_Chunk.ForEachEntity(HopperPickupSearchCallback); return HopperPickupSearchCallback.FoundPickupsAbove(); }
void cFloater::Tick(float a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk) { HandlePhysics(a_Dt, a_Chunk); if (IsBlockWater(m_World->GetBlock((int) GetPosX(), (int) GetPosY(), (int) GetPosZ())) && m_World->GetBlockMeta((int) GetPosX(), (int) GetPosY(), (int) GetPosZ()) == 0) { if ((!m_CanPickupItem) && (m_AttachedMobID == -1)) // Check if you can't already pickup a fish and if the floater isn't attached to a mob. { if (m_CountDownTime <= 0) { m_World->BroadcastSoundEffect("random.splash", GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), 1, 1); SetPosY(GetPosY() - 1); m_CanPickupItem = true; m_PickupCountDown = 20; m_CountDownTime = 100 + m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(800); LOGD("Floater %i can be picked up", GetUniqueID()); } else if (m_CountDownTime == 20) // Calculate the position where the particles should spawn and start producing them. { LOGD("Started producing particles for floater %i", GetUniqueID()); m_ParticlePos.Set(GetPosX() + (-4 + m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(8)), GetPosY(), GetPosZ() + (-4 + m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(8))); m_World->BroadcastParticleEffect("splash", (float) m_ParticlePos.x, (float) m_ParticlePos.y, (float) m_ParticlePos.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15); } else if (m_CountDownTime < 20) { m_ParticlePos = (m_ParticlePos + (GetPosition() - m_ParticlePos) / 6); m_World->BroadcastParticleEffect("splash", (float) m_ParticlePos.x, (float) m_ParticlePos.y, (float) m_ParticlePos.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15); } m_CountDownTime--; if (m_World->GetHeight((int) GetPosX(), (int) GetPosZ()) == (int) GetPosY()) { if (m_World->IsWeatherWet() && m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(3) == 0) // 25% chance of an extra countdown when being rained on. { m_CountDownTime--; } } else // if the floater is underground it has a 50% chance of not decreasing the countdown. { if (m_World->GetTickRandomNumber(1) == 0) { m_CountDownTime++; } } } SetSpeedY(0.7); } if (CanPickup()) // Make sure the floater "loses its fish" { m_PickupCountDown--; if (m_PickupCountDown == 0) { m_CanPickupItem = false; LOGD("The fish is gone. Floater %i can not pick an item up.", GetUniqueID()); } } if ((GetSpeed().Length() > 4) && (m_AttachedMobID == -1)) { cFloaterEntityCollisionCallback Callback(this, GetPosition(), GetPosition() + GetSpeed() / 20); a_Chunk.ForEachEntity(Callback); if (Callback.HasHit()) { AttachTo(Callback.GetHitEntity()); Callback.GetHitEntity()->TakeDamage(*this); // TODO: the player attacked the mob not the floater. m_AttachedMobID = Callback.GetHitEntity()->GetUniqueID(); } } cFloaterCheckEntityExist EntityCallback; m_World->DoWithEntityByID(m_PlayerID, EntityCallback); if (!EntityCallback.DoesExist()) // The owner doesn't exist anymore. Destroy the floater entity. { Destroy(true); } if (m_AttachedMobID != -1) { m_World->DoWithEntityByID(m_AttachedMobID, EntityCallback); // The mob the floater was attached to doesn't exist anymore. if (!EntityCallback.DoesExist()) { m_AttachedMobID = -1; } } SetSpeedX(GetSpeedX() * 0.95); SetSpeedZ(GetSpeedZ() * 0.95); BroadcastMovementUpdate(); }