Пример #1
void WarmCallInfo::init(JVMState* call_site, ciMethod* call_method, ciCallProfile& profile, float prof_factor) {
  int call_count = profile.count();
  int code_size = call_method->code_size();

  // Expected execution count is based on the historical count:
  _count = call_count < 0 ? 1 : call_site->method()->scale_count(call_count, prof_factor);

  // Expected profit from inlining, in units of simple call-overheads.
  _profit = 1.0;

  // Expected work performed by the call in units of call-overheads.
  // %%% need an empirical curve fit for "work" (time in call)
  float bytecodes_per_call = 3;
  _work = 1.0 + code_size / bytecodes_per_call;

  // Expected size of compilation graph:
  // -XX:+PrintParseStatistics once reported:
  //  Methods seen: 9184  Methods parsed: 9184  Nodes created: 1582391
  //  Histogram of 144298 parsed bytecodes:
  // %%% Need an better predictor for graph size.
// return true if ok
// Relocated from "InliningClosure::try_to_inline"
bool InlineTree::try_to_inline(ciMethod* callee_method, ciMethod* caller_method,
                               int caller_bci, JVMState* jvms, ciCallProfile& profile,
                               WarmCallInfo* wci_result, bool& should_delay) {

  if (ClipInlining && (int)count_inline_bcs() >= DesiredMethodLimit) {
    if (!callee_method->force_inline() || !IncrementalInline) {
      set_msg("size > DesiredMethodLimit");
      return false;
    } else if (!C->inlining_incrementally()) {
      should_delay = true;

  _forced_inline = false; // Reset
  if (!should_inline(callee_method, caller_method, caller_bci, profile,
                     wci_result)) {
    return false;
  if (should_not_inline(callee_method, caller_method, jvms, wci_result)) {
    return false;

  if (InlineAccessors && callee_method->is_accessor()) {
    // accessor methods are not subject to any of the following limits.
    return true;

  // suppress a few checks for accessors and trivial methods
  if (callee_method->code_size() > MaxTrivialSize) {

    // don't inline into giant methods
    if (C->over_inlining_cutoff()) {
      if ((!callee_method->force_inline() && !caller_method->is_compiled_lambda_form())
          || !IncrementalInline) {
        return false;
      } else {
        should_delay = true;

    if ((!UseInterpreter || CompileTheWorld) &&
        is_init_with_ea(callee_method, caller_method, C)) {
      // Escape Analysis stress testing when running Xcomp or CTW:
      // inline constructors even if they are not reached.
    } else if (forced_inline()) {
      // Inlining was forced by CompilerOracle, ciReplay or annotation
    } else if (profile.count() == 0) {
      // don't inline unreached call sites
       set_msg("call site not reached");
       return false;

  if (!C->do_inlining() && InlineAccessors) {
    set_msg("not an accessor");
    return false;

  // Limit inlining depth in case inlining is forced or
  // _max_inline_level was increased to compensate for lambda forms.
  if (inline_level() > MaxForceInlineLevel) {
    return false;
  if (inline_level() > _max_inline_level) {
    if (!callee_method->force_inline() || !IncrementalInline) {
      set_msg("inlining too deep");
      return false;
    } else if (!C->inlining_incrementally()) {
      should_delay = true;

  // detect direct and indirect recursive inlining
    // count the current method and the callee
    const bool is_compiled_lambda_form = callee_method->is_compiled_lambda_form();
    int inline_level = 0;
    if (!is_compiled_lambda_form) {
      if (method() == callee_method) {
    // count callers of current method and callee
    Node* callee_argument0 = is_compiled_lambda_form ? jvms->map()->argument(jvms, 0)->uncast() : NULL;
    for (JVMState* j = jvms->caller(); j != NULL && j->has_method(); j = j->caller()) {
      if (j->method() == callee_method) {
        if (is_compiled_lambda_form) {
          // Since compiled lambda forms are heavily reused we allow recursive inlining.  If it is truly
          // a recursion (using the same "receiver") we limit inlining otherwise we can easily blow the
          // compiler stack.
          Node* caller_argument0 = j->map()->argument(j, 0)->uncast();
          if (caller_argument0 == callee_argument0) {
        } else {
    if (inline_level > MaxRecursiveInlineLevel) {
      set_msg("recursive inlining is too deep");
      return false;

  int size = callee_method->code_size_for_inlining();

  if (ClipInlining && (int)count_inline_bcs() + size >= DesiredMethodLimit) {
    if (!callee_method->force_inline() || !IncrementalInline) {
      set_msg("size > DesiredMethodLimit");
      return false;
    } else if (!C->inlining_incrementally()) {
      should_delay = true;

  // ok, inline this method
  return true;
// positive filter: should callee be inlined?
bool InlineTree::should_inline(ciMethod* callee_method, ciMethod* caller_method,
                               int caller_bci, ciCallProfile& profile,
                               WarmCallInfo* wci_result) {
  // Allows targeted inlining
  if (C->directive()->should_inline(callee_method)) {
    *wci_result = *(WarmCallInfo::always_hot());
    if (C->print_inlining() && Verbose) {
      tty->print_cr("Inlined method is hot: ");
    set_msg("force inline by CompileCommand");
    _forced_inline = true;
    return true;

  if (callee_method->force_inline()) {
      set_msg("force inline by annotation");
      _forced_inline = true;
      return true;
  int inline_depth = inline_level()+1;
  if (CacheProfiles && ciCacheReplay::should_inline(CompilerThread::current()->get_cache_replay_state(), callee_method, caller_bci, inline_depth)) {
	//tty->print_cr("force inline by ciCacheReplay");
    set_msg("force inline by ciCacheReplay");
    _forced_inline = true;
    return true;
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (ciReplay::should_inline(C->replay_inline_data(), callee_method, caller_bci, inline_depth)) {
    set_msg("force inline by ciReplay");
    _forced_inline = true;
    return true;

  int size = callee_method->code_size_for_inlining();

  // Check for too many throws (and not too huge)
  if(callee_method->interpreter_throwout_count() > InlineThrowCount &&
     size < InlineThrowMaxSize ) {
    wci_result->set_profit(wci_result->profit() * 100);
    if (C->print_inlining() && Verbose) {
      tty->print_cr("Inlined method with many throws (throws=%d):", callee_method->interpreter_throwout_count());
    set_msg("many throws");
    return true;

  int default_max_inline_size = C->max_inline_size();
  int inline_small_code_size  = InlineSmallCode / 4;
  int max_inline_size         = default_max_inline_size;

  int call_site_count  = method()->scale_count(profile.count());
  int invoke_count     = method()->interpreter_invocation_count();

  assert(invoke_count != 0, "require invocation count greater than zero");
  int freq = call_site_count / invoke_count;

  // bump the max size if the call is frequent
  if ((freq >= InlineFrequencyRatio) ||
      (call_site_count >= InlineFrequencyCount) ||
      is_unboxing_method(callee_method, C) ||
      is_init_with_ea(callee_method, caller_method, C)) {

    max_inline_size = C->freq_inline_size();
    if (size <= max_inline_size && TraceFrequencyInlining) {
      tty->print_cr("Inlined frequent method (freq=%d count=%d):", freq, call_site_count);
  } else {
    // Not hot.  Check for medium-sized pre-existing nmethod at cold sites.
    if (callee_method->has_compiled_code() &&
        callee_method->instructions_size() > inline_small_code_size) {
	  // we force inlining when the caller is cached (to make sure that we replay correctly)
//	  if (ciCacheProfiles::is_cached(caller_method->get_Method())) {
//		set_msg("force inline by ciCacheProfiles (over compiled into medium method)");
//		_forced_inline = true;
//		return true;
//	  }
      set_msg("already compiled into a medium method");
      return false;
  if (size > max_inline_size) {
    if (max_inline_size > default_max_inline_size) {
      set_msg("hot method too big");
    } else {
      set_msg("too big");
    return false;
  return true;