Пример #1
Rect getRect(const Mat im, const string win_name)

    win_name_ = win_name;
    im_select = im;
    tl_set = false;
    br_set = false;

    setMouseCallback(win_name, onMouse);

    //Dummy call to get drawing right


    setMouseCallback(win_name, NULL);

    im_select.release(); //im_select is in global scope, so we call release manually

    return Rect(tl,br);
Пример #2
void FingerTracker::Setup()
	VideoCapture capture(0);
	if (!capture.isOpened())
		throw std::runtime_error("Could not start camera capture");

	int windowSize = 25;
	int Xpos = 200;
	int Ypos = 50;
	int update = 0;
	int buttonClicked = 0;
	namedWindow("RGB", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	createTrackbar("X", "RGB",  &Xpos, 320, TrackBarCallback, (void*)&update);
	createTrackbar("Y", "RGB",  &Ypos, 240, TrackBarCallback, (void*)&update);
	createTrackbar("Size", "RGB",  &windowSize, 100, TrackBarCallback, (void*)&update);
	setMouseCallback("RGB", MouseCallback, (void*)&buttonClicked);
	Mat fingerWindowBackground, fingerWindowBackgroundGray;

	m_calibrationData.reset(new CalibrationData());
	bool ticking = false;
	std::chrono::system_clock::time_point start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    while (true)
		Mat frame, frameHSV;

		if (capture.read(frame))
			flip(frame, frame, 1);

			pyrDown(frame, frame, Size(frame.cols / 2, frame.rows / 2));

			Rect fingerWindow(Point(Xpos, Ypos), Size(windowSize, windowSize*3));
			if (Xpos + windowSize >= frame.cols || Ypos + windowSize*3 >= frame.rows)
				windowSize = 20;
				Xpos = 200;
				Ypos = 50;
				update = 0;
			else if (buttonClicked == 1)
				cvtColor(fingerWindowBackground, fingerWindowBackgroundGray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
				buttonClicked  = 0;
				update = 0;

			if (fingerWindowBackgroundGray.rows && !m_calibrationData->m_ready)
				Mat diff, thd;
				absdiff(frame(fingerWindow), fingerWindowBackground, diff);
				std::vector<Mat> ch;
				split(diff, ch);
				threshold(ch[0], ch[0], m_calibrationDiffThreshold, 255, 0);
				threshold(ch[1], ch[1], m_calibrationDiffThreshold, 255, 0);
				threshold(ch[2], ch[2], m_calibrationDiffThreshold, 255, 0);
				thd = ch[0];
				add(thd, ch[1], thd);
				add(thd, ch[2], thd);
				medianBlur(thd, thd, 5);

				Mat top, middle, bottom;
				Rect r1 = Rect(0, 0, thd.cols, thd.rows/3);
				Rect r2 = Rect(0, thd.rows / 3 + 1, thd.cols, thd.rows/3);
				Rect r3 = Rect(0, thd.rows * 2 / 3 + 1, thd.cols, thd.rows -  thd.rows * 2 / 3 - 1);
				top = thd(r1);
				middle = thd(r2);
				bottom = thd(r3);			

				auto percentageTop = countNonZero(top) * 100.0 / top.size().area();
				auto percentageMiddle = countNonZero(middle) * 100.0 / middle.size().area();
				auto percentageBottom = countNonZero(bottom) * 100.0 / bottom.size().area();

				bool topReady = false;
				bool middleReady = false;
				bool bottomReady = false;

				Scalar c1, c2, c3;
				if (percentageTop > m_calibrationTopLowerThd && percentageTop < m_calibrationTopUpperThd)
					topReady = true;
					c1 = Scalar(0, 255, 255);
					c1 = Scalar(0, 0, 255);

				if (percentageMiddle > m_calibrationMiddleLowerThd && percentageMiddle < m_calibrationMiddleUppperThd)
					middleReady = true;					
					c2 = Scalar(0, 255, 255);
					c2 = Scalar(0, 0, 255);

				if (percentageBottom > m_calibrationBottomLowerThd && percentageBottom < m_calibrationBottomUpperThd)
					bottomReady = true;
					c3 = Scalar(0, 255, 255);
					c3 = Scalar(0, 0, 255);

				bool readyToGo = false;
				if (middleReady && topReady && bottomReady)
					c1 = Scalar(0, 255, 0);
					c2 = Scalar(0, 255, 0);
					c3 = Scalar(0, 255, 0);
					if (!ticking)
						start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
						ticking = true;
					if (std::chrono::system_clock::now() - start > std::chrono::seconds(1))
						readyToGo = true;
					ticking = false;

				std::stringstream ss;
				ss << percentageTop << ", " << percentageMiddle << ", " << percentageBottom;
				putText(frame, ss.str(), Point(0, getTextSize(ss.str(), 0, 0.5, 1, nullptr).height), 0, 0.5, Scalar::all(255), 1);
				cv::imshow("Thresholded", thd);

				if (percentageTop >= m_calibrationTopUpperThd && percentageBottom >= m_calibrationBottomUpperThd && percentageMiddle >= m_calibrationMiddleUppperThd)
					putText(frame, "Move finger away from camera", Point(0, getTextSize("Move finger away from camera", 0, 0.5, 1, nullptr).height), 0, 0.5, Scalar::all(255), 1);
				else if (percentageTop <= m_calibrationTopLowerThd && percentageBottom <= m_calibrationBottomLowerThd && percentageMiddle <= m_calibrationMiddleLowerThd)
					putText(frame, "Move finger closer to camera", Point(0, getTextSize("Move finger closer to camera", 0, 0.5, 1, nullptr).height), 0, 0.5, Scalar::all(255), 1);
				if (readyToGo)
					Mat framePatchHSV;
					cvtColor(frame(fingerWindow), framePatchHSV, CV_BGR2HSV);
					cvtColor(frame, frameHSV, CV_BGR2HSV);

					MatND hist;
					calcHist(&framePatchHSV, 1, m_calibrationData->m_channels, thd, hist, 2, m_calibrationData->m_histSize, (const float**)m_calibrationData->m_ranges, true, false);
					m_calibrationData->m_hist = hist;
					normalize(m_calibrationData->m_hist, m_calibrationData->m_hist, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());


					double maxVal=0;
					minMaxLoc(m_calibrationData->m_hist, 0, &maxVal, 0, 0);
					int scale = 10;
					Mat histImg = Mat::zeros(m_calibrationData->m_sbins*scale, m_calibrationData->m_hbins*10, CV_8UC3);
					for( int h = 0; h < m_calibrationData->m_hbins; h++)
						for( int s = 0; s < m_calibrationData->m_sbins; s++ )
							float binVal = m_calibrationData->m_hist.at<float>(h, s);
							int intensity = cvRound(binVal*255/maxVal);
							rectangle( histImg, Point(h*scale, s*scale),
										Point( (h+1)*scale - 1, (s+1)*scale - 1),
										CV_FILLED );

					imshow("H-S Histogram", histImg);
					m_calibrationData->m_ready = true;
					m_calibrationData->m_fingerRect = fingerWindow;
					m_currentCandidate.m_windowRect = fingerWindow;
					m_currentCandidate.m_fingerPosition = fingerWindow.tl();

				rectangle(frame, r1.tl() + fingerWindow.tl(), r1.br() + fingerWindow.tl(), c1);
				rectangle(frame, r2.tl() + fingerWindow.tl(), r2.br() + fingerWindow.tl(), c2);
				rectangle(frame, r3.tl() + fingerWindow.tl(), r3.br() + fingerWindow.tl(), c3);
				imshow("Calibration", frame);
				int baseline = 0;
				putText(frame, "Adjust calibration window, click when ready", Point(0, getTextSize("Adjust calibration window", 0, 0.4, 2, &baseline).height), 0, 0.4, Scalar::all(255), 1);
				rectangle(frame, fingerWindow.tl(), fingerWindow.br(), Scalar(0, 0, 255));
				imshow("RGB", frame);
			auto key = cvWaitKey(10);
			if (char(key) == 27)