Пример #1
renderer_i::texture sfml2_renderer::make_text_label(const std::u32string& text,
                                                    const color& fill,
                                                    const font& font,
                                                    float point_size,
                                                    text_style style)
    const sfml2_font& tmp = dynamic_cast<const sfml2_font&>(*font);
    const sf::Font& sffont = tmp.sf_font();

    sf::String str(reinterpret_cast<const sf::Uint32*>(text.c_str()));
    sf::Text label(str, sffont, (int)point_size);
    sf::RenderTexture rt;

    auto size = label.getLocalBounds();
    if (!rt.create(size.width + 1, font->height(point_size) + 1))
        throw std::runtime_error("cannot create sf::RenderTexture");

    label.move(0, -label.getLocalBounds().top);
    return texture{new sfml2_texture{rt.getTexture()}};
Пример #2
	void graphics_context::draw_glyph_underline(const point& aPoint, const glyph& aGlyph, const font& aFont, const colour& aColour) const
		auto yLine = logical_coordinates()[1] > logical_coordinates()[3] ?
			(aFont.height() + aFont.descender()) - std::ceil(aFont.native_font_face().underline_position()) :
			-aFont.descender() + std::ceil(aFont.native_font_face().underline_position());
		const i_glyph_texture& glyphTexture = !aGlyph.use_fallback() ? aFont.native_font_face().glyph_texture(aGlyph) : aGlyph.fallback_font(aFont).native_font_face().glyph_texture(aGlyph);
			aPoint + point{ glyphTexture.placement().x, yLine },
			aPoint + point{ glyphTexture.placement().x + glyphTexture.extents().cx, yLine },
			pen{ aColour, std::ceil(aFont.native_font_face().underline_thickness()) });
Пример #3
		static neogfx::size extents(const font& aFont, const_iterator aBegin, const_iterator aEnd)
			neogfx::size result;
			bool usingNormal = false;
			bool usingFallback = false;
			for (glyph_text::const_iterator i = aBegin; i != aEnd; ++i)
				result.cx += i->advance().cx;
				if (!i->use_fallback())
					usingNormal = true;
					usingFallback = true;
			if (usingNormal || !usingFallback)
				result.cy = aFont.height();
			if (usingFallback)
				result.cy = std::max(result.cy, aFont.fallback().height());
			return neogfx::size(std::ceil(result.cx), std::ceil(result.cy));
Пример #4
	size graphics_context::multiline_text_extent(const string& aText, const font& aFont, dimension aMaxWidth, bool aUseCache) const
		const auto& glyphText = aUseCache && !iGlyphTextCache->empty() ? *iGlyphTextCache : to_glyph_text(aText.begin(), aText.end(), aFont);
		if (aUseCache && iGlyphTextCache->empty())
			*iGlyphTextCache = glyphText;
		typedef std::pair<glyph_text::const_iterator, glyph_text::const_iterator> line_t;
		typedef std::vector<line_t> lines_t;
		lines_t lines;
		std::array<glyph, 2> delimeters = { glyph(text_direction::Whitespace, '\r'), glyph(text_direction::Whitespace, '\n') };
		neolib::tokens(glyphText.cbegin(), glyphText.cend(), delimeters.begin(), delimeters.end(), lines, 0, false);
		size result;
		for (lines_t::const_iterator i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i)
			if (aMaxWidth == 0)
				size lineExtent = from_device_units(glyph_text::extents(aFont, i->first, i->second));
				result.cx = std::max(result.cx, lineExtent.cx);
				result.cy += lineExtent.cy;
				glyph_text::const_iterator next = i->first;
				glyph_text::const_iterator lineStart = next;
				glyph_text::const_iterator lineEnd = i->second;
				dimension maxWidth = to_device_units(size(aMaxWidth, 0)).cx;
				dimension lineWidth = 0;
				bool gotLine = false;
				while(next != i->second)
					if (lineWidth + next->advance().cx > maxWidth)
						std::pair<glyph_text::const_iterator, glyph_text::const_iterator> wordBreak = glyphText.word_break(lineStart, next);
						lineWidth -= glyph_text::extents(aFont, wordBreak.first, next).cx;
						lineEnd = wordBreak.first;
						next = wordBreak.second;
						if (lineEnd == next)
							while(lineEnd != i->second && (lineEnd + 1)->source() == wordBreak.first->source())
							next = lineEnd;
						gotLine = true;
						lineWidth += next->advance().cx;
					if (gotLine || next == i->second)
						result.cx = std::max(result.cx, from_device_units(size(lineWidth, 0)).cx);
						result.cy += from_device_units(glyph_text::extents(aFont, i->first, i->second)).cy;
						lineStart = next;
						lineEnd = i->second;
						lineWidth = 0;
						gotLine = false;
		if (result.cy == 0)
			result.cy = from_device_units(size(0, aFont.height())).cy;
		return result;
Пример #5
/// Toogle button style
void TBtStyle::draw_toggle_button( const canvas& c, const rectangle& rect, const bool enabled,
                                   const font& mfont, const long lastx, const long lasty,
                                   const ustring& name, const bool is_depressed, const bool is_checked ) const
    rectangle area = rect.intersect( c );
    if ( area.is_empty() )

    unsigned char red, green, blue;
    if ( enabled )
        red = 0;
        green = 0;
        blue = 0;
        red = 128;
        green = 128;
        blue = 128;

    // compute the name length if it hasn't already been computed
    if ( name_width == 0 )
        unsigned long height;
        mfont.compute_size( name, name_width, height );

    // figure out where the name string should appear
    rectangle name_rect;
    const unsigned long width = name_width;
    const unsigned long height = mfont.height();
    name_rect.set_left(( rect.right() + rect.left() - width ) / 2 );
    name_rect.set_top(( rect.bottom() + rect.top() - height ) / 2 + 1 );
    name_rect.set_right( name_rect.left() + width - 1 );
    name_rect.set_bottom( name_rect.top() + height );

    long d = 0;
    if ( is_checked )
        d = 1;

    if ( is_depressed )
        d = 2;

    name_rect.set_left( name_rect.left() + d );
    name_rect.set_right( name_rect.right() + d );
    name_rect.set_top( name_rect.top() + d );
    name_rect.set_bottom( name_rect.bottom() + d );

    // now draw the edge of the button
    if ( is_checked || is_depressed )
        fill_rect_with_vertical_gradient( c, rect, rgb_pixel( 233, 241, 246 ), rgb_pixel( 197, 220, 232 ) );
        mfont.draw_string( c, name_rect, name, rgb_pixel( red, green, blue ) );
        draw_button_down( c, rect );
        fill_rect_with_vertical_gradient( c, rect, rgb_pixel( 241, 241, 241 ), rgb_pixel( 210, 210, 210 ) );
        mfont.draw_string( c, name_rect, name, rgb_pixel( red, green, blue ) );
        draw_button_up( c, rect );