Пример #1
 * Alpha test support for when we compile it into the shader instead
 * of using the normal fixed-function alpha test.
   assert(stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT);
   brw_wm_prog_key *key = (brw_wm_prog_key*) this->key;
   const fs_builder abld = bld.annotate("Alpha test");

   fs_inst *cmp;
   if (key->alpha_test_func == GL_ALWAYS)

   if (key->alpha_test_func == GL_NEVER) {
      /* f0.1 = 0 */
      fs_reg some_reg = fs_reg(retype(brw_vec8_grf(0, 0),
      cmp = abld.CMP(bld.null_reg_f(), some_reg, some_reg,
   } else {
      /* RT0 alpha */
      fs_reg color = offset(outputs[0], bld, 3);

      /* f0.1 &= func(color, ref) */
      cmp = abld.CMP(bld.null_reg_f(), color, fs_reg(key->alpha_test_ref),
   cmp->predicate = BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL;
   cmp->flag_subreg = 1;
Пример #2
   assert(devinfo->gen >= 7);
   const uint32_t barrier_id_mask =
      devinfo->gen >= 9 ? 0x8f000000u : 0x0f000000u;

   /* We are getting the barrier ID from the compute shader header */
   assert(stage == MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE);

   fs_reg payload = fs_reg(VGRF, alloc.allocate(1), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD);

   const fs_builder pbld = bld.exec_all().group(8, 0);

   /* Clear the message payload */
   pbld.MOV(payload, brw_imm_ud(0u));

   /* Copy the barrier id from r0.2 to the message payload reg.2 */
   fs_reg r0_2 = fs_reg(retype(brw_vec1_grf(0, 2), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD));
   pbld.AND(component(payload, 2), r0_2, brw_imm_ud(barrier_id_mask));

   /* Emit a gateway "barrier" message using the payload we set up, followed
    * by a wait instruction.
   bld.exec_all().emit(SHADER_OPCODE_BARRIER, reg_undef, payload);
Пример #3
 * Lower legacy fixed-function and gl_ClipVertex clipping to clip distances.
 * This does nothing if the shader uses gl_ClipDistance or user clipping is
 * disabled altogether.
void fs_visitor::compute_clip_distance(gl_clip_plane *clip_planes)
   struct brw_vue_prog_data *vue_prog_data =
      (struct brw_vue_prog_data *) prog_data;
   const struct brw_vs_prog_key *key =
      (const struct brw_vs_prog_key *) this->key;

   /* Bail unless some sort of legacy clipping is enabled */
   if (key->nr_userclip_plane_consts == 0)

   /* From the GLSL 1.30 spec, section 7.1 (Vertex Shader Special Variables):
    *     "If a linked set of shaders forming the vertex stage contains no
    *     static write to gl_ClipVertex or gl_ClipDistance, but the
    *     application has requested clipping against user clip planes through
    *     the API, then the coordinate written to gl_Position is used for
    *     comparison against the user clip planes."
    * This function is only called if the shader didn't write to
    * gl_ClipDistance.  Accordingly, we use gl_ClipVertex to perform clipping
    * if the user wrote to it; otherwise we use gl_Position.

   gl_varying_slot clip_vertex = VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_VERTEX;
   if (!(vue_prog_data->vue_map.slots_valid & VARYING_BIT_CLIP_VERTEX))
      clip_vertex = VARYING_SLOT_POS;

   /* If the clip vertex isn't written, skip this.  Typically this means
    * the GS will set up clipping. */
   if (outputs[clip_vertex].file == BAD_FILE)


   const fs_builder abld = bld.annotate("user clip distances");

   this->outputs[VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST0] = vgrf(glsl_type::vec4_type);
   this->output_components[VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST0] = 4;
   this->outputs[VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST1] = vgrf(glsl_type::vec4_type);
   this->output_components[VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST1] = 4;

   for (int i = 0; i < key->nr_userclip_plane_consts; i++) {
      fs_reg u = userplane[i];
      fs_reg output = outputs[VARYING_SLOT_CLIP_DIST0 + i / 4];
      output.reg_offset = i & 3;

      abld.MUL(output, outputs[clip_vertex], u);
      for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
         u.nr = userplane[i].nr + j;
         abld.MAD(output, output, offset(outputs[clip_vertex], bld, j), u);
Пример #4
       * Emit an untyped surface atomic opcode.  \p dims determines the number
       * of components of the address and \p rsize the number of components of
       * the returned value (either zero or one).
      emit_untyped_atomic(const fs_builder &bld,
                          const fs_reg &surface, const fs_reg &addr,
                          const fs_reg &src0, const fs_reg &src1,
                          unsigned dims, unsigned rsize, unsigned op,
                          brw_predicate pred)
         /* FINISHME: Factor out this frequently recurring pattern into a
          * helper function.
         const unsigned n = (src0.file != BAD_FILE) + (src1.file != BAD_FILE);
         const fs_reg srcs[] = { src0, src1 };
         const fs_reg tmp = bld.vgrf(BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD, n);
         bld.LOAD_PAYLOAD(tmp, srcs, n, 0);

         return emit_send(bld, SHADER_OPCODE_UNTYPED_ATOMIC_LOGICAL,
                          addr, tmp, surface, dims, op, rsize, pred);
Пример #5
fs_visitor::emit_urb_writes(const fs_reg &gs_vertex_count)
   int slot, urb_offset, length;
   int starting_urb_offset = 0;
   const struct brw_vue_prog_data *vue_prog_data =
      (const struct brw_vue_prog_data *) this->prog_data;
   const struct brw_vs_prog_key *vs_key =
      (const struct brw_vs_prog_key *) this->key;
   const GLbitfield64 psiz_mask =
   const struct brw_vue_map *vue_map = &vue_prog_data->vue_map;
   bool flush;
   fs_reg sources[8];

   /* If we don't have any valid slots to write, just do a minimal urb write
    * send to terminate the shader.  This includes 1 slot of undefined data,
    * because it's invalid to write 0 data:
    * From the Broadwell PRM, Volume 7: 3D Media GPGPU, Shared Functions -
    * Unified Return Buffer (URB) > URB_SIMD8_Write and URB_SIMD8_Read >
    * Write Data Payload:
    *    "The write data payload can be between 1 and 8 message phases long."
   if (vue_map->slots_valid == 0) {
      fs_reg payload = fs_reg(VGRF, alloc.allocate(2), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD);
      bld.exec_all().MOV(payload, fs_reg(retype(brw_vec8_grf(1, 0),

      fs_inst *inst = bld.emit(SHADER_OPCODE_URB_WRITE_SIMD8, reg_undef, payload);
      inst->eot = true;
      inst->mlen = 2;
      inst->offset = 1;

   opcode opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_URB_WRITE_SIMD8;
   int header_size = 1;
   fs_reg per_slot_offsets;

   if (stage == MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY) {
      const struct brw_gs_prog_data *gs_prog_data =
         (const struct brw_gs_prog_data *) this->prog_data;

      /* We need to increment the Global Offset to skip over the control data
       * header and the extra "Vertex Count" field (1 HWord) at the beginning
       * of the VUE.  We're counting in OWords, so the units are doubled.
      starting_urb_offset = 2 * gs_prog_data->control_data_header_size_hwords;
      if (gs_prog_data->static_vertex_count == -1)
         starting_urb_offset += 2;

      /* We also need to use per-slot offsets.  The per-slot offset is the
       * Vertex Count.  SIMD8 mode processes 8 different primitives at a
       * time; each may output a different number of vertices.

      /* The URB offset is in 128-bit units, so we need to multiply by 2 */
      const int output_vertex_size_owords =
         gs_prog_data->output_vertex_size_hwords * 2;

      fs_reg offset;
      if (gs_vertex_count.file == IMM) {
         per_slot_offsets = fs_reg(output_vertex_size_owords *
      } else {
         per_slot_offsets = vgrf(glsl_type::int_type);
         bld.MUL(per_slot_offsets, gs_vertex_count,

   length = 0;
   urb_offset = starting_urb_offset;
   flush = false;
   for (slot = 0; slot < vue_map->num_slots; slot++) {
      int varying = vue_map->slot_to_varying[slot];
      switch (varying) {
      case VARYING_SLOT_PSIZ: {
         /* The point size varying slot is the vue header and is always in the
          * vue map.  But often none of the special varyings that live there
          * are written and in that case we can skip writing to the vue
          * header, provided the corresponding state properly clamps the
          * values further down the pipeline. */
         if ((vue_map->slots_valid & psiz_mask) == 0) {
            assert(length == 0);

         fs_reg zero(VGRF, alloc.allocate(1), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD);
         bld.MOV(zero, fs_reg(0u));

         sources[length++] = zero;
         if (vue_map->slots_valid & VARYING_BIT_LAYER)
            sources[length++] = this->outputs[VARYING_SLOT_LAYER];
            sources[length++] = zero;

         if (vue_map->slots_valid & VARYING_BIT_VIEWPORT)
            sources[length++] = this->outputs[VARYING_SLOT_VIEWPORT];
            sources[length++] = zero;

         if (vue_map->slots_valid & VARYING_BIT_PSIZ)
            sources[length++] = this->outputs[VARYING_SLOT_PSIZ];
            sources[length++] = zero;
         unreachable("unexpected scalar vs output");

         /* gl_Position is always in the vue map, but isn't always written by
          * the shader.  Other varyings (clip distances) get added to the vue
          * map but don't always get written.  In those cases, the
          * corresponding this->output[] slot will be invalid we and can skip
          * the urb write for the varying.  If we've already queued up a vue
          * slot for writing we flush a mlen 5 urb write, otherwise we just
          * advance the urb_offset.
         if (varying == BRW_VARYING_SLOT_PAD ||
             this->outputs[varying].file == BAD_FILE) {
            if (length > 0)
               flush = true;

         if (stage == MESA_SHADER_VERTEX && vs_key->clamp_vertex_color &&
             (varying == VARYING_SLOT_COL0 ||
              varying == VARYING_SLOT_COL1 ||
              varying == VARYING_SLOT_BFC0 ||
              varying == VARYING_SLOT_BFC1)) {
            /* We need to clamp these guys, so do a saturating MOV into a
             * temp register and use that for the payload.
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
               fs_reg reg = fs_reg(VGRF, alloc.allocate(1), outputs[varying].type);
               fs_reg src = offset(this->outputs[varying], bld, i);
               set_saturate(true, bld.MOV(reg, src));
               sources[length++] = reg;
         } else {
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < output_components[varying]; i++)
               sources[length++] = offset(this->outputs[varying], bld, i);
            for (unsigned i = output_components[varying]; i < 4; i++)
               sources[length++] = fs_reg(0);

      const fs_builder abld = bld.annotate("URB write");

      /* If we've queued up 8 registers of payload (2 VUE slots), if this is
       * the last slot or if we need to flush (see BAD_FILE varying case
       * above), emit a URB write send now to flush out the data.
      int last = slot == vue_map->num_slots - 1;
      if (length == 8 || last)
         flush = true;
      if (flush) {
         fs_reg *payload_sources =
            ralloc_array(mem_ctx, fs_reg, length + header_size);
         fs_reg payload = fs_reg(VGRF, alloc.allocate(length + header_size),
         payload_sources[0] =
            fs_reg(retype(brw_vec8_grf(1, 0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD));

         if (opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_URB_WRITE_SIMD8_PER_SLOT)
            payload_sources[1] = per_slot_offsets;

         memcpy(&payload_sources[header_size], sources,
                length * sizeof sources[0]);

         abld.LOAD_PAYLOAD(payload, payload_sources, length + header_size,

         fs_inst *inst = abld.emit(opcode, reg_undef, payload);
         inst->eot = last && stage == MESA_SHADER_VERTEX;
         inst->mlen = length + header_size;
         inst->offset = urb_offset;
         urb_offset = starting_urb_offset + slot + 1;
         length = 0;
         flush = false;
Пример #6
/** Emits the interpolation for the varying inputs. */
   struct brw_reg g1_uw = retype(brw_vec1_grf(1, 0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW);

   fs_builder abld = bld.annotate("compute pixel centers");
   if (devinfo->gen >= 8 || dispatch_width == 8) {
      /* The "Register Region Restrictions" page says for BDW (and newer,
       * presumably):
       *     "When destination spans two registers, the source may be one or
       *      two registers. The destination elements must be evenly split
       *      between the two registers."
       * Thus we can do a single add(16) in SIMD8 or an add(32) in SIMD16 to
       * compute our pixel centers.
      fs_reg int_pixel_xy(VGRF, alloc.allocate(dispatch_width / 8),

      const fs_builder dbld = abld.exec_all().group(dispatch_width * 2, 0);
               fs_reg(stride(suboffset(g1_uw, 4), 1, 4, 0)),

      this->pixel_x = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
      this->pixel_y = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
      abld.emit(FS_OPCODE_PIXEL_X, this->pixel_x, int_pixel_xy);
      abld.emit(FS_OPCODE_PIXEL_Y, this->pixel_y, int_pixel_xy);
   } else {
      /* The "Register Region Restrictions" page says for SNB, IVB, HSW:
       *     "When destination spans two registers, the source MUST span two
       *      registers."
       * Since the GRF source of the ADD will only read a single register, we
       * must do two separate ADDs in SIMD16.
      fs_reg int_pixel_x = vgrf(glsl_type::uint_type);
      fs_reg int_pixel_y = vgrf(glsl_type::uint_type);
      int_pixel_x.type = BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW;
      int_pixel_y.type = BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW;
               fs_reg(stride(suboffset(g1_uw, 4), 2, 4, 0)),
               fs_reg(stride(suboffset(g1_uw, 5), 2, 4, 0)),

      /* As of gen6, we can no longer mix float and int sources.  We have
       * to turn the integer pixel centers into floats for their actual
       * use.
      this->pixel_x = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
      this->pixel_y = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
      abld.MOV(this->pixel_x, int_pixel_x);
      abld.MOV(this->pixel_y, int_pixel_y);

   abld = bld.annotate("compute pos.w");
   this->pixel_w = fs_reg(brw_vec8_grf(payload.source_w_reg, 0));
   this->wpos_w = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
   abld.emit(SHADER_OPCODE_RCP, this->wpos_w, this->pixel_w);

   for (int i = 0; i < BRW_WM_BARYCENTRIC_INTERP_MODE_COUNT; ++i) {
      uint8_t reg = payload.barycentric_coord_reg[i];
      this->delta_xy[i] = fs_reg(brw_vec16_grf(reg, 0));
Пример #7
/** Emits the interpolation for the varying inputs. */
   struct brw_reg g1_uw = retype(brw_vec1_grf(1, 0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW);

   fs_builder abld = bld.annotate("compute pixel centers");
   if (devinfo->gen >= 8 || dispatch_width == 8) {
      /* The "Register Region Restrictions" page says for BDW (and newer,
       * presumably):
       *     "When destination spans two registers, the source may be one or
       *      two registers. The destination elements must be evenly split
       *      between the two registers."
       * Thus we can do a single add(16) in SIMD8 or an add(32) in SIMD16 to
       * compute our pixel centers.
      fs_reg int_pixel_xy(VGRF, alloc.allocate(dispatch_width / 8),

      const fs_builder dbld = abld.exec_all().group(dispatch_width * 2, 0);
               fs_reg(stride(suboffset(g1_uw, 4), 1, 4, 0)),

      this->pixel_x = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
      this->pixel_y = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
      abld.emit(FS_OPCODE_PIXEL_X, this->pixel_x, int_pixel_xy);
      abld.emit(FS_OPCODE_PIXEL_Y, this->pixel_y, int_pixel_xy);
   } else {
      /* The "Register Region Restrictions" page says for SNB, IVB, HSW:
       *     "When destination spans two registers, the source MUST span two
       *      registers."
       * Since the GRF source of the ADD will only read a single register, we
       * must do two separate ADDs in SIMD16.
      fs_reg int_pixel_x = vgrf(glsl_type::uint_type);
      fs_reg int_pixel_y = vgrf(glsl_type::uint_type);
      int_pixel_x.type = BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW;
      int_pixel_y.type = BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW;
               fs_reg(stride(suboffset(g1_uw, 4), 2, 4, 0)),
               fs_reg(stride(suboffset(g1_uw, 5), 2, 4, 0)),

      /* As of gen6, we can no longer mix float and int sources.  We have
       * to turn the integer pixel centers into floats for their actual
       * use.
      this->pixel_x = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
      this->pixel_y = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
      abld.MOV(this->pixel_x, int_pixel_x);
      abld.MOV(this->pixel_y, int_pixel_y);

   abld = bld.annotate("compute pos.w");
   this->pixel_w = fs_reg(brw_vec8_grf(payload.source_w_reg, 0));
   this->wpos_w = vgrf(glsl_type::float_type);
   abld.emit(SHADER_OPCODE_RCP, this->wpos_w, this->pixel_w);

   struct brw_wm_prog_data *wm_prog_data = brw_wm_prog_data(prog_data);
   uint32_t centroid_modes = wm_prog_data->barycentric_interp_modes &

   for (int i = 0; i < BRW_BARYCENTRIC_MODE_COUNT; ++i) {
      uint8_t reg = payload.barycentric_coord_reg[i];
      this->delta_xy[i] = fs_reg(brw_vec16_grf(reg, 0));

      if (devinfo->needs_unlit_centroid_workaround &&
          (centroid_modes & (1 << i))) {
         /* Get the pixel/sample mask into f0 so that we know which
          * pixels are lit.  Then, for each channel that is unlit,
          * replace the centroid data with non-centroid data.

         uint8_t pixel_reg = payload.barycentric_coord_reg[i - 1];

         set_predicate_inv(BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL, true,
                           bld.half(0).MOV(brw_vec8_grf(reg, 0),
                                           brw_vec8_grf(pixel_reg, 0)));
         set_predicate_inv(BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL, true,
                           bld.half(0).MOV(brw_vec8_grf(reg + 1, 0),
                                           brw_vec8_grf(pixel_reg + 1, 0)));
         if (dispatch_width == 16) {
            set_predicate_inv(BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL, true,
                              bld.half(1).MOV(brw_vec8_grf(reg + 2, 0),
                                              brw_vec8_grf(pixel_reg + 2, 0)));
            set_predicate_inv(BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL, true,
                              bld.half(1).MOV(brw_vec8_grf(reg + 3, 0),
                                              brw_vec8_grf(pixel_reg + 3, 0)));
         assert(dispatch_width != 32); /* not implemented yet */