Пример #1
std::vector<comp_selection<tool_comp>> craft_command::check_tool_components_missing(
                                        const inventory &map_inv ) const
    std::vector<comp_selection<tool_comp>> missing;

    for( const auto &tool_sel : tool_selections ) {
        itype_id type = tool_sel.comp.type;
        if( tool_sel.comp.count > 0 ) {
            long count = tool_sel.comp.count * batch_size;
            switch( tool_sel.use_from ) {
                case use_from_player:
                    if( !crafter->has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( tool_sel );
                case use_from_map:
                    if( !map_inv.has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( tool_sel );
                case use_from_both:
                case use_from_none:
                case cancel:
        } else if( !crafter->has_amount( type, 1 ) && !map_inv.has_tools( type, 1 ) ) {
            missing.push_back( tool_sel );

    return missing;
Пример #2
bool tool_comp::has( const inventory &crafting_inv, int batch ) const
    if( !by_charges() ) {
        return crafting_inv.has_tools( type, std::abs( count ) );
    } else {
        return crafting_inv.has_charges( type, count * batch );
Пример #3
std::vector<comp_selection<item_comp>> craft_command::check_item_components_missing(
                                        const inventory &map_inv ) const
    std::vector<comp_selection<item_comp>> missing;

    for( const auto &item_sel : item_selections ) {
        itype_id type = item_sel.comp.type;
        item_comp component = item_sel.comp;
        long count = ( component.count > 0 ) ? component.count * batch_size : abs( component.count );

        if( item::count_by_charges( type ) && count > 0 ) {
            switch( item_sel.use_from ) {
                case use_from_player:
                    if( !crafter->has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_map:
                    if( !map_inv.has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_both:
                    if( !( crafter->charges_of( type ) + map_inv.charges_of( type ) >= count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_none:
                case cancel:
        } else {
            // Counting by units, not charges.
            switch( item_sel.use_from ) {
                case use_from_player:
                    if( !crafter->has_amount( type, count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_map:
                    if( !map_inv.has_components( type, count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_both:
                    if( !( crafter->amount_of( type ) + map_inv.amount_of( type ) >= count ) ) {
                        missing.push_back( item_sel );
                case use_from_none:
                case cancel:

    return missing;
Пример #4
bool player_can_build(player &p, inventory pinv, construction *con)
    if (p.skillLevel("carpentry") < con->difficulty) {
        return false;

    bool has_tool = false;
    bool has_component = false;
    bool tools_required = false;
    bool components_required = false;

    for (int j = 0; j < con->tools.size(); j++) {
        if (con->tools[j].size() > 0) {
            tools_required = true;
            has_tool = false;
            for (unsigned k = 0; k < con->tools[j].size(); k++) {
                if (pinv.has_amount(con->tools[j][k].type, 1)) {
                    has_tool = true;
                    con->tools[j][k].available = 1;
                } else {
                    con->tools[j][k].available = -1;
            if (!has_tool) { // missing one of the tools for this stage

    for (int j = 0; j < con->components.size(); ++j) {
        if (con->components[j].size() > 0) {
            components_required = true;
            has_component = false;
            for (unsigned k = 0; k < con->components[j].size(); k++) {
                if (( item_controller->find_template(con->components[j][k].type)->is_ammo() &&
                                       con->components[j][k].count)    ) ||
                    (!item_controller->find_template(con->components[j][k].type)->is_ammo() &&
                      pinv.has_amount (con->components[j][k].type,
                                       con->components[j][k].count)    ))
                    has_component = true;
                    con->components[j][k].available = 1;
                } else {
                    con->components[j][k].available = -1;
            if (!has_component) { // missing one of the comps for this stage

    return (has_component || !components_required) &&
           (has_tool || !tools_required);
Пример #5
std::string tool_comp::get_color( bool has_one, const inventory &crafting_inv, int batch ) const
    if( available == a_insufficent ) {
        return "brown";
    } else if( !by_charges() && crafting_inv.has_tools( type, std::abs( count ) ) ) {
        return "green";
    } else if( by_charges() && crafting_inv.has_charges( type, count * batch ) ) {
        return "green";
    return has_one ? "dkgray" : "red";
Пример #6
bool tool_comp::has( const inventory &crafting_inv, int batch ) const
    if( g->u.has_trait( "DEBUG_HS" ) ) {
        return true;

    if( !by_charges() ) {
        return crafting_inv.has_tools( type, std::abs( count ) );
    } else {
        return crafting_inv.has_charges( type, count * batch );
Пример #7
bool tool_comp::has( const inventory &crafting_inv, int batch ) const
    if( type == "goggles_welding" ) {
        if( g->u.has_bionic( "bio_sunglasses" ) || g->u.is_wearing( "rm13_armor_on" ) ) {
            return true;
    if( !by_charges() ) {
        return crafting_inv.has_tools( type, std::abs( count ) );
    } else {
        return crafting_inv.has_charges( type, count * batch );
Пример #8
bool item_comp::has( const inventory &crafting_inv, int batch ) const
    if( g->u.has_trait( "DEBUG_HS" ) ) {
        return true;

    const int cnt = std::abs( count ) * batch;
    if( item::count_by_charges( type ) ) {
        return crafting_inv.has_charges( type, cnt );
    } else {
        return crafting_inv.has_components( type, cnt );
Пример #9
std::string item_comp::get_color( bool has_one, const inventory &crafting_inv, int batch ) const
    const int cnt = std::abs( count ) * batch;
    if( available == a_insufficent ) {
        return "brown";
    } else if( item::count_by_charges( type ) ) {
        if( crafting_inv.has_charges( type, cnt ) ) {
            return "green";
    } else if( crafting_inv.has_components( type, cnt ) ) {
        return "green";
    return has_one ? "dkgray" : "red";
Пример #10
bool game::player_can_build(player &p, inventory inv, constructable* con,
                            int level, bool specific)
// defaults: level==0,  specific==false
 if (level < 0) // used as escape value in place_construction()
  return false;

 int stop = (specific ? level : con->stages.size());
 do {
  construction_stage stage = con->stages[level];
  int number_of_tools = 0, number_of_components = 0;
  int number_of_req_tools = 0, number_of_req_components = 0;

  for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
// counting available tools
   if (stage.tools[j].size() > 0) {
    for (int k = 0; k < stage.tools[j].size(); k++)
     if (inv.has_amount(stage.tools[j][k], 1)) {
// counting available components
   if (stage.components[j].size() > 0) {
    for (int k = 0; k < stage.components[j].size(); k++)
     if (( itypes[stage.components[j][k].type]->is_ammo() &&
                          stage.components[j][k].count)    ) ||
         (!itypes[stage.components[j][k].type]->is_ammo() &&
          inv.has_amount (stage.components[j][k].type,
                          stage.components[j][k].count)    )) {
// difficulty check + summary
  if (!(p.sklevel[sk_carpentry] < stage.difficulty) &&
      number_of_tools == number_of_req_tools &&
      number_of_components == number_of_req_components)
   return true;

 } while (level < stop);
 return false;
Пример #11
std::string tool_comp::get_color( bool has_one, const inventory &crafting_inv, int batch ) const
    if( type == "goggles_welding" ) {
        if( g->u.has_bionic( "bio_sunglasses" ) || g->u.is_wearing( "rm13_armor_on" ) ) {
            return "cyan";
    if( available == a_insufficent ) {
        return "brown";
    } else if( !by_charges() && crafting_inv.has_tools( type, std::abs( count ) ) ) {
        return "green";
    } else if( by_charges() && crafting_inv.has_charges( type, count * batch ) ) {
        return "green";
    return has_one ? "dkgray" : "red";
Пример #12
bool requirements::check_enough_materials( const item_comp& comp, const inventory& crafting_inv ) const
    if( comp.available != a_true ) {
        return false;
    const itype *it = item_controller->find_template( comp.type );
    const tool_comp *tq = find_by_type( tools, comp.type );
    if( tq != nullptr ) {
        // The very same item type is also needed as tool!
        // Use charges of it, or use it by count?
        const int tc = tq->count < 0 ? std::abs( tq->count ) : 1;
        // Check for components + tool count. Check item amount (excludes
        // pseudo items) and tool amount (includes pseudo items)
        // Imagine: required = 1 welder (component) + 1 welder (tool),
        // available = 1 welder (real item), 1 welding rig (creates
        // a pseudo welder item). has_components(welder,2) returns false
        // as there is only one real welder available, but has_tools(welder,2)
        // returns true.
        // Keep in mind that both requirements (tool+component) are checked
        // before this. That assures that one real item is actually available,
        // two welding rigs (and no real welder) would make this component
        // non-available even before this function is called.
        // Only ammo and (some) food is counted by charges, both are unlikely
        // to appear as tool, but it's possible /-:
        bool has_comps;
        if( it->count_by_charges() && comp.count > 0 ) {
            has_comps = crafting_inv.has_charges( comp.type, comp.count + tc );
        } else {
            has_comps = crafting_inv.has_components( comp.type, abs( comp.count ) + tc );
        if( !has_comps && !crafting_inv.has_tools( comp.type, comp.count + tc ) ) {
            comp.available = a_insufficent;
    for( const auto &ql : it->qualities ) {
        const quality_requirement *qr = find_by_type( qualities, ql.first );
        if( qr == nullptr || qr->level > ql.second ) {
        // This item can be used for the quality requirement, same as above for specific
        // tools applies.
        if( !crafting_inv.has_items_with_quality( qr->type, qr->level, qr->count + abs(comp.count) ) ) {
            comp.available = a_insufficent;
    return comp.available == a_true;
Пример #13
std::string item_comp::get_color( bool has_one, const inventory &crafting_inv, int batch ) const
    if( type == "rope_30" || type == "rope_6" ) {
        if( g->u.has_trait( "WEB_ROPE" ) && g->u.get_hunger() <= 300 ) {
            return "ltgreen"; // Show that WEB_ROPE is on the job!
    const int cnt = std::abs( count ) * batch;
    if( available == a_insufficent ) {
        return "brown";
    } else if( item::count_by_charges( type ) ) {
        if( crafting_inv.has_charges( type, cnt ) ) {
            return "green";
    } else if( crafting_inv.has_components( type, cnt ) ) {
        return "green";
    return has_one ? "dkgray" : "red";
Пример #14
bool item_comp::has( const inventory &crafting_inv, int batch ) const
    // If you've Rope Webs, you can spin up the webbing to replace any amount of
    // rope your projects may require.  But you need to be somewhat nourished:
    // Famished or worse stops it.
    if( type == "rope_30" || type == "rope_6" ) {
        // NPC don't craft?
        // TODO: what about the amount of ropes vs the hunger?
        if( g->u.has_trait( "WEB_ROPE" ) && g->u.get_hunger() <= 300 ) {
            return true;
    const int cnt = std::abs( count ) * batch;
    if( item::count_by_charges( type ) ) {
        return crafting_inv.has_charges( type, cnt );
    } else {
        return crafting_inv.has_components( type, cnt );
Пример #15
std::string item_comp::get_color( bool has_one, const inventory &crafting_inv ) const
    if( type == "rope_30" || type == "rope_6" ) {
        if( g->u.has_trait( "WEB_ROPE" ) && g->u.hunger <= 300 ) {
            return "ltgreen"; // Show that WEB_ROPE is on the job!
    const itype *it = item_controller->find_template( type );
    if( available == a_insufficent ) {
        return "brown";
    } else if( it->count_by_charges() && count > 0 ) {
        if( crafting_inv.has_charges( type, count ) ) {
            return "green";
    } else if( crafting_inv.has_components( type, abs( count ) ) ) {
        return "green";
    return has_one ? "dkgray" : "red";
Пример #16
bool item_comp::has( const inventory &crafting_inv ) const
    // If you've Rope Webs, you can spin up the webbing to replace any amount of
    // rope your projects may require.  But you need to be somewhat nourished:
    // Famished or worse stops it.
    if( type == "rope_30" || type == "rope_6" ) {
        // NPC don't craft?
        // TODO: what about the amount of ropes vs the hunger?
        if( g->u.has_trait( "WEB_ROPE" ) && g->u.hunger <= 300 ) {
            return true;
    const itype *it = item_controller->find_template( type );
    if( it->count_by_charges() && count > 0 ) {
        return crafting_inv.has_charges( type, count );
    } else {
        return crafting_inv.has_components( type, abs( count ) );
Пример #17
bool game::player_can_build(player &p, inventory inv, constructable* con,
                            int level, bool cont)
 if (p.sklevel[sk_carpentry] < con->difficulty)
  return false;

 if (level < 0)
  level = con->stages.size();

 int start = 0;
 if (cont)
  start = level;
 for (int i = start; i < con->stages.size() && i <= level; i++) {
  construction_stage stage = con->stages[i];
  for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
   if (stage.tools[j].size() > 0) {
    bool has_tool = false;
    for (int k = 0; k < stage.tools[j].size() && !has_tool; k++) {
     if (inv.has_amount(stage.tools[j][k], 1))
      has_tool = true;
    if (!has_tool)
     return false;
   if (stage.components[j].size() > 0) {
    bool has_component = false;
    for (int k = 0; k < stage.components[j].size() && !has_component; k++) {
     if (( itypes[stage.components[j][k].type]->is_ammo() &&
                          stage.components[j][k].count)    ) ||
         (!itypes[stage.components[j][k].type]->is_ammo() &&
          inv.has_amount (stage.components[j][k].type,
                          stage.components[j][k].count)    ))
      has_component = true;
    if (!has_component)
     return false;
 return true;
Пример #18
bool game::player_can_build(player &p, inventory pinv, constructable* con,
                            const int level, bool cont, bool exact_level)
 int last_level = level;

 // default behavior: return true if any of the stages up to L can be constr'd
 // if exact_level, require that this level be constructable
 if (p.skillLevel("carpentry") < con->difficulty)
  return false;

 if (level < 0)
  last_level = con->stages.size();

 int start = 0;
 if (cont)
  start = level;

 bool can_build_any = false;
 for (int i = start; i < con->stages.size() && i <= last_level; i++) {
  construction_stage* stage = &(con->stages[i]);
  bool has_tool = false;
  bool has_component = false;
  bool tools_required = false;
  bool components_required = false;

  for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
   if (stage->tools[j].size() > 0) {
    tools_required = true;
    has_tool = false;
    for (int k = 0; k < stage->tools[j].size(); k++) {
     if (pinv.has_amount(stage->tools[j][k].type, 1))
         has_tool = true;
         stage->tools[j][k].available = 1;
         stage->tools[j][k].available = -1;
    if (!has_tool)  // missing one of the tools for this stage
   if (stage->components[j].size() > 0) {
    components_required = true;
    has_component = false;
    for (int k = 0; k < stage->components[j].size(); k++) {
     if (( item_controller->find_template(stage->components[j][k].type)->is_ammo() &&
			   stage->components[j][k].count)    ) ||
         (!item_controller->find_template(stage->components[j][k].type)->is_ammo() &&
          pinv.has_amount (stage->components[j][k].type,
                          stage->components[j][k].count)    ))
         has_component = true;
         stage->components[j][k].available = 1;
         stage->components[j][k].available = -1;
    if (!has_component)  // missing one of the comps for this stage

  }  // j in [0,2]
  can_build_any |= (has_component || !components_required) &&
    (has_tool || !tools_required);
  if (exact_level && (i == level)) {
      return ((has_component || !components_required) &&
	      (has_tool || !tools_required));
 }  // stage[i]
 return can_build_any;
Пример #19
player::select_tool_component( const std::vector<tool_comp> &tools, int batch, inventory &map_inv,
                               const std::string &hotkeys, bool can_cancel )

    comp_selection<tool_comp> selected;

    bool found_nocharge = false;
    std::vector<tool_comp> player_has;
    std::vector<tool_comp> map_has;
    // Use charges of any tools that require charges used
    for( auto it = tools.begin(); it != tools.end() && !found_nocharge; ++it ) {
        itype_id type = it->type;
        if( it->count > 0 ) {
            long count = it->count * batch;
            if( has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                player_has.push_back( *it );
            if( map_inv.has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                map_has.push_back( *it );
        } else if( has_amount( type, 1 ) || map_inv.has_tools( type, 1 ) ) {
            selected.comp = *it;
            found_nocharge = true;
    if( found_nocharge ) {
        selected.use_from = use_from_none;
        return selected;    // Default to using a tool that doesn't require charges

    if( player_has.size() + map_has.size() == 1 ) {
        if( map_has.empty() ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[0];
        } else {
            selected.use_from = use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[0];
    } else { // Variety of options, list them and pick one
        // Populate the list
        uimenu tmenu( hotkeys );
        for( auto &map_ha : map_has ) {
            std::string tmpStr = item::nname( map_ha.type ) + _( " (nearby)" );
            tmenu.addentry( tmpStr );
        for( auto &player_ha : player_has ) {
            tmenu.addentry( item::nname( player_ha.type ) );

        if( tmenu.entries.empty() ) {  // This SHOULD only happen if cooking with a fire,
            selected.use_from = use_from_none;
            return selected;    // and the fire goes out.

        if( can_cancel ) {
            tmenu.addentry( -1, true, 'q', _( "Cancel" ) );

        // Get selection via a popup menu
        tmenu.title = _( "Use which tool?" );

        if( tmenu.ret == static_cast<int>( map_has.size() + player_has.size() ) ) {
            selected.use_from = cancel;
            return selected;

        size_t uselection = static_cast<size_t>( tmenu.ret );
        if( uselection < map_has.size() ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[uselection];
        } else {
            uselection -= map_has.size();
            selected.use_from = use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[uselection];

    return selected;
Пример #20
/* selection of component if a recipe requirement has multiple options (e.g. 'duct tap' or 'welder') */
comp_selection<item_comp> player::select_item_component( const std::vector<item_comp> &components,
        int batch, inventory &map_inv, bool can_cancel )
    std::vector<item_comp> player_has;
    std::vector<item_comp> map_has;
    std::vector<item_comp> mixed;

    comp_selection<item_comp> selected;

    for( const auto &component : components ) {
        itype_id type = component.type;
        int count = ( component.count > 0 ) ? component.count * batch : abs( component.count );
        bool pl = false, mp = false;

        if( item::count_by_charges( type ) && count > 0 ) {
            if( has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                player_has.push_back( component );
                pl = true;
            if( map_inv.has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                map_has.push_back( component );
                mp = true;
            if( !pl && !mp && charges_of( type ) + map_inv.charges_of( type ) >= count ) {
                mixed.push_back( component );
        } else { // Counting by units, not charges

            if( has_amount( type, count ) ) {
                player_has.push_back( component );
                pl = true;
            if( map_inv.has_components( type, count ) ) {
                map_has.push_back( component );
                mp = true;
            if( !pl && !mp && amount_of( type ) + map_inv.amount_of( type ) >= count ) {
                mixed.push_back( component );


    /* select 1 component to use */
    if( player_has.size() + map_has.size() + mixed.size() == 1 ) { // Only 1 choice
        if( player_has.size() == 1 ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[0];
        } else if( map_has.size() == 1 ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[0];
        } else {
            selected.use_from = use_from_both;
            selected.comp = mixed[0];
    } else { // Let the player pick which component they want to use
        uimenu cmenu;
        // Populate options with the names of the items
        for( auto &map_ha : map_has ) {
            std::string tmpStr = item::nname( map_ha.type ) + _( " (nearby)" );
            cmenu.addentry( tmpStr );
        for( auto &player_ha : player_has ) {
            cmenu.addentry( item::nname( player_ha.type ) );
        for( auto &elem : mixed ) {
            std::string tmpStr = item::nname( elem.type ) + _( " (on person & nearby)" );
            cmenu.addentry( tmpStr );

        // Unlike with tools, it's a bad thing if there aren't any components available
        if( cmenu.entries.empty() ) {
            if( has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_HS" ) ) ) {
                selected.use_from = use_from_player;
                return selected;

            debugmsg( "Attempted a recipe with no available components!" );
            selected.use_from = cancel;
            return selected;

        if( can_cancel ) {
            cmenu.addentry( -1, true, 'q', _( "Cancel" ) );

        // Get the selection via a menu popup
        cmenu.title = _( "Use which component?" );

        if( cmenu.ret == static_cast<int>( map_has.size() + player_has.size() + mixed.size() ) ) {
            selected.use_from = cancel;
            return selected;

        size_t uselection = static_cast<size_t>( cmenu.ret );
        if( uselection < map_has.size() ) {
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[uselection];
        } else if( uselection < map_has.size() + player_has.size() ) {
            uselection -= map_has.size();
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[uselection];
        } else {
            uselection -= map_has.size() + player_has.size();
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_both;
            selected.comp = mixed[uselection];

    return selected;
Пример #21
bool player::can_disassemble( const item &obj, const inventory &inv, std::string *err ) const
    const auto error = [&err]( const std::string & message ) {
        if( err != nullptr ) {
            *err = message;
        return false;

    const auto &r = recipe_dictionary::get_uncraft( obj.typeId() );

    if( !r ) {
        return error( string_format( _( "You cannot disassemble this." ) ) );

    // check sufficient light
    if( lighting_craft_speed_multiplier( r ) == 0.0f ) {
        return error( _( "You can't see to craft!" ) );
    // refuse to disassemble rotten items
    if( obj.goes_bad() || ( obj.is_food_container() && obj.contents.front().goes_bad() ) ) {
        if( obj.rotten() || ( obj.is_food_container() && obj.contents.front().rotten() ) ) {
            return error( _( "It's rotten, I'm not taking that apart." ) );

    if( obj.count_by_charges() && !r.has_flag( "UNCRAFT_SINGLE_CHARGE" ) ) {
        // Create a new item to get the default charges
        int qty = r.create_result().charges;
        if( obj.charges < qty ) {
            auto msg = ngettext( "You need at least %d charge of %s.",
                                 "You need at least %d charges of %s.", qty );
            return error( string_format( msg, qty, obj.tname().c_str() ) );

    const auto &dis = r.disassembly_requirements();

    for( const auto &opts : dis.get_qualities() ) {
        for( const auto &qual : opts ) {
            if( !qual.has( inv ) ) {
                // Here should be no dot at the end of the string as 'to_string()' provides it.
                return error( string_format( _( "You need %s" ), qual.to_string().c_str() ) );

    for( const auto &opts : dis.get_tools() ) {
        const bool found = std::any_of( opts.begin(), opts.end(),
        [&]( const tool_comp & tool ) {
            return ( tool.count <= 0 && inv.has_tools( tool.type, 1 ) ) ||
                   ( tool.count >  0 && inv.has_charges( tool.type, tool.count ) );
        } );

        if( !found ) {
            if( opts.front().count <= 0 ) {
                return error( string_format( _( "You need %s." ),
                                             item::nname( opts.front().type ).c_str() ) );
            } else {
                return error( string_format( ngettext( "You need a %s with %d charge.",
                                                       "You need a %s with %d charges.",
                                                       opts.front().count ),
                                             item::nname( opts.front().type ).c_str(), opts.front().count ) );

    return true;