Пример #1
inline RealType pdf(const inverse_gaussian_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist, const RealType& x)
{ // Probability Density Function
   BOOST_MATH_STD_USING  // for ADL of std functions

   RealType scale = dist.scale();
   RealType mean = dist.mean();
   RealType result = 0;
   static const char* function = "boost::math::pdf(const inverse_gaussian_distribution<%1%>&, %1%)";
   if(false == detail::check_scale(function, scale, &result, Policy()))
      return result;
   if(false == detail::check_location(function, mean, &result, Policy()))
      return result;
   if(false == detail::check_positive_x(function, x, &result, Policy()))
      return result;

   if (x == 0)
     return 0; // Convenient, even if not defined mathematically.

   result =
     sqrt(scale / (constants::two_pi<RealType>() * x * x * x))
    * exp(-scale * (x - mean) * (x - mean) / (2 * x * mean * mean));
   return result;
} // pdf
Пример #2
inline RealType cdf(const inverse_gaussian_distribution<RealType, Policy>& dist, const RealType& x)
{ // Cumulative Density Function.
   BOOST_MATH_STD_USING  // for ADL of std functions.

   RealType scale = dist.scale();
   RealType mean = dist.mean();
   static const char* function = "boost::math::cdf(const inverse_gaussian_distribution<%1%>&, %1%)";
   RealType result = 0;
   if(false == detail::check_scale(function, scale, &result, Policy()))
      return result;
   if(false == detail::check_location(function, mean, &result, Policy()))
      return result;
   if (false == detail::check_x_gt0(function, mean, &result, Policy()))
      return result;
   if(false == detail::check_positive_x(function, x, &result, Policy()))
     return result;
   if (x == 0)
     return 0; // Convenient, even if not defined mathematically.
   // Problem with this formula for large scale > 1000 or small x,
   //result = 0.5 * (erf(sqrt(scale / x) * ((x / mean) - 1) / constants::root_two<RealType>(), Policy()) + 1)
   //  + exp(2 * scale / mean) / 2
   //  * (1 - erf(sqrt(scale / x) * (x / mean + 1) / constants::root_two<RealType>(), Policy()));
   // so use normal distribution version:
   // Wikipedia CDF equation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_Gaussian_distribution.

   normal_distribution<RealType> n01;

   RealType n0 = sqrt(scale / x);
   n0 *= ((x / mean) -1);
   RealType n1 = cdf(n01, n0);
   RealType expfactor = exp(2 * scale / mean);
   RealType n3 = - sqrt(scale / x);
   n3 *= (x / mean) + 1;
   RealType n4 = cdf(n01, n3);
   result = n1 + expfactor * n4;
   return result;
} // cdf