void readConfig( istringstream& iss, int& n_in, int& n_out, int& n_vocab, int& n_project, int& n_order, float& momentum, float& weight_decay, float& alpha, float& lnZ, string& norm_type, float& norm_param ) { n_in = 0; n_out = 0; n_vocab = 0; n_project = 0; n_order = 0; momentum = 0.0f; weight_decay = 0.0f; alpha = 0.0f; lnZ = 0.0f; norm_type = "none"; norm_param = 10.0f; string token; while ( !iss.eof() ) { iss >> token; if ( token == "vocabulary" ) { iss >> n_vocab; } else if ( token == "projection" ) {
void TandemNativeParser::getPeaks( istringstream& tokenizer, ///< string version of values float* array, ///< store values here int maxSize) ///< array size { // store values int curIdx = 0; while( !tokenizer.eof() ){ assert(curIdx < maxSize); tokenizer >> array[curIdx]; curIdx++; } }
bool OBJFile::ReadFace(istringstream& line){ Face face; string vertex; while(!line.eof()){ line >> vertex; vector<string> index; Split(vertex, index, "/"); size_t current = strtoul(index[0].c_str(), NULL, 10)-1; face.Vertex.push_back(current); } m_faces.push_back(face); return true; }
int loadBodyFromModelLoader(::World* world, const char* name, const char *URL, istringstream &strm) { vector<string> argvec; while (!strm.eof()){ string arg; strm >> arg; argvec.push_back(arg); } int argc = argvec.size(); char **argv = new char *[argc]; for (int i=0; i<argc; i++){ argv[i] = (char *)argvec[i].c_str(); } int ret = loadBodyFromModelLoader(world, name, URL, argc, argv); delete [] argv; return ret; }
//******************************************************************************************************************** //this function will jump over commented out sequences, but if the last sequence in a file is commented out it makes a blank seq Sequence::Sequence(istringstream& fastaString){ try { m = MothurOut::getInstance(); initialize(); name = getSequenceName(fastaString); if (!m->control_pressed) { string sequence; //read comments while ((name[0] == '#') && fastaString) { while (!fastaString.eof()) { char c = fastaString.get(); if (c == 10 || c == 13){ break; } } // get rest of line if there's any crap there sequence = getCommentString(fastaString); if (fastaString) { fastaString >> name; name = name.substr(1); }else { name = ""; break; } } //while (!fastaString.eof()) { char c = fastaString.get(); if (c == 10 || c == 13){ break; } } // get rest of line if there's any crap there comment = getCommentString(fastaString); int numAmbig = 0; sequence = getSequenceString(fastaString, numAmbig); setAligned(sequence); //setUnaligned removes any gap characters for us setUnaligned(sequence); if ((numAmbig / (float) numBases) > 0.25) { m->mothurOut("[WARNING]: We found more than 25% of the bases in sequence " + name + " to be ambiguous. Mothur is not setup to process protein sequences."); m->mothurOutEndLine(); } }
} /** Load k-mer with coverage data. * @return the number of k-mer loaded */ static size_t loadKmer(ISequenceCollection& g, FastaReader& in) { assert(opt::rank == -1); size_t count = 0; for (FastaRecord rec; in >> rec;) { assert(rec.seq.size() == opt::kmerSize); istringstream iss(rec.id); float coverage = 1; iss >> coverage; assert(iss); assert(iss.eof()); g.add(Kmer(rec.seq), max(1, (int)ceilf(coverage))); if (++count % 1000000 == 0) { logger(1) << "Read " << count << " k-mer. "; g.printLoad(); } g.pumpNetwork(); } assert(in.eof()); return count; } /** Load sequence data into the collection. */ void loadSequences(ISequenceCollection* seqCollection, string inFile) {