class_file_generator() : class_file_generator::base_type(start)
    using karma::_1;
    using karma::_a; using karma::_b; using karma::_c;
    using karma::_val;
    using karma::_r1;
    using karma::big_word;
    using karma::big_dword;
    using karma::eps;
    using boost::spirit::byte_;
    using boost::phoenix::size;
    using boost::phoenix::at_c;
    static const unsigned int constant_class_info = 7;
    static const unsigned int constant_utf8_info = 1;
    // static const unsigned int acc_public    = 0x0001;
    // // static const unsigned int acc_final     = 0x0010;
    // static const unsigned int acc_super     = 0x0020;
    // // static const unsigned int acc_interface = 0x0200;
    // // static const unsigned int acc_abstract  = 0x0400;
    static const unsigned int static_fields_index = 0;
    static const unsigned int fields_index = 1;
    static const unsigned int not_implemented_method_index = 2;
    static const unsigned int name_index = 4;
    static const unsigned int extends_name_index = 5;
    // _a = offset of constants for not implemented methods
    // _b = offset of constants for static fields
    // _c = offset of constants for fields
    start =
      << karma::eps(size(at_c<not_implemented_method_index>(_val)) >= 1u)
      << big_word(0x00U)
      << big_word(0x2EU)
      << (             // constant pool
           _1 =   2*size(at_c<not_implemented_method_index>(_val))
                + 2*size(at_c<static_fields_index>(_val))
                + 2*size(at_c<fields_index>(_val))
                + 5
          << class_info_constant[_1 = 2]
          << utf8_info_constant[_1 = at_c<name_index>(_val)]
          << class_info_constant[_1 = 4]
          << utf8_info_constant[_1 = at_c<extends_name_index>(_val)]
          << eps[ _c = _b = _a = 5 ]
          << (*name_descriptor)[_1 = at_c<not_implemented_method_index>(_val)]
          << eps[ _c = (_b += size(at_c<not_implemented_method_index>(_val))*2) ]
          << (*name_descriptor)[_1 = at_c<static_fields_index>(_val)]
          << eps[ _c += size(at_c<static_fields_index>(_val))*2 ]
          << (*name_descriptor)[_1 = at_c<fields_index>(_val)]
      << big_word(_r1) // access flags
      << big_word(1)   // constant index for class_info_constant 1
      << big_word(3)   // constant index for class_info_constant 3
      << big_word(0)   // 0 interfaces
      << big_word[_1 = size(at_c<static_fields_index>(_val))
                       + size(at_c<fields_index>(_val))
      << fields(_b, 2 + 8)[_1 = at_c<static_fields_index>(_val)]
      << fields(_c, 2 /*+ 8*/)[_1 = at_c<fields_index>(_val)]
      << not_implemented_method(_a)[_1 = at_c<not_implemented_method_index>(_val)]
      << big_word(0)   // attributes_count 0 

    name_descriptor %=
      << utf8_info_constant

    utf8_info_constant = 
      << big_word[_1 = size(_val)]
      << karma::string[_1 = _val]

    class_info_constant %= 
      << big_word // constant_index