label meshOptimizer::findLowQualityFaces ( labelHashSet& badFaces, const boolList& changedFace ) const { badFaces.clear(); polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceDotProduct ( mesh_, false, 70.0, &badFaces ); polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceSkewness ( mesh_, false, 2.0, &badFaces ); const label nBadFaces = returnReduce(badFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); return nBadFaces; }
void Foam::surfaceSets::getSurfaceSets ( const polyMesh& mesh, const fileName&, const triSurface&, const triSurfaceSearch& querySurf, const pointField& outsidePts, const label nCutLayers, labelHashSet& inside, labelHashSet& outside, labelHashSet& cut ) { // Construct search engine on mesh meshSearch queryMesh(mesh); // Cut faces with surface and classify cells cellClassification cellType ( mesh, queryMesh, querySurf, outsidePts ); if (nCutLayers > 0) { // Trim cutCells so they are max nCutLayers away (as seen in point-cell // walk) from outside cells. cellType.trimCutCells ( nCutLayers, cellClassification::OUTSIDE, cellClassification::INSIDE ); } forAll(cellType, celli) { label cType = cellType[celli]; if (cType == cellClassification::CUT) { cut.insert(celli); } else if (cType == cellClassification::INSIDE) { inside.insert(celli); } else if (cType == cellClassification::OUTSIDE) { outside.insert(celli); } }
forAll(ptc, pointi) { const labelList& curFaces = pf[ptc[pointi]]; forAll(curFaces, facei) { if (!facesToRemoveMap.found(curFaces[facei])) { facesToModify.insert(curFaces[facei]); } } }
label meshOptimizer::findBadFaces ( labelHashSet& badFaces, const boolList& changedFace ) const { badFaces.clear(); polyMeshGenChecks::checkFacePyramids ( mesh_, false, VSMALL, &badFaces, &changedFace ); polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceFlatness ( mesh_, false, 0.8, &badFaces, &changedFace ); polyMeshGenChecks::checkCellPartTetrahedra ( mesh_, false, VSMALL, &badFaces, &changedFace ); polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceAreas ( mesh_, false, VSMALL, &badFaces, &changedFace ); const label nBadFaces = returnReduce(badFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); return nBadFaces; }
forAll(patchIDs, i) { const labelUList& fc = pbm[patchIDs[i]].faceCells(); forAll(fc, i) { patchCells.insert(fc[i]); }
void bigParticleVoidFraction::buildLabelHashSet ( const scalar radius, const vector position, const label cellID, labelHashSet& hashSett )const { hashSett.insert(cellID); //Info<<"cell inserted"<<cellID<<endl; const labelList& nc = particleCloud_.mesh().cellCells()[cellID]; forAll(nc,i){ label neighbor=nc[i]; if(!hashSett.found(neighbor) && mag(position-particleCloud_.mesh().C()[neighbor])<radius){ buildLabelHashSet(radius,position,neighbor,hashSett); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #include "addOverwriteOption.H" argList::noParallel(); argList::validArgs.append("patches"); argList::validArgs.append("edgeFraction"); argList::addOption ( "useSet", "name", "restrict cells to refine based on specified cellSet name" ); #include "setRootCase.H" #include "createTime.H" runTime.functionObjects().off(); #include "createPolyMesh.H" const word oldInstance = mesh.pointsInstance(); // Find set of patches from the list of regular expressions provided const wordReList patches((IStringStream(args[1])())); const labelHashSet patchSet(mesh.boundaryMesh().patchSet(patches)); const scalar weight = args.argRead<scalar>(2); const bool overwrite = args.optionFound("overwrite"); if (!patchSet.size()) { FatalErrorInFunction << "Cannot find any patches in set " << patches << endl << "Valid patches are " << mesh.boundaryMesh().names() << exit(FatalError); } label nPatchFaces = 0; label nPatchEdges = 0; forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, patchSet, iter) { nPatchFaces += mesh.boundaryMesh()[iter.key()].size(); nPatchEdges += mesh.boundaryMesh()[iter.key()].nEdges(); }
forAll(bMesh, patchI) { const polyPatch& patch = bMesh[patchI]; if (patchNamesHash.found( { patchIDs.insert(patchI); } }
// Find cells to refine forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, patchSet, iter) { const polyPatch& pp = mesh.boundaryMesh()[iter.key()]; const labelList& meshPoints = pp.meshPoints(); forAll(meshPoints, pointI) { label meshPointI = meshPoints[pointI]; const labelList& pCells = mesh.pointCells()[meshPointI]; forAll(pCells, pCellI) { cutCells.insert(pCells[pCellI]); }
forAll(mc, celli) { const cell& curCell = cells[mc[celli]]; forAll(curCell, facei) { // Check if the face is in the master zone. If not, remove it if ( mesh.faceZones().whichZone(curCell[facei]) != faceZoneID_.index() ) { facesToRemoveMap.insert(curCell[facei]); } } }
// Step from faceI (on side cellI) to connected face & cell without crossing // fenceEdges. void Foam::regionSide::visitConnectedFaces ( const primitiveMesh& mesh, const labelHashSet& region, const labelHashSet& fenceEdges, const label cellI, const label faceI, labelHashSet& visitedFace ) { if (!visitedFace.found(faceI)) { if (debug) { Info<< "visitConnectedFaces : cellI:" << cellI << " faceI:" << faceI << " isOwner:" << (cellI == mesh.faceOwner()[faceI]) << endl; } // Mark as visited visitedFace.insert(faceI); // Mark which side of face was visited. if (cellI == mesh.faceOwner()[faceI]) { sideOwner_.insert(faceI); } // Visit all neighbouring faces on faceSet. Stay on this 'side' of // face by doing edge-face-cell walk. const labelList& fEdges = mesh.faceEdges()[faceI]; forAll(fEdges, fEdgeI) { label edgeI = fEdges[fEdgeI]; if (!fenceEdges.found(edgeI)) { // Step along faces on edge from cell to cell until // we hit face on faceSet. // Find face reachable from edge label otherFaceI = otherFace(mesh, cellI, faceI, edgeI); if (mesh.isInternalFace(otherFaceI)) { label otherCellI = cellI; // Keep on crossing faces/cells until back on face on // surface while (!region.found(otherFaceI)) { visitedFace.insert(otherFaceI); if (debug) { Info<< "visitConnectedFaces : cellI:" << cellI << " found insideEdgeFace:" << otherFaceI << endl; } // Cross otherFaceI into neighbouring cell otherCellI = meshTools::otherCell ( mesh, otherCellI, otherFaceI ); otherFaceI = otherFace ( mesh, otherCellI, otherFaceI, edgeI ); } visitConnectedFaces ( mesh, region, fenceEdges, otherCellI, otherFaceI, visitedFace ); } } } }
bool Foam::motionSmootherAlgo::checkMesh ( const bool report, const polyMesh& mesh, const dictionary& dict, const labelList& checkFaces, const List<labelPair>& baffles, labelHashSet& wrongFaces ) { const scalar maxNonOrtho ( readScalar(dict.lookup("maxNonOrtho", true)) ); const scalar minVol ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minVol", true)) ); const scalar minTetQuality ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minTetQuality", true)) ); const scalar maxConcave ( readScalar(dict.lookup("maxConcave", true)) ); const scalar minArea ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minArea", true)) ); const scalar maxIntSkew ( readScalar(dict.lookup("maxInternalSkewness", true)) ); const scalar maxBounSkew ( readScalar(dict.lookup("maxBoundarySkewness", true)) ); const scalar minWeight ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minFaceWeight", true)) ); const scalar minVolRatio ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minVolRatio", true)) ); const scalar minTwist ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minTwist", true)) ); const scalar minTriangleTwist ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minTriangleTwist", true)) ); scalar minFaceFlatness = -1.0; dict.readIfPresent("minFaceFlatness", minFaceFlatness, true); const scalar minDet ( readScalar(dict.lookup("minDeterminant", true)) ); label nWrongFaces = 0; Info<< "Checking faces in error :" << endl; //Pout.setf(ios_base::left); if (maxNonOrtho < 180.0-SMALL) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceDotProduct ( report, maxNonOrtho, mesh, mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.faceAreas(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " non-orthogonality > " << setw(3) << maxNonOrtho << " degrees : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minVol > -GREAT) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFacePyramids ( report, minVol, mesh, mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with face pyramid volume < " << setw(5) << minVol << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minTetQuality > -GREAT) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceTets ( report, minTetQuality, mesh, mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with face-decomposition tet quality < " << setw(5) << minTetQuality << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (maxConcave < 180.0-SMALL) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceAngles ( report, maxConcave, mesh, mesh.faceAreas(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with concavity > " << setw(3) << maxConcave << " degrees : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minArea > -SMALL) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceArea ( report, minArea, mesh, mesh.faceAreas(), checkFaces, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with area < " << setw(5) << minArea << " m^2 : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (maxIntSkew > 0 || maxBounSkew > 0) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceSkewness ( report, maxIntSkew, maxBounSkew, mesh, mesh.points(), mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.faceAreas(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with skewness > " << setw(3) << maxIntSkew << " (internal) or " << setw(3) << maxBounSkew << " (boundary) : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minWeight >= 0 && minWeight < 1) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceWeights ( report, minWeight, mesh, mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.faceAreas(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with interpolation weights (0..1) < " << setw(5) << minWeight << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minVolRatio >= 0) { polyMeshGeometry::checkVolRatio ( report, minVolRatio, mesh, mesh.cellVolumes(), checkFaces, baffles, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with volume ratio of neighbour cells < " << setw(5) << minVolRatio << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minTwist > -1) { //Pout<< "Checking face twist: dot product of face normal " // << "with face triangle normals" << endl; polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceTwist ( report, minTwist, mesh, mesh.cellCentres(), mesh.faceAreas(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with face twist < " << setw(5) << minTwist << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minTriangleTwist > -1) { //Pout<< "Checking triangle twist: dot product of consecutive triangle" // << " normals resulting from face-centre decomposition" << endl; polyMeshGeometry::checkTriangleTwist ( report, minTriangleTwist, mesh, mesh.faceAreas(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with triangle twist < " << setw(5) << minTriangleTwist << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minFaceFlatness > -SMALL) { polyMeshGeometry::checkFaceFlatness ( report, minFaceFlatness, mesh, mesh.faceAreas(), mesh.faceCentres(), mesh.points(), checkFaces, &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces with flatness < " << setw(5) << minFaceFlatness << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } if (minDet > -1) { polyMeshGeometry::checkCellDeterminant ( report, minDet, mesh, mesh.faceAreas(), checkFaces, polyMeshGeometry::affectedCells(mesh, checkFaces), &wrongFaces ); label nNewWrongFaces = returnReduce(wrongFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()); Info<< " faces on cells with determinant < " << setw(5) << minDet << " : " << nNewWrongFaces-nWrongFaces << endl; nWrongFaces = nNewWrongFaces; } //Pout.setf(ios_base::right); return nWrongFaces > 0; }
{ label slaveSideCell = own[ftc[facei]]; if (mesh.isInternalFace(ftc[facei]) && slaveSideCell == mc[facei]) { // Owner cell of the face is being removed. // Grab the neighbour instead slaveSideCell = nei[ftc[facei]]; } ref.setAction(polyRemoveCell(mc[facei], slaveSideCell)); } // Remove all the faces from the master layer cells which are not in // the master face layer labelHashSet facesToRemoveMap(mc.size()*primitiveMesh::facesPerCell_); const cellList& cells = mesh.cells(); forAll(mc, celli) { const cell& curCell = cells[mc[celli]]; forAll(curCell, facei) { // Check if the face is in the master zone. If not, remove it if ( mesh.faceZones().whichZone(curCell[facei]) != faceZoneID_.index() )
// Same check as snapMesh void checkSnapMesh ( const Time& runTime, const polyMesh& mesh, labelHashSet& wrongFaces ) { IOdictionary snapDict ( IOobject ( "snapMeshDict", runTime.system(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ) ); // Max nonorthogonality allowed scalar maxNonOrtho(readScalar(snapDict.lookup("maxNonOrtho"))); primitiveMesh::nonOrthThreshold_ = maxNonOrtho; // Max concaveness allowed. scalar maxConcave(readScalar(snapDict.lookup("maxConcave"))); primitiveMesh::faceAngleThreshold_ = maxConcave; // Min volume allowed (factor of minimum cellVolume) scalar relMinVol(readScalar(snapDict.lookup("minVol"))); const scalar minCellVol = min(mesh.cellVolumes()); const scalar minPyrVol = relMinVol*minCellVol; // Min area scalar minArea(readScalar(snapDict.lookup("minArea"))); if (maxNonOrtho < 180.0 - SMALL) { Pout<< "Checking non orthogonality" << endl; label nOldSize = wrongFaces.size(); mesh.checkFaceOrthogonality(false, &wrongFaces); Pout<< "Detected " << wrongFaces.size() - nOldSize << " faces with non-orthogonality > " << maxNonOrtho << " degrees" << endl; } if (minPyrVol > -GREAT) { Pout<< "Checking face pyramids" << endl; label nOldSize = wrongFaces.size(); mesh.checkFacePyramids(false, minPyrVol, &wrongFaces); Pout<< "Detected additional " << wrongFaces.size() - nOldSize << " faces with illegal face pyramids" << endl; } if (maxConcave < 180.0 - SMALL) { Pout<< "Checking face angles" << endl; label nOldSize = wrongFaces.size(); mesh.checkFaceAngles(false, &wrongFaces); Pout<< "Detected additional " << wrongFaces.size() - nOldSize << " faces with concavity > " << maxConcave << " degrees" << endl; } if (minArea > -SMALL) { Pout<< "Checking face areas" << endl; label nOldSize = wrongFaces.size(); const scalarField magFaceAreas = mag(mesh.faceAreas()); forAll(magFaceAreas, faceI) { if (magFaceAreas[faceI] < minArea) { wrongFaces.insert(faceI); } } Pout<< "Detected additional " << wrongFaces.size() - nOldSize << " faces with area < " << minArea << " m^2" << endl; }
void Foam::surfaceSets::getSurfaceSets ( const polyMesh& mesh, const fileName&, const triSurface&, const triSurfaceSearch& querySurf, const pointField& outsidePts, const label nCutLayers, labelHashSet& inside, labelHashSet& outside, labelHashSet& cut ) { // Construct search engine on mesh meshSearch queryMesh(mesh, true); // Check all 'outside' points forAll(outsidePts, outsideI) { const point& outsidePoint = outsidePts[outsideI]; // Find cell point is in. Linear search. if (queryMesh.findCell(outsidePoint, -1, false) == -1) { FatalErrorIn ( "surfaceSets::getSurfaceSets" "(const polyMesh&, const fileName&, const triSurface&" ", const triSurfaceSearch&, const pointField&" ", labelHashSet&, labelHashSet&, labelHashSet&)" ) << "outsidePoint " << outsidePoint << " is not inside any cell" << exit(FatalError); } } // Cut faces with surface and classify cells cellClassification cellType ( mesh, queryMesh, querySurf, outsidePts ); if (nCutLayers > 0) { // Trim cutCells so they are max nCutLayers away (as seen in point-cell // walk) from outside cells. cellType.trimCutCells ( nCutLayers, cellClassification::OUTSIDE, cellClassification::INSIDE ); } forAll(cellType, cellI) { label cType = cellType[cellI]; if (cType == cellClassification::CUT) { cut.insert(cellI); } else if (cType == cellClassification::INSIDE) { inside.insert(cellI); } else if (cType == cellClassification::OUTSIDE) { outside.insert(cellI); } }