Пример #1
result_t SingleDataField::create(const string id, const unsigned char length,
	const string name, const string comment, const string unit,
	const PartType partType, int divisor, map<unsigned int, string> values,
	const string constantValue, const bool verifyValue, SingleDataField* &returnField)
	DataType* dataType = DataTypeList::getInstance()->get(id, length==REMAIN_LEN ? (unsigned char)0 : length);
	if (!dataType) {
	unsigned char bitCount = dataType->getBitCount();
	unsigned char byteCount = (unsigned char)((bitCount + 7) / 8);
	if (dataType->isAdjustableLength()) {
		// check length
		if ((bitCount % 8) != 0) {
			if (length == 0) {
				bitCount = 1; // default bit count: 1 bit
			} else if (length <= bitCount) {
				bitCount = length;
			} else {
				return RESULT_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE; // invalid length
			byteCount = (unsigned char)((bitCount + 7) / 8);
		} else if (length == 0) {
			byteCount = 1; //default byte count: 1 byte
		} else if (length <= byteCount || length == REMAIN_LEN) {
			byteCount = length;
		} else {
			return RESULT_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE; // invalid length
	if (!constantValue.empty()) {
		returnField = new ConstantDataField(name, comment, unit, dataType, partType, byteCount, constantValue, verifyValue);
		return RESULT_OK;
	if (dataType->isNumeric()) {
		NumberDataType* numType = (NumberDataType*)dataType;
		if (values.empty() && numType->hasFlag(DAY)) {
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(dayNames) / sizeof(dayNames[0]); i++)
				values[numType->getMinValue() + i] = dayNames[i];
		result_t result = numType->derive(divisor, bitCount, numType);
		if (result!=RESULT_OK) {
			return result;
		if (values.empty()) {
			returnField = new SingleDataField(name, comment, unit, numType, partType, byteCount);
			return RESULT_OK;
		if (values.begin()->first < numType->getMinValue() || values.rbegin()->first > numType->getMaxValue()) {
		returnField = new ValueListDataField(name, comment, unit, numType, partType, byteCount, values);
		return RESULT_OK;
	if (divisor != 0 || !values.empty()) {
		return RESULT_ERR_INVALID_ARG; // cannot set divisor or values for string field
	returnField = new SingleDataField(name, comment, unit, (StringDataType*)dataType, partType, byteCount);
	return RESULT_OK;
Пример #2
bool work() {
    int x, y, z;
    scanf("%d", &x);
    if (!x) return false;
    switch(x) {
        case 1:
        scanf("%d%d", &y, &z);
        a.insert(make_pair(z, y));
        case 3:
        if (a.empty()) {
            printf("%d\n", 0);
        } else {
            it t = a.begin();
            printf("%d\n", t -> second);
        case 2:
        if (a.empty()) {
            printf("%d\n", 0);
        } else {
            it t = a.end();
            printf("%d\n", t -> second);
    return true;
Пример #3
result_t SingleDataField::derive(string name, string comment,
		string unit, const PartType partType,
		int divisor, map<unsigned int, string> values,
		vector<SingleDataField*>& fields)
	if (m_partType != pt_any && partType == pt_any)
		return RESULT_ERR_INVALID_PART; // cannot create a template from a concrete instance
	bool numeric = m_dataType->isNumeric();
	if (!numeric && (divisor != 0 || !values.empty()))
		return RESULT_ERR_INVALID_ARG; // cannot set divisor or values for non-numeric field
	if (name.empty())
		name = m_name;
	if (comment.empty())
		comment = m_comment;
	if (unit.empty())
		unit = m_unit;
	DataType* dataType = m_dataType;
	if (numeric) {
		NumberDataType* numType = (NumberDataType*)m_dataType;
		result_t result = numType->derive(divisor, 0, numType);
		if (result != RESULT_OK)
			return result;
		dataType = numType;
	if (values.empty()) {
		fields.push_back(new SingleDataField(name, comment, unit, dataType, partType, m_length));
	} else {
		fields.push_back(new ValueListDataField(name, comment, unit, (NumberDataType*)dataType, partType, m_length, values));
	return RESULT_OK;
Пример #4
  VecX<T>& operator+=(VecX<T> const &a) {
    if (a.data.empty() && a.px.empty()) return *this;
    rank = rank < a.rank ? a.rank : rank;  
     if (!px.empty() && !a.px.empty()) {
       for (it_cmap it=a.px.begin(); it!=a.px.end(); ++it) {
	 if (px[it->first] + it->second == 0) continue;
	 px[it->first] = px[it->first] + it->second;
    } else if(!px.empty()) {
      data = a.data; 
      for (it_cmap it=px.begin(); it!=px.end(); ++it) 
	data[it->first] = data[it->first] + it->second;
    } else if(!a.px.empty()) {
      if (!data.empty()) {
	for (it_cmap it=a.px.begin(); it!=a.px.end(); ++it)
	  data[it->first] = data[it->first] + it->second; 
      } else {
	px = a.px; 
    } else {
      if (!data.empty()) {
	for (int i=0; i<rank; ++i)
	  data[i] = data[i] + a.data[i];      
      } else {
	data = a.data; 
    return *this; 
Пример #5
 void info() {
   cout<<"      Rank:\t"<<rank<<endl; 
   cout<<"  Contains:\t"<<(!px.empty()?px.size():data.size())<<endl; 
   cout<<"Size(1 el):\t"<<sizeof(T)<<" bytes"<<endl;
   cout<<"Total size:\t~"<<data.size()*sizeof(typename vector<T>::value_type) + px.size()*sizeof(typename map<int_8,T>::value_type)<<" bytes"<<endl;
   if (!px.empty()) cout<<"     Dense:\t"<<(double)px.size()/rank*100<<"%"<<endl; 
Пример #6
 ~SharedLRU() {
   if (!weak_refs.empty()) {
     lderr(cct) << "leaked refs:\n";
     *_dout << dendl;
Пример #7
int main() {
    long long int opern, value, temp, highest;
    char type[10];
    bool h**o, hetro;
    while (opern--) {
        scanf("%s %lld", type, &value);
        value += MOD;
        h**o = false;
        hetro = false;
        if (type[0] == 'i') {
            temp = data[value];
            save[temp * FACT + value] = true;
            if (temp > 1) {
                save.erase((temp - 1) * FACT + value);

        } else {
            if (data[value] > 0) {
                if (data[value] == 1) {
                    save.erase(FACT + value);
                } else {
                    temp = data[value];
                    save[temp * FACT + value] = true;
                    save.erase((temp + 1) * FACT + value);
        if (!save.empty() && !data.empty()) {
            highest = save.rbegin()->first;
            highest = highest / FACT;
        } else {
            highest = 0;
        if (highest > 1) {
            h**o = true;
        if (save.size() > 1 && data.size() > 1) {
            hetro = true;
        if (h**o && hetro) {
            printf("both\n"); // << endl;
        } else if (h**o && !hetro) {
        } else if (!h**o && hetro) {
        } else {
    return 0;
Пример #8
 void adjust(map<int, int>& small, int& ns, map<int, int>& large, int& nl) {
     if(small.empty() || large.empty()) return;
     int s = small.rbegin()->first;
     int l = large.begin()->first;
     if(s > l) {
         del(small, s);
         del(large, l);
Пример #9
void CsvWriter::write(ostream & output, map<int, list<Rule> > rules) {
    // write header
	if (rules.empty()) return;
	map<string, string>::iterator at;
	for (at=rules.begin()->second.front().attributes.begin(); at!=rules.begin()->second.front().attributes.end(); ++at) {
		output << at->first << ";";		
	output << rules.begin()->second.front().class_attribute.second << endl;

	map<int, list<Rule> >::iterator im;
	for (im=rules.begin(); im!=rules.end(); ++im) {
		list<Rule>::iterator ir;
		for (ir=im->second.begin(); ir!=im->second.end(); ++ir) {
            map<string, string>::iterator ia;
			for (ia=ir->attributes.begin(); ia!=ir->attributes.end(); ++ia) {
				if (ia->second!="") {
					output << ia->second;
				output << ";";
			output << ir->decision;
			output << endl;
Пример #10
const vector<std::string> &TulipMaterialDesignIcons::getSupportedIcons() {
  if (iconCodePoint.empty()) {

  return iconsNames;
Пример #11
GLenum LuaFBOs::ParseAttachment(const string& name)
	static map<string, GLenum> attachMap;
	if (attachMap.empty()) {
		attachMap["depth"]   = GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT; 
		attachMap["stencil"] = GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT;
		attachMap["color0"]  = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT;
		attachMap["color1"]  = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT;
		attachMap["color2"]  = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2_EXT;
		attachMap["color3"]  = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3_EXT;
		attachMap["color4"]  = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT4_EXT;
		attachMap["color5"]  = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT5_EXT;
		attachMap["color6"]  = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT6_EXT;
		attachMap["color7"]  = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT7_EXT;
		attachMap["color8"]  = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT8_EXT;
		attachMap["color9"]  = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT9_EXT;
		attachMap["color10"] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT10_EXT;
		attachMap["color11"] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT11_EXT;
		attachMap["color12"] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT12_EXT;
		attachMap["color13"] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT13_EXT;
		attachMap["color14"] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT14_EXT;
		attachMap["color15"] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15_EXT;
	map<string, GLenum>::const_iterator it = attachMap.find(name);
	if (it != attachMap.end()) {
		return it->second;
	return 0;
Пример #12
void Grapher::labelYOrderedPoints(map<float, float> const& _data, int _maxCount, float _minFactor) const
	int ly = active.top() + 6;
	int pc = 0;
	if (_data.empty())
	float smallestAllowed = prev(_data.end())->first * _minFactor;
	BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH (auto peak, _data)
		if ((peak.first > smallestAllowed || _minFactor == 0) && pc < _maxCount)
			int x = xTP(peak.second);
			int y = yTP(peak.first);
			p->setPen(QColor::fromHsvF(float(pc) / _maxCount, 1.f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
			p->drawEllipse(QPoint(x, y), 4, 4);
			p->drawLine(x, y - 4, x, ly + 6);
			QString f = QString::fromStdString(pLabel(xT(peak.second), yT(peak.first)));
			int fw = p->fontMetrics().width(f);
			p->drawLine(x + 16 + fw + 2, ly + 6, x, ly + 6);
			p->setPen(QColor::fromHsvF(0, 0.f, .35f));
			p->fillRect(QRect(x+12, ly-6, fw + 8, 12), QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255, 160)));
			p->drawText(QRect(x+16, ly-6, 160, 12), Qt::AlignVCenter, f);
			ly += 14;
Пример #13
bool TulipMaterialDesignIcons::isIconSupported(const std::string &iconName) {
  if (iconCodePoint.empty()) {

  return iconCodePoint.find(iconName.c_str()) != iconCodePoint.end();
Пример #14
ll forbidden(ll n) {
    if (n <  4) return 0;
    if (n <  9) return 1;
    if (n < 13) return 2;
    static map<ll,ll> memo;
    if (memo.empty()) {
        ll p = 1;
        ll q = 0;
        while (0 < p) {
            memo[p] = q;
            q = 8*q + 2*p;
            p *= 10;
    if (memo.count(n)) return memo[n];
    ll m = floor_log(n);
    ll a = n / m;
    ll b = n - a * m;
    ll result = 0;
    for (auto i : range(a)) {
        result += (i == 4 or i == 9) ? m : forbidden(m);
    result += (a == 4 or a == 9) ? b+1 : forbidden(b);
    return memo[n] = result;
Пример #15
static void InitEntities()
	if( !g_mapEntitiesToChars.empty() )

	static struct Entity
		char c;
		const char *pEntity;
	const EntityTable[] =
		{ '&',  "amp", },
		{ '\"', "quot", },
		{ '\'', "apos", },
		{ '<',  "lt", },
		{ '>',  "gt", } 

	for( unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(EntityTable); ++i )
		const Entity &ent = EntityTable[i];
		g_mapEntitiesToChars[ent.pEntity] = RString(1, ent.c);
		g_mapCharsToEntities[ent.c] = ent.pEntity;
Пример #16
void LocalizerImpl::saveUnknown(const string &file)
  if (!unknown.empty()) {
    ofstream fout(file.c_str(), ios::trunc|ios::out);
    for (map<string, string>::iterator it = unknown.begin(); it!=unknown.end(); ++it) {
      string value = it->second;
      string key = it->first;
      if (value.empty()) {
        value = key;

        int nl = value.find(newline);
        int n2 = value.find(".");

        if (nl!=string::npos || n2!=string::npos) {
          while (nl!=string::npos) {
            value.replace(nl, newline.length(), "\\n");
            nl = value.find(newline);
          key = "help:" + itos(value.length()) + itos(value.find_first_of("."));
      fout << key << " = " << value << endl;
Пример #17
	void TriggerExplosion ( Texture* tex, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat Blastradius )	{
		cout<<"TriggerExplosion: ExplosionsList.size()="<<ExplosionsList.size() <<endl;
		bStartshaking = true;
//		int i;

		cout<<"------------->explosion() called"<<endl;
		//add new element to the map
		if ( ExplosionsList.empty() ) ExplosionsList[0]=explosion();
		else ExplosionsList[ ( ExplosionsList.rbegin() )->first+1]=explosion();
		cout<<"------------->explosion() call finished"<<endl;

		ExplosionsList[ExplosionsList.size()-1].iterateSheets = true;
		ExplosionsList[ExplosionsList.size()-1].Load ( tex, 4, 4 );
		ExplosionsList[ExplosionsList.size()-1].Scale ( Blastradius/30.0 );

//		for ( i=0; i < ExplosionsList.size(); i++ )	{
		ExplosionsList[ExplosionsList.size()-1].x = x;
		ExplosionsList[ExplosionsList.size()-1].y = y;
		ExplosionsList[ExplosionsList.size()-1].Active = true;
		ExplosionsList[ExplosionsList.size()-1].CurrentFrame = 0;
		ExplosionsList[ExplosionsList.size()-1].startTicks = Timer[0].GetTicks();
		cout<<"setting speed"<<endl;
		ExplosionsList[ExplosionsList.size()-1].setAnimationSpeed ( 16.0f );
//		}
		cout<<"explosion at ("<<ExplosionsList[ExplosionsList.size()-1].x<<","<<ExplosionsList[ExplosionsList.size()-1].y<<")"<<endl;

Пример #18
void DBFlush(bool fShutdown)
    // Flush log data to the actual data file
    //  on all files that are not in use
    printf("DBFlush(%s)\n", fShutdown ? "true" : "false");
        dbenv.txn_checkpoint(0, 0, 0);
        map<string, int>::iterator mi = mapFileUseCount.begin();
        while (mi != mapFileUseCount.end())
            string strFile = (*mi).first;
            int nRefCount = (*mi).second;
            if (nRefCount == 0)
                dbenv.lsn_reset(strFile.c_str(), 0);
        if (fShutdown)
            char** listp;
            if (mapFileUseCount.empty())
                dbenv.log_archive(&listp, DB_ARCH_REMOVE);
            fDbEnvInit = false;
Пример #19
TSaslClient::TSaslClient(const string& mechanisms, const string& authenticationId,
                         const string& protocol, const string& serverName, const map<string,string>& props,
                         sasl_callback_t* callbacks) {
    conn = NULL;
    if (!props.empty()) {
        throw SaslServerImplException("Properties not yet supported");
    int result = sasl_client_new(protocol.c_str(), serverName.c_str(),
                                 NULL, NULL, callbacks, 0, &conn);
    if (result != SASL_OK) {
        if (conn) {
            throw SaslServerImplException(sasl_errdetail(conn));
        } else {
            throw SaslServerImplException(sasl_errstring(result, NULL, NULL));

    if (!authenticationId.empty()) {
        /* TODO: setup security property */
        sasl_security_properties_t secprops;
        // populate  secprops
        result = sasl_setprop(conn, SASL_AUTH_EXTERNAL, authenticationId.c_str());

    chosenMech = mechList = mechanisms;
    authComplete = false;
    clientStarted = false;
Пример #20
find_symbol (int addr)
  map<uint16_t,string>::iterator mi;
  mi = exports.upper_bound(addr);

  if (exports.empty() || mi == exports.begin())
      std::stringstream ss;
      ss << '$' << std::hex << addr;
      return ss.str();
      if (mi->first == addr)
	return mi->second;
	  std::stringstream ss;
	  ss << mi->second << "+" << addr - mi->first;
	  return ss.str();
Пример #21
static void get_dup_producer_names(map<BString, int32>& dups)
	int32 id = 0;
	BMidiProducer* prod;
	while ((prod=BMidiRoster::NextProducer(&id)) != NULL) {
		if (!prod->IsLocal()) {
			BString		name(prod->Name());
			dup_name_map::iterator	it = dups.find(name);
			if (it != dups.end()) (*it).second = (*it).second + 1;
			else {
				dups.insert(dup_name_map::value_type(name, 1));
	dup_name_map::iterator		i;
	for (i = dups.begin(); i != dups.end(); i++) {
		if (i->second < 2) {
			/* THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY -- if you try to iterate
			 * over begin() when the map is empty(), it just hangs.
			if (dups.empty()) break;
			i = dups.begin();
	for (i = dups.begin(); i != dups.end(); i++) {
		i->second = 1;
int main() {
    int kase;
    scanf("%d", &kase);
    while(kase --) {
        int C, n;
        scanf("%d%d", &C, &n);
        x[0] = y[0] = w[0] = dist[0] = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            scanf("%d%d%d", &x[i], &y[i], &w[i]),
            w[i] += w[i-1],
            dist[i] = dist[i-1] + abs(x[i] - x[i-1]) + abs(y[i] - y[i-1]),
            manhattan[i] = abs(x[i]) + abs(y[i]);

        f[0] = 0; tree[0] = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            int j = tree.begin()->second;
            while(!tree.empty() && w[i] - w[j] > C)
                j = tree.begin()->second;
            f[i] = func(j) + dist[i] + manhattan[i];
            tree[func(i)] = i;

        printf("%d\n", f[n]);
        if(kase) printf("\n");
    return 0;
Пример #23
Файл: cn.cpp Проект: yagi/satori
static SRV	call_cn(string iCommand, deque<string>& iArguments, deque<string>& oValues)
	// 名前と命令を関連付けたmap
	typedef SRV (*Command)(deque<string>&, deque<string>&);
	static map<string, Command>	theMap;
	if ( theMap.empty() )
		// 初回準備
		#define	d(iName)	\
			SRV	_##iName(deque<string>&, deque<string>&); \
			theMap[ #iName ] = _##iName
		// 命令一覧の宣言と関連付け。
		#undef	d

	// 命令の存在を確認
	map<string, Command>::const_iterator i = theMap.find(iCommand);
	if ( i==theMap.end() ) {
		return SRV(400, string()+"Error: '"+iCommand+"'という名前の命令は定義されていません。");

	// 実際に呼ぶ
	return	i->second(iArguments, oValues);
Пример #24
    static uint char_type(sint32 c)
        static map<sint, uint> _map;
        if (_map.empty())
            _map['K'] = RedKing;
            _map['G'] = RedAdvisor;
            _map['A'] = RedAdvisor;
            _map['B'] = RedBishop;
            _map['E'] = RedBishop;
            _map['R'] = RedRook;
            _map['H'] = RedKnight;
            _map['N'] = RedKnight;
            _map['C'] = RedCannon;
            _map['P'] = RedPawn;

            _map['k'] = BlackKing;
            _map['g'] = BlackAdvisor;
            _map['a'] = BlackAdvisor;
            _map['b'] = BlackBishop;
            _map['e'] = BlackBishop;
            _map['r'] = BlackRook;
            _map['h'] = BlackKnight;
            _map['n'] = BlackKnight;
            _map['c'] = BlackCannon;
            _map['p'] = BlackPawn;
        if (_map.find(c) != _map.end())
            return _map[c];
        return InvaildPiece;
Пример #25
result_t ValueListDataField::derive(string name, string comment,
		string unit, const PartType partType,
		int divisor, map<unsigned int, string> values,
		vector<SingleDataField*>& fields)
	if (m_partType != pt_any && partType == pt_any)
		return RESULT_ERR_INVALID_PART; // cannot create a template from a concrete instance
	if (name.empty())
		name = m_name;
	if (comment.empty())
		comment = m_comment;
	if (unit.empty())
		unit = m_unit;
	if (divisor != 0 && divisor != 1)
		return RESULT_ERR_INVALID_ARG; // cannot use divisor != 1 for value list field

	if (!values.empty()) {
		NumberDataType* num = (NumberDataType*)m_dataType;
		if (values.begin()->first < num->getMinValue() || values.rbegin()->first > num->getMaxValue())
			return RESULT_ERR_INVALID_ARG; // cannot use divisor != 1 for value list field
		values = m_values;

	fields.push_back(new ValueListDataField(name, comment, unit, (NumberDataType*)m_dataType, partType, m_length, values));

	return RESULT_OK;
Пример #26
    static sint type_char(uint32 t)
        static map<uint, sint> _map;
        if (_map.empty())
            _map[RedKing] = 'K';
            _map[RedAdvisor] = 'A';
            _map[RedBishop] = 'B';
            _map[RedRook] = 'R';
            _map[RedKnight] = 'N';
            _map[RedCannon] = 'C';
            _map[RedPawn] = 'P';

            _map[BlackKing] = 'k';
            _map[BlackAdvisor] = 'a';
            _map[BlackBishop] = 'b';
            _map[BlackRook] = 'r';
            _map[BlackKnight] = 'n';
            _map[BlackCannon] = 'c';
            _map[BlackPawn] = 'p';
        if (_map.find(t) != _map.end())
            return _map[t];
        return 0;
Пример #27
  VPtr lower_bound(const K& key) {
    VPtr val;
    list<VPtr> to_release;
      Mutex::Locker l(lock);
      bool retry = false;
      do {
	retry = false;
	if (weak_refs.empty())
	typename map<K, WeakVPtr>::iterator i = weak_refs.lower_bound(key);
	if (i == weak_refs.end())
	val = i->second.lock();
	if (val) {
	  lru_add(i->first, val, &to_release);
	} else {
	  retry = true;
	if (retry)
      } while (retry);
    return val;
Пример #28
//  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ESpecType SpecType( 
    const string& spectype )
//  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    static map<string, ESpecType> typemap;
    if ( typemap.empty() ) {
        typemap["Integer"] = eType_Integer;
        typemap["Float"] = eType_Float;
        typemap["Flag"] = eType_Flag;
        typemap["Character"] = eType_Character;
        typemap["String"] = eType_String;
    try {
        return typemap[spectype];
    catch( ... ) {
        AutoPtr<CObjReaderLineException> pErr(
            "CVcfReader::xProcessMetaLineInfo: Unrecognized line or record type.",
            ILineError::eProblem_GeneralParsingError) );
        return eType_String;
Пример #29
long primeNumber(long n, map<long, int>& pCache){
    long s, i, p = 0;
    map<long, int>::iterator it;

    if(n < 0)   return -1;
    else if(n == 0) return 0;
    else if(n == 1) return 1;

        for(it = pCache.begin(); it != pCache.end(); ++it){
            p = it->first;
            //cout<<it->first<<" -> "<<it->second<<endl;
            if(n % p == 0){
                pCache[p] = (it->second)+1;
                return p;
            }else if(p > n){
                pCache.insert(pair<long, int>(n, 1));
                return n;

    s = (long)(sqrt(n)+1);
    for(i = 2; i <= s; i++){
        if(n % i == 0){
            if(i > p)
                pCache.insert(pair<long, int>(i, 1));
            return i;
    pCache.insert(pair<long, int>(n, 1));
    return n; //itself is a prime number;
Пример #30
const std::map<std::string, int>& CCobUnitScriptNames::GetScriptMap()
	if (!scriptMap.empty())
		return scriptMap;

	const vector<string>& n = GetScriptNames();

	for (size_t i = 0; i < n.size(); ++i) {
		scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>(n[i], i));

	// support the old naming scheme
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("QueryPrimary",     COBFN_QueryPrimary));
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("QuerySecondary",   COBFN_QueryPrimary + COBFN_Weapon_Funcs * 1));
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("QueryTertiary",    COBFN_QueryPrimary + COBFN_Weapon_Funcs * 2));
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("AimPrimary",       COBFN_AimPrimary));
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("AimSecondary",     COBFN_AimPrimary + COBFN_Weapon_Funcs * 1));
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("AimTertiary",      COBFN_AimPrimary + COBFN_Weapon_Funcs * 2));
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("AimFromPrimary",   COBFN_AimFromPrimary));
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("AimFromSecondary", COBFN_AimFromPrimary + COBFN_Weapon_Funcs * 1));
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("AimFromTertiary",  COBFN_AimFromPrimary + COBFN_Weapon_Funcs * 2));
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("FirePrimary",      COBFN_FirePrimary));
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("FireSecondary",    COBFN_FirePrimary + COBFN_Weapon_Funcs * 1));
	scriptMap.insert(pair<string, int>("FireTertiary",     COBFN_FirePrimary + COBFN_Weapon_Funcs * 2));

	//for (std::map<string, int>::const_iterator it = scriptMap.begin(); it != scriptMap.end(); ++it) {
	//	LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "COBFN: %s -> %3d", it->first.c_str(), it->second);

	return scriptMap;