Пример #1
long CRT(mat_ZZ& gg, ZZ& a, const mat_zz_p& G)
    long n = gg.NumRows();
    long m = gg.NumCols();

    if (G.NumRows() != n || G.NumCols() != m)
        Error("CRT: dimension mismatch");

    long p = zz_p::modulus();

    ZZ new_a;
    mul(new_a, a, p);

    long a_inv;
    a_inv = rem(a, p);
    a_inv = InvMod(a_inv, p);

    long p1;
    p1 = p >> 1;

    ZZ a1;
    RightShift(a1, a, 1);

    long p_odd = (p & 1);

    long modified = 0;

    long h;

    ZZ g;
    long i, j;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
            if (!CRTInRange(gg[i][j], a)) {
                modified = 1;
                rem(g, gg[i][j], a);
                if (g > a1) sub(g, g, a);
                g = gg[i][j];

            h = rem(g, p);
            h = SubMod(rep(G[i][j]), h, p);
            h = MulMod(h, a_inv, p);
            if (h > p1)
                h = h - p;

            if (h != 0) {
                modified = 1;

                if (!p_odd && g > 0 && (h == p1))
                    MulSubFrom(g, a, h);
                    MulAddTo(g, a, h);


            gg[i][j] = g;

    a = new_a;

    return modified;

Пример #2
void solve(ZZ& d_out, vec_ZZ& x_out,
           const mat_ZZ& A, const vec_ZZ& b,
           long deterministic)
    long n = A.NumRows();

    if (A.NumCols() != n)
        Error("solve: nonsquare matrix");

    if (b.length() != n)
        Error("solve: dimension mismatch");

    if (n == 0) {

    zz_pBak zbak;

    ZZ_pBak Zbak;

    vec_ZZ x(INIT_SIZE, n);
    ZZ d, d1;

    ZZ d_prod, x_prod;

    long d_instable = 1;
    long x_instable = 1;

    long check = 0;

    long gp_cnt = 0;

    vec_ZZ y, b1;

    long i;
    long bound = 2+DetBound(A);

    for (i = 0; ; i++) {
        if ((check || IsZero(d)) && !d_instable) {
            if (NumBits(d_prod) > bound) {
            else if (!deterministic &&
                     bound > 1000 && NumBits(d_prod) < 0.25*bound) {

                ZZ P;

                long plen = 90 + NumBits(max(bound, NumBits(d)));
                GenPrime(P, plen, 90 + 2*NumBits(gp_cnt++));


                mat_ZZ_p AA;
                conv(AA, A);

                ZZ_p dd;
                determinant(dd, AA);

                if (CRT(d, d_prod, rep(dd), P))
                    d_instable = 1;

        long p = zz_p::modulus();

        mat_zz_p AA;
        conv(AA, A);

        if (!check) {
            vec_zz_p bb, xx;
            conv(bb, b);

            zz_p dd;

            solve(dd, xx, AA, bb);

            d_instable = CRT(d, d_prod, rep(dd), p);
            if (!IsZero(dd)) {
                mul(xx, xx, dd);
                x_instable = CRT(x, x_prod, xx);
                x_instable = 1;

            if (!d_instable && !x_instable) {
                mul(y, x, A);
                mul(b1, b, d);
                if (y == b1) {
                    d1 = d;
                    check = 1;
        else {
            zz_p dd;
            determinant(dd, AA);
            d_instable = CRT(d, d_prod, rep(dd), p);

    if (check && d1 != d) {
        mul(x, x, d);
        ExactDiv(x, d1);

    d_out = d;
    if (check) x_out = x;

Пример #3
void solve1(ZZ& d_out, vec_ZZ& x_out, const mat_ZZ& A, const vec_ZZ& b)
    long n = A.NumRows();

    if (A.NumCols() != n)
        Error("solve1: nonsquare matrix");

    if (b.length() != n)
        Error("solve1: dimension mismatch");

    if (n == 0) {

    ZZ num_bound, den_bound;

    hadamard(num_bound, den_bound, A, b);

    if (den_bound == 0) {

    zz_pBak zbak;

    long i;
    long j;

    ZZ prod;
    prod = 1;

    mat_zz_p B;

    for (i = 0; ; i++) {

        mat_zz_p AA, BB;
        zz_p dd;

        conv(AA, A);
        inv(dd, BB, AA);

        if (dd != 0) {
            transpose(B, BB);

        mul(prod, prod, zz_p::modulus());

        if (prod > den_bound) {
            d_out = 0;

    long max_A_len = MaxBits(A);

    long use_double_mul1 = 0;
    long use_double_mul2 = 0;
    long double_limit = 0;

    if (max_A_len + NTL_SP_NBITS + NumBits(n) <= NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION-1)
        use_double_mul1 = 1;

    if (!use_double_mul1 && max_A_len+NTL_SP_NBITS+2 <= NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION-1) {
        use_double_mul2 = 1;
        double_limit = (1L << (NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION-1-max_A_len-NTL_SP_NBITS));

    long use_long_mul1 = 0;
    long use_long_mul2 = 0;
    long long_limit = 0;

    if (max_A_len + NTL_SP_NBITS + NumBits(n) <= NTL_BITS_PER_LONG-1)
        use_long_mul1 = 1;

    if (!use_long_mul1 && max_A_len+NTL_SP_NBITS+2 <= NTL_BITS_PER_LONG-1) {
        use_long_mul2 = 1;
        long_limit = (1L << (NTL_BITS_PER_LONG-1-max_A_len-NTL_SP_NBITS));

    if (use_double_mul1 && use_long_mul1)
        use_long_mul1 = 0;
    else if (use_double_mul1 && use_long_mul2)
        use_long_mul2 = 0;
    else if (use_double_mul2 && use_long_mul1)
        use_double_mul2 = 0;
    else if (use_double_mul2 && use_long_mul2) {
        if (long_limit > double_limit)
            use_double_mul2 = 0;
            use_long_mul2 = 0;

    double **double_A;
    double *double_h;

    typedef double *double_ptr;

    if (use_double_mul1 || use_double_mul2) {
        double_h = NTL_NEW_OP double[n];
        double_A = NTL_NEW_OP double_ptr[n];
        if (!double_h || !double_A) Error("solve1: out of mem");

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            double_A[i] = NTL_NEW_OP double[n];
            if (!double_A[i]) Error("solve1: out of mem");

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
                double_A[j][i] = to_double(A[i][j]);
Пример #4
void determinant(ZZ& rres, const mat_ZZ& a, long deterministic)
    long n = a.NumRows();
    if (a.NumCols() != n)
        Error("determinant: nonsquare matrix");

    if (n == 0) {

    zz_pBak zbak;

    ZZ_pBak Zbak;

    long instable = 1;

    long gp_cnt = 0;

    long bound = 2+DetBound(a);

    ZZ res, prod;


    long i;
    for (i = 0; ; i++) {
        if (NumBits(prod) > bound)

        if (!deterministic &&
                !instable && bound > 1000 && NumBits(prod) < 0.25*bound) {
            ZZ P;

            long plen = 90 + NumBits(max(bound, NumBits(res)));
            GenPrime(P, plen, 90 + 2*NumBits(gp_cnt++));


            mat_ZZ_p A;
            conv(A, a);

            ZZ_p t;
            determinant(t, A);

            if (CRT(res, prod, rep(t), P))
                instable = 1;

        long p = zz_p::modulus();

        mat_zz_p A;
        conv(A, a);

        zz_p t;
        determinant(t, A);

        instable = CRT(res, prod, rep(t), p);

    rres = res;

Пример #5
void solve1(ZZ& d_out, vec_ZZ& x_out, const mat_ZZ& A, const vec_ZZ& b)
   long n = A.NumRows();

   if (A.NumCols() != n)
      LogicError("solve1: nonsquare matrix");

   if (b.length() != n)
      LogicError("solve1: dimension mismatch");

   if (n == 0) {

   ZZ num_bound, den_bound;

   hadamard(num_bound, den_bound, A, b);

   if (den_bound == 0) {

   zz_pBak zbak;

   long i;
   long j;

   ZZ prod;
   prod = 1;

   mat_zz_p B;

   for (i = 0; ; i++) {

      mat_zz_p AA, BB;
      zz_p dd;

      conv(AA, A);
      inv(dd, BB, AA);

      if (dd != 0) {
         transpose(B, BB);

      mul(prod, prod, zz_p::modulus());
      if (prod > den_bound) {
         d_out = 0;

   long max_A_len = MaxBits(A);

   long use_double_mul1 = 0;
   long use_double_mul2 = 0;
   long double_limit = 0;

   if (max_A_len + NTL_SP_NBITS + NumBits(n) <= NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION-1)
      use_double_mul1 = 1;

   if (!use_double_mul1 && max_A_len+NTL_SP_NBITS+2 <= NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION-1) {
      use_double_mul2 = 1;
      double_limit = (1L << (NTL_DOUBLE_PRECISION-1-max_A_len-NTL_SP_NBITS));

   long use_long_mul1 = 0;
   long use_long_mul2 = 0;
   long long_limit = 0;

   if (max_A_len + NTL_SP_NBITS + NumBits(n) <= NTL_BITS_PER_LONG-1)
      use_long_mul1 = 1;

   if (!use_long_mul1 && max_A_len+NTL_SP_NBITS+2 <= NTL_BITS_PER_LONG-1) {
      use_long_mul2 = 1;
      long_limit = (1L << (NTL_BITS_PER_LONG-1-max_A_len-NTL_SP_NBITS));

   if (use_double_mul1 && use_long_mul1)
      use_long_mul1 = 0;
   else if (use_double_mul1 && use_long_mul2)
      use_long_mul2 = 0;
   else if (use_double_mul2 && use_long_mul1)
      use_double_mul2 = 0;
   else if (use_double_mul2 && use_long_mul2) {
      if (long_limit > double_limit)
         use_double_mul2 = 0;
         use_long_mul2 = 0;

   double **double_A=0;
   double *double_h=0;

   Unique2DArray<double> double_A_store;
   UniqueArray<double> double_h_store;

   if (use_double_mul1 || use_double_mul2) {
      double_h = double_h_store.get();

      double_A_store.SetDims(n, n);
      double_A = double_A_store.get();

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
         for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            double_A[j][i] = to_double(A[i][j]);

   long **long_A=0;
   long *long_h=0;

   Unique2DArray<long> long_A_store;
   UniqueArray<long> long_h_store;

   if (use_long_mul1 || use_long_mul2) {
      long_h = long_h_store.get();

      long_A_store.SetDims(n, n);
      long_A = long_A_store.get();

      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
         for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
            long_A[j][i] = to_long(A[i][j]);

   vec_ZZ x;

   vec_zz_p h;

   vec_ZZ e;
   e = b;

   vec_zz_p ee;

   vec_ZZ t;

   prod = 1;

   ZZ bound1;
   mul(bound1, num_bound, den_bound);
   mul(bound1, bound1, 2);

   while (prod <= bound1) {
      conv(ee, e);

      mul(h, B, ee);

      if (use_double_mul1) {
         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            double_h[i] = to_double(rep(h[i]));

         double_MixedMul1(t, double_h, double_A, n);
      else if (use_double_mul2) {
         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            double_h[i] = to_double(rep(h[i]));

         double_MixedMul2(t, double_h, double_A, n, double_limit);
      else if (use_long_mul1) {
         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            long_h[i] = to_long(rep(h[i]));

         long_MixedMul1(t, long_h, long_A, n);
      else if (use_long_mul2) {
         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            long_h[i] = to_long(rep(h[i]));

         long_MixedMul2(t, long_h, long_A, n, long_limit);
         MixedMul(t, h, A); // t = h*A

      SubDiv(e, t, zz_p::modulus()); // e = (e-t)/p
      MulAdd(x, prod, h);  // x = x + prod*h

      mul(prod, prod, zz_p::modulus());

   vec_ZZ num, denom;
   ZZ d, d_mod_prod, tmp1;

   d = 1;
   d_mod_prod = 1;

   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      rem(x[i], x[i], prod);
      MulMod(x[i], x[i], d_mod_prod, prod);

      if (!ReconstructRational(num[i], denom[i], x[i], prod, 
           num_bound, den_bound))
          LogicError("solve1 internal error: rat recon failed!");

      mul(d, d, denom[i]);

      if (i != n-1) {
         if (denom[i] != 1) {
            div(den_bound, den_bound, denom[i]); 
            mul(bound1, num_bound, den_bound);
            mul(bound1, bound1, 2);

            div(tmp1, prod, zz_p::modulus());
            while (tmp1 > bound1) {
               prod = tmp1;
               div(tmp1, prod, zz_p::modulus());

            rem(tmp1, denom[i], prod);
            rem(d_mod_prod, d_mod_prod, prod);
            MulMod(d_mod_prod, d_mod_prod, tmp1, prod);

   tmp1 = 1;
   for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
      mul(num[i], num[i], tmp1);
      mul(tmp1, tmp1, denom[i]);

   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      x_out[i] = num[i];

   d_out = d;
void CharPoly(ZZX& gg, const mat_ZZ& a, long deterministic)
   long n = a.NumRows();
   if (a.NumCols() != n)
      LogicError("CharPoly: nonsquare matrix");

   if (n == 0) {

   if (n == 1) {
      ZZ t;
      negate(t, a(1, 1));
      SetCoeff(gg, 0, t);

   long bound = 2 + CharPolyBound(a);

   zz_pBak bak;

   ZZ_pBak bak1;

   ZZX g;
   ZZ prod;


   long i;

   long instable = 1;

   long gp_cnt = 0;

   for (i = 0; ; i++) {
      if (NumBits(prod) > bound)

      if (!deterministic &&
          !instable && bound > 1000 && NumBits(prod) < 0.25*bound) {
         long plen = 90 + NumBits(max(bound, MaxBits(g)));

         ZZ P;

         GenPrime(P, plen, 90 + 2*NumBits(gp_cnt++));

         mat_ZZ_p A;
         ZZ_pX G;
         conv(A, a);
         CharPoly(G, A);

         if (CRT(g, prod, G))
            instable = 1;


      mat_zz_p A;
      zz_pX G;
      conv(A, a);
      CharPoly(G, A);
      instable = CRT(g, prod, G);

   gg = g;

Пример #7
long LLL_XD(mat_ZZ& B, mat_ZZ* U, xdouble delta, long deep, 
           LLLCheckFct check)
   long m = B.NumRows();
   long n = B.NumCols();

   long i, j;
   long new_m, dep, quit;
   xdouble s;
   ZZ MU;
   xdouble mu1;

   xdouble t1;
   ZZ T1;


   if (U) ident(*U, m);

   xdouble **B1;  // approximates B

   typedef xdouble *xdoubleptr;

   B1 = NTL_NEW_OP xdoubleptr[m+1];
   if (!B1) Error("LLL_XD: out of memory");

   for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
      B1[i] = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[n+1];
      if (!B1[i]) Error("LLL_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble **mu;
   mu = NTL_NEW_OP xdoubleptr[m+1];
   if (!mu) Error("LLL_XD: out of memory");

   for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
      mu[i] = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[m+1];
      if (!mu[i]) Error("LLL_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble *c; // squared lengths of Gramm-Schmidt basis vectors

   c = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[m+1];
   if (!c) Error("LLL_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble *b; // squared lengths of basis vectors

   b = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[m+1];
   if (!b) Error("LLL_XD: out of memory");

   for (i = 1; i <=m; i++)
      for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) 
         conv(B1[i][j], B(i, j));

   for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
      b[i] = InnerProduct(B1[i], B1[i], n);

   new_m = ll_LLL_XD(B, U, delta, deep, check, B1, mu, b, c, m, 1, quit);
   dep = m - new_m;
   m = new_m;

   if (dep > 0) {
      // for consistency, we move all of the zero rows to the front

      for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
         swap(B(m+dep-i), B(m-i));
         if (U) swap((*U)(m+dep-i), (*U)(m-i));

   // clean-up

   for (i = 1; i <= m+dep; i++) {
      delete [] B1[i];

   delete [] B1;

   for (i = 1; i <= m+dep; i++) {
      delete [] mu[i];

   delete [] mu;

   delete [] c;

   delete [] b;

   return m;
Пример #8
long BKZ_XD(mat_ZZ& BB, mat_ZZ* UU, xdouble delta, 
         long beta, long prune, LLLCheckFct check)
   long m = BB.NumRows();
   long n = BB.NumCols();
   long m_orig = m;
   long i, j;
   ZZ MU;

   xdouble t1;
   ZZ T1;
   xdouble *tp;


   mat_ZZ B;
   B = BB;

   B.SetDims(m+1, n);

   xdouble **B1;  // approximates B

   typedef xdouble *xdoubleptr;

   B1 = NTL_NEW_OP xdoubleptr[m+2];
   if (!B1) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   for (i = 1; i <= m+1; i++) {
      B1[i] = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[n+1];
      if (!B1[i]) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble **mu;
   mu = NTL_NEW_OP xdoubleptr[m+2];
   if (!mu) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   for (i = 1; i <= m+1; i++) {
      mu[i] = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[m+1];
      if (!mu[i]) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble *c; // squared lengths of Gramm-Schmidt basis vectors

   c = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[m+2];
   if (!c) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble *b; // squared lengths of basis vectors

   b = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[m+2];
   if (!b) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble cbar;

   xdouble *ctilda;
   ctilda = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[m+2];
   if (!ctilda) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble *vvec;
   vvec = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[m+2];
   if (!vvec) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble *yvec;
   yvec = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[m+2];
   if (!yvec) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble *uvec;
   uvec = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[m+2];
   if (!uvec) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble *utildavec;
   utildavec = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[m+2];
   if (!utildavec) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   long *Deltavec;
   Deltavec = NTL_NEW_OP long[m+2];
   if (!Deltavec) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   long *deltavec;
   deltavec = NTL_NEW_OP long[m+2];
   if (!deltavec) Error("BKZ_XD: out of memory");

   mat_ZZ Ulocal;
   mat_ZZ *U;

   if (UU) {
      Ulocal.SetDims(m+1, m);
      for (i = 1; i <= m; i++)
         conv(Ulocal(i, i), 1);
      U = &Ulocal;
      U = 0;

   long quit;
   long new_m;
   long z, jj, kk;
   long s, t;
   long h;
   xdouble eta;

   for (i = 1; i <=m; i++)
      for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) 
         conv(B1[i][j], B(i, j));

   for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
      b[i] = InnerProduct(B1[i], B1[i], n);

   // cerr << "\n";
   // cerr << "first LLL\n";

   m = ll_LLL_XD(B, U, delta, 0, check, B1, mu, b, c, m, 1, quit);

   double tt;

   double enum_time = 0;
   unsigned long NumIterations = 0;
   unsigned long NumTrivial = 0;
   unsigned long NumNonTrivial = 0;
   unsigned long NumNoOps = 0;

   long verb = verbose;

   verbose = 0;

   if (m < m_orig) {
      for (i = m_orig+1; i >= m+2; i--) {
         // swap i, i-1

         swap(B(i), B(i-1));
         if (U) swap((*U)(i), (*U)(i-1));

   long clean = 1;

   if (!quit && m > 1) {
      // cerr << "continuing\n";
      if (beta > m) beta = m;

      if (prune > 0)
         ComputeBKZConstant(beta, prune);

      z = 0;
      jj = 0;
      while (z < m-1) {
         kk = min(jj+beta-1, m);
         if (jj == m) {
            jj = 1;
            kk = beta;
            clean = 1;

         if (verb) {
            tt = GetTime();
            if (tt > LastTime + LLLStatusInterval)
               BKZStatus(tt, enum_time, NumIterations, NumTrivial,
                         NumNonTrivial, NumNoOps, m, B);

         // ENUM

         double tt1;

         if (verb) {
            tt1 = GetTime();

         if (prune > 0)
            ComputeBKZThresh(&c[jj], kk-jj+1);

         cbar = c[jj];
         utildavec[jj] = uvec[jj] = 1;
         yvec[jj] = vvec[jj] = 0;
         Deltavec[jj] = 0;
         s = t = jj;
         deltavec[jj] = 1;
         for (i = jj+1; i <= kk+1; i++) {
            ctilda[i] = uvec[i] = utildavec[i] = yvec[i] = 0;
            Deltavec[i] = 0;
            vvec[i] = 0;
            deltavec[i] = 1;

         long enum_cnt = 0;
         while (t <= kk) {
            if (verb) {
               if (enum_cnt > 100000) {
                  enum_cnt = 0;
                  tt = GetTime();
                  if (tt > LastTime + LLLStatusInterval) {
                     enum_time += tt - tt1;
                     tt1 = tt;
                     BKZStatus(tt, enum_time, NumIterations, NumTrivial,
                               NumNonTrivial, NumNoOps, m, B);

            ctilda[t] = ctilda[t+1] + 

            if (prune > 0 && t > jj) {
               eta = BKZThresh(t-jj);
               eta = 0;
            if (ctilda[t] < cbar - eta) {
               if (t > jj) {
                  t1 = 0;
                  for (i = t+1; i <= s; i++) {
                     t1 += utildavec[i]*mu[i][t];

                  yvec[t] = t1;
                  t1 = -t1;
                  if (t1 >= 0)
                     t1 = ceil(t1-0.5);
                     t1 = floor(t1+0.5);

                  utildavec[t] = vvec[t] = t1;
                  Deltavec[t] = 0;
                  if (utildavec[t] > -yvec[t]) 
                     deltavec[t] = -1;
                     deltavec[t] = 1;
               else {
                  cbar = ctilda[jj];
                  for (i = jj; i <= kk; i++) {
                     uvec[i] = utildavec[i];
            else {
               s = max(s, t);
               if (t < s) Deltavec[t] = -Deltavec[t];
               if (Deltavec[t]*deltavec[t] >= 0) Deltavec[t] += deltavec[t];
               utildavec[t] = vvec[t] + Deltavec[t];
         if (verb) {
            tt1 = GetTime() - tt1;
            enum_time += tt1;


         h = min(kk+1, m);
         if ((delta-8*red_fudge)*c[jj] > cbar) {

            clean = 0;

            // we treat the case that the new vector is b_s (jj < s <= kk)
            // as a special case that appears to occur most of the time.
            s = 0;
            for (i = jj+1; i <= kk; i++) {
               if (uvec[i] != 0) {
                  if (s == 0)
                     s = i;
                     s = -1;
            if (s == 0) Error("BKZ_XD: internal error");
            if (s > 0) {
               // special case

               for (i = s; i > jj; i--) {
                  // swap i, i-1
                  swap(B(i-1), B(i));
                  if (U) swap((*U)(i-1), (*U)(i));
                  tp = B1[i-1]; B1[i-1] = B1[i]; B1[i] = tp;
                  t1 = b[i-1]; b[i-1] = b[i]; b[i] = t1;
               // cerr << "special case\n";
               new_m = ll_LLL_XD(B, U, delta, 0, check, 
                                B1, mu, b, c, h, jj, quit);
               if (new_m != h) Error("BKZ_XD: internal error");
               if (quit) break;
            else {
               // the general case

               for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) conv(B(m+1, i), 0);

               if (U) {
                  for (i = 1; i <= m_orig; i++)
                     conv((*U)(m+1, i), 0);

               for (i = jj; i <= kk; i++) {
                  if (uvec[i] == 0) continue;
                  conv(MU, uvec[i]);
                  RowTransform2(B(m+1), B(i), MU);
                  if (U) RowTransform2((*U)(m+1), (*U)(i), MU);
               for (i = m+1; i >= jj+1; i--) {
                  // swap i, i-1
                  swap(B(i-1), B(i));
                  if (U) swap((*U)(i-1), (*U)(i));
                  tp = B1[i-1]; B1[i-1] = B1[i]; B1[i] = tp;
                  t1 = b[i-1]; b[i-1] = b[i]; b[i] = t1;
               for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                  conv(B1[jj][i], B(jj, i));
               b[jj] = InnerProduct(B1[jj], B1[jj], n);
               if (b[jj] == 0) Error("BKZ_XD: internal error"); 
               // remove linear dependencies
               // cerr << "general case\n";
               new_m = ll_LLL_XD(B, U, delta, 0, 0, B1, mu, b, c, kk+1, jj, quit);
               if (new_m != kk) Error("BKZ_XD: internal error"); 

               // remove zero vector
               for (i = kk+2; i <= m+1; i++) {
                  // swap i, i-1
                  swap(B(i-1), B(i));
                  if (U) swap((*U)(i-1), (*U)(i));
                  tp = B1[i-1]; B1[i-1] = B1[i]; B1[i] = tp;
                  t1 = b[i-1]; b[i-1] = b[i]; b[i] = t1;
               quit = 0;
               if (check) {
                  for (i = 1; i <= kk; i++)
                     if ((*check)(B(i))) {
                        quit = 1;

               if (quit) break;
               if (h > kk) {
                  // extend reduced basis
                  new_m = ll_LLL_XD(B, U, delta, 0, check, 
                                   B1, mu, b, c, h, h, quit);
                  if (new_m != h) Error("BKZ_XD: internal error");
                  if (quit) break;
            z = 0;
         else {
            // LLL_XD
            // cerr << "progress\n";


            if (!clean) {
               new_m = 
                  ll_LLL_XD(B, U, delta, 0, check, B1, mu, b, c, h, h, quit);
               if (new_m != h) Error("BKZ_XD: internal error");
               if (quit) break;

   if (verb) {
      BKZStatus(GetTime(), enum_time, NumIterations, NumTrivial, NumNonTrivial,
                NumNoOps, m, B);

   // clean up

   if (m_orig > m) {
      // for consistency, we move zero vectors to the front

      for (i = m+1; i <= m_orig; i++) {
         swap(B(i), B(i+1));
         if (U) swap((*U)(i), (*U)(i+1));

      for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
         swap(B(m_orig-i), B(m-i));
         if (U) swap((*U)(m_orig-i), (*U)(m-i));

   B.SetDims(m_orig, n);
   BB = B;

   if (U) {
      U->SetDims(m_orig, m_orig);
      *UU = *U;

   for (i = 1; i <= m_orig+1; i++) {
      delete [] B1[i];

   delete [] B1;

   for (i = 1; i <= m_orig+1; i++) {
      delete [] mu[i];

   delete [] mu;

   delete [] c;
   delete [] b;
   delete [] ctilda;
   delete [] vvec;
   delete [] yvec;
   delete [] uvec;
   delete [] utildavec;
   delete [] Deltavec;
   delete [] deltavec;

   return m;
Пример #9
long G_LLL_XD(mat_ZZ& B, mat_ZZ* U, xdouble delta, long deep, 
           LLLCheckFct check)
   long m = B.NumRows();
   long n = B.NumCols();

   long i, j;
   long new_m, dep, quit;
   xdouble s;
   ZZ MU;
   xdouble mu1;

   xdouble t1;
   ZZ T1;


   if (U) ident(*U, m);

   xdouble **B1;  // approximates B

   typedef xdouble *xdoubleptr;

   B1 = NTL_NEW_OP xdoubleptr[m+1];
   if (!B1) Error("G_LLL_XD: out of memory");

   for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
      B1[i] = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[n+1];
      if (!B1[i]) Error("G_LLL_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble **mu;
   mu = NTL_NEW_OP xdoubleptr[m+1];
   if (!mu) Error("G_LLL_XD: out of memory");

   for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
      mu[i] = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[n+2];
      if (!mu[i]) Error("G_LLL_XD: out of memory");

   xdouble **aux;
   aux = NTL_NEW_OP xdoubleptr[m+1];
   if (!aux) Error("G_LLL_XD: out of memory");

   for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
      aux[i] = NTL_NEW_OP xdouble[n+1];
      if (!aux[i]) Error("G_LLL_XD: out of memory");

   for (i = 1; i <=m; i++)
      for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) 
         conv(B1[i][j], B(i, j));

   GivensCache_XD cache(m, n);

   new_m =
      ll_G_LLL_XD(B, U, delta, deep, check, B1, mu, aux, m, 1, quit, cache);

   dep = m - new_m;
   m = new_m;

   if (dep > 0) {
      // for consistency, we move all of the zero rows to the front

      for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
         swap(B(m+dep-i), B(m-i));
         if (U) swap((*U)(m+dep-i), (*U)(m-i));

   // clean-up

   for (i = 1; i <= m+dep; i++) {
      delete [] B1[i];

   delete [] B1;

   for (i = 1; i <= m+dep; i++) {
      delete [] mu[i];

   delete [] mu;

   for (i = 1; i <= m+dep; i++) {
      delete [] aux[i];

   delete [] aux;

   return m;
Пример #10
long LatticeSolve(vec_ZZ& x, const mat_ZZ& A, const vec_ZZ& y, long reduce)
   long n = A.NumRows();
   long m = A.NumCols();

   if (y.length() != m)
      Error("LatticeSolve: dimension mismatch");

   if (reduce < 0 || reduce > 2)
      Error("LatticeSolve: bad reduce parameter");

   if (IsZero(y)) {
      return 1;

   mat_ZZ A1, U1;
   ZZ det2;
   long im_rank, ker_rank;

   A1 = A;

   im_rank = image(det2, A1, U1);
   ker_rank = n - im_rank;

   mat_ZZ A2, U2;
   long new_rank;
   long i;

   A2.SetDims(im_rank + 1, m);
   for (i = 1; i <= im_rank; i++)
      A2(i) = A1(ker_rank + i);

   A2(im_rank + 1) = y;

   new_rank = image(det2, A2, U2);

   if (new_rank != im_rank ||
      (U2(1)(im_rank+1) != 1  && U2(1)(im_rank+1) != -1))
      return 0;

   vec_ZZ x1;

   for (i = 1; i <= im_rank; i++)
      x1(i) = U2(1)(i);

   if (U2(1)(im_rank+1) == 1)
      negate(x1, x1);

   vec_ZZ x2, tmp;

   for (i = 1; i <= im_rank; i++) {
      mul(tmp, U1(ker_rank+i), x1(i));
      add(x2, x2, tmp);

   if (reduce == 0) {
      x = x2;
      return 1;
   else if (reduce == 1) {
      U1.SetDims(ker_rank+1, n);
      U1(ker_rank+1) = x2;
      image(det2, U1);

      x = U1(ker_rank + 1);
      return 1;
   else if (reduce == 2) {
      U1.SetDims(ker_rank, n);
      LLL(det2, U1);
      U1.SetDims(ker_rank+1, n);
      U1(ker_rank+1) = x2;
      image(det2, U1);

      x = U1(ker_rank + 1);
      return 1;

   return 0;
Пример #11
long LLL(vec_ZZ& D, mat_ZZ& B, mat_ZZ* U, long a, long b, long verbose)
   long m = B.NumRows();
   long n = B.NumCols();

   long force_reduce = 1;

   vec_long P;

   D[0] = 1;

   vec_vec_ZZ lam;


   long j;
   for (j = 1; j <= m; j++)

   if (U) ident(*U, m);

   long s = 0;

   long k = 1;
   long max_k = 0;

   while (k <= m) {
      if (k > max_k) {
         IncrementalGS(B, P, D, lam, s, k);
         max_k = k;

      if (k == 1) {
         force_reduce = 1;

      if (force_reduce)
         for (j = k-1; j >= 1; j--)
            reduce(k, j, B, P, D, lam, U);

      if (P(k-1) != 0 &&
          (P(k) == 0 ||
           SwapTest(D[P(k)], D[P(k)-1], D[P(k)-2], lam(k)(P(k)-1), a, b))) {
         force_reduce = swap(k, B, P, D, lam, U, max_k, verbose);
      else {
         force_reduce = 1;

   return s;
Пример #12
long LLL_XD(mat_ZZ& B, mat_ZZ* U, xdouble delta, long deep, 
           LLLCheckFct check)
   long m = B.NumRows();
   long n = B.NumCols();

   long i, j;
   long new_m, dep, quit;
   xdouble s;
   ZZ MU;
   xdouble mu1;

   xdouble t1;
   ZZ T1;


   if (U) ident(*U, m);

   Unique2DArray<xdouble> B1_store;
   B1_store.SetDimsFrom1(m+1, n+1);
   xdouble **B1 = B1_store.get();  // approximates B

   Unique2DArray<xdouble> mu_store;
   mu_store.SetDimsFrom1(m+1, m+1);
   xdouble **mu = mu_store.get();

   UniqueArray<xdouble> c_store;
   xdouble *c = c_store.get(); // squared lengths of Gramm-Schmidt basis vectors

   UniqueArray<xdouble> b_store;
   xdouble *b = b_store.get(); // squared lengths of basis vectors

   for (i = 1; i <=m; i++)
      for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) 
         conv(B1[i][j], B(i, j));

   for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
      b[i] = InnerProduct(B1[i], B1[i], n);

   new_m = ll_LLL_XD(B, U, delta, deep, check, B1, mu, b, c, m, 1, quit);
   dep = m - new_m;
   m = new_m;

   if (dep > 0) {
      // for consistency, we move all of the zero rows to the front

      for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
         swap(B(m+dep-i), B(m-i));
         if (U) swap((*U)(m+dep-i), (*U)(m-i));

   return m;
RR ReductionQualityChecker::computeHermiteFactor(mat_ZZ &mat) {
    RR numerator   = findShortestNormVector(mat);
    RR denominator = pow(abs(determinant(mat)), (1./mat.NumRows()));
    RR result =  numerator/denominator;
    return result;