Collection::read(mrs_string filename)
    ifstream is(filename.c_str());
    name_ = filename.substr(0, filename.rfind(".", filename.length()));

    is >> (*this);
Пример #2
/* convert a string representing time to number of samples base on the
given sample rate. Format "123.456#" where # is the time division.
Valid time divisions: { h, m, s, ms, us }.
On a format error,
Errors: -1 is returned. ie more than 1 decimal point, invalid time
Marsyas::time2samples(mrs_string time, mrs_real srate) {
  //example times: { "10us", "10ms", "10s", "10m", "10h" }
  if (time=="") { return 0; }
  // calculate time value
  mrs_real samples=0;
  int i=0;
  int len=(int)time.length();
  bool decimal_point=false;
  mrs_real divisor = 10.0;
  for (i=0; i<len && (time[i]=='.' || (time[i]>='0' && time[i]<='9')); ++i) {
    if (decimal_point) {
      if (time[i]=='.') { return -1; }
      samples = samples + ((mrs_real)(time[i]-'0'))/divisor;
      divisor = divisor * 10.0;
    } else if (time[i]=='.') {
    } else {
      samples = samples * 10.0 + (time[i]-'0');
  if (i<len) {
    char a=time[++i];
    if (i>=len) {
      if (a=='h') { // hours
        samples= 120.0*samples*srate;
      } else if (a=='m') { // minutes
        samples=  60.0*samples*srate;
      } else if (a=='s') { // seconds
        samples=       samples*srate;
      } else {
        return -1;
    } else {
      char b=time[i];
      if ((i+1)>=len) {
        if (a=='u' && b=='s') { // micro-seconds
          samples= samples/1000000.0*srate;
        } else if (a=='m' && b=='s') { // milli-seconds
          samples= samples/1000.0*srate;
        } else {
          return -1;
  return (mrs_natural)samples;
Пример #3
TimeLine::load(mrs_string filename, mrs_string lexicon_labels)

  ifstream in;
  filename_ = filename;

  if(filename == "")
    return false;

    MRSWARN("TimeLine::load() -  Problem opening file " << filename_);
    return false;

  FileName f(filename);
  vector<mrs_string> labels;

  // Load lexicon dictionary if available
  mrs_string lexicon_label;
  mrs_string remainder;
  size_t nLabels;

  nLabels = std::count(lexicon_labels.begin(), lexicon_labels.end(), ',');

  if (lexicon_labels != ",")
    for (size_t i=0; i < nLabels; i++)
      lexicon_label = lexicon_labels.substr(0, lexicon_labels.find(","));
      sort(labels.begin(), labels.end());
      remainder = lexicon_labels.substr(lexicon_labels.find(",") + 1, lexicon_labels.length());
      lexicon_labels = remainder;
    nLabels = 0;

  if (f.ext() == "txt") // audacity label format
    numRegions_ = 0;
    mrs_real start, end;
    mrs_string label;
    while (!in.eof())
      in >> start >> end >> label;

      TimeRegion region;
      region.start = (mrs_natural) (start * srate_);
      region.end = (mrs_natural) (end * srate_);
      region.classId = 1;
      region.name = label;
      mrs_bool label_found = false;

      for (unsigned int i=0; i < labels.size(); i++)
        if (label == labels[i])
          label_found = true;
          region.classId = i;

      if (!label_found)

        if (lexicon_labels == ",")
          sort(labels.begin(), labels.end());
      numRegions_ ++;

    // relabel classIds so that they correspond to sorted labels
    for (mrs_natural i=0; i < numRegions_; ++i)
      mrs_string label = regions_[i].name;
      vector<mrs_string>::iterator it = find(labels.begin(), labels.end(), label);
      if (it == labels.end())
        regions_[i].classId = (mrs_natural)-1;
      mrs_natural l = distance(labels.begin(), it);
      regions_[i].classId = l;

    // last region is a duplicate due to empty last line
    // kind of a hack but works
    numRegions_ --;

    lineSize_ = 1;
    size_ = (mrs_natural) (end * srate_);

    return true;
Пример #4
WekaSink::putHeader(mrs_string inObsNames)
  //updctrl(ctrl_putHeader_, false);

  // Only write the header when we are dealing with a new file, i.e. when
  // the filename setting differs from the filename we were (previously)
  // writing to.
  if ((filename_ != ctrl_filename_->to<mrs_string>()))
    // Close the previously used output file if needed and cleanup.
    if (mos_ != NULL)
      delete mos_;
      // TODO: do something about this ugly hack.
      if (filename_ == "weka.arff")

    // Set the current filename to the new value.
    filename_ = ctrl_filename_->to<mrs_string>();

    // Open a new output stream.
    mos_ = new ofstream;

    // General header stuff.
    (*mos_) << "% Created by Marsyas" << endl;
    (*mos_) << "@relation " << filename_ << endl;

    // The number of attributes is one less than the number of input
    // observations because we assume the last observation is for the label?
    // TODO: why this assumption? What if a use case requires two labels per
    // feature vector or no labels?
    // There is no such assumption is the WEKA ARFF format anyway.
    mrs_natural nAttributes = ctrl_inObservations_->to<mrs_natural>() - 1;
    mrs_natural nLabels = ctrl_nLabels_->to<mrs_natural>();

    // Print the attribute names.
    // TODO: this is could be done way more elegant
    // (e.g. using a 'split()' or 'explode()' function).
    mrs_natural i;
    for (i =0; i < nAttributes; ++i)
      mrs_string inObsName;
      mrs_string temp;
      inObsName = inObsNames.substr(0, inObsNames.find(","));
      temp = inObsNames.substr(inObsNames.find(",") + 1, inObsNames.length());
      inObsNames = temp;
      // TODO: what's the point of using an extra ostringstream here?
      ostringstream oss;
      // oss << "attribute" << i;
      (*mos_) << "@attribute " << inObsName << " real" << endl;

    // The attribute for the label.
    if (!ctrl_regression_->isTrue())
      (*mos_) << "@attribute output {";
      // TODO: this could be done way more elegant
      // (e.g. with a 'join()' or 'implode()' function).
      for (i=0; i < nLabels; ++i)
        // TODO: what's the point of using an extra ostringstream here?
        ostringstream oss;
        // oss << "label" << i;
        oss << labelNames_[i];
        (*mos_) << oss.str();
        if (i < nLabels - 1)
          (*mos_) << ",";
        // (*mos_) << "@attribute output {music,speech}" << endl;
      (*mos_) << "}" << endl;
      (*mos_) << "@attribute output real" << endl;

    // End of header, now we are ready for outputting the data.
    (*mos_) << "\n\n@data" << endl;