Пример #1
static void equip_shooter( npc &shooter, std::vector<std::string> apparel )
    tripoint shooter_pos( 60, 60, 0 );
    shooter.setpos( shooter_pos );
    for( const std::string article : apparel ) {
        shooter.wear_item( item( article ) );
Пример #2
bool vehicle_part::set_crew( const npc &who )
    if( who.is_dead_state() || !who.is_friend() ) {
        return false;
    if( is_broken() || ( !is_seat() && !is_turret() ) ) {
        return false;
    crew_id = who.getID();
    return true;
Пример #3
void test_needs( const npc &who, const numeric_interval<int> &hunger,
                 const numeric_interval<int> &thirst,
                 const numeric_interval<int> &fatigue )
    CHECK( who.get_hunger() <= hunger.max );
    CHECK( who.get_hunger() >= hunger.min );
    CHECK( who.get_thirst() <= thirst.max );
    CHECK( who.get_thirst() >= thirst.min );
    CHECK( who.get_fatigue() <= fatigue.max );
    CHECK( who.get_fatigue() >= fatigue.min );
Пример #4
void talk_function::npc_thankful( npc &p )
    if( p.get_attitude() == NPCATT_MUG || p.get_attitude() == NPCATT_WAIT_FOR_LEAVE ||
        p.get_attitude() == NPCATT_FLEE || p.get_attitude() == NPCATT_KILL ||
        p.get_attitude() == NPCATT_FLEE_TEMP ) {
        p.set_attitude( NPCATT_NULL );
    if( p.chatbin.first_topic != "TALK_FRIEND" ) {
        p.chatbin.first_topic = "TALK_STRANGER_FRIENDLY";
    p.personality.aggression -= 1;

Пример #5
static void arm_shooter( npc &shooter, std::string gun_type, std::vector<std::string> mods = {} )

    itype_id gun_id( gun_type );
    // Give shooter a loaded gun of the requested type.
    item &gun = shooter.i_add( item( gun_id ) );
    const itype_id ammo_id = gun.ammo_default();
    if( gun.magazine_integral() ) {
        item &ammo = shooter.i_add( item( ammo_id, calendar::turn, gun.ammo_capacity() ) );
        REQUIRE( gun.is_reloadable_with( ammo_id ) );
        REQUIRE( shooter.can_reload( gun, ammo_id ) );
        gun.reload( shooter, item_location( shooter, &ammo ), gun.ammo_capacity() );
    } else {
        const itype_id magazine_id = gun.magazine_default();
        item &magazine = shooter.i_add( item( magazine_id ) );
        item &ammo = shooter.i_add( item( ammo_id, calendar::turn, magazine.ammo_capacity() ) );
        REQUIRE( magazine.is_reloadable_with( ammo_id ) );
        REQUIRE( shooter.can_reload( magazine, ammo_id ) );
        magazine.reload( shooter, item_location( shooter, &ammo ), magazine.ammo_capacity() );
        gun.reload( shooter, item_location( shooter, &magazine ), magazine.ammo_capacity() );
    for( auto mod : mods ) {
        gun.contents.push_back( item( itype_id( mod ) ) );
    shooter.wield( gun );
Пример #6
void talk_function::hostile( npc &p )
    if( p.get_attitude() == NPCATT_KILL ) {

    if( p.sees( g->u ) ) {
        add_msg( _( "%s turns hostile!" ), p.name );

    g->u.add_memorial_log( pgettext( "memorial_male", "%s became hostile." ),
                           pgettext( "memorial_female", "%s became hostile." ),
                           p.name );
    p.set_attitude( NPCATT_KILL );
Пример #7
void talk_function::give_equipment( npc &p )
    std::vector<item_pricing> giving = init_selling( p );
    int chosen = -1;
    while( chosen == -1 && giving.size() > 1 ) {
        int index = rng( 0, giving.size() - 1 );
        if( giving[index].price < p.op_of_u.owed ) {
            chosen = index;
        giving.erase( giving.begin() + index );
    if( giving.empty() ) {
        popup( _( "%s has nothing to give!" ), p.name );
    if( chosen == -1 ) {
        chosen = 0;
    item it = *giving[chosen].loc.get_item();
    popup( _( "%1$s gives you a %2$s" ), p.name, it.tname() );

    g->u.i_add( it );
    p.op_of_u.owed -= giving[chosen].price;
    p.add_effect( effect_asked_for_item, 3_hours );
Пример #8
void talk_function::morale_chat_activity( npc &p )
    g->u.assign_activity( activity_id( "ACT_SOCIALIZE" ), 10000 );
    g->u.activity.str_values.push_back( p.name );
    add_msg( m_good, _( "That was a pleasant conversation with %s." ), p.disp_name() );
    g->u.add_morale( MORALE_CHAT, rng( 3, 10 ), 10, 200_minutes, 5_minutes / 2 );
Пример #9
void talk_function::buy_100_logs( npc &p )
    std::vector<tripoint> places = overmap_buffer.find_all(
                                       g->u.global_omt_location(), "ranch_camp_67", 1, false );
    if( places.empty() ) {
        debugmsg( "Couldn't find %s", "ranch_camp_67" );
    const auto &cur_om = g->get_cur_om();
    std::vector<tripoint> places_om;
    for( auto &i : places ) {
        if( &cur_om == overmap_buffer.get_existing_om_global( i ) ) {
            places_om.push_back( i );

    const tripoint site = random_entry( places_om );
    tinymap bay;
    bay.load( site.x * 2, site.y * 2, site.z, false );
    bay.spawn_item( 7, 15, "log", 100 );

    p.add_effect( effect_currently_busy, 7_days );
    add_msg( m_good, _( "%s drops the logs off in the garage..." ), p.name );
Пример #10
void talk_function::lead_to_safety( npc &p )
    const auto mission = mission::reserve_new( mission_type_id( "MISSION_REACH_SAFETY" ), -1 );
    mission->assign( g->u );
    p.goal = mission->get_target();
    p.set_attitude( NPCATT_LEAD );
Пример #11
static dispersion_sources get_dispersion( npc &shooter, int aim_time )
    item &gun = shooter.weapon;
    dispersion_sources dispersion = shooter.get_weapon_dispersion( gun );

    shooter.moves = aim_time;
    shooter.recoil = MAX_RECOIL;
    // Aim as well as possible within the provided time.
    if( aim_time > 0 ) {
        REQUIRE( shooter.recoil < MAX_RECOIL );
    dispersion.add_range( shooter.recoil );

    return dispersion;
Пример #12
void assert_encumbrance( npc &shooter, int encumbrance )
    for( body_part bp : bp_aBodyPart ) {
        INFO( "Body Part: " << body_part_name( bp ) );
        REQUIRE( shooter.encumb( bp ) == encumbrance );
Пример #13
void talk_function::goto_location( npc &p )
    int i = 0;
    uilist selection_menu;
    selection_menu.text = string_format( _( "Select a destination" ) );
    std::vector<basecamp *> camps;
    tripoint destination;
    for( auto elem : g->u.camps ) {
        if( elem == p.global_omt_location() ) {
        cata::optional<basecamp *> camp = overmap_buffer.find_camp( elem.x, elem.y );
        if( !camp ) {
        basecamp *temp_camp = *camp;
        camps.push_back( temp_camp );
    for( auto iter : camps ) {
        selection_menu.addentry( i++, true, MENU_AUTOASSIGN, _( "%s at (%d, %d)" ), iter->camp_name(),
                                 iter->camp_omt_pos().x, iter->camp_omt_pos().y );
    selection_menu.addentry( i++, true, MENU_AUTOASSIGN, _( "My current location" ) );
    selection_menu.addentry( i++, true, MENU_AUTOASSIGN, _( "Cancel" ) );
    selection_menu.selected = 0;
    auto index = selection_menu.ret;
    if( index < 0 || index > static_cast<int>( camps.size() + 1 ) ||
        index == static_cast<int>( camps.size() + 1 ) || index == UILIST_CANCEL ) {
    if( index == static_cast<int>( camps.size() ) ) {
        destination = g->u.global_omt_location();
    } else {
        auto selected_camp = camps[index];
        destination = selected_camp->camp_omt_pos();
    p.set_companion_mission( p.global_omt_location(), "TRAVELLER", "travelling", destination );
    p.chatbin.first_topic = "TALK_FRIEND_GUARD";
    p.goal = destination;
    p.guard_pos = npc::no_goal_point;
    p.set_attitude( NPCATT_NULL );
Пример #14
void talk_function::stop_guard( npc &p )
    p.set_attitude( NPCATT_FOLLOW );
    add_msg( _( "%s begins to follow you." ), p.name );
    p.mission = NPC_MISSION_NULL;
    p.chatbin.first_topic = "TALK_FRIEND";
    p.goal = npc::no_goal_point;
    p.guard_pos = npc::no_goal_point;
Пример #15
void talk_function::stop_guard( npc &p )
    if( p.mission != NPC_MISSION_GUARD_ALLY ) {
        p.set_attitude( NPCATT_NULL );
        p.mission = NPC_MISSION_NULL;

    p.set_attitude( NPCATT_FOLLOW );
    add_msg( _( "%s begins to follow you." ), p.name );
    p.mission = NPC_MISSION_NULL;
    p.chatbin.first_topic = "TALK_FRIEND";
    p.goal = npc::no_goal_point;
    p.guard_pos = npc::no_goal_point;
    cata::optional<basecamp *> bcp = overmap_buffer.find_camp( p.global_omt_location().x,
                                     p.global_omt_location().y );
    if( bcp ) {
        basecamp *temp_camp = *bcp;
Пример #16
void talk_function::assign_base( npc &p )
    // TODO: decide what to do upon assign? maybe pathing required
    basecamp *camp = g->m.camp_at( g->u.pos() );
    if( !camp ) {
        dbg( D_ERROR ) << "talk_function::assign_base: Assigned to base but no base here.";

    add_msg( _( "%1$s waits at %2$s" ), p.name, camp->camp_name() );
    p.mission = NPC_MISSION_BASE;
    p.set_attitude( NPCATT_NULL );
Пример #17
static void test_fast_shooting( npc &shooter, int moves, float hit_rate )
    const int fast_shooting_range = 3;
    const float hit_rate_cap = hit_rate + 0.3;
    dispersion_sources dispersion = get_dispersion( shooter, moves );
    std::array<statistics, 5> fast_stats = firing_test( dispersion, fast_shooting_range, {{ -1, hit_rate, -1, -1, -1 }} );
    std::array<statistics, 5> fast_stats_upper = firing_test( dispersion, fast_shooting_range, {{ -1, hit_rate_cap, -1, -1, -1 }} );
    INFO( dispersion );
    INFO( "Range: " << fast_shooting_range );
    INFO( "Max aim speed: " << shooter.aim_per_move( shooter.weapon, MAX_RECOIL ) );
    INFO( "Min aim speed: " << shooter.aim_per_move( shooter.weapon, shooter.recoil ) );
    CAPTURE( shooter.weapon.gun_skill().str() );
    CAPTURE( shooter.get_skill_level( shooter.weapon.gun_skill() ) );
    CAPTURE( shooter.get_dex() );
    CAPTURE( to_milliliter( shooter.weapon.volume() ) );
    CAPTURE( fast_stats[1].n() );
    CAPTURE( fast_stats[1].adj_wald_error() );
    CHECK( fast_stats[1].avg() > hit_rate );
    CAPTURE( fast_stats_upper[1].n() );
    CAPTURE( fast_stats_upper[1].adj_wald_error() );
    CHECK( fast_stats_upper[1].avg() < hit_rate_cap );
Пример #18
void talk_function::clear_mission( npc &p )
    mission *miss = p.chatbin.mission_selected;
    if( miss == nullptr ) {
        debugmsg( "clear_mission: mission_selected == nullptr" );
    const auto it = std::find( p.chatbin.missions_assigned.begin(), p.chatbin.missions_assigned.end(),
                               miss );
    if( it == p.chatbin.missions_assigned.end() ) {
        debugmsg( "clear_mission: mission_selected not in assigned" );
    p.chatbin.missions_assigned.erase( it );
    if( p.chatbin.missions_assigned.empty() ) {
        p.chatbin.mission_selected = nullptr;
    } else {
        p.chatbin.mission_selected = p.chatbin.missions_assigned.front();
    if( miss->has_follow_up() ) {
        p.add_new_mission( mission::reserve_new( miss->get_follow_up(), p.getID() ) );
Пример #19
void talk_function::give_aid( npc &p )
    p.add_effect( effect_currently_busy, 30_minutes );
    for( int i = 0; i < num_hp_parts; i++ ) {
        const body_part bp_healed = player::hp_to_bp( hp_part( i ) );
        g->u.heal( hp_part( i ), 5 * rng( 2, 5 ) );
        if( g->u.has_effect( effect_bite, bp_healed ) ) {
            g->u.remove_effect( effect_bite, bp_healed );
        if( g->u.has_effect( effect_bleed, bp_healed ) ) {
            g->u.remove_effect( effect_bleed, bp_healed );
        if( g->u.has_effect( effect_infected, bp_healed ) ) {
            g->u.remove_effect( effect_infected, bp_healed );
    g->u.assign_activity( activity_id( "ACT_WAIT_NPC" ), 10000 );
    g->u.activity.str_values.push_back( p.name );
Пример #20
void basecamp::define_camp( npc &p )
    omt_pos = p.global_omt_location();
    sort_points = p.companion_mission_points;
    // purging the regions guarantees all entries will start with faction_base_
    for( std::pair<std::string, tripoint> expansion : talk_function::om_building_region( omt_pos, 1,
            true ) ) {
        add_expansion( expansion.first, expansion.second );
    const std::string om_cur = overmap_buffer.ter( omt_pos ).id().c_str();
    if( om_cur.find( prefix ) == std::string::npos ) {
        expansion_data e;
        e.type = "camp";
        e.cur_level = 0;
        e.pos = omt_pos;
        expansions[ base_dir ] = e;
    } else {
        expansions[ base_dir ] = parse_expansion( om_cur, omt_pos );
Пример #21
bool vehicle::assign_seat( vehicle_part &pt, const npc &who )
    if( !pt.is_seat() || !pt.set_crew( who ) ) {
        return false;

    // NPC's can only be assigned to one seat in the vehicle
    for( auto &e : parts ) {
        if( &e == &pt ) {
            continue; // skip this part

        if( e.is_seat() ) {
            const npc *n = e.crew();
            if( n && n->getID() == who.getID() ) {

    return true;
Пример #22
void talk_function::give_all_aid( npc &p )
    p.add_effect( effect_currently_busy, 30_minutes );
    give_aid( p );
    for( npc &guy : g->all_npcs() ) {
        if( rl_dist( guy.pos(), g->u.pos() ) < PICKUP_RANGE && guy.is_friend() ) {
            for( int i = 0; i < num_hp_parts; i++ ) {
                const body_part bp_healed = player::hp_to_bp( hp_part( i ) );
                guy.heal( hp_part( i ), 5 * rng( 2, 5 ) );
                if( guy.has_effect( effect_bite, bp_healed ) ) {
                    guy.remove_effect( effect_bite, bp_healed );
                if( guy.has_effect( effect_bleed, bp_healed ) ) {
                    guy.remove_effect( effect_bleed, bp_healed );
                if( guy.has_effect( effect_infected, bp_healed ) ) {
                    guy.remove_effect( effect_infected, bp_healed );
Пример #23
static void test_shooting_scenario( npc &shooter, int min_quickdraw_range,
                                    int min_good_range, int max_good_range )
        dispersion_sources dispersion = get_dispersion( shooter, 0 );
        std::array<statistics, 5> minimum_stats = firing_test( dispersion, min_quickdraw_range, {{ 0.2, 0.1, -1, -1, -1 }} );
        INFO( dispersion );
        INFO( "Range: " << min_quickdraw_range );
        INFO( "Max aim speed: " << shooter.aim_per_move( shooter.weapon, MAX_RECOIL ) );
        INFO( "Min aim speed: " << shooter.aim_per_move( shooter.weapon, shooter.recoil ) );
        CAPTURE( minimum_stats[0].n() );
        CAPTURE( minimum_stats[0].adj_wald_error() );
        CAPTURE( minimum_stats[1].n() );
        CAPTURE( minimum_stats[1].adj_wald_error() );
        CHECK( minimum_stats[0].avg() < 0.2 );
        CHECK( minimum_stats[1].avg() < 0.1 );
        dispersion_sources dispersion = get_dispersion( shooter, 300 );
        std::array<statistics, 5> good_stats = firing_test( dispersion, min_good_range, {{ -1, -1, 0.5, -1, -1 }} );
        INFO( dispersion );
        INFO( "Range: " << min_good_range );
        INFO( "Max aim speed: " << shooter.aim_per_move( shooter.weapon, MAX_RECOIL ) );
        INFO( "Min aim speed: " << shooter.aim_per_move( shooter.weapon, shooter.recoil ) );
        CAPTURE( good_stats[2].n() );
        CAPTURE( good_stats[2].adj_wald_error() );
        CHECK( good_stats[2].avg() > 0.5 );
        dispersion_sources dispersion = get_dispersion( shooter, 500 );
        std::array<statistics, 5> good_stats = firing_test( dispersion, max_good_range, {{ -1, -1, 0.1, -1, -1 }} );
        INFO( dispersion );
        INFO( "Range: " << max_good_range );
        INFO( "Max aim speed: " << shooter.aim_per_move( shooter.weapon, MAX_RECOIL ) );
        INFO( "Min aim speed: " << shooter.aim_per_move( shooter.weapon, shooter.recoil ) );
        CAPTURE( good_stats[2].n() );
        CAPTURE( good_stats[2].adj_wald_error() );
        CHECK( good_stats[2].avg() < 0.1 );
Пример #24
void talk_function::player_leaving( npc &p )
    p.set_attitude( NPCATT_WAIT_FOR_LEAVE );
    p.patience = 15 - p.personality.aggression;
Пример #25
void talk_function::leave( npc &p )
    add_msg( _( "%s leaves." ), p.name );
    g->remove_npc_follower( p.getID() );
    p.set_attitude( NPCATT_NULL );
Пример #26
void talk_function::stranger_neutral( npc &p )
    add_msg( _( "%s feels less threatened by you." ), p.name );
    p.set_attitude( NPCATT_NULL );
    p.chatbin.first_topic = "TALK_STRANGER_NEUTRAL";
Пример #27
void talk_function::start_mugging( npc &p )
    p.set_attitude( NPCATT_MUG );
    add_msg( _( "Pause to stay still.  Any movement may cause %s to attack." ), p.name );
Пример #28
    model_npc.set_hunger( 0 );
    model_npc.thirst = 0;
    model_npc.fatigue = 0;
    model_npc.remove_effect( "sleep" );
    // An ugly hack to prevent NPC falling asleep during testing due to massive fatigue
    model_npc.set_mutation( "WEB_WEAVER" );
    return model_npc;


    npc model_npc = create_model();

    SECTION("Awake for 10 minutes, gaining hunger/thirst/fatigue") {
        npc test_npc = model_npc;
        const int five_min_ticks = 2;
        on_load_test( test_npc, 0, MINUTES(5 * five_min_ticks) );

        const int margin = 1;
        CHECK( test_npc.get_hunger() <= five_min_ticks + margin );
        CHECK( test_npc.thirst <= five_min_ticks + margin );
        CHECK( test_npc.fatigue <= five_min_ticks + margin );
        CHECK( test_npc.get_hunger() >= five_min_ticks - margin );
        CHECK( test_npc.thirst >= five_min_ticks - margin );
        CHECK( test_npc.fatigue >= five_min_ticks - margin );

    SECTION("Awake for 2 days, gaining hunger/thirst/fatigue") {
        npc test_npc = model_npc;
        const int five_min_ticks = HOURS(2 * 24) / MINUTES(5);
Пример #29
void sane( const npc &who )
    CHECK( who.get_hunger() >= 0 );
    CHECK( who.thirst >= 0 );
    CHECK( who.fatigue >= -25 );
Пример #30
void talk_function::drop_weapon( npc &p )
    g->m.add_item_or_charges( p.pos(), p.remove_weapon() );