Пример #1
void nsEscapeNativePath(nsCString& nativePath)
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_OS2)
  nativePath.Insert('/', 0);
  MsgReplaceChar(nativePath, '\\', '/');
static HPOINTER GetIcon(nsCString& file, bool fExists,
                        bool fMini, bool *fWpsIcon)
  HPOINTER hRtn = 0;
  *fWpsIcon = false;

  if (file.IsEmpty()) {
    // append something so that we get at least the generic icon

  // if RWS is enabled, try to get the icon from the WPS
  if (sUseRws) {
    nsCOMPtr<nsIRwsService> rwsSvc(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/rwsos2;1"));
    if (!rwsSvc)
      sUseRws = false;
    else {
      if (fExists) {
        rwsSvc->IconFromPath(file.get(), false, fMini, (uint32_t*)&hRtn);
      } else {
        const char *ptr = file.get();
        if (*ptr == '.')
        rwsSvc->IconFromExtension(ptr, fMini, (uint32_t*)&hRtn);

  // if we got an icon from the WPS, set the flag & exit
  if (hRtn) {
    *fWpsIcon = true;
    return hRtn;

  // if the file exists already, get its icon
  if (fExists)
    return WinLoadFileIcon(file.get(), FALSE);

  // otherwise, create a temporary file with the correct extension,
  // then retrieve whatever icon PM assigns it
  if (file.First() == '.')
    file.Insert("moztmp", 0);

  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> tempPath;
  if (NS_FAILED(NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_TEMP_DIR, getter_AddRefs(tempPath))) ||
    return 0;

  nsAutoCString pathStr;
  FILE* fp = fopen(pathStr.get(), "wb+");
  if (fp) {
    hRtn = WinLoadFileIcon(pathStr.get(), FALSE);

  return hRtn;
Пример #3
static nsresult MangleKeywordIntoURI(const char *aKeyword, const char *aURL,
                                     nsCString& query)
    query = (*aKeyword == '?') ? (aKeyword + 1) : aKeyword;
    query.Trim(" "); // pull leading/trailing spaces.

    // encode
    char * encQuery = nsEscape(query.get(), url_XPAlphas);
    if (!encQuery) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    // prepend the query with the keyword url
    // XXX this url should come from somewhere else
    query.Insert(aURL, 0);
    return NS_OK;