void nsEudoraAddress::ResolveEntries( nsCString& name, nsVoidArray& list,
                                     nsVoidArray& result, PRBool addResolvedEntries,
                                     PRBool wasResolved, PRInt32& numResolved)
    /* a safe-guard against recursive entries */
    if (result.Count() > m_alias.Count())

    PRInt32         max = list.Count();
    PRInt32         i;
    CAliasData *    pData;
    CAliasEntry *   pEntry;
    for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        pData = (CAliasData *)list.ElementAt( i);
        // resolve the email to an existing alias!
        if ( !name.Equals(pData->m_email, nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator()) &&
             ((pEntry = ResolveAlias( pData->m_fullEntry)) != nsnull) ) {
            // This new entry has all of the entries for this puppie.
            // Resolve all of it's entries!
            numResolved++;  // Track the number of entries resolved

            // We pass in PR_TRUE for the 5th parameter so that we know that we're
            // calling ourselves recursively.
            ResolveEntries( pEntry->m_name, pEntry->m_list, result, addResolvedEntries, PR_TRUE, numResolved);
        else if (addResolvedEntries || !wasResolved) {
            // This is either an ordinary entry (i.e. just contains the info) or we were told
            // to add resolved alias entries.
            result.AppendElement( pData);
Пример #2
void nsEudoraAddress::ResolveEntries( nsCString& name, nsVoidArray& list, nsVoidArray& result)
	/* a safe-guard against recursive entries */
	if (result.Count() > m_alias.Count())
	PRInt32			max = list.Count();
	PRInt32			i;
	CAliasData *	pData;
	CAliasEntry *	pEntry;
	for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
		pData = (CAliasData *)list.ElementAt( i);
		// resolve the email to an existing alias!
		if (!name.Equals( pData->m_email,
                          nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator()) &&
            ((pEntry = ResolveAlias( pData->m_email)) != nsnull)) {
			// This new entry has all of the entries for this puppie.
			// Resolve all of it's entries!
			ResolveEntries( pEntry->m_name, pEntry->m_list, result);
		else {
			result.AppendElement( pData);
Пример #3
// helper function to perform an in-place split of a space-delimited string,
// and return an array of pointers for the beginning of each segment, i.e.,
// aOffset[0] is the first string, aOffset[1] is the second string, etc.
// Used to parse attributes like columnalign='left right', rowalign='top bottom'
static void
SplitString(nsString&    aString, // [IN/OUT]
            nsVoidArray& aOffset) // [OUT]
    static const PRUnichar kNullCh = PRUnichar('\0');

    aString.Append(kNullCh);  // put an extra null at the end

    PRUnichar* start = aString.BeginWriting();
    PRUnichar* end   = start;

    while (kNullCh != *start) {
        while ((kNullCh != *start) && nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*start)) {  // skip leading space
        end = start;

        while ((kNullCh != *end) && (PR_FALSE == nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*end))) { // look for space or end
        *end = kNullCh; // end string here

        if (start < end) {
            aOffset.AppendElement(start); // record the beginning of this segment

        start = ++end;
Пример #4
nsSVGPathSegList::AppendElement(nsIDOMSVGPathSeg* aElement)
  nsCOMPtr<nsISVGValue> val = do_QueryInterface(aElement);
  if (val)
// Since there is no way to check if a card for a given email address already exists,
// elements in 'membersArray' are make unique. So for each email address in 'emailList'
// we check it in 'membersArray' and if it's not there then we add it to 'membersArray'.
void nsEudoraAddress::RememberGroupMembers(nsVoidArray &membersArray, nsVoidArray &emailList)
  PRInt32 cnt = emailList.Count();
  CAliasData *pData;

  for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
    pData = (CAliasData *)emailList.ElementAt(i);
    if (!pData)

    PRInt32 memberCnt = membersArray.Count();
    PRInt32 j = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < memberCnt; j++)
      if (pData == membersArray.ElementAt(j))
    if (j >= memberCnt)
      membersArray.AppendElement(pData); // add to member list