Пример #1
bool ossimOpjCompressor::loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
                                      const char* prefix)
   const char* value = 0;

   value = kwl.find(prefix, ossimKeywordNames::COMPRESSION_QUALITY_KW);
      setQualityTypeString( ossimString(value) );
   value = kwl.find(prefix, LEVELS_KW);
      m_levels = ossimString(value).toInt32();
   value = kwl.find(prefix, REVERSIBLE_KW);

   value = kwl.find(prefix, ADD_ALPHA_CHANNEL_KW);
      m_alpha = ossimString(value).toBool();
   value = kwl.find(prefix, THREADS_KW);
      m_threads = ossimString(value).toInt32();

   ossimString searchKey;
   if (prefix)
      searchKey = prefix;
   searchKey += "option";
   ossim_uint32 nOptions = kwl.numberOf(searchKey);
   for (ossim_uint32 i = 0; i < nOptions; ++i)
      ossimString key = searchKey;
      key += ossimString::toString(i);
      const char* lookup = kwl.find(key.c_str());
      if (lookup)
   return true;
//  METHOD: ossimImageViewProjectionTransform::loadState
bool ossimImageViewProjectionTransform::loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
                                                  const char* prefix)
   bool result = ossimImageViewTransform::loadState(kwl, prefix);
      ossimString imagePrefix = ossimString(prefix)+"image_geometry.";
      ossimString viewPrefix  = ossimString(prefix)+"view_geometry.";
         m_imageGeometry = new ossimImageGeometry();
         m_imageGeometry->loadState(kwl, imagePrefix.c_str());
         m_viewGeometry = new ossimImageGeometry();
         m_viewGeometry->loadState(kwl, viewPrefix.c_str());
   return result;
Пример #3
void ossimPiecewiseRemapper::ossimBandRemap::loadState( const ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
                                                        const std::string& prefix,
                                                        ossim_uint32 band )
   // Band Remap set example:
   // band0.remap0:((0, 127, 0, 127), (128, 255, 128, 382))
   // band0.remap1:((0, 382, 0, 255))

   // Clear the sets:
   // Get the number of remaps for this band.
   std::string keyBase = "band";
   keyBase += ossimString::toString(band).string();
   keyBase += ".";
   keyBase += REMAP_KW;
   ossim_uint32 NUMBER_REMAPS = kwl.numberOf(prefix.c_str(), keyBase.c_str());
   ossim_uint32 found = 0;
   ossim_uint32 index = 0;
   // Loop to find band remaps.  This allows for skipping indexes. 
   while ( found < NUMBER_REMAPS )
      std::string key = keyBase + ossimString::toString(index).string();
      std::string value = kwl.findKey( prefix, key );
      if ( value.size() )
         ossimPiecewiseRemapper::ossimRemapSet set;
         if ( initRemapSetFromString( value, set ) )
            m_remap.push_back( set );
      if ( index > (NUMBER_REMAPS+100) )
} // End: ossimPiecewiseRemapper::ossimBandRemap::loadState
Пример #4
bool ossimHistogramRemapper::loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
                                       const char* prefix)
   static const char MODULE[] = "ossimHistogramRemapper::loadState";
   if (traceDebug())
      CLOG << " Entered..."
           << "\nprefix:  " << prefix << endl;

   // Load the base class states...
   bool status = ossimTableRemapper::loadState(kwl, prefix);

   if (status)
      const char* lookup = 0;
      ossimString keyword;
      lookup = kwl.find(prefix, HISTOGRAM_FILENAME_KW);
      if (lookup)
         if ( !openHistogram(ossimFilename(lookup)) )
               << "ossimHistogramRemapper::loadState ERROR!"
               << "\nCould not open file:  " << lookup
               << "\nReturning..." << endl;
            return false;
      // Get the band specific keywords.
      // NOTES:
      // -  This loadState assumes the all keywords will have the same number
      //    of bands.
      // -  The set methods cannot be used here as there may not be a connection
      //    yet that they need.
      ossim_uint32 bands = 0;
      lookup = kwl.find(prefix, ossimKeywordNames::NUMBER_BANDS_KW);
      if (lookup)
         bands = ossimString::toUInt32(lookup);
      else  // For backwards compatibility.
         // Use the low clip to find number of bands...
         keyword = NORMALIZED_LOW_CLIP_POINT_KW;
         bands = kwl.numberOf(prefix, keyword);
      if (traceDebug())
            << "ossimHistogramRemapper::loadState DEBUG:"
            << "\nBands:  " << bands
            << endl;
      if (bands)
         // Start with fresh clips.
         for (ossim_uint32 band = 0; band < bands; ++band)
            // Get the low clip.
            keyword = NORMALIZED_LOW_CLIP_POINT_KW;
            keyword += ".";
            keyword += ossimKeywordNames::BAND_KW;
            keyword += ossimString::toString(band+1);
            lookup = kwl.find(prefix, keyword);
               theNormalizedLowClipPoint[band] = atof(lookup);
            // Get the high clip.
            keyword = NORMALIZED_HIGH_CLIP_POINT_KW;
            keyword += ".";
            keyword += ossimKeywordNames::BAND_KW;
            keyword += ossimString::toString(band+1);
            lookup = kwl.find(prefix, keyword);
               theNormalizedHighClipPoint[band] = atof(lookup);
            // Get the mid point.
            keyword = MID_POINT_KW;
            keyword += ".";
            keyword += ossimKeywordNames::BAND_KW;
            keyword += ossimString::toString(band+1);
            lookup = kwl.find(prefix, keyword);
               theMidPoint[band] = atof(lookup);
            // Get the min output value.
            keyword = MIN_OUTPUT_VALUE_KW;
            keyword += ".";
            keyword += ossimKeywordNames::BAND_KW;
            keyword += ossimString::toString(band+1);
            lookup = kwl.find(prefix, keyword);
               theMinOutputValue[band] = atof(lookup);
            // Get the max output value.
            keyword = MAX_OUTPUT_VALUE_KW;
            keyword += ".";
            keyword += ossimKeywordNames::BAND_KW;
            keyword += ossimString::toString(band+1);
            lookup = kwl.find(prefix, keyword);
               theMaxOutputValue[band] = atof(lookup);
      lookup = kwl.find(prefix, STRETCH_MODE_KW);
      if (lookup)
         ossimString s = lookup;
         if (s == STRETCH_MODE[ossimHistogramRemapper::LINEAR_ONE_PIECE])
            theStretchMode = ossimHistogramRemapper::LINEAR_ONE_PIECE;
         else if (s == STRETCH_MODE[ossimHistogramRemapper::LINEAR_1STD_FROM_MEAN])
            theStretchMode = ossimHistogramRemapper::LINEAR_1STD_FROM_MEAN;
         else if (s == STRETCH_MODE[ossimHistogramRemapper::LINEAR_2STD_FROM_MEAN])
            theStretchMode = ossimHistogramRemapper::LINEAR_2STD_FROM_MEAN;
         else if (s == STRETCH_MODE[ossimHistogramRemapper::LINEAR_3STD_FROM_MEAN])
            theStretchMode = ossimHistogramRemapper::LINEAR_3STD_FROM_MEAN;
         else if (s == STRETCH_MODE[ossimHistogramRemapper::LINEAR_AUTO_MIN_MAX])
            theStretchMode = ossimHistogramRemapper::LINEAR_AUTO_MIN_MAX;
            theStretchMode = ossimHistogramRemapper::STRETCH_UNKNOWN;

      // Always set the dirty flag.
      theDirtyFlag = true;
   if (traceDebug())
      CLOG << "ossimHistogramRemapper::loadState DEBUG:"
           << *this
           << "\nExited..." << endl;
   return status;
void testIpts( ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRsmModel>& model, const ossimKeywordlist& kwl )
   if ( model.valid() )
      cout << std::setfill(' ') << setiosflags(ios::left);

      const std::string  ID_KW      = "itest_id";
      const std::string  IPT_KW     = "itest_ipt";
      const std::string  IPT_GT_KW  = "itest_gt"; // ground truth      
      const std::string  IPT_HGT_KW = "itest_hgt";
      const ossim_uint32 POINTS     = kwl.numberOf( ID_KW.c_str() );
      // Test data height values can be in feet.
      ossimUnitType heightUnits = OSSIM_METERS;
      std::string key = "itest_height_units";
      std::string value = kwl.findKey( key );
      if ( value.size() )
         cout << key << ": " << value << "\n";
         if ( value == "feet" )
            heightUnits = OSSIM_FEET;

      // Test the pixel type.
      ossim_float64 iptShift = 0.0;
      key = "pixel_type";
      value = kwl.findKey( key );
      if ( value.size() )
         if ( value == "area" )
            iptShift = -0.5;
            cout << key << ": " << value << "\n";
            cout << "input_line_sample_shift: " << iptShift << "\n";
      cout << "\nitest begin ********************************\n\n"
           << "number_of_line_sample_points: " << POINTS << "\n";
      ossim_uint32 foundPts = 0;
      ossim_uint32 i = 0;

      while ( foundPts < POINTS )
         // ID:
         key = ID_KW + ossimString::toString( i ).string();
         value = kwl.findKey( key );
         if ( value.size() )
            cout << "itest_id" << std::setw(9) << i << ":  " << value << "\n";
         // Image point, sample, line:
         key = IPT_KW + ossimString::toString( i ).string();
         value = kwl.findKey( key );
         if ( value.size() )
            ossimDpt ipt; // image point
            ossimGpt wpt; // world point
            ossimGpt gt;  // ground truth
            ossimDpt gtd; // wpt to gt delta
            ossimDpt rtp; // round trip point
            ossimDpt rtd; // round trip delta;
            ipt.toPoint( value );
            ipt.x += iptShift;
            ipt.y += iptShift;
            cout << "itest_ipt" << std::setw(8) << i << ":  " << value << "\n";
            // Get the height above ellipsoid:
            ossim_float64 hgt = 0.0;
            key = IPT_HGT_KW + ossimString::toString( i ).string();
            value = kwl.findKey( key );
            if ( value.size() )
               ossimString os ( value );
               hgt = os.toFloat64();
               if ( heightUnits == OSSIM_FEET )
                  hgt *= MTRS_PER_FT;
               cerr << "missing height above ellipsoid for point!  Using 0.0."
                    << endl;
            cout << "itest_hgt" << std::setw(8) << i << ":  " << value << "\n";
            model->lineSampleHeightToWorld( ipt, hgt, wpt );

            cout << "itest_wpt" << std::setw(8) << i << ":  " << wpt << "\n";
            if ( wpt.hasNans() == false )
               model->worldToLineSample( wpt, rtp );
               // Get the ground truth;
               key = IPT_GT_KW + ossimString::toString( i ).string();
               value = kwl.findKey( key );
               if ( value.size() )
                  gt.toPoint( value );
                  cout << "itest_gt" << std::setw(9) << i << ":  " << gt << "\n";
                  if ( gt.isNan() == false )
                     gtd.x = wpt.lon - gt.lon;
                     gtd.y = wpt.lat - gt.lat;
                     ossimDpt mpd = wpt.metersPerDegree();
                     ossimDpt gtm;
                     gtm.x = gtd.x * mpd.x;
                     gtm.y = gtd.y * mpd.y;
                     cout << "itest_gtd_dd" << std::setw(5) << i << ":  " << gtd << "\n";
                     cout << "itest_gtd_mtrs" << std::setw(3) << i << ":  " << gtm << "\n";                     
               rtd = ipt - rtp;
               cout << "itest_rtp" << std::setw(8) << i << ":  " << rtp << "\n"
                    << "itest_rtd" << std::setw(8) << i << ":  " << rtd << "\n\n";
               cerr << "model->worldToLineSample(...) result has nans!\n"
                    << wpt << endl;
         if ( i > POINTS+100 )

      cout << "\ntestIpts end **********************************\n\n";
} // End: testIpts
void testGpts( ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRsmModel>& model, const ossimKeywordlist& kwl )
   if ( model.valid() )
      cout << std::setfill(' ') << setiosflags(ios::left);
      const std::string  ID_KW  = "gtest_id";
      const std::string  GPT_KW = "gtest_gpt";
      const ossim_uint32 POINTS = kwl.numberOf( ID_KW.c_str() );
      cout << "\ngtest begin ********************************\n\n"
           << "number_of_points_world_points: " << POINTS << "\n";
      ossim_uint32 foundPts = 0;
      ossim_uint32 i = 0;
      std::string key;
      std::string value;
      while ( foundPts < POINTS )
         // ID:
         key = ID_KW + ossimString::toString( i ).string();
         value = kwl.findKey( key );
         if ( value.size() )
            cout << "gtest_id" << std::setw(6) << i << ":  " << value << "\n";
         // World point :
         key = GPT_KW + ossimString::toString( i ).string();
         value = kwl.findKey( key );
         if ( value.size() )
            ossimDpt ipt; // image point
            ossimGpt wpt; // world point
            ossimGpt rtp; // round trip point
            ossimDpt rtd; // round trip delta;
            wpt.toPoint( value );

            cout << "gtest_gpt" << std::setw(5) << i << ":  " << wpt << "\n";

            model->worldToLineSample( wpt, ipt );

            if ( wpt.hasNans() == false )
               model->lineSampleHeightToWorld( ipt, wpt.hgt, rtp );
               rtd.x = wpt.lon - rtp.lon;
               rtd.y = wpt.lat - rtp.lat;
               cout << "gtest_ipt" << std::setw(5) << i << ":  " << ipt << "\n"
                    << "gtest_rtp" << std::setw(5) << i << ":  " << rtp << "\n"
                    << "gtest_rtd" << std::setw(5) << i << ":  " << rtd << "\n\n";  
               cerr << "model->worldToLineSample(...) result has nans!\n"
                    << wpt << endl;
         if ( i > POINTS+100 )

      cout << "\ngtest end **********************************\n\n";
} // End: testGpts