Пример #1
   * Buckets in a bucket store can be defined explicitly or implicitly:
   * #Explicitly
   * <store>
   *   type=bucket
   *   num_buckets=2
   *   bucket_type=key_hash
   *   <bucket0>
   *     ...
   *   </bucket0>
   *   <bucket1>
   *     ...
   *   </bucket1>
   *   <bucket2>
   *     ...
   *   </bucket2>
   * </store>
   * #Implicitly
   * <store>
   *   type=bucket
   *   num_buckets=2
   *   bucket_type=key_hash
   *   <bucket>
   *     ...
   *   </bucket>
   * </store>
void BucketStore::configure(pStoreConf configuration) {

  string error_msg, bucketizer_str, remove_key_str;
  unsigned long delim_long = 0;
  pStoreConf bucket_conf;
  //set this to true for bucket types that have a delimiter
  bool need_delimiter = false;

  configuration->getString("bucket_type", bucketizer_str);

  // Figure out th bucket type from the bucketizer string
  if (0 == bucketizer_str.compare("context_log")) {
    bucketType = context_log;
  } else if (0 == bucketizer_str.compare("random")) {
      bucketType = random;
  } else if (0 == bucketizer_str.compare("key_hash")) {
    bucketType = key_hash;
    need_delimiter = true;
  } else if (0 == bucketizer_str.compare("key_modulo")) {
    bucketType = key_modulo;
    need_delimiter = true;
  } else if (0 == bucketizer_str.compare("key_range")) {
    bucketType = key_range;
    need_delimiter = true;
    configuration->getUnsigned("bucket_range", bucketRange);

    if (bucketRange == 0) {
      LOG_OPER("[%s] config warning - bucket_range is 0",

  // This is either a key_hash or key_modulo, not context log, figure out the delimiter and store it
  if (need_delimiter) {
    configuration->getUnsigned("delimiter", delim_long);
    if (delim_long > 255) {
      LOG_OPER("[%s] config warning - delimiter is too large to fit in a char, using default", categoryHandled.c_str());
    } else if (delim_long == 0) {
      LOG_OPER("[%s] config warning - delimiter is zero, using default", categoryHandled.c_str());
    } else {
      delimiter = (char)delim_long;

  // Optionally remove the key and delimiter of each message before bucketizing
  configuration->getString("remove_key", remove_key_str);
  if (remove_key_str == "yes") {
    removeKey = true;

    if (bucketType == context_log) {
      error_msg =
        "Bad config - bucketizer store of type context_log do not support remove_key";
      goto handle_error;

  if (!configuration->getUnsigned("num_buckets", numBuckets)) {
    error_msg = "Bad config - bucket store must have num_buckets";
    goto handle_error;

  // Buckets can be defined explicitely or by specifying a single "bucket"
  if (configuration->getStore("bucket", bucket_conf)) {
    createBucketsFromBucket(configuration, bucket_conf);
  } else {


  LOG_OPER("[%s] %s", categoryHandled.c_str(), error_msg.c_str());
  numBuckets = 0;
Пример #2
// Given a single bucket definition, create multiple buckets
void BucketStore::createBucketsFromBucket(pStoreConf configuration,
					  pStoreConf bucket_conf) {
  string error_msg, bucket_subdir, type, path, failure_bucket;
  bool needs_bucket_subdir = false;
  unsigned long bucket_offset = 0;
  pStoreConf tmp;

  // check for extra bucket definitions
  if (configuration->getStore("bucket0", tmp) ||
      configuration->getStore("bucket1", tmp)) {
    error_msg = "bucket store has too many buckets defined";
    goto handle_error;

  bucket_conf->getString("type", type);
  if (type != "file" && type != "thriftfile") {
    error_msg = "store contained in a bucket store must have a type of ";
    error_msg += "either file or thriftfile if not defined explicitely";
    goto handle_error;

  needs_bucket_subdir = true;
  if (!configuration->getString("bucket_subdir", bucket_subdir)) {
    error_msg =
      "bucketizer containing file stores must have a bucket_subdir";
    goto handle_error;
  if (!bucket_conf->getString("file_path", path)) {
    error_msg =
      "file store contained by bucketizer must have a file_path";
    goto handle_error;

  // set starting bucket number if specified
  configuration->getUnsigned("bucket_offset", bucket_offset);

  // check if failure bucket was given a different name
  configuration->getString("failure_bucket", failure_bucket);

  // We actually create numBuckets + 1 stores. Messages are normally
  // hashed into buckets 1 through numBuckets, and messages that can't
  // be hashed are put in bucket 0.

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= numBuckets; ++i) {

    shared_ptr<Store> newstore =
      createStore(type, categoryHandled, false, multiCategory);

    if (!newstore) {
      error_msg = "can't create store of type: ";
      error_msg += type;
      goto handle_error;

    // For file/thrift file buckets, create unique filepath for each bucket
    if (needs_bucket_subdir) {
      if (i == 0 && !failure_bucket.empty()) {
        bucket_conf->setString("file_path", path + '/' + failure_bucket);
      } else {
        // the bucket number is appended to the file path
        unsigned int bucket_id = i + bucket_offset;

        ostringstream oss;
        oss << path << '/' << bucket_subdir << setw(3) << setfill('0')
            << bucket_id;
        bucket_conf->setString("file_path", oss.str());



  LOG_OPER("[%s] Bad config - %s", categoryHandled.c_str(),
  numBuckets = 0;
Пример #3
// Checks for a bucket definition for every bucket from 0 to numBuckets
// and configures each bucket
void BucketStore::createBuckets(pStoreConf configuration) {
  string error_msg, tmp_string;
  pStoreConf tmp;
  unsigned long i;

  if (configuration->getString("bucket_subdir", tmp_string)) {
    error_msg =
      "cannot have bucket_subdir when defining multiple buckets";
      goto handle_error;

  if (configuration->getString("bucket_offset", tmp_string)) {
    error_msg =
      "cannot have bucket_offset when defining multiple buckets";
      goto handle_error;

  if (configuration->getString("failure_bucket", tmp_string)) {
    error_msg =
      "cannot have failure_bucket when defining multiple buckets";
      goto handle_error;

  // Configure stores named 'bucket0, bucket1, bucket2, ... bucket{numBuckets}
  for (i = 0; i <= numBuckets; i++) {
    pStoreConf   bucket_conf;
    string       type, bucket_name;
    stringstream ss;

    ss << "bucket" << i;
    bucket_name = ss.str();

    if (!configuration->getStore(bucket_name, bucket_conf)) {
      error_msg = "could not find bucket definition for " +
      goto handle_error;

    if (!bucket_conf->getString("type", type)) {
      error_msg =
	"store contained in a bucket store must have a type";
      goto handle_error;

    shared_ptr<Store> bucket =
      createStore(type, categoryHandled, false, multiCategory);


  // Check if an extra bucket is defined
  if (configuration->getStore("bucket" + (numBuckets + 1), tmp)) {
    error_msg = "bucket store has too many buckets defined";
    goto handle_error;


  LOG_OPER("[%s] Bad config - %s", categoryHandled.c_str(),
  numBuckets = 0;