Пример #1
GlobalActionManager::playlistCreatedToShow( const playlist_ptr& pl )
    connect( pl.data(), SIGNAL( revisionLoaded( Tomahawk::PlaylistRevision ) ), this, SLOT( playlistReadyToShow() ) );
    pl->setProperty( "sharedptr", QVariant::fromValue<Tomahawk::playlist_ptr>( pl ) );
Пример #2
    playlist_ptr playlist( new Playlist( author, guid, title, info, creator, shared, entries ), &QObject::deleteLater );
    playlist->setWeakSelf( playlist.toWeakRef() );

    // save to DB in the background
    // Watch for the created() signal if you need to be sure it's written.
    // When a playlist is created it will reportCreated(), adding it to the
    // collection it belongs to and emitting the appropriate signal.
    // When we create a new playlist for the local Source.here we call reportCreated()
    // immediately, so the GUI can reflect the new playlist without waiting for the DB sync
    // When createplaylist DBOPs come from peers, the postCommitHook will call
    // reportCreated for us automatically, which should cause new playlists to be added to the GUI.

    DatabaseCommand_CreatePlaylist* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_CreatePlaylist( author, playlist );
    connect( cmd, SIGNAL( finished() ), playlist.data(), SIGNAL( created() ) );
    Database::instance()->enqueue( QSharedPointer<DatabaseCommand>(cmd) );
    playlist->reportCreated( playlist );

    return playlist;

Playlist::load( const QString& guid )
    playlist_ptr p;

    foreach( const Tomahawk::source_ptr& source, SourceList::instance()->sources() )
        p = source->dbCollection()->playlist( guid );