Пример #1
/* GLTexture::loadImagePortion
 * Loads a portion of a SImage to the texture. Only used internally,
 * the portion must be 128x128 in size
bool GLTexture::loadImagePortion(SImage* image, rect_t rect, Palette8bit* pal, bool add)
	// Check image was given
	if (!image)
		return false;

	// Check image is valid
	if (!image->isValid())
		return false;

	// Check portion rect is valid
	if (rect.width() <= 0 || rect.height() <= 0)
		return false;

	// Get RGBA image data
	MemChunk rgba;
	image->getRGBAData(rgba, pal);

	// Init texture data
	MemChunk portion;
	portion.reSize(rect.width() * rect.height() * 4, false);

	// Read portion of image if rect isn't completely outside the image
	if (!(rect.left() >= image->getWidth() || rect.right() < 0 || rect.top() >= image->getHeight() || rect.bottom() < 0))
		// Determine start of each row to read
		uint32_t row_start = 0;
		if (rect.left() > 0)
			row_start = rect.left();

		// Determine width of each row to read
		uint32_t row_width = rect.right() - row_start;
		if (rect.right() >= image->getWidth())
			row_width = image->getWidth() - row_start;

		// Determine difference between the left of the portion and the left of the image
		uint32_t skip = 0;
		if (rect.left() < 0)
			skip = (0 - rect.left()) * 4;

		// Create temp row buffer
		uint8_t* buf = new uint8_t[rect.width() * 4];

		// Go through each row
		for (int32_t row = rect.top(); row < rect.bottom(); row++)
			// Clear row buffer
			memset(buf, 0, rect.width() * 4);

			// Check that the current row is within the image
			if (row >= 0 && row < image->getHeight())
				// Seek to current row in image data
				rgba.seek((row * image->getWidth() + row_start) * 4, SEEK_SET);

				// Copy the row data
				rgba.read(buf + skip, row_width * 4);

			// Write the row
			portion.write(buf, rect.width() * 4);

		// Free buffer
		delete[] buf;
	scale_x = scale_y = 1.0;

	// Generate texture from rgba data
	return loadData(portion.getData(), rect.width(), rect.height(), add);
Пример #2
 tensor_t model_t::make_input(const image_t& image, const rect_t& region) const
         return make_input(image, region.left(), region.top());