Пример #1
void resources_input::writeout_old(string env_var, resources &r)
  mapping_t map;
  string warning = "";
  if (!map_to(r, map, warning)){
    cout << "DMTCP_DISCOVER_RM_ERROR=\'Cannot map initial resources into the restart allocation\'" << endl;
  if( warning != "" ){
    cout << "DMTCP_DISCOVER_RM_WARNING=\'" << warning << "\'" << endl;

  cout << env_var + "=\'" << endl;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < r.ssize(); i++) {
    if (map[i].size()) {
      cout << ":: " + r[i].name + " :" + sorted_v[0]->mode + ": ";
      for (size_t j = 0; j < map[i].size(); j++) {
        int k = map[i][j];
        string name = sorted_v[k]->name;
        slots_v &v = node_ckpt_map[name];
        slots_v::iterator it = v.begin();
        for(; it != v.end(); it++){
            cout << (*it) + " ";
      cout << endl;
  cout << "\'" << endl;
Пример #2
void resources_input::writeout_new(string env_var, resources &r)
  mapping_t map;
  string warning = "";
  if (!map_to(r, map, warning)){
    cout << "DMTCP_DISCOVER_RM_ERROR=\'Cannot map initial resources into the restart allocation\'" << endl;
  if( warning != "" ){
    cout << "DMTCP_DISCOVER_RM_WARNING=\'" << warning << "\'" << endl;

  cout << env_var + "_NODES=" << r.ssize() << endl;

  bool has_srv_slots = false;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < r.ssize(); i++) {
    if (map[i].size()) {
      int slots_cnt = 0, slot_num;
      for (size_t j = 0; j < map[i].size(); j++) {
        int k = map[i][j];
        string name = sorted_v[k]->name;
        slots_v &v = node_ckpt_map[name];
        slots_cnt += v.size();
        has_srv_slots = has_srv_slots || node_map[name].srv_slots > 0;

      if( !has_srv_slots ){
        std::cout << env_var + "_" << r[i].id << "_SLOTS=" << slots_cnt << std::endl;

        slot_num = 0;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < map[i].size(); j++) {
          int k = map[i][j];
          string name = sorted_v[k]->name;
          slots_v &v = node_ckpt_map[name];
          slots_v::iterator it = v.begin();
          for(; it != v.end(); it++){
            std::cout << env_var + "_" << r[i].id << "_" << slot_num;
            std::cout  << "=\'" << (*it) << "\'" << endl;
          slots_cnt = 1;
          std::cout << env_var + "_" << r[i].id << "_SLOTS=" << slots_cnt << std::endl;
          slot_num = 0;
          std::cout << env_var + "_" << r[i].id << "_" << slot_num << "=\'";
          for (size_t j = 0; j < map[i].size(); j++) {
            int k = map[i][j];
            string name = sorted_v[k]->name;
            slots_v &v = node_ckpt_map[name];
            slots_v::iterator it = v.begin();
            for(; it != v.end(); it++){
              std::cout  << (*it) << " " << endl;
          std::cout << "\'" << std::endl;
        cout << env_var + "_" << r[i].id << "_SLOTS=0";