bool key::sign(const sha256 & h, std::vector<std::uint8_t> & signature) { unsigned int size = ECDSA_size(m_EC_KEY); signature.resize(size); if ( !ECDSA_sign(0, h.digest(), sha256::digest_length, &signature[0], &size, m_EC_KEY) ) { signature.clear(); return false; } signature.resize(size); return true; }
bool crypter::encrypt_secret( types::keying_material_t & master_key, const key::secret_t & plain_text, const sha256 & iv, std::vector<std::uint8_t> & cipher_text ) { crypter crypter_key; std::vector<std::uint8_t> new_iv(wallet_key_size); std::memcpy(&new_iv[0], iv.digest(), wallet_key_size); if (crypter_key.set_key(master_key, new_iv) == false) { return false; } return crypter_key.encrypt((types::keying_material_t)plain_text, cipher_text) ; }
bool key::verify( const sha256 & h, const std::vector<std::uint8_t> & signature ) { bool ret = false; if (signature.size() > 0) { auto ptr_signature = &signature[0]; ECDSA_SIG * ecdsa_sig = 0; if ( (ecdsa_sig = d2i_ECDSA_SIG( 0, &ptr_signature, signature.size())) != 0 ) { std::uint8_t * pp = 0; auto len = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(ecdsa_sig, &pp); ECDSA_SIG_free(ecdsa_sig), ecdsa_sig = 0; if (pp && len > 0) { ret = ECDSA_verify( 0, h.digest(), sha256::digest_length, pp, len, m_EC_KEY ) == 1; OPENSSL_free(pp), pp = 0; } } } return ret; }
bool checkpoints::validate_sync_checkpoint(const sha256 & hash_checkpoint) { if (globals::instance().block_indexes().count(m_hash_sync_checkpoint) == 0) { log_error( "Checkpoints, validate sync checkpoint failed, block index " "missing for current sync-checkpoint " << m_hash_sync_checkpoint.to_string() << "." ); return false; } if (globals::instance().block_indexes().count(hash_checkpoint) == 0) { log_error( "Checkpoints, validate sync checkpoint failed, block index " "missing for received sync-checkpoint " << hash_checkpoint.to_string() << "." ); return false; } auto index_sync_checkpoint = globals::instance().block_indexes()[m_hash_sync_checkpoint] ; auto index_checkpoint_recv = globals::instance().block_indexes()[hash_checkpoint] ; if (index_checkpoint_recv->height() <= index_sync_checkpoint->height()) { /** * Received an older checkpoint, trace back from current checkpoint * to the same height of the received checkpoint to verify * that current checkpoint should be a descendant block. */ auto pindex = index_sync_checkpoint; while (pindex->height() > index_checkpoint_recv->height()) { if (!(pindex = pindex->block_index_previous())) { log_error( "Checkpoints, validate sync checkpoint failed, " "previous index is null - block index structure failure." ); return false; } } if (pindex->get_block_hash() != hash_checkpoint) { m_hash_invalid_checkpoint = hash_checkpoint; log_error( "Checkpoints, validate sync checkpoint failed, new " "sync-checkpoint " << hash_checkpoint.to_string() << " is conflicting with current sync-checkpoint " << m_hash_sync_checkpoint.to_string().c_str() ); return false; } /** * Ignore older checkpoint. */ return false; } /** * Received checkpoint should be a descendant block of the current * checkpoint. Trace back to the same height of current checkpoint * to verify. */ auto index = index_checkpoint_recv; while (index->height() > index_sync_checkpoint->height()) { if (!(index = index->block_index_previous())) { log_error( "Checkpoints, validate sync checkpoint failed, previous " "index is null - block index structure failure" ); return false; } } if (index->get_block_hash() != m_hash_sync_checkpoint) { m_hash_invalid_checkpoint = hash_checkpoint; log_error( "Checkpoints, validate sync checkpoint failed, new " "sync-checkpoint " << hash_checkpoint.to_string() << " is not a " "descendant of current sync-checkpoint " << m_hash_sync_checkpoint.to_string() << "." ); return false; } return true; }
void zerotime_manager::probe_for_answers( const sha256 & hash_tx, const std::vector<transaction_in> & transactions_in ) { if (globals::instance().is_zerotime_enabled()) { log_debug( "ZeroTime manager is probing for answers to " << hash_tx.to_string().substr(0, 8) << "." ); assert(transactions_in.size()); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l1(mutex_questions_); if (questions_.count(hash_tx) == 0) { /** * Insert the question. */ questions_[hash_tx].first = std::time(0); questions_[hash_tx].second = std::make_shared<zerotime_question> (transactions_in) ; /** * Try to get some recent good endpoints. */ auto recent_good_endpoints = stack_impl_.get_address_manager()->recent_good_endpoints() ; std::random_shuffle( recent_good_endpoints.begin(), recent_good_endpoints.end() ); /** * Limit the number of queued tcp endpoints to * zerotime::answers_maximum. */ recent_good_endpoints.resize(zerotime::answers_maximum); if (recent_good_endpoints.size() > 0) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l1( mutex_question_queue_tcp_endpoints_ ); std::vector<boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint> eps; for (auto & i : recent_good_endpoints) { eps.push_back( boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint( i.addr.ipv4_mapped_address(), i.addr.port) ); } question_queue_tcp_endpoints_[hash_tx].first = std::time(0); question_queue_tcp_endpoints_[hash_tx].second.insert( question_queue_tcp_endpoints_[hash_tx].second.end(), eps.begin(), eps.end() ); /** * Start the timer. */ do_tick_probe(interval_probe); } else { log_error( "ZeroTime manager tried to probe for answers but no " "recent endpoints were found" ); } } } }
sha256 operator << ( const sha256& h1, uint32_t i ) { sha256 result; fc::detail::shift_l(,, result.data_size(), i ); return result; }
sha256 sha256::hash( const sha256& s ) { return hash(, sizeof( s._hash ) ); }
sha256 sha256::encoder::result() { sha256 h; SHA256_Final((uint8_t*), &my->ctx ); return h; } void sha256::encoder::reset() { SHA256_Init( &my->ctx); } sha256 operator << ( const sha256& h1, uint32_t i ) { sha256 result; fc::detail::shift_l(,, result.data_size(), i ); return result; } sha256 operator >> ( const sha256& h1, uint32_t i ) { sha256 result; fc::detail::shift_r(,, result.data_size(), i ); return result; } sha256 operator ^ ( const sha256& h1, const sha256& h2 ) { sha256 result; result._hash[0] = h1._hash[0] ^ h2._hash[0]; result._hash[1] = h1._hash[1] ^ h2._hash[1]; result._hash[2] = h1._hash[2] ^ h2._hash[2]; result._hash[3] = h1._hash[3] ^ h2._hash[3]; return result; } bool operator >= ( const sha256& h1, const sha256& h2 ) { return memcmp( h1._hash, h2._hash, sizeof(h1._hash) ) >= 0; } bool operator > ( const sha256& h1, const sha256& h2 ) {
bool key::sign_compact( const sha256 & h, std::vector<std::uint8_t> & signature ) { bool ret = false; ECDSA_SIG * sig = ECDSA_do_sign( h.digest(), sha256::digest_length, m_EC_KEY ); if (sig == 0) { return false; } signature.clear(); signature.resize(65, 0); int nBitsR = BN_num_bits(sig->r); int nBitsS = BN_num_bits(sig->s); if (nBitsR <= 256 && nBitsS <= 256) { int nRecId = -1; for (auto i = 0; i < 4; i++) { key keyRec; keyRec.m_set = true; if (m_compressed) { keyRec.set_compressed_public_key(); } if ( ECDSA_SIG_recover_key_GFp(keyRec.m_EC_KEY, sig, h.digest(), sha256::digest_length, i, 1) == 1 ) { if (keyRec.get_public_key() == get_public_key()) { nRecId = i; break; } } } if (nRecId == -1) { throw std::runtime_error("unable to construct recoverable key"); } signature[0] = nRecId + 27 + (m_compressed ? 4 : 0); BN_bn2bin(sig->r, &signature[33 - (nBitsR + 7) / 8]); BN_bn2bin(sig->s, &signature[65 - (nBitsS + 7) / 8]); ret = true; } ECDSA_SIG_free(sig); return ret; }