Пример #1
/** Reads from the file getting in order: an unused integer, on the next line the number of
*  spectra in the group and next one or more lines the spectra numbers, (format in GroupDetectors.h)
* @param specs2index :: a map that links spectra numbers to indexes
* @param File :: the input stream that is linked to the file
* @param lineNum :: the last line read in the file, is updated by this function
* @param unUsedSpec :: list of spectra that haven't yet been included in a group
* @throw invalid_argument if there is any problem with the file
void GroupDetectors2::readFile(spec2index_map &specs2index, std::ifstream &File, size_t &lineNum, std::vector<int64_t> &unUsedSpec)
  // used in writing the spectra to the outData map. The groups are just labelled incrementally from 1
  int spectrumNo = 1;
  // go through the rest of the file reading in lists of spectra number to group
  while ( File )
    std::string thisLine;
      std::getline( File, thisLine ), lineNum ++;
      // we haven't started reading a new group and so if the file ends here it is OK
      if ( ! File ) return;
    while( readInt(thisLine) == EMPTY_LINE && File );

    // the number of spectra that will be combined in the group
    int numberOfSpectra = EMPTY_LINE;
      if ( ! File ) throw std::invalid_argument("Premature end of file, expecting an integer with the number of spectra in the group");
      std::getline( File, thisLine ), lineNum ++;
      numberOfSpectra = readInt(thisLine);
    while( numberOfSpectra == EMPTY_LINE );

    // the value of this map is the list of spectra numbers that will be combined into a group
      if ( ! File ) throw std::invalid_argument("Premature end of file, found number of spectra specification but no spectra list");
      std::getline( File, thisLine ), lineNum ++;
      // the spectra numbers that will be included in the group
        thisLine, specs2index, m_GroupSpecInds[spectrumNo], unUsedSpec);
    while (static_cast<int>(m_GroupSpecInds[spectrumNo].size()) < numberOfSpectra);
    if ( static_cast<int>(m_GroupSpecInds[spectrumNo].size()) != numberOfSpectra )
    {// it makes no sense to continue reading the file, we'll stop here
      throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("Bad number of spectra specification or spectra list near line number ") + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(lineNum));
    // make regular progress reports and check for a cancellastion notification
    if ( (m_GroupSpecInds.size() % INTERVAL) == 1 )
      fileReadProg( m_GroupSpecInds.size(), specs2index.size() );