statistician operator +(const statistician& s1, const statistician& s2){ if (s1.length() ==0){ return statistician(s2); } else if (s2.length() ==0){ return statistician(s1); } statistician s = statistician(); s.count = s1.count + s2.count; = +; // Killing to birds here by checking if one is smaller or equal if(s1.tinyest < s2.tinyest || s1.tinyest == s2.tinyest){ s.tinyest = s1.tinyest; } else{ s.tinyest = s2.tinyest; } // Same story, but doing it with the largest if(s1.largest < s2.largest || s1.largest == s2.largest){ s.largest = s2.largest; } else{ s.largest = s1.largest; } return s; }
//Overrides the * operator cs304_statistician::statistician cs304_statistician::operator *(double scale, const statistician& s){ //Creates new statistician object to be returned statistician statistician_return; //Scales all the values of the statistician statistician_return.save_max = s.maximum() * scale; statistician_return.save_mean = s.mean() * scale; statistician_return.save_min = s.minimum() * scale; statistician_return.save_sum = s.sum() * scale; //Retains the origin length statistician_return.save_length = s.length(); return statistician_return; }
statistician operator+(const statistician& s1, const statistician& s2) { statistician stat; stat.length = s1.length + s2.length; stat.sum = s1.sum + s2.sum; stat.last = s2.lastNumber(); if (s1.largest > s2.largest) stat.largest = s1.largest; else stat.largest = s2.largest; if (s1.smallest < s2.smallest) stat.smallest = s1.smallest; else stat.smallest = s2.smallest; return stat; }
//Checks to see if two statisticians lengths are equal bool cs304_statistician::operator ==(const statistician& s1, const statistician& s2){ //If they are equal lengths return true if(s1.length() == s2.length() && s1.minimum() == s2.minimum() && s1.mean() == s2.mean() && s1.sum() == s2.sum() && s1.maximum() == s2.maximum()) return true; //If they are not equal lengths return false else return false; }
statistician operator *(double scale, const statistician& s1){ if (s1.length() == 0) return statistician(); statistician s = statistician(); s.count = s1.count; = * scale; // If the scale is positive, everything is fine. If it's negative, the largest and the smallest must switch! if (scale > 0){ s.largest = s1.largest * scale; s.tinyest = s1.tinyest * scale; } else{ s.largest = s1.tinyest * scale; s.tinyest = s1.largest * scale; } return s; }
void print_values(const statistician& s) // Library facilties used: iostream.h { cout << setw(10) << s.length( ); cout << setw(10) << s.sum( ); if (s.length( ) != 0) { cout << setw(10) << s.minimum( ); cout << setw(10) << s.mean( ); cout << setw(10) << s.maximum( ); } else cout << " none none none"; cout << endl; }
//Overrides the + opperator cs304_statistician::statistician cs304_statistician::operator +(const statistician& s1, const statistician& s2){ //Creates a new statistician object to save values to and return statistician statistician_return; //Adds the length of the two statistician statistician_return.save_length = s1.length() +s2.length(); //Adds the sum of the statistician statistician_return.save_sum = s1.sum() +s2.sum(); //Selects which max to take if(s1.maximum() > s2.maximum() ){ statistician_return.save_max = s1.maximum(); } else{ statistician_return.save_max = s2.maximum(); } //Selects which min to take if(s1.minimum() < s2.minimum() ){ statistician_return.save_min = s1.minimum(); } else{ statistician_return.save_min = s2.minimum(); } //Recalculates the mean statistician_return.save_mean = (((s1.mean()*s1.length()) +(s2.mean()*s2.length()))/statistician_return.save_length); return statistician_return; }
bool operator == (const statistician& s1, const statistician& s2){ // If they's both empty, just ship them out like that if( ( s1.length() == 0) && (s2.length() == 0) ) return true; // Go through anything that could be different. If they are, it's all false! if( !(s1.length() == s2.length() ) ) return false; else if( !(s1.sum() == s2.sum() ) ) return false; else if( !(s1.minimum() == s2.minimum() ) ) return false; else if( !(s1.maximum() == s2.maximum() ) ) return false; else if( !(s1.mean() == s2.mean() ) ) return false; return true; }