void import(const base_url &n) { if (protocol.empty() && !n.protocol.empty()) protocol = n.protocol; if (host.empty() && !n.host.empty()) host = n.host; if (port == 0 && n.port != 0) port = n.port; if (path.empty() && !n.path.empty()) path = n.path; if (query.empty() && !n.query.empty()) query = n.query; }
static bool equals(const string_type& str1, const string_type& str2) { if(str1.size() != str2.size()) { return false; } else if(str1.empty() && str2.empty()) { return true; } else { return std::equal( str1.begin(), str1.end(), str2.begin() ); } }
BOOST_LOG_EXPORT void basic_event_log_backend< CharT >::construct( boost::log::aux::universal_path const& message_file_name, string_type const& target, string_type const& log_name, string_type const& source_name, event_log::registration_mode reg_mode) { if (reg_mode != event_log::never) { aux::registry_params< char_type > reg_params; string_type file_name; log::aux::code_convert(message_file_name.string(), file_name); reg_params.event_message_file = file_name; reg_params.types_supported = DWORD( EVENTLOG_SUCCESS | EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE | EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE | EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); aux::init_event_log_registry(log_name, source_name, reg_mode == event_log::forced, reg_params); } std::auto_ptr< implementation > p(new implementation()); const char_type* target_unc = NULL; if (!target.empty()) target_unc = target.c_str(); HANDLE hSource = register_event_source(target_unc, source_name.c_str()); if (!hSource) BOOST_LOG_THROW_DESCR(system_error, "Could not register event source"); p->m_SourceHandle = hSource; m_pImpl = p.release(); }
void operator()(const Char* data) { if (exe.empty()) exe = data; else args.push_back(data); }
void operator()(const string_type & data) { if (exe.empty()) exe = data; else args.push_back(data); }
void operator()(const boost::filesystem::path & data) { not_cmd = true; if (exe.empty()) exe = data.native(); else args.push_back(data.native()); }
void get_name_(FwdIter &begin, FwdIter end, string_type &name) { this->eat_ws_(begin, end); for(name.clear(); begin != end && this->is_alnum_(*begin); ++begin) { name.push_back(*begin); } this->eat_ws_(begin, end); detail::ensure(!name.empty(), regex_constants::error_paren, "incomplete extension"); }
void comment(const string_type& s) { adaptor_statistics.comment(s); if (s.empty()) out << "c"; else if (boost::algorithm::is_space()(s[0])) out << "c" << s; else out << "c " << s; out << "\n"; }
void start(basic_session<T>& sesh, string_type const& ssid = "") { if (!sesh.loaded() && sesh.id().empty()) { if (!ssid.empty()) { sesh.id(ssid); load(sesh); } else { sesh.id(make_session_id()); sesh.loaded(true); } } }
void operator()(std::vector<string_type> && data) { if (data.empty()) return; auto itr = std::make_move_iterator(data.begin()); auto end = std::make_move_iterator(data.end()); if (exe.empty()) { exe = *itr; itr++; } args.insert(args.end(), itr, end); }
void operator()(const std::vector<string_type> & data) { if (data.empty()) return; auto itr = data.begin(); auto end = data.end(); if (exe.empty()) { exe = *itr; itr++; } args.insert(args.end(), itr, end); }
// Close tag (may be with closing all of its children) void XmlStream::endTag(const string_type& tag) { bool brk = false; while (tags.size() > 0 && !brk) { if (stateNone == state) { startTagging(); s << "</" << tags.top() << '>'; endTagging(); } else { closeTagStart(true); state = stateNone; } brk = tag.empty() || tag == tags.top(); tags.pop(); } }
void raw_request( const string_type& method, const string_type& name, const string_type& ext, const string_type& body, Handler& handler ) { if ( !body.empty() ) { //内容を分解する const param_type param = parse_parameter_helper( body ); // if ( !param.empty() ) { // raw_request( method, name, ext, param, handler ); // } else { // // // boost::bind( handler, _1, _2 )( "", error::value( error::critical, "bad parameter." ) ); // } } else { // return raw_request( method, name, ext, param_type(), handler ); } }
void extract( string_type const & data, string_type & name, string_type & value, basic_cookie<Tag> & c ) { std::size_t pos = data.find( string_traits_type::convert('=') ); name = data.substr( 0,pos ); if ( pos != string_type::npos ) { value = data.substr( pos+1 ); } if ( !value.empty() ) { if ( *value.begin() == '"' && *value.rbegin() != '"' ) { value = name + string_traits_type::convert("=") + value; return; } boost::trim_if( value, boost::is_any_of( string_traits_type::convert("\"") ) ); } set_value( name, value, c ); name.clear(); value.clear(); }
inline std::string get_host(std::string default_host = "") const { if (!host.empty()) return utf8::cvt<std::string>(host); return default_host; }
//Based on the example at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682499(v=vs.85).aspx. Process::id_type Process::open(const string_type &command, const string_type &path) { if(open_stdin) stdin_fd=std::unique_ptr<fd_type>(new fd_type(NULL)); if(read_stdout) stdout_fd=std::unique_ptr<fd_type>(new fd_type(NULL)); if(read_stderr) stderr_fd=std::unique_ptr<fd_type>(new fd_type(NULL)); Handle stdin_rd_p; Handle stdin_wr_p; Handle stdout_rd_p; Handle stdout_wr_p; Handle stderr_rd_p; Handle stderr_wr_p; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security_attributes; security_attributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); security_attributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE; security_attributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(create_process_mutex); if(stdin_fd) { if (!CreatePipe(&stdin_rd_p, &stdin_wr_p, &security_attributes, 0) || !SetHandleInformation(stdin_wr_p, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) return 0; } if(stdout_fd) { if (!CreatePipe(&stdout_rd_p, &stdout_wr_p, &security_attributes, 0) || !SetHandleInformation(stdout_rd_p, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) { return 0; } } if(stderr_fd) { if (!CreatePipe(&stderr_rd_p, &stderr_wr_p, &security_attributes, 0) || !SetHandleInformation(stderr_rd_p, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) { return 0; } } PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info; STARTUPINFO startup_info; ZeroMemory(&process_info, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); ZeroMemory(&startup_info, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); startup_info.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); startup_info.hStdInput = stdin_rd_p; startup_info.hStdOutput = stdout_wr_p; startup_info.hStdError = stderr_wr_p; if(stdin_fd || stdout_fd || stderr_fd) startup_info.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; string_type process_command=command; #ifdef MSYS_PROCESS_USE_SH size_t pos=0; while((pos=process_command.find('\\', pos))!=string_type::npos) { process_command.replace(pos, 1, "\\\\\\\\"); pos+=4; } pos=0; while((pos=process_command.find('\"', pos))!=string_type::npos) { process_command.replace(pos, 1, "\\\""); pos+=2; } process_command.insert(0, "sh -c \""); process_command+="\""; #endif BOOL bSuccess = CreateProcess(nullptr, process_command.empty()?nullptr:&process_command[0], nullptr, nullptr, TRUE, 0, nullptr, path.empty()?nullptr:path.c_str(), &startup_info, &process_info); if(!bSuccess) { CloseHandle(process_info.hProcess); CloseHandle(process_info.hThread); return 0; } else { CloseHandle(process_info.hThread); } if(stdin_fd) *stdin_fd=stdin_wr_p.detach(); if(stdout_fd) *stdout_fd=stdout_rd_p.detach(); if(stderr_fd) *stderr_fd=stderr_rd_p.detach(); closed=false; data.id=process_info.dwProcessId; data.handle=process_info.hProcess; return process_info.dwProcessId; }
/// TODO: Check that the uploaded file isn't empty too. bool empty() const { return value.empty(); }