Пример #1
Файл: som.cpp Проект: adiog/tbb
find_data_ranges(teaching_vector_type &teaching, SOM_element &max_range, SOM_element &min_range ) {
    if(teaching.size() == 0) return;
    max_range = min_range = teaching[0];
    for(int i = 1; i < (int)teaching.size(); ++i) {
Пример #2
Файл: som.cpp Проект: adiog/tbb
void SOMap::teach(teaching_vector_type &in) {
    for(int i = 0; i < nPasses; ++i ) {
        int j = (int)(randval(0, (double)in.size()));  // this won't be reproducible.
        if(j == in.size()) --j;
        int min_x = -1;
        int min_y = -1;
        subsquare_type br2(0, (int)my_map.size(), 1, 0, (int)my_map[0].size(), 1);
        (void) BMU_range(in[j],min_x, min_y, br2);  // just need min_x, min_y
        // radius of interest
        double radius = max_radius * exp(-(double)i*radius_decay_rate);
        // update circle is min_xiter to max_xiter inclusive.
        double learning_rate = max_learning_rate * exp( -(double)i * learning_decay_rate);
        epoch_update(in[j], i, min_x, min_y, radius, learning_rate);
Пример #3
void graph_teach(SOMap &map1, teaching_vector_type &in) {
    // normally the training would pick random exemplars to teach the SOM.  We need
    // the process to be reproducible, so we will pick the exemplars in order, [0, in.size())
    int next_j = 0;
    for(int epoch = 0; epoch < nPasses; ++epoch) {
        global_i = epoch;
        bool canceled_submaps = false;
        int j = next_j;  // try to make reproducible
        next_j = (epoch+1) % in.size();
        search_result_type min_sr;
        if(epoch < speculation_start) {
        else if(epoch == speculation_start) {
            if(epoch < nPasses-1) {
        else if(epoch < nPasses - 1) {
        min_sr = graph_BMU(epoch % SPECULATION_CNT);  //calls wait_for_all()
        double min_distance = get<0>(min_sr);
        double radius = max_radius * exp(-(double)epoch*radius_decay_rate);
        double learning_rate = max_learning_rate * exp(-(double)epoch * learning_decay_rate);
        if(epoch >= speculation_start && epoch < (nPasses - 1)) {
            // have to cancel the affected submaps
            cancel_submaps(get<XV>(min_sr), get<YV>(min_sr), radius, (epoch+1)%SPECULATION_CNT);
            canceled_submaps = true;
        map1.epoch_update(in[j], epoch, get<1>(min_sr), get<2>(min_sr), radius, learning_rate);
        if(canceled_submaps) {
            // do I have to wait for all the non-canceled speculative graph to complete first?
            // yes, in case a canceled task was already executing.
            wait_for_all_graphs((epoch+1) % SPECULATION_CNT);  // wait for the array of subgraphs
            restart_submaps(get<1>(min_sr), get<2>(min_sr), radius, (epoch+1)%SPECULATION_CNT, in[next_j]);

        last_update = min_sr;
        get<RADIUS>(last_update) = radius;  // not smallest value, but range of effect