Filepath::Filepath(const tstring & full_path) : m_Path(EMPTY_STRING) , m_File(EMPTY_STRING) { int32 dotCounter(0); for(uint32 i = 0; i < full_path.size(); ++i) { if(full_path[i] == _T('.')) { ++dotCounter; } } if(dotCounter > 1) { Logger::GetInstance()->Log(LogLevel::Error, _T("Please don't use . in your filename (except for the file extension)")); } auto index = full_path.find_last_of('/'); if(index == tstring::npos) { index = full_path.find_last_of('\\'); } if(index != tstring::npos) { index += 1; m_Path = full_path.substr(0,index); m_File = full_path.substr(index, full_path.length() - index); } else { m_File = full_path; } }
tstring GetFilePath(tstring FileName){ tstring::size_type n = FileName.find_last_of(_T('\\')); if(n != tstring::npos){ return FileName.substr(0,n); } n = FileName.find_last_of(_T('/')); if(n == tstring::npos){ return FileName; } return FileName.substr(0,n); };
tstring GetFileNoPathName(tstring s) { tstring::size_type n = s.find_last_of(_T('\\')); if(n != tstring::npos){ return s.substr(n+1); } n = s.find_last_of(_T('/')); if(n == tstring::npos){ return s; } return s.substr(n); }
std::string remove_extension(tstring const& filename) { const size_t last_slash = filename.find_last_of("\\/"); const size_t last_dot = filename.find_last_of('.'); if( ( last_slash != tstring::npos && last_dot < last_slash) || ( last_dot == tstring::npos) || ( last_dot == filename.size() - 1 ) ) { return filename.str(); } else { tstring result = filename.substr(0, last_dot); return result.str(); } }
std::string extension(tstring const& filename) { size_t last_dot = filename.find_last_of("."); if( last_dot == tstring::npos ) return ""; size_t last_slash = filename.find_last_of("\\/"); if( last_slash != tstring::npos && last_slash > last_dot ) // extension is somewhere in path component return ""; return filename.substr(last_dot+1).str(); }
CRegStdBase::CRegStdBase (const tstring& key, bool force, HKEY base, REGSAM sam) : CRegBaseCommon<tstring> (key, force, base, sam) { tstring::size_type pos = key.find_last_of(_T('\\')); m_path = key.substr(0, pos); m_key = key.substr(pos + 1); }
tstring FileSystem::removeFileExtension( const tstring& fileName ) { size_t pos = fileName.find_last_of('.'); if (pos != tstring::npos) { return fileName.substr(0, pos); } return fileName; }
std::string basename(tstring const& name) { std::string::size_type p = name.find_last_of("/\\"); if( p == tstring::npos ) { return name.str(); } else { return std::string(, name.size()-p-1); } }
tstring FileSystem::getFileExtension( const tstring& fileName ) { size_t pos = fileName.find_last_of('.'); if (pos != tstring::npos) { return fileName.substr(pos + 1, fileName.size() - pos - 1); } return TEXT(""); }
tstring ExtractFileExt(const tstring& path) { size_t pos = path.find_last_of(_T("\\/.")); if (pos != tstring::npos && path[pos] == '.') { return path.substr(pos + 1); } return _T(""); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //return path like="xxx/xxx" , without "/" at last. tstring ExtractFilePath(const tstring& path) { size_t pos = path.find_last_of(_T("\\/")); if (pos != tstring::npos) { return path.substr(0, pos); } return path; }
int FileAppender::append(const tstring &logMsg) { if(_fs.is_open()) { // need to create a new file? if( _multiFiles && _curSize > _maxSize ) { // close current file _fs.close(); ASSERT(!_fs.is_open()); // make a new log file name: oldfile{time}_index.xx, eg. "mylog_20101229_235959_1.txt" __time64_t t; _time64( &t ); struct tm *tt = _localtime64(&t); tchar tmString[TIME_BUF_SZIE + 1] = {0}; _stprintf(tmString, _T("_%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d_%d"), tt->tm_year + 1900, tt->tm_mon + 1, tt->tm_mday, tt->tm_hour, tt->tm_min, tt->tm_sec, ++_fileIndex); //tstringstream tos; //tos << _T("_") << tt->tm_year + 1900 << tt->tm_mon << tt->tm_mday << _T("_") << tt->tm_hour << tt->tm_min << tt->tm_sec; tstring newFileName(_fileName); tstring::size_type indexDot = _fileName.find_last_of(_T('.')); if(tstring::npos == indexDot) { //newFileName += tos.str(); newFileName += tmString; } else { // newFileName.insert(indexDot, tos.str()); newFileName.insert(indexDot, tmString); } // open new log file, std::ios::out); if(_fs.is_open()) { _fs.imbue(_loc); _curSize = 0; } else { ASSERT(0); } } // write log message to file if(_fs.is_open()) { _fs << logMsg << std::flush; _curSize = static_cast<unsigned long>(_fs.tellp()); } } return 0; }
bool CLink::IsEqual( const tstring& strLink ) const { bool rc = false; switch ( m_urlType ) { case urlType_LocalAbsolute: { rc = ( strLink == m_strLink ); } break; case urlType_Relative: { tstring strRel=strLink; tstring::size_type p = strLink.find_last_of( _T('/') ); if ( p != tstring::npos ) { strRel = strLink.substr( p + 1, strLink.length() ); } else { p = strLink.find_last_of( _T('\\') ); if ( p != tstring::npos ) { strRel = strLink.substr( p + 1, strLink.length() ); } } if ( strRel == m_strLink ) { rc = true; } } break; case urlType_Absolute: default: { } break; } return rc; }
std::string dirname(tstring const& name) { if( name.size() == 0 ) return "."; tstring::size_type p = name.find_last_of("/\\"); if( p == tstring::npos ) { return "."; } else if( p == 0 ) { return "/"; } else { return std::string(, p); } }
bool has_extension(tstring const& filename) { size_t find_start = filename.find_last_of("\\/"); if( find_start == tstring::npos ) find_start = 0; else find_start++; const size_t dot_pos = filename.find_first_of('.', find_start); const bool dot_exists = (dot_pos != tstring::npos); const bool not_at_start = (dot_pos > find_start); return dot_exists && not_at_start; }
void PathX::GetDirectory(const tstring& path, tstring& outDirectory) { tstring::size_type pos = path.find_last_of(separator); if (pos == tstring::size_type(-1)) { outDirectory.clear(); return; } else { outDirectory = path.substr(0, pos); return; } }
void PathX::GetExtension(const tstring& path, tstring& outExtension) { tstring::size_type pos = path.find_last_of(extension); if (pos == tstring::size_type(-1)) { outExtension.clear(); return; } else if(pos == tstring::size_type(path.length()-1)) { outExtension.clear(); return; } else { outExtension = path.substr(pos+1, path.length()); return; } }
void PathX::GetFileName(const tstring& path, tstring& outFileName) { tstring::size_type pos = path.find_last_of(separator); if (pos == tstring::size_type(-1)) { outFileName = path; return; } else if(pos == tstring::size_type(path.length()-1)) { outFileName.clear(); return; } else { outFileName = path.substr(pos+1, path.length()); return; } }
tstring FileUtils::_getPathForFilename( const tstring& filename, const tstring& searchPath ) const { tstring file = filename; tstring path = ""; size_t pos = filename.find_last_of("/"); if (pos != tstring::npos) { path = filename.substr(0, pos+1); file = filename.substr(pos+1); } // searchPath + path path = searchPath + path; path = _getFullPathForDirectoryAndFilename(path, file); //CCLOG("getPathForFilename, fullPath = %s", path.c_str()); return path; }
BOOL checkModulePathName(tstring strModulePathName) { size_t iStart = strModulePathName.find_last_of(_T('\\')); if (iStart == tstring::npos) { TRACE_PRINT1("checkModulePathName::find_last_of: error, strModulePathName = %s.", strModulePathName.c_str()); return FALSE; } else { tstring strModuleName = strModulePathName.substr(iStart + 1, tstring::npos); if (strModuleName == _T("wpcap.dll") || strModuleName == _T("packet.dll")) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } }
void litehtml::css::parse_atrule( const tstring& text, const tchar_t* baseurl, document* doc, media_query_list::ptr& media ) { if(text.substr(0, 7) == _t("@import")) { int sPos = 7; tstring iStr; iStr = text.substr(sPos); if(iStr[iStr.length() - 1] == _t(';')) { iStr.erase(iStr.length() - 1); } trim(iStr); string_vector tokens; split_string(iStr, tokens, _t(" "), _t(""), _t("(\"")); if(!tokens.empty()) { tstring url; parse_css_url(tokens.front(), url); if(url.empty()) { url = tokens.front(); } tokens.erase(tokens.begin()); if(doc) { document_container* doc_cont = doc->container(); if(doc_cont) { tstring css_text; tstring css_baseurl; if(baseurl) { css_baseurl = baseurl; } doc_cont->import_css(css_text, url, css_baseurl); if(!css_text.empty()) { media_query_list::ptr new_media = media; if(!tokens.empty()) { tstring media_str; for(string_vector::iterator iter = tokens.begin(); iter != tokens.end(); iter++) { if(iter != tokens.begin()) { media_str += _t(" "); } media_str += (*iter); } new_media = media_query_list::create_from_string(media_str, doc); if(!new_media) { new_media = media; } } parse_stylesheet(css_text.c_str(), css_baseurl.c_str(), doc, new_media); } } } } } else if(text.substr(0, 6) == _t("@media")) { tstring::size_type b1 = text.find_first_of(_t('{')); tstring::size_type b2 = text.find_last_of(_t('}')); if(b1 != tstring::npos) { tstring media_type = text.substr(6, b1 - 6); trim(media_type); media_query_list::ptr new_media = media_query_list::create_from_string(media_type, doc); tstring media_style; if(b2 != tstring::npos) { media_style = text.substr(b1 + 1, b2 - b1 - 1); } else { media_style = text.substr(b1 + 1); } parse_stylesheet(media_style.c_str(), baseurl, doc, new_media); } } }
int CFulEditCtrl::FullTextMatch(ColorSettings* cs, CHARFORMAT2 &cf, const tstring &line, int pos, int &lineIndex) { int index = tstring::npos; tstring searchString; if( cs->getMyNick() ) { tstring::size_type p = cs->getMatch().find(_T("$mynick$")); if(p != tstring::npos) { searchString = cs->getMatch(); searchString = searchString.replace(p, 8, nick); } } else { searchString = cs->getMatch(); } //we don't have any nick to search for //happens in pm's have to find a solution for this if(searchString.empty()) return tstring::npos; //do we want to highlight the timestamps? if( cs->getTimestamps() ) { if( line[0] != _T('[') ) return tstring::npos; index = 0; } else if( cs->getUsers() ) { if(timeStamps) { index = line.find(_T("] <")); // /me might cause this to happen if(index == tstring::npos) return tstring::npos; //compensate for "] " index += 2; } else if( line[0] == _T('<')) { index = 0; } }else{ if( cs->getCaseSensitive() ) { index = line.find(searchString, pos); }else { index = Util::findSubString(line, searchString, pos); //index = Text::toLower(line).find(Text::toLower(searchString), pos); } } //return if no matches where found if( index == tstring::npos ) return tstring::npos; pos = index + searchString.length(); //found the string, now make sure it matches //the way the user specified int length; if( !cs->getUsers() && !cs->getTimestamps() ) { length = searchString.length(); int p = 0; switch(cs->getMatchType()){ case 0: //Begins p = index-1; if(line[p] != _T(' ') && line[p] != _T('\r') && line[p] != _T('\t') ) return tstring::npos; break; case 1: //Contains break; case 2: // Ends p = index+length; if(line[p] != _T(' ') && line[p] != _T('\r') && line[p] != _T('\t') ) return tstring::npos; break; case 3: // Equals if( !( (index == 0 || line[index-1] == _T(' ') || line[index-1] == _T('\t')) && (line[index+length] == _T(' ') || line[index+length] == _T('\r') || line[index+length] == _T('\t')) ) ) return tstring::npos; break; } } long begin, end; begin = lineIndex; if( cs->getTimestamps() ) { tstring::size_type pos = line.find(_T("]")); if( pos == tstring::npos ) return tstring::npos; //hmm no ]? this can't be right, return begin += index +1; end = begin + pos -1; } else if( cs->getUsers() ) { end = begin + line.find(_T(">")); begin += index +1; } else if( cs->getWholeLine() ) { end = begin + line.length(); } else if( cs->getWholeWord() ) { int tmp; tmp = line.find_last_of(_T(" \t\r"), index); if(tmp != tstring::npos ) begin += tmp+1; tmp = line.find_first_of(_T(" \t\r"), index); if(tmp != tstring::npos ) end = lineIndex + tmp; else end = lineIndex + line.length(); } else { begin += index; end = begin + searchString.length(); } SetSel(begin, end); SetSelectionCharFormat(cf); SetSel(GetTextLength()-1, GetTextLength()-1); SetSelectionCharFormat(selFormat); CheckAction(cs, line); if( cs->getTimestamps() || cs->getUsers() ) return tstring::npos; return pos; }