Пример #1
subroutine getupgradedates() {

	call osread(upgradelog, "UPGRADE.CFG");
	upgradelog = upgradelog.field(0x1A, 1).trim();
	upgradelog.converter("\r\n", FM);
	var nn = upgradelog.count(FM) + (upgradelog ne "");
	var upgradedata = "";
	for (var ii = 1; ii <= nn; ++ii) {
		var idate = (upgradelog.a(ii, 1).field(" ", 2, 3)).iconv("D");
		//itime=iconv(field(upgradelog,' ',1),'MT')
		if (not(upgradedata.locate(idate, xx))) {
			upgradedata.r(-1, idate);

	USER1 = upgradedata;
Пример #2
function main(in mode, io ledgercode, in newaccno0, in newaccount, in sortorder, in params0, out msg) {
	//chartmv.fns must be changed in all places in ABP and ABP2
	var interactive = not SYSTEM.a(33);
	var newaccno = newaccno0.a(1, 1, 1);
	//if newaccno<1,1,2>='' then newaccno<1,1,2>=newaccno<1,1,1>
	var newaccname = newaccount.a(1);
	var params=params0;

	var update = mode == "ADD";
	msg = "";

	//check does not already exist in any ledger
	if (fin.account.read(fin.accounts, "." ^ newaccno)) {
		return 0;
	// msg=''
	// msg=quote(newaccno):msg:' ACCOUNT NUMBER ALREADY EXISTS'
	// return 0
	// end

	if (fin.account.read(fin.accounts, newaccno)) {
		return 0;
	// msg=' ORIGINAL'
	// goto preexist
	// end

	//make the ledger code
	var origledgercode = ledgercode;
	var origparams = params;
	gosub expandledgercodeparams(ledgercode, params);

	//if chart doesnt exist then walk back through the years
	//zzz should walk back through quarters or periods too but isnt implemented
	//if by period or quarter will work if all periods/quarters exist in one year
	var tt;
	if (not(tt.read(fin.charts, ledgercode))) {
		var targetledgercode = ledgercode;

		//contruct prior year ledgercode
		params.r(1, (addcent(params.a(1)) - 1).substr(-2, 2));
		ledgercode = origledgercode;
		gosub expandledgercodeparams(ledgercode, params);

		//just quit if back to original code after searching backwards through 07-06
		if (ledgercode == targetledgercode) {
			ledgercode = targetledgercode;


			//if prior year chart doesnt exist go back to look for another
			var chart;
			if (not(chart.read(fin.charts, ledgercode))) {
				goto getprevledgercode;

			//found previous chart so create new chart

			//change previous year if in chart name
			var tt = chart.a(1);
			tt.swapper(addcent(params.a(1)), addcent(origparams.a(1)));
			tt.swapper(params.a(1), origparams.a(1));
			chart.r(1, tt);

			ledgercode = targetledgercode;
			//zzz should really lock to prevent create unless exclusive
			//but will not really cause a problem probs
			gosub createchart(chart, ledgercode);



	//find the highest numbered ledger within that group
	var chart = "";
	var ledgerno = -1;
	origledgercode = ledgercode;
	var newaccnumber = newaccno;
	if (newaccnumber.match("\"JOB\"0N")) {
		newaccnumber.splicer(1, 3, "");
	if (newaccnumber.match("\"SCH\"0N")) {
		newaccnumber.splicer(1, 3, "");
	ledgerno += 1;
	var newledgercode = origledgercode ^ ledgerno.oconv("MD00Z");
	var nextledgerno = ledgerno + 1;
	if (nextledgerno < 2) {
		nextledgerno = 2;
	var nextledgercode = origledgercode ^ nextledgerno;
	if (chart.read(fin.charts, newledgercode)) {

			//if numeric account numbers and any account is gt the new account number
			// then this is the ledger
			if num(newaccnumber) then;
				for accn=naccs to 1 step -1;
					if accno matches '"JOB"0N' then accno[1,3]='';
					if accno matches '"SCH"0N' then accno[1,3]='';
					if accno then;
						if num(accno) and accno>newaccnumber then;
							goto foundledger;
					next accn;

		ledgercode = newledgercode;
		goto nextledgerno;

	//allow for number :1 missing and jump to :2
	if (ledgerno < 2) {
		goto nextledgerno;

	//check that the ledger exists and get the chart
	if (not chart) {
		msg = "Cannot create Account " ^ (DQ ^ (newaccno ^ DQ)) ^ " automatically because|";
		msg ^= "ledger " ^ (DQ ^ (ledgercode ^ DQ)) ^ " must be created first";
		goto exit;

	//lock and reread the chart for update
	if (not(lockrecord("CHARTS", fin.charts, ledgercode, 60))) {
		msg = "Cannot create account " ^ (DQ ^ (newaccno ^ DQ)) ^ " automatically because|";
		msg ^= "somebody is updating |" ^ (DQ ^ (chart.a(1) ^ DQ));
		goto exit;
	if (not(chart.read(fin.charts, ledgercode))) {
		chart = "";

	//add new chart if existing is too big

	//if interactive and len(chart)>32000 and newledgercode then
	if (chart.length() > 32000 and newledgercode) {

		//unlock the old chart because we are going to create a new one
		var xx = unlockrecord("CHARTS", fin.charts, ledgercode);

		//switch to the new ledger code
		ledgercode = newledgercode;
		newledgercode = "";

		gosub createchart(chart, ledgercode);

		goto lockit;


	//prevent chartsize exceeding 32KB
	//NB "TOO BIG" is a trigger phrase hard coded in IMPORTX so dont change it
	msg = "THE|" ^ chart.a(1) ^ " (" ^ ledgercode ^ ")|LEDGER IS GETTING TOO BIG";
	msg ^= "||!!! PLEASE OPEN A NEW LEDGER|WITH LEDGER CODE " ^ (DQ ^ (newledgercode ^ DQ)) ^ "|";
	if (chart.length() > 36000) {
		msg.splicer(1, 0, "!CANNOT OPEN NEW ACCOUNT " ^ (DQ ^ (newaccno ^ DQ)) ^ " BECAUSE ");
		msg.swapper("GETTING ", "");
		goto exit;
	//warning if chartsize nearing 32KB
	if (chart.length() > 32000) {
		//if mode='VALIDATE' then call note(msg)
		if (mode == "VALIDATE") {
			goto exit;
	msg = "";

	if (mode == "VALIDATE") {
		goto exit;

	//determine the sort key
	if (sortorder == "NAME") {
		sortkey = newaccname;
		sortkey = newaccname;

	//calc the number of lines
	accs = chart.a(4);
	naccs = accs.count(VM) + (accs ne "");
	naccs2 = (chart.a(3)).count(VM) + (chart.a(3) ne "");
	if (naccs2 > naccs) {
		naccs = naccs2;

	//default to the end of the ledger
	vn = naccs + 1;

	//find value number to insert at
	if (sortorder) {

		//insert before the first larger account number or name
		for (var accn = 1; accn <= naccs; ++accn) {

			if (sortorder == "NAME") {
				value = chart.a(3, accn);
				value = chart.a(10, accn);

			if (value) {
				if (value.trimf() > sortkey) {

					vn = accn;
					accn = naccs;

					//insert a blank line
					var nn = fin.chartmvfns.dcount(VM);
					for (var ii = 1; ii <= nn; ++ii) {
						var tt = fin.chartmvfns.a(1, ii);
						if (tt) {
							chart.inserter(tt, vn, "");



	//update the chart of accounts
	if (vn == 1) {
		indent = "";
		//indent like previous line
		var temp = chart.a(3, vn - 1);
		indent = (temp.length() - (temp.trimf()).length()).space();
		//if no account number on previous line then indent by one more
		if (chart.a(4, vn - 1) == "") {
			indent ^= " ";
	chart.r(3, vn, indent ^ newaccname);
	chart.r(4, vn, newaccno);
	chart.r(10, vn, newaccno);
	//main currency
	//tax code
	if (newaccount.a(33)) {
		chart.r(33, vn, newaccount.a(33));
	if (newaccount.a(4)) {
		chart.r(7, vn, newaccount.a(4));
	if (newaccount.a(14)) {
		chart.r(14, vn, newaccount.a(14));
	if (update) {
		call cropper(chart);
		chart.write(fin.charts, ledgercode);

	//create the account record
	fin.account = newaccount;
	fin.account.r(2, ledgercode);
	fin.account.r(5, chart.a(6));
	fin.account.r(6, chart.a(2, 1, 2));
	fin.account.r(8, chart.a(9));
	fin.account.r(10, newaccno);
	fin.account.r(23, chart.a(5));
	if (update) {
		fin.account.write(fin.accounts, newaccno);

	//create the other account record
	fin.account.r(10, newaccno);
	if (update) {
		fin.account.write(fin.accounts, "." ^ newaccno);

	var xx = unlockrecord("CHARTS", fin.charts, ledgercode);

	return 0;

Пример #3
function main(in mode, in select, in nfilters, dim& filters) {

	if (false && mode && select && nfilters && filters(0,0)){};

	var filename = SENTENCE.field(" ", 2);
	var file;
	if (not(file.open(filename))) {
		return fsmsg();

	var sentencex = SENTENCE;
	sentencex.converter(" ", VM);
	if (sentencex.locate("SELECT", temp, 1)) {
		selectx = SENTENCE.field(" ", temp + 1, 9999);
		sentencex = SENTENCE.field(" ", 1, temp - 1);
		sentencex = SENTENCE;
		selectx = "";

	var normalise = sentencex.index(" NORMALISE", 1);
	if (normalise) {
		sentencex.swapper(" NORMALISE", "");

	var raw = sentencex.index(" RAW", 1);
	if (raw) {
		sentencex.swapper(" RAW", "");
	var mvgroupno = "";

	var colheaderrow = not sentencex.index(" NOCOLHEADER", 1);
	if (not colheaderrow) {
		sentencex.swapper(" NOCOLHEADER", "");

	if (filename.substr(1,4) == "DICT") {
		tt = "VOC";
		tt = filename;
	if (not(DICT.open("dict_"^tt))) {
		return fsmsg();

//	var converter = "";
//	if (not((tt!!!).read(DEFINITIONS, "CONVERTER*" ^ filename))) {
//		tt!!! = "";
//	}
//	if (tt!!!.a(1)) {
//		converter = "CONVERTER." ^ tt!!!.a(1);
//	}

	var xx;
	if (xx.read(DICT, "AUTHORISED")) {
		dicthasauthorised = 1;
		dicthasauthorised = 0;

	var notexportable = "";
	var exportable = sentencex.field(" ", 3, 9999);
	if (exportable) {
		exportable.converter(" ", FM);
		if (exportable.a(1) == "EXCEPT") {
			notexportable = exportable.field(FM, 2, 9999);
			exportable = "";

	//expand any group fields in notexportable
	if (notexportable) {
		for (var ii = 1; ii <= notexportable.count(FM) + 1; ++ii) {
			var dictrec;
			if (dictrec.read(DICT, notexportable.a(ii))) {
				if (dictrec.a(1) == "G") {
					temp = dictrec.a(3);
					temp.converter(VM ^ " ", FM ^ FM);
					notexportable.r(ii, temp);

	var listkey = var(1000000).rnd();

	if (not exportable) {

		if (exportable.read(DICT, "exportable")) {
			if (exportable.a(1) == "G") {
				exportable = exportable.a(3);
				exportable.converter(VM ^ " ", FM ^ FM);
			keyx = exportable.substr(1,exportable.index(FM ^ FM, 1) - 1);
			nkeys = keyx.count(FM) + 1;
			if (nkeys > 2) {
				//call msg('Key field(s) should be followed by a blank line or space in EXPORTABLE')
				nkeys = 0;
			exportable = "";
			keyx = "";


	var exportable2 = exportable;


	if (mvgroupno) {
		tt = keyx ^ FM ^ "LINE_NO" ^ FM;
		tt = "";

	exportable = tt ^ exportable2.field("%", 1);
	exportable2 = exportable2.field("%", 2, 9999);

	outfilename = SYSTEM.a(2);
	//zzz if mvgroupno then outfilename[8,1]=mvgroupno
	if (outfilename.lcase().substr(-4, 4) == ".htm") {
		outfilename.splicer(-3, 3, "xls");
		SYSTEM.r(2, outfilename);

	var excel = outfilename.lcase().substr(-3, 3) == "xls";

	if (outfilename.osfile()) {

	//call note2("Exporting " ^ outfilename ^ "||Please wait ...", "UB", buffer, "");

	var nfields = 0;
	var selectlist = LISTACTIVE;
	if (selectlist) {

	if (exportable) {
		//call makelist("", exportable, "", "");
		//write exportable on lists,listkey
		//perform 'GET-LIST ':listkey:' (S)'
		//delete lists,listkey
		var tt="select dict_" ^ filename ^ " " ^ exportable.swap(FM, "\" \"").quote();

		if (filename.substr(1,4).lcase() == "dict") {
			dict = "";
			dict = "dict_";
		DICT.select("select " ^ dict ^ filename ^ " BY FMC WITH FMC BETWEEN 1 AND 999999 AND WITH @ID NOT STARTING \'%\' AND WITH MASTER.FLAG (S)");
		if (not LISTACTIVE) {
			return exit2(dict ^ filename ^ " has no exportable columns");


	dictids = "";
	colgroups = "";
	var headingx = "";
	var coln = 0;

	var dictid;
	while (DICT.readnext(dictid, MV)) {

		if (notexportable.locateusing(dictid, FM, xx)) {

		if (dictid[1] == "%") {

		if (dictid == "LINE_NO") {
			coln += 1;
			dictids(coln) = dictid;
			headingx.r(coln, dictid);
			fmtxs(coln) = "R";
			dictrecs(coln) = "";
			if (dict.read(DICT, dictid)) {
//				call dicti2a(dict);
				coln += 1;
				//if dict<2> matches '0N' then
				var fn = dict.a(2);
				if (fn > nfields) {
					nfields = fn;

				fmtxs(coln) = dict.a(9)[1];

				if (raw) {
					headingx.r(coln, dictid);

					//extract title
					var title = dict.a(3).trim();
					title.swapper("<WBR/>", "");
					title.swapper("<wbr/>", " ");
					title.converter(UPPERCASE ^ "|_" _VM_ "", LOWERCASE ^ "   ");

					//convert @lower.case to @upper.case in t
					title = capitalise(title);

					title.swapper("(Base)", "(" ^ gen.company.a(3) ^ ")");

					//swap ' code' with '' in title

					headingx.r(coln, title.trim());

				//extract file
				if (dict.a(11)[1] == "<") {
					temp = dict.a(11).substr(2,9999).field(">", 1);
					filenames(coln) = temp;
					if (not(files(coln).open(temp, ""))) {
						return exit2(DQ ^ (temp ^ DQ) ^ " file cannot be found in dict " ^ (DQ ^ (dictid ^ DQ)));
					var title = headingx.a(coln);
					if (title.ucase().substr(-5,5) == " CODE") {
						title.splicer(-5, 5, "");
						headingx.r(coln, title);

				//extract conversion
				if (dict.a(7)) {
					var oconvx = dict.a(7);

					//force long date format
					if (oconvx.index("DATE", 1) or oconvx[1] == "D") {
						//if raw then
						// oconvx='D4/J'
						//end else
						if (oconvx == "[SCH.DATES]") {
							oconvx = "";
							oconvx = "D4/E";

					oconvxs(coln) = oconvx;

				colgroups(coln) = dict.a(4)[1] == "M";
				dictids(coln) = dictid;
				dictrecs(coln) = dict;

	var ncols = coln;

	//if @username='******' then oswrite matunparse(dictids) on 'csv'

	if (selectlist) {

	call oswrite("", outfilename);
	if (not outfile.osopen(outfilename)) {
		return exit2(outfilename.quote()^" file cannot be created");
	var ptr = 0;

	//suppress headerrow if not required
	if (not colheaderrow) {
		headingx = "";

	if (selectx) {
		//perform 'SELECT ':filename:' ':selectx
		tt = "SELECT " ^ filename ^ " " ^ selectx;
		//call xselect(tt);
/*		if (not LISTACTIVE) {
			return exit2("No records found");
		if (not LISTACTIVE) {

	var recn = 0;



	//get the next key and mv
	var mvx;
	while (file.readnext(ID, mvx)) {

		//user interrupt
		if (esctoexit()) {
			//osdelete outfilename
			return exit2("Interrupted by User");

		//skip "" key
		if (ID == "") {

		recn += 1;

		//cout << AW.a(30)<< var().cursor(0)<< var().cursor(-4);
		//cout << var().cursor(39, _CRTHIGH / 2)<< recn<< ". ";

		//get the record
		if (not(RECORD.read(file, ID))) {

		//skip record if not authorised
		if (dicthasauthorised and not calculate("AUTHORISED")) {

		//skip zero hours in timesheets
		//TODO get this hack into a special dictionary item like LIMIT
		if (filename == "TIMESHEETS" and mvx and not RECORD.a(2, mvx)) {
		//get the data and work out maximum vn
		mvrec = "";
		var maxvn=0;
		for (var coln = 1; coln <= ncols; ++coln) {

			dictid = dictids(coln);
			if (dictid eq "LINE_NO")

			MV = mvx;
			var cell = calculate(dictid);
			if (not cell.length())
			if (oconvxs(coln)) {
				cell = cell.oconv(oconvxs(coln));

			mvrec(coln) = cell;

			var temp = cell.dcount(VM);
			if (temp > maxvn)
				maxvn = temp;

		//skip if no data
		if (not maxvn)

		//normalise the data and output to csv file
		//output the lines
		for (var vn=1; vn <= maxvn; ++vn) {

			for (var coln = 1; coln <= ncols; ++coln) {

				var cell;
				if (dictids(coln) == "LINE_NO") {
					cell = vn;

				//select right multivalue if multivalued field/column
				//non-multivalued fields/columns are repeated on every line
				}else if (colgroups(coln)) {
				//not multivalued so repeat on every line
				} else {
						cell = mvrec(coln);
				//skip empty cells
				if (not cell.length())

				if (mvx or vn == 1) {

					//convert codes to names
					if (filenames(coln) and not raw) {
						var rec2;
						if (rec2.read(files(coln), cell)) {
							if (filenames(coln) == "BRANDS") {
								cell = rec2.a(2, 1);
								cell = rec2.a(1);


				//remove any initial + sign - on numbers only
				if (cell[1] == "+") {
					if ((cell.substr(2,9999)).isnum()) {
						cell.splicer(1, 1, "");
				//a single double quote gets changed to ''
				if (cell == DQ) {
					cell = "\'\'";
				//swap double quotes for '' unless already double quoted
				if (cell[1] ne DQ or cell[-1] ne DQ) {
					cell.swapper(DQ, "\'\'");
				//WARNING prevent cell length more than 255
				if (cell.length() > 255) {
					cell = cell.substr(1,250) ^ " ...";
				//double quote non-numerics
				if (fmtxs(coln) ne "R") {

					//make sure "1-12" is not interpreted as a formula (by prefixing a space?)
					if (1 or excel) {
						if (var(".-+0123456789").index(cell[1])) {
							if (not cell.isnum()) {
								cell.splicer(1, 0, " ");

					//convert any existing double quotes to '' for T columns which are not already double quoted
					if (cell.index(DQ, 1)) {
						if (fmtxs(coln) == "T") {
							if (cell[1] ne DQ or cell[-1] ne DQ) {
								cell.swapper(DQ, "\'\'");
								cell = DQ ^ (cell ^ DQ);
					//otherwise just double quote stuff
						cell = DQ ^ (cell ^ DQ);


				rec(coln) = cell;


			var line = rec.unparse();
			//remove trailing or all tab chars

			//suppress output of empty amv rows
			if (mvgroupno and nkeys) {
				if (line.field(FM, nkeys + 2, 9999) == "") {
					line = "";

			//output one line
			if (not line.length())

			//remove leading equal signs in order not to confuse Excel
			line.swapper(FM ^ "=", FM);

			//output header row if first line and not suppressed

			if (headingx) {

//				if (converter) {
//					//headingx will come back converted and maybe as multiple lines
//					//converterparams initially contains first line so heading can put some columns into heading if required
//					//converterparams comes back with info to speed convertion of lines
//					converterparams = line;
//					call onverter("HEAD", headingx, converterparams, filename);
//				}else{
					headingx.converter(FM, var().chr(9));
					headingx ^= "\r\n";
//				}

				osbwrite(headingx, outfile, ptr);

				headingx = "";

			//output line

//			if (converter) {
//				call @converter("LINE", line, converterparams, filename);
//			}else{
				line.swapper(FM, var().chr(9));
				line ^= "\r\n";
//			}

			osbwrite(line, outfile, ptr);

		}//next vn

	}//goto nextrecord
//	call uconvfile(outfile, "CODEPAGE", "UTF16", result, errors);
	//general result code
	SYSTEM.r(34, 1);
//	if (raw and exportable2) {
//		mvgroupno += 1;
//		if (mvgroupno == 1) {
//			mvgroupno = 2;
//		}
//		goto nextmvgroup;
//	}
	return 1;