Пример #1
  Compute the pose from a list lp of  2D point (x,y)  and  a list lP 3D points
  (X,Y,Z) in P using the Ransac algorithm. It is not assumed that
  the 2D and 3D points are registred

  at least numberOfInlierToReachAConsensus of true correspondance are required
  to validate the pose

  the inliers are given in a list of lPi vpPoint

  the pose is return in cMo
vpPose::ransac(vpList<vpPoint> &lp,
	       vpList<vpPoint> &lP,
	       const int numberOfInlierToReachAConsensus,
	       const double threshold,
	       int &ninliers,
	       vpList<vpPoint> &lPi,
	       vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo)
  int n = lp.nbElement() ;
  int m = lP.nbElement() ;

  double *x, *y;
  x = new double [n];
  y = new double [n];

  vpPoint pin ;

  lp.front() ;
  int i = 0 ;
    pin = lp.value() ; lp.next() ;
    x[i] = pin.get_x() ;
    y[i] = pin.get_y() ;
    i++ ;

  double *X, *Y, *Z;
  X = new double [m];
  Y = new double [m];
  Z = new double [m];
  lP.front() ;
   i = 0 ;
    pin = lP.value() ; lP.next() ;
    X[i] = pin.get_oX() ;
    Y[i] = pin.get_oY() ;
    Z[i] = pin.get_oZ() ;
    i++ ;

  vpColVector xi,yi,Xi,Yi,Zi ;

	 m,X,Y,Z, numberOfInlierToReachAConsensus,
	 cMo) ;

  for( i=0 ; i < ninliers ; i++)
    vpPoint Pi ;
    Pi.setWorldCoordinates(Xi[i],Yi[i], Zi[i]) ;
    Pi.set_x(xi[i]) ;
    Pi.set_y(yi[i]) ;
    lPi += Pi ;

  delete [] x;
  delete [] y;
  delete [] X;
  delete [] Y;
  delete [] Z;
