void ExportAsSimpleSQL::AddColumnNames(ExportSQLData *data, wyString &value) { wyInt32 count; value.Add("("); for(count = 0; count < m_myres->field_count; count++) { if(data->m_selcol[count] == wyTrue) value.AddSprintf("`%s`, ", m_myres->fields[count].name); } value.Strip(2); // Strip one for ',' and one for blank space value.Add(") "); }
// Function to get the path the selected item in a Treeview // wyBool FavoriteBase::SelItemPath(HWND htree, HTREEITEM item, wyString &fullpath, wyBool bFileFlag) { wyWChar data[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; wyWChar foldpath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; TVITEM tvitem; wyString path, temp, temp2, datastr, foldpathstr; // application data path // if(!pGlobals->m_configdirpath.GetLength()) { if(!SUCCEEDED(::SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, foldpath))) return OnError(_("Error in favorites")); wcscat(foldpath ,L"\\SQLyog"); } else { //wcscpy(foldpath, pGlobals->m_configdirpath.GetAsWideChar()); wcsncpy(foldpath, pGlobals->m_configdirpath.GetAsWideChar(), MAX_PATH); foldpath[MAX_PATH] = '\0'; } while(item) { tvitem.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_IMAGE; tvitem.hItem = item; tvitem.cchTextMax = MAX_PATH; tvitem.pszText = data ; TreeView_GetItem(htree, &tvitem); datastr.SetAs(data); if(tvitem.iImage != NFILE || !bFileFlag) { temp.Sprintf("\\%s", datastr.GetString()); if(path.GetLength() > 0) { temp2.SetAs(path); path.Sprintf("\\%s%s", datastr.GetString(), temp2.GetString()); } else path.Sprintf("\\%s", datastr.GetString()); } item = TreeView_GetParent(htree, item); } foldpathstr.SetAs(foldpath); fullpath.SetAs(foldpathstr.GetString()); fullpath.Add(path.GetString()); return wyTrue; }
void EditorBase::AddNonResultMsg (Tunnel * tunnel, PMYSQL mysql, wyString& errorormsg, wyUInt32 timetaken ) { wyUInt32 rowsret; wyString newmsg; rowsret = (wyUInt32)tunnel->mysql_affected_rows(*mysql); VERIFY(newmsg.Sprintf(_("(%lu row(s) affected)\n(%lu ms taken)\n\n"), rowsret, timetaken ) < SIZE_1024); errorormsg.Add(newmsg.GetString()); return; }
// Function to create a favorite file or folder in the given path // wyBool FavoriteBase::InsertFavoriteItem(wyString &path, wyBool isfolder , wyString &favquery) { DWORD byteswritten; HANDLE hfile; //const unsigned char utf8bom[10] = {unsigned char(0xEF), unsigned char(0xBB), unsigned char(0xBF)}; // if the favorite is file type then add the extension// if(!isfolder) { path.Add(".sql"); hfile = ::CreateFile(path.GetAsWideChar(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_NEW, NULL, NULL); if(hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if(::GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) { if(::MessageBox(NULL, _(L"The name you have entered for the shortcut already exists in Favorites menu.\nWould you like to overwrite it?"), _(L"Add Favorite"), MB_YESNO | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_DEFBUTTON2) == IDYES) { hfile = ::CreateFile(path.GetAsWideChar(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, NULL, NULL); if(hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) OnError(_("Cannot write into Favorite File")); } else return wyFalse; } else return OnError(_("Cannot write into Favorite File")); } //if (!::WriteFile(hfile, utf8bom, 3, &byteswritten , NULL)) // return OnError("Cannot write into Favorite File"); if (!::WriteFile(hfile, favquery.GetString(), favquery.GetLength(), &byteswritten , NULL)) return OnError(_("Cannot write into Favorite File")); ::CloseHandle(hfile); } else if(!::CreateDirectory(path.GetAsWideChar(), NULL)) return OnError(_("Cannot create Favorite Folder")); return wyTrue; }
void EditorBase::AddErrorMsg(Tunnel * tunnel, PMYSQL mysql, wyString& errorormsg, wyUInt32 timetaken) { wyUInt32 errnum; wyString newerror; errnum = tunnel->mysql_errno(*mysql); /* it may happen that due to http error the errornumber is 0 so we return */ if(0 == errnum) return; VERIFY(newerror.Sprintf(_("Error Code: %d\n%s\n(%lu ms taken)\n\n"), errnum, tunnel->mysql_error(*mysql), timetaken) < SIZE_1024); errorormsg.Add(newerror.GetString()); return; }
// Function creates a text buffer with all the properties and sends newly allocated buffer. wyBool TableMakerAdvProperties::GetAdvPropString( Tunnel *tunnel, PMYSQL mysql, TableAdvPropValues* ptav, wyString& str) { wyBool ismysql41 = IsMySQL41(tunnel, mysql); if(ptav->m_changed == wyFalse) return wyFalse; /* nCount += sprintf( szQuery+nCount, " ,type=%s ", ptav->szType ); This comma is not required, this is required in the alter stmt when this stmt is not the first one. So we are checking it in the query builder In the latest versions we need 'Engine' in place of 'Type' */ if(ptav->m_type.GetLength()) { if(ismysql41 == wyTrue) str.AddSprintf(" Engine=%s ", ptav->m_type.GetString()); else str.AddSprintf(" Type=%s ", ptav->m_type.GetString()); } if(ptav->m_checksum.CompareI(STR_DEFAULT) != 0) str.AddSprintf("checksum=%s ", ptav->m_checksum.GetString()); if(ptav->m_auto_incr.GetLength()) str.AddSprintf("auto_increment=%s ", ptav->m_auto_incr.GetString()); if(ptav->m_avg_row.GetLength()) str.AddSprintf("avg_row_length=%s ", ptav->m_avg_row.GetString()); if(ptav->m_comment.GetLength()) str.AddSprintf("comment='%s' ", ptav->m_comment.GetString()); else str.Add("comment='' "); if(ptav->m_max_rows.GetLength()) str.AddSprintf("max_rows=%s ", ptav->m_max_rows.GetString()); if(ptav->m_min_rows.GetLength()) str.AddSprintf("min_rows=%s ", ptav->m_min_rows.GetString()); if(ptav->m_delay.CompareI(STR_DEFAULT) != 0) str.AddSprintf("delay_key_write=%s ", ptav->m_delay.GetString()); if(ptav->m_rowformat.GetLength()) str.AddSprintf("row_format=%s ", ptav->m_rowformat.GetString()); if(ptav->m_chunks.GetLength()) str.AddSprintf("raid_chunks=%s ", ptav->m_chunks.GetString()); if(ptav->m_chunksize.GetLength()) str.AddSprintf("raid_chunksize=%s ", ptav->m_chunksize.GetString()); if(ismysql41 == wyTrue) { if(ptav->m_charset.GetLength() && ptav->m_charset.Compare(STR_DEFAULT) != 0) str.AddSprintf("charset=%s ", ptav->m_charset.GetString()); if(ptav->m_collation.GetLength() && ptav->m_collation.Compare(STR_DEFAULT) != 0) str.AddSprintf("collate=%s ", ptav->m_collation.GetString()); } return wyTrue; }