Пример #1
Json::Value RPCHandler::doPrint (Json::Value params, Resource::Charge& loadType, Application::ScopedLockType& masterLockHolder)
    masterLockHolder.unlock ();

    JsonPropertyStream stream;
    if (params.isObject() && params["params"].isArray() && params["params"][0u].isString ())
        getApp().write (stream, params["params"][0u].asString());
        getApp().write (stream);

    return stream.top();
Пример #2
// {
//   // if either of these parameters is set, a custom generator is used
//   difficulty: <number>       // optional
//   secret: <secret>           // optional
// }
Json::Value RPCHandler::doProofCreate (Json::Value params, Resource::Charge& loadType, Application::ScopedLockType& masterLockHolder)
    masterLockHolder.unlock ();
    // XXX: Add ability to create proof with arbitrary time

    Json::Value     jvResult (Json::objectValue);

    if (params.isMember ("difficulty") || params.isMember ("secret"))
        // VFALCO TODO why aren't we using the app's factory?
        std::unique_ptr <ProofOfWorkFactory> pgGen (ProofOfWorkFactory::New ());

        if (params.isMember ("difficulty"))
            if (!params["difficulty"].isIntegral ())
                return RPC::invalid_field_error ("difficulty");

            int const iDifficulty (params["difficulty"].asInt ());

            if (iDifficulty < 0 || iDifficulty > ProofOfWorkFactory::kMaxDifficulty)
                return RPC::invalid_field_error ("difficulty");

            pgGen->setDifficulty (iDifficulty);

        if (params.isMember ("secret"))
            uint256     uSecret (params["secret"].asString ());
            pgGen->setSecret (uSecret);

        jvResult["token"]   = pgGen->getProof ().getToken ();
        jvResult["secret"]  = pgGen->getSecret ().GetHex ();
        jvResult["token"]   = getApp().getProofOfWorkFactory ().getProof ().getToken ();

    return jvResult;
Пример #3
// {
//   transaction: <hex>
// }
Json::Value RPCHandler::doTx (Json::Value params, Resource::Charge& loadType, Application::ScopedLockType& masterLockHolder)
    masterLockHolder.unlock ();

    if (!params.isMember ("transaction"))
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    bool binary = params.isMember ("binary") && params["binary"].asBool ();

    std::string strTransaction  = params["transaction"].asString ();

    if (Transaction::isHexTxID (strTransaction))
        // transaction by ID
        uint256 txid (strTransaction);

        Transaction::pointer txn = getApp().getMasterTransaction ().fetch (txid, true);

        if (!txn)
            return rpcError (rpcTXN_NOT_FOUND);

        Json::Value ret;
        ret["transaction"] = txn->getJson (0, binary);
        Json::Value ret = txn->getJson (0, binary);

        if (txn->getLedger () != 0)
            Ledger::pointer lgr = mNetOps->getLedgerBySeq (txn->getLedger ());

            if (lgr)
                bool okay = false;

                if (binary)
                    std::string meta;

                    if (lgr->getMetaHex (txid, meta))
                        ret["meta"] = meta;
                        okay = true;
                    TransactionMetaSet::pointer set;

                    if (lgr->getTransactionMeta (txid, set))
                        okay = true;
                        ret["meta"] = set->getJson (0);

                if (okay)
                    ret["validated"] = mNetOps->isValidated (lgr);

        return ret;

    return rpcError (rpcNOT_IMPL);
Пример #4
// {
//   ledger_hash : <ledger>
//   ledger_index : <ledger_index>
//   ...
// }
Json::Value RPCHandler::doLedgerEntry (Json::Value params, Resource::Charge& loadType, Application::ScopedLockType& masterLockHolder)
    masterLockHolder.unlock ();

    Ledger::pointer     lpLedger;
    Json::Value         jvResult    = RPC::lookupLedger (params, lpLedger, *mNetOps);

    if (!lpLedger)
        return jvResult;

    uint256     uNodeIndex;
    bool        bNodeBinary = false;

    if (params.isMember ("index"))
        // XXX Needs to provide proof.
        uNodeIndex.SetHex (params["index"].asString ());
        bNodeBinary = true;
    else if (params.isMember ("account_root"))
        RippleAddress   naAccount;

        if (!naAccount.setAccountID (params["account_root"].asString ())
                || !naAccount.getAccountID ())
            jvResult["error"]   = "malformedAddress";
            uNodeIndex = Ledger::getAccountRootIndex (naAccount.getAccountID ());
    else if (params.isMember ("directory"))
        if (!params["directory"].isObject ())
            uNodeIndex.SetHex (params["directory"].asString ());
        else if (params["directory"].isMember ("sub_index")
                 && !params["directory"]["sub_index"].isIntegral ())
            jvResult["error"]   = "malformedRequest";
            std::uint64_t  uSubIndex = params["directory"].isMember ("sub_index")
                                ? params["directory"]["sub_index"].asUInt ()
                                : 0;

            if (params["directory"].isMember ("dir_root"))
                uint256 uDirRoot;

                uDirRoot.SetHex (params["dir_root"].asString ());

                uNodeIndex  = Ledger::getDirNodeIndex (uDirRoot, uSubIndex);
            else if (params["directory"].isMember ("owner"))
                RippleAddress   naOwnerID;

                if (!naOwnerID.setAccountID (params["directory"]["owner"].asString ()))
                    jvResult["error"]   = "malformedAddress";
                    uint256 uDirRoot    = Ledger::getOwnerDirIndex (naOwnerID.getAccountID ());

                    uNodeIndex  = Ledger::getDirNodeIndex (uDirRoot, uSubIndex);
                jvResult["error"]   = "malformedRequest";
    else if (params.isMember ("generator"))
        RippleAddress   naGeneratorID;

        if (!params["generator"].isObject ())
            uNodeIndex.SetHex (params["generator"].asString ());
        else if (!params["generator"].isMember ("regular_seed"))
            jvResult["error"]   = "malformedRequest";
        else if (!naGeneratorID.setSeedGeneric (params["generator"]["regular_seed"].asString ()))
            jvResult["error"]   = "malformedAddress";
            RippleAddress       na0Public;      // To find the generator's index.
            RippleAddress       naGenerator = RippleAddress::createGeneratorPublic (naGeneratorID);

            na0Public.setAccountPublic (naGenerator, 0);

            uNodeIndex  = Ledger::getGeneratorIndex (na0Public.getAccountID ());
    else if (params.isMember ("offer"))
        RippleAddress   naAccountID;

        if (!params["offer"].isObject ())
            uNodeIndex.SetHex (params["offer"].asString ());
        else if (!params["offer"].isMember ("account")
                 || !params["offer"].isMember ("seq")
                 || !params["offer"]["seq"].isIntegral ())
            jvResult["error"]   = "malformedRequest";
        else if (!naAccountID.setAccountID (params["offer"]["account"].asString ()))
            jvResult["error"]   = "malformedAddress";
            std::uint32_t      uSequence   = params["offer"]["seq"].asUInt ();

            uNodeIndex  = Ledger::getOfferIndex (naAccountID.getAccountID (), uSequence);
    else if (params.isMember ("ripple_state"))
        RippleAddress   naA;
        RippleAddress   naB;
        uint160         uCurrency;
        Json::Value     jvRippleState   = params["ripple_state"];

        if (!jvRippleState.isObject ()
                || !jvRippleState.isMember ("currency")
                || !jvRippleState.isMember ("accounts")
                || !jvRippleState["accounts"].isArray ()
                || 2 != jvRippleState["accounts"].size ()
                || !jvRippleState["accounts"][0u].isString ()
                || !jvRippleState["accounts"][1u].isString ()
                || jvRippleState["accounts"][0u].asString () == jvRippleState["accounts"][1u].asString ()
            jvResult["error"]   = "malformedRequest";
        else if (!naA.setAccountID (jvRippleState["accounts"][0u].asString ())
                 || !naB.setAccountID (jvRippleState["accounts"][1u].asString ()))
            jvResult["error"]   = "malformedAddress";
        else if (!STAmount::currencyFromString (uCurrency, jvRippleState["currency"].asString ()))
            jvResult["error"]   = "malformedCurrency";
            uNodeIndex  = Ledger::getRippleStateIndex (naA, naB, uCurrency);
        jvResult["error"]   = "unknownOption";

    if (uNodeIndex.isNonZero ())
        SLE::pointer    sleNode = mNetOps->getSLEi (lpLedger, uNodeIndex);

        if (params.isMember("binary"))
            bNodeBinary = params["binary"].asBool();

        if (!sleNode)
            // Not found.
            // XXX Should also provide proof.
            jvResult["error"]       = "entryNotFound";
        else if (bNodeBinary)
            // XXX Should also provide proof.
            Serializer s;

            sleNode->add (s);

            jvResult["node_binary"] = strHex (s.peekData ());
            jvResult["index"]       = uNodeIndex.ToString ();
            jvResult["node"]        = sleNode->getJson (0);
            jvResult["index"]       = uNodeIndex.ToString ();

    return jvResult;
Пример #5
Json::Value RPCHandler::doLogRotate (Json::Value, Resource::Charge& loadType, Application::ScopedLockType& masterLockHolder)
    masterLockHolder.unlock ();
    return LogSink::get()->rotateLog ();
Пример #6
Json::Value RPCHandler::doSubscribe (Json::Value params, Resource::Charge& loadType, Application::ScopedLockType& masterLockHolder)
    // FIXME: This needs to release the master lock immediately
    // Subscriptions need to be protected by their own lock

    InfoSub::pointer ispSub;
    Json::Value jvResult (Json::objectValue);
    std::uint32_t uLedgerIndex = params.isMember (jss::ledger_index) && params[jss::ledger_index].isNumeric ()
                               ? params[jss::ledger_index].asUInt ()
                               : 0;

    if (!mInfoSub && !params.isMember ("url"))
        // Must be a JSON-RPC call.
        WriteLog (lsINFO, RPCHandler) << boost::str (boost::format ("doSubscribe: RPC subscribe requires a url"));

        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    if (params.isMember ("url"))
        if (mRole != Config::ADMIN)
            return rpcError (rpcNO_PERMISSION);

        std::string strUrl      = params["url"].asString ();
        std::string strUsername = params.isMember ("url_username") ? params["url_username"].asString () : "";
        std::string strPassword = params.isMember ("url_password") ? params["url_password"].asString () : "";

        // DEPRECATED
        if (params.isMember ("username"))
            strUsername = params["username"].asString ();

        // DEPRECATED
        if (params.isMember ("password"))
            strPassword = params["password"].asString ();

        ispSub  = mNetOps->findRpcSub (strUrl);

        if (!ispSub)
            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RPCHandler) << boost::str (boost::format ("doSubscribe: building: %s") % strUrl);

            RPCSub::pointer rspSub = RPCSub::New (getApp ().getOPs (),
                getApp ().getIOService (), getApp ().getJobQueue (),
                    strUrl, strUsername, strPassword);
            ispSub  = mNetOps->addRpcSub (strUrl, boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<InfoSub> (rspSub));
            WriteLog (lsTRACE, RPCHandler) << boost::str (boost::format ("doSubscribe: reusing: %s") % strUrl);

            if (params.isMember ("username"))
                dynamic_cast<RPCSub*> (&*ispSub)->setUsername (strUsername);

            if (params.isMember ("password"))
                dynamic_cast<RPCSub*> (&*ispSub)->setPassword (strPassword);
        ispSub  = mInfoSub;

    if (!params.isMember ("streams"))
        nothing ();
    else if (!params["streams"].isArray ())
        WriteLog (lsINFO, RPCHandler) << boost::str (boost::format ("doSubscribe: streams requires an array."));

        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);
        for (Json::Value::iterator it = params["streams"].begin (); it != params["streams"].end (); it++)
            if ((*it).isString ())
                std::string streamName = (*it).asString ();

                if (streamName == "server")
                    mNetOps->subServer (ispSub, jvResult);
                else if (streamName == "ledger")
                    mNetOps->subLedger (ispSub, jvResult);
                else if (streamName == "transactions")
                    mNetOps->subTransactions (ispSub);
                else if (streamName == "transactions_rt" ) 
                    mNetOps->subRTTransactions (ispSub);
                    jvResult[jss::error]   = "unknownStream";
                jvResult[jss::error]   = "malformedStream";

    std::string strAccountsProposed = params.isMember ("accounts_rt")
                                      ? "accounts_proposed"
                                      : "rt_accounts";                                    // DEPRECATED

    if (!params.isMember (strAccountsProposed))
        nothing ();
    else if (!params[strAccountsProposed].isArray ())
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);
        boost::unordered_set<RippleAddress> usnaAccoundIds  = RPC::parseAccountIds (params[strAccountsProposed]);

        if (usnaAccoundIds.empty ())
            jvResult[jss::error]   = "malformedAccount";
            mNetOps->subAccount (ispSub, usnaAccoundIds, uLedgerIndex, true);

    if (!params.isMember ("accounts"))
        nothing ();

    else if (!params["accounts"].isArray ())
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);
        boost::unordered_set<RippleAddress> usnaAccoundIds  = RPC::parseAccountIds (params["accounts"]);

        if (usnaAccoundIds.empty ())
            jvResult[jss::error]   = "malformedAccount";
            mNetOps->subAccount (ispSub, usnaAccoundIds, uLedgerIndex, false);

            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RPCHandler) << boost::str (boost::format ("doSubscribe: accounts: %d") % usnaAccoundIds.size ());

    bool bHaveMasterLock = true;
    if (!params.isMember ("books"))
        nothing ();
    else if (!params["books"].isArray ())
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);
        for (Json::Value::iterator it = params["books"].begin (); it != params["books"].end (); it++)
            Json::Value&    jvSubRequest    = *it;

            if (!jvSubRequest.isObject ()
                    || !jvSubRequest.isMember (jss::taker_pays)
                    || !jvSubRequest.isMember (jss::taker_gets)
                    || !jvSubRequest[jss::taker_pays].isObject ()
                    || !jvSubRequest[jss::taker_gets].isObject ())
                return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

            // VFALCO TODO Use RippleAsset here
            RippleCurrency pay_currency;
            RippleIssuer   pay_issuer;
            RippleCurrency get_currency;
            RippleIssuer   get_issuer;

            bool            bBoth           = (jvSubRequest.isMember ("both") && jvSubRequest["both"].asBool ())
                                              || (jvSubRequest.isMember ("both_sides") && jvSubRequest["both_sides"].asBool ());  // DEPRECATED
            bool            bSnapshot       = (jvSubRequest.isMember ("snapshot") && jvSubRequest["snapshot"].asBool ())
                                              || (jvSubRequest.isMember ("state_now") && jvSubRequest["state_now"].asBool ());    // DEPRECATED

            Json::Value     taker_pays     = jvSubRequest[jss::taker_pays];
            Json::Value     taker_gets     = jvSubRequest[jss::taker_gets];

            // Parse mandatory currency.
            if (!taker_pays.isMember (jss::currency)
                    || !STAmount::currencyFromString (pay_currency, taker_pays[jss::currency].asString ()))
                WriteLog (lsINFO, RPCHandler) << "Bad taker_pays currency.";

                return rpcError (rpcSRC_CUR_MALFORMED);
            // Parse optional issuer.
            else if (((taker_pays.isMember (jss::issuer))
                      && (!taker_pays[jss::issuer].isString ()
                          || !STAmount::issuerFromString (pay_issuer, taker_pays[jss::issuer].asString ())))
                     // Don't allow illegal issuers.
                     || (!pay_currency != !pay_issuer)
                     || ACCOUNT_ONE == pay_issuer)
                WriteLog (lsINFO, RPCHandler) << "Bad taker_pays issuer.";

                return rpcError (rpcSRC_ISR_MALFORMED);

            // Parse mandatory currency.
            if (!taker_gets.isMember (jss::currency)
                    || !STAmount::currencyFromString (get_currency, taker_gets[jss::currency].asString ()))
                WriteLog (lsINFO, RPCHandler) << "Bad taker_pays currency.";

                return rpcError (rpcSRC_CUR_MALFORMED);
            // Parse optional issuer.
            else if (((taker_gets.isMember (jss::issuer))
                      && (!taker_gets[jss::issuer].isString ()
                          || !STAmount::issuerFromString (get_issuer, taker_gets[jss::issuer].asString ())))
                     // Don't allow illegal issuers.
                     || (!get_currency != !get_issuer)
                     || ACCOUNT_ONE == get_issuer)
                WriteLog (lsINFO, RPCHandler) << "Bad taker_gets issuer.";

                return rpcError (rpcDST_ISR_MALFORMED);

            if (pay_currency == get_currency
                    && pay_issuer == get_issuer)
                WriteLog (lsINFO, RPCHandler) << "taker_gets same as taker_pays.";

                return rpcError (rpcBAD_MARKET);

            RippleAddress   raTakerID;

            if (!jvSubRequest.isMember ("taker"))
                raTakerID.setAccountID (ACCOUNT_ONE);
            else if (!raTakerID.setAccountID (jvSubRequest["taker"].asString ()))
                return rpcError (rpcBAD_ISSUER);

            if (!Ledger::isValidBook (pay_currency, pay_issuer, get_currency, get_issuer))
                WriteLog (lsWARNING, RPCHandler) << "Bad market: " <<
                                                 pay_currency << ":" << pay_issuer << " -> " <<
                                                 get_currency << ":" << get_issuer;
                return rpcError (rpcBAD_MARKET);

            mNetOps->subBook (ispSub, pay_currency, get_currency, pay_issuer, get_issuer);

            if (bBoth) mNetOps->subBook (ispSub, get_currency, pay_currency, get_issuer, pay_issuer);

            if (bSnapshot)
                if (bHaveMasterLock)
                    masterLockHolder.unlock ();
                    bHaveMasterLock = false;

				bool verbose = false;
				if (jvSubRequest.isMember("verbose")) verbose = true;

                loadType = Resource::feeMediumBurdenRPC;
                Ledger::pointer     lpLedger = getApp().getLedgerMaster ().getPublishedLedger ();
                if (lpLedger)
                    const Json::Value   jvMarker = Json::Value (Json::nullValue);

                    if (bBoth)
                        Json::Value jvBids (Json::objectValue);
                        Json::Value jvAsks (Json::objectValue);

                        mNetOps->getBookPage (lpLedger, pay_currency, pay_issuer, get_currency, get_issuer, raTakerID.getAccountID (), false, verbose, 0, jvMarker, jvBids);

                        if (jvBids.isMember (jss::offers)) jvResult[jss::bids] = jvBids[jss::offers];

						mNetOps->getBookPage(lpLedger, get_currency, get_issuer, pay_currency, pay_issuer, raTakerID.getAccountID(), false, verbose, 0, jvMarker, jvAsks);

                        if (jvAsks.isMember (jss::offers)) jvResult[jss::asks] = jvAsks[jss::offers];
						mNetOps->getBookPage(lpLedger, pay_currency, pay_issuer, get_currency, get_issuer, raTakerID.getAccountID(), false, verbose, 0, jvMarker, jvResult);

    return jvResult;
Пример #7
// {
//   account: account,
//   ledger_index_min: ledger_index  // optional, defaults to earliest
//   ledger_index_max: ledger_index, // optional, defaults to latest
//   binary: boolean,                // optional, defaults to false
//   forward: boolean,               // optional, defaults to false
//   limit: integer,                 // optional
//   marker: opaque                  // optional, resume previous query
// }
Json::Value RPCHandler::doAccountTx (Json::Value params, Resource::Charge& loadType, Application::ScopedLockType& masterLockHolder)
    masterLockHolder.unlock ();

    RippleAddress   raAccount;
    int             limit       = params.isMember (jss::limit) ? params[jss::limit].asUInt () : -1;
    bool            bBinary     = params.isMember ("binary") && params["binary"].asBool ();
    bool            bForward    = params.isMember ("forward") && params["forward"].asBool ();
    std::uint32_t   uLedgerMin;
    std::uint32_t   uLedgerMax;
    std::uint32_t   uValidatedMin;
    std::uint32_t   uValidatedMax;
    bool            bValidated  = mNetOps->getValidatedRange (uValidatedMin, uValidatedMax);

    if (!bValidated)
        // Don't have a validated ledger range.
        return rpcError (rpcLGR_IDXS_INVALID);

    if (!params.isMember ("account"))
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    if (!raAccount.setAccountID (params["account"].asString ()))
        return rpcError (rpcACT_MALFORMED);

    loadType = Resource::feeMediumBurdenRPC;

    if (params.isMember ("ledger_index_min") || params.isMember ("ledger_index_max"))
        std::int64_t iLedgerMin  = params.isMember ("ledger_index_min") ? params["ledger_index_min"].asInt () : -1;
        std::int64_t iLedgerMax  = params.isMember ("ledger_index_max") ? params["ledger_index_max"].asInt () : -1;

        uLedgerMin  = iLedgerMin == -1 ? 0 : iLedgerMin;
        uLedgerMax  = iLedgerMax == -1 ? uValidatedMax : iLedgerMax;

        if (uLedgerMax < uLedgerMin)
            return rpcError (rpcLGR_IDXS_INVALID);
        Ledger::pointer l;
        Json::Value ret = RPC::lookupLedger (params, l, *mNetOps);

        if (!l)
            return ret;

		uLedgerMin = 0;
		uLedgerMax = l->getLedgerSeq ();

    Json::Value resumeToken;

    if (params.isMember(jss::marker))
         resumeToken = params[jss::marker];


        Json::Value ret (Json::objectValue);

        ret["account"] = raAccount.humanAccountID ();
        Json::Value& jvTxns = (ret["transactions"] = Json::arrayValue);

        if (bBinary)
            std::vector<NetworkOPs::txnMetaLedgerType> txns =
                mNetOps->getTxsAccountB (raAccount, uLedgerMin, uLedgerMax, bForward, resumeToken, limit, mRole == Config::ADMIN);

            for (std::vector<NetworkOPs::txnMetaLedgerType>::const_iterator it = txns.begin (), end = txns.end ();
                    it != end; ++it)
                Json::Value& jvObj = jvTxns.append (Json::objectValue);

                std::uint32_t uLedgerIndex = std::get<2> (*it);
                jvObj["tx_blob"]           = std::get<0> (*it);
                jvObj["meta"]              = std::get<1> (*it);
                jvObj["ledger_index"]      = uLedgerIndex;
                jvObj[jss::validated]      = bValidated && uValidatedMin <= uLedgerIndex && uValidatedMax >= uLedgerIndex;

            std::vector< std::pair<Transaction::pointer, TransactionMetaSet::pointer> > txns =
                 mNetOps->getTxsAccount (raAccount, uLedgerMin, uLedgerMax, bForward, resumeToken, limit, mRole == Config::ADMIN);

            for (std::vector< std::pair<Transaction::pointer, TransactionMetaSet::pointer> >::iterator it = txns.begin (), end = txns.end (); it != end; ++it)
                Json::Value&    jvObj = jvTxns.append (Json::objectValue);

                if (it->first)
                    jvObj[jss::tx]          = it->first->getJson (1);

                if (it->second)
                    std::uint32_t uLedgerIndex = it->second->getLgrSeq ();

                    jvObj[jss::meta]        = it->second->getJson (0);
                    jvObj[jss::validated]   = bValidated && uValidatedMin <= uLedgerIndex && uValidatedMax >= uLedgerIndex;


        //Add information about the original query
        ret[jss::ledger_index_min] = uLedgerMin;
        ret[jss::ledger_index_max] = uLedgerMax;
        if (params.isMember (jss::limit))
            ret[jss::limit]        = limit;
        if (!resumeToken.isNull())
            ret[jss::marker] = resumeToken;

        return ret;
    catch (...)
        return rpcError (rpcINTERNAL);
