Пример #1
void Notification::Validate(int types, const ValidationUtils& utils)
	ObjectImpl<Notification>::Validate(types, utils);

	if (!(types & FAConfig))

	Array::Ptr users = GetUsersRaw();
	Array::Ptr groups = GetUserGroupsRaw();

	if ((!users || users->GetLength() == 0) && (!groups || groups->GetLength() == 0))
		BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ValidationError(this, std::vector<String>(), "Validation failed: No users/user_groups specified."));
Пример #2
Value HttpUtility::GetLastParameter(const Dictionary::Ptr& params, const String& key)
	Value varr = params->Get(key);

	if (!varr.IsObjectType<Array>())
		return varr;

	Array::Ptr arr = varr;

	if (arr->GetLength() == 0)
		return Empty;
		return arr->Get(arr->GetLength() - 1);
Пример #3
bool HostGroup::ResolveGroupMembership(const Host::Ptr& host, bool add, int rstack) {

	if (add && rstack > 20) {
		Log(LogWarning, "HostGroup")
			<< "Too many nested groups for group '" << GetName() << "': Host '"
			<< host->GetName() << "' membership assignment failed.";

		return false;

	Array::Ptr groups = GetGroups();

	if (groups && groups->GetLength() > 0) {
		ObjectLock olock(groups);

		for (const String& name : groups) {
			HostGroup::Ptr group = HostGroup::GetByName(name);

			if (group && !group->ResolveGroupMembership(host, add, rstack + 1))
				return false;

	if (add)

	return true;
Пример #4
	static inline ExpressionResult For(ScriptFrame& frame, const String& fkvar, const String& fvvar, const Value& value, Expression *expression, const DebugInfo& debugInfo = DebugInfo())
		if (value.IsObjectType<Array>()) {
			if (!fvvar.IsEmpty())
				BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Cannot use dictionary iterator for array.", debugInfo));

			Array::Ptr arr = value;

			for (Array::SizeType i = 0; i < arr->GetLength(); i++) {
				frame.Locals->Set(fkvar, arr->Get(i));
				ExpressionResult res = expression->Evaluate(frame);
		} else if (value.IsObjectType<Dictionary>()) {
			if (fvvar.IsEmpty())
				BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Cannot use array iterator for dictionary.", debugInfo));

			Dictionary::Ptr dict = value;
			std::vector<String> keys;

				ObjectLock olock(dict);
				BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, dict) {

			BOOST_FOREACH(const String& key, keys) {
				frame.Locals->Set(fkvar, key);
				frame.Locals->Set(fvvar, dict->Get(key));
				ExpressionResult res = expression->Evaluate(frame);
Пример #5
 * Executes the auto completion script via HTTP and returns HTTP and user errors.
 * @param session Local session handler.
 * @param command The auto completion string.
 * @param sandboxed Whether to run this sandboxed.
 * @return Result value, also contains user errors.
Array::Ptr ConsoleCommand::AutoCompleteScript(const String& session, const String& command, bool sandboxed)
	/* Extend the url parameters for the request. */
	l_Url->SetPath({ "v1", "console", "auto-complete-script" });

		{"session",   session},
		{"command",   command},
		{"sandboxed", sandboxed ? "1" : "0"}

	Dictionary::Ptr jsonResponse = SendRequest();

	/* Extract the result, and handle user input errors too. */
	Array::Ptr results = jsonResponse->Get("results");
	Array::Ptr suggestions;

	if (results && results->GetLength() > 0) {
		Dictionary::Ptr resultInfo = results->Get(0);

		if (resultInfo->Get("code") >= 200 && resultInfo->Get("code") <= 299) {
			suggestions = resultInfo->Get("suggestions");
		} else {
			String errorMessage = resultInfo->Get("status");

	return suggestions;
Пример #6
bool Value::ToBool(void) const
	switch (GetType()) {
		case ValueNumber:
			return static_cast<bool>(boost::get<double>(m_Value));

		case ValueBoolean:
			return boost::get<bool>(m_Value);

		case ValueString:
			return !boost::get<String>(m_Value).IsEmpty();

		case ValueObject:
			if (IsObjectType<Dictionary>()) {
				Dictionary::Ptr dictionary = *this;
				return dictionary->GetLength() > 0;
			} else if (IsObjectType<Array>()) {
				Array::Ptr array = *this;
				return array->GetLength() > 0;
			} else {
				return true;

		case ValueEmpty:
			return false;

			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("Invalid variant type."));
Пример #7
void ConfigWriter::EmitScope(std::ostream& fp, int indentLevel, const Dictionary::Ptr& val, const Array::Ptr& imports)
	fp << "{";

	if (imports && imports->GetLength() > 0) {
		ObjectLock xlock(imports);
		BOOST_FOREACH(const Value& import, imports) {
			fp << "\n";
			EmitIndent(fp, indentLevel);
			fp << "import \"" << import << "\"";
Пример #8
void Zone::ValidateEndpointsRaw(const Array::Ptr& value, const ValidationUtils& utils)
	ObjectImpl<Zone>::ValidateEndpointsRaw(value, utils);

	if (value && value->GetLength() > 2) {
		Log(LogWarning, "Zone")
		    << "The Zone object '" << GetName() << "' has more than two endpoints."
		    << " Due to a known issue this type of configuration is strongly"
		    << " discouraged and may cause Icinga to use excessive amounts of CPU time.";
Пример #9
void ApiClient::ExecuteScriptHttpCompletionCallback(HttpRequest& request,
	HttpResponse& response, const ExecuteScriptCompletionCallback& callback)
	Dictionary::Ptr result;

	String body;
	char buffer[1024];
	size_t count;

	while ((count = response.ReadBody(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0)
		body += String(buffer, buffer + count);

	try {
		if (response.StatusCode < 200 || response.StatusCode > 299) {
			std::string message = "HTTP request failed; Code: " + Convert::ToString(response.StatusCode) + "; Body: " + body;


		result = JsonDecode(body);

		Array::Ptr results = result->Get("results");
		Value result;
		String errorMessage = "Unexpected result from API.";

		if (results && results->GetLength() > 0) {
			Dictionary::Ptr resultInfo = results->Get(0);
			errorMessage = resultInfo->Get("status");

			if (resultInfo->Get("code") >= 200 && resultInfo->Get("code") <= 299) {
				result = resultInfo->Get("result");
			} else {
				DebugInfo di;
				Dictionary::Ptr debugInfo = resultInfo->Get("debug_info");
				if (debugInfo) {
					di.Path = debugInfo->Get("path");
					di.FirstLine = debugInfo->Get("first_line");
					di.FirstColumn = debugInfo->Get("first_column");
					di.LastLine = debugInfo->Get("last_line");
					di.LastColumn = debugInfo->Get("last_column");
				bool incompleteExpression = resultInfo->Get("incomplete_expression");
				BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError(errorMessage, di, incompleteExpression));

		callback(boost::exception_ptr(), result);
	} catch (const std::exception&) {
		callback(boost::current_exception(), Empty);
Пример #10
static Value ArrayReduce(const Function::Ptr& function)
	ScriptFrame *vframe = ScriptFrame::GetCurrentFrame();
	Array::Ptr self = static_cast<Array::Ptr>(vframe->Self);

	if (vframe->Sandboxed && !function->IsSideEffectFree())
		BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Reduce function must be side-effect free."));

	if (self->GetLength() == 0)
		return Empty;

	Value result = self->Get(0);

	ObjectLock olock(self);
	for (size_t i = 1; i < self->GetLength(); i++) {
		std::vector<Value> args;
		result = function->Invoke(args);

	return result;
Пример #11
double ScriptUtils::Len(const Value& value)
	if (value.IsObjectType<Dictionary>()) {
		Dictionary::Ptr dict = value;
		return dict->GetLength();
	} else if (value.IsObjectType<Array>()) {
		Array::Ptr array = value;
		return array->GetLength();
	} else if (value.IsString()) {
		return Convert::ToString(value).GetLength();
	} else {
		return 0;
Пример #12
 * Executes the DSL script via HTTP and returns HTTP and user errors.
 * @param session Local session handler.
 * @param command The DSL string.
 * @param sandboxed Whether to run this sandboxed.
 * @return Result value, also contains user errors.
Value ConsoleCommand::ExecuteScript(const String& session, const String& command, bool sandboxed)
	/* Extend the url parameters for the request. */
	l_Url->SetPath({"v1", "console", "execute-script"});

		{"session",   session},
		{"command",   command},
		{"sandboxed", sandboxed ? "1" : "0"}

	Dictionary::Ptr jsonResponse = SendRequest();

	/* Extract the result, and handle user input errors too. */
	Array::Ptr results = jsonResponse->Get("results");
	Value result;

	if (results && results->GetLength() > 0) {
		Dictionary::Ptr resultInfo = results->Get(0);

		if (resultInfo->Get("code") >= 200 && resultInfo->Get("code") <= 299) {
			result = resultInfo->Get("result");
		} else {
			String errorMessage = resultInfo->Get("status");

			DebugInfo di;
			Dictionary::Ptr debugInfo = resultInfo->Get("debug_info");

			if (debugInfo) {
				di.Path = debugInfo->Get("path");
				di.FirstLine = debugInfo->Get("first_line");
				di.FirstColumn = debugInfo->Get("first_column");
				di.LastLine = debugInfo->Get("last_line");
				di.LastColumn = debugInfo->Get("last_column");

			bool incompleteExpression = resultInfo->Get("incomplete_expression");
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError(errorMessage, di, incompleteExpression));

	return result;
Пример #13
Array::Ptr LegacyTimePeriod::ScriptFunc(const TimePeriod::Ptr& tp, double begin, double end)
	Array::Ptr segments = new Array();

	Dictionary::Ptr ranges = tp->GetRanges();

	if (ranges) {
		for (int i = 0; i <= (end - begin) / (24 * 60 * 60); i++) {
			time_t refts = begin + i * 24 * 60 * 60;
			tm reference = Utility::LocalTime(refts);

#ifdef I2_DEBUG
			Log(LogDebug, "LegacyTimePeriod")
			    << "Checking reference time " << refts;
#endif /* I2_DEBUG */

			ObjectLock olock(ranges);
			for (const Dictionary::Pair& kv : ranges) {
				if (!IsInDayDefinition(kv.first, &reference)) {
#ifdef I2_DEBUG
					Log(LogDebug, "LegacyTimePeriod")
					    << "Not in day definition '" << kv.first << "'.";
#endif /* I2_DEBUG */

#ifdef I2_DEBUG
				Log(LogDebug, "LegacyTimePeriod")
				    << "In day definition '" << kv.first << "'.";
#endif /* I2_DEBUG */

				ProcessTimeRanges(kv.second, &reference, segments);

	Log(LogDebug, "LegacyTimePeriod")
	    << "Legacy timeperiod update returned " << segments->GetLength() << " segments.";

	return segments;
Пример #14
void ApiClient::AutocompleteScriptHttpCompletionCallback(HttpRequest& request,
	HttpResponse& response, const AutocompleteScriptCompletionCallback& callback)
	Dictionary::Ptr result;

	String body;
	char buffer[1024];
	size_t count;

	while ((count = response.ReadBody(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0)
		body += String(buffer, buffer + count);

	try {
		if (response.StatusCode < 200 || response.StatusCode > 299) {
			std::string message = "HTTP request failed; Code: " + Convert::ToString(response.StatusCode) + "; Body: " + body;


		result = JsonDecode(body);

		Array::Ptr results = result->Get("results");
		Array::Ptr suggestions;
		String errorMessage = "Unexpected result from API.";

		if (results && results->GetLength() > 0) {
			Dictionary::Ptr resultInfo = results->Get(0);
			errorMessage = resultInfo->Get("status");

			if (resultInfo->Get("code") >= 200 && resultInfo->Get("code") <= 299)
				suggestions = resultInfo->Get("suggestions");

		callback(boost::exception_ptr(), suggestions);
	} catch (const std::exception&) {
		callback(boost::current_exception(), nullptr);
Пример #15
bool Zone::IsSingleInstance() const
	Array::Ptr endpoints = GetEndpointsRaw();
	return !endpoints || endpoints->GetLength() < 2;
Пример #16
std::pair<Dictionary::Ptr, Dictionary::Ptr> ApiListener::GetStatus()
	Dictionary::Ptr perfdata = new Dictionary();

	/* cluster stats */

	double allEndpoints = 0;
	Array::Ptr allNotConnectedEndpoints = new Array();
	Array::Ptr allConnectedEndpoints = new Array();

	Zone::Ptr my_zone = Zone::GetLocalZone();

	Dictionary::Ptr connectedZones = new Dictionary();

	for (const Zone::Ptr& zone : ConfigType::GetObjectsByType<Zone>()) {
		/* only check endpoints in a) the same zone b) our parent zone c) immediate child zones */
		if (my_zone != zone && my_zone != zone->GetParent() && zone != my_zone->GetParent()) {
			Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener")
				<< "Not checking connection to Zone '" << zone->GetName() << "' because it's not in the same zone, a parent or a child zone.";

		bool zoneConnected = false;
		int countZoneEndpoints = 0;
		double zoneLag = 0;

		ArrayData zoneEndpoints;

		for (const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint : zone->GetEndpoints()) {

			if (endpoint->GetName() == GetIdentity())

			double eplag = CalculateZoneLag(endpoint);

			if (eplag > 0 && eplag > zoneLag)
				zoneLag = eplag;


			if (!endpoint->GetConnected()) {
			} else {
				zoneConnected = true;

		/* if there's only one endpoint inside the zone, we're not connected - that's us, fake it */
		if (zone->GetEndpoints().size() == 1 && countZoneEndpoints == 0)
			zoneConnected = true;

		String parentZoneName;
		Zone::Ptr parentZone = zone->GetParent();
		if (parentZone)
			parentZoneName = parentZone->GetName();

		Dictionary::Ptr zoneStats = new Dictionary({
			{ "connected", zoneConnected },
			{ "client_log_lag", zoneLag },
			{ "endpoints", new Array(std::move(zoneEndpoints)) },
			{ "parent_zone", parentZoneName }

		connectedZones->Set(zone->GetName(), zoneStats);

	/* connection stats */
	size_t jsonRpcClients = GetAnonymousClients().size();
	size_t httpClients = GetHttpClients().size();
	size_t workQueueItems = JsonRpcConnection::GetWorkQueueLength();
	size_t workQueueCount = JsonRpcConnection::GetWorkQueueCount();
	size_t syncQueueItems = m_SyncQueue.GetLength();
	size_t relayQueueItems = m_RelayQueue.GetLength();
	double workQueueItemRate = JsonRpcConnection::GetWorkQueueRate();
	double syncQueueItemRate = m_SyncQueue.GetTaskCount(60) / 60.0;
	double relayQueueItemRate = m_RelayQueue.GetTaskCount(60) / 60.0;

	Dictionary::Ptr status = new Dictionary({
		{ "identity", GetIdentity() },
		{ "num_endpoints", allEndpoints },
		{ "num_conn_endpoints", allConnectedEndpoints->GetLength() },
		{ "num_not_conn_endpoints", allNotConnectedEndpoints->GetLength() },
		{ "conn_endpoints", allConnectedEndpoints },
		{ "not_conn_endpoints", allNotConnectedEndpoints },

		{ "zones", connectedZones },

		{ "json_rpc", new Dictionary({
			{ "clients", jsonRpcClients },
			{ "work_queue_items", workQueueItems },
			{ "work_queue_count", workQueueCount },
			{ "sync_queue_items", syncQueueItems },
			{ "relay_queue_items", relayQueueItems },
			{ "work_queue_item_rate", workQueueItemRate },
			{ "sync_queue_item_rate", syncQueueItemRate },
			{ "relay_queue_item_rate", relayQueueItemRate }
		}) },

		{ "http", new Dictionary({
			{ "clients", httpClients }
		}) }

	/* performance data */
	perfdata->Set("num_endpoints", allEndpoints);
	perfdata->Set("num_conn_endpoints", Convert::ToDouble(allConnectedEndpoints->GetLength()));
	perfdata->Set("num_not_conn_endpoints", Convert::ToDouble(allNotConnectedEndpoints->GetLength()));

	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_clients", jsonRpcClients);
	perfdata->Set("num_http_clients", httpClients);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_work_queue_items", workQueueItems);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_work_queue_count", workQueueCount);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_sync_queue_items", syncQueueItems);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_relay_queue_items", relayQueueItems);

	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_work_queue_item_rate", workQueueItemRate);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_sync_queue_item_rate", syncQueueItemRate);
	perfdata->Set("num_json_rpc_relay_queue_item_rate", relayQueueItemRate);

	return std::make_pair(status, perfdata);
Пример #17
std::pair<Dictionary::Ptr, Dictionary::Ptr> ApiListener::GetStatus(void)
	Dictionary::Ptr status = new Dictionary();
	Dictionary::Ptr perfdata = new Dictionary();

	/* cluster stats */
	status->Set("identity", GetIdentity());

	double allEndpoints = 0;
	Array::Ptr allNotConnectedEndpoints = new Array();
	Array::Ptr allConnectedEndpoints = new Array();

	Zone::Ptr my_zone = Zone::GetLocalZone();

	Dictionary::Ptr connectedZones = new Dictionary();

	for (const Zone::Ptr& zone : ConfigType::GetObjectsByType<Zone>()) {
		/* only check endpoints in a) the same zone b) our parent zone c) immediate child zones */
		if (my_zone != zone && my_zone != zone->GetParent() && zone != my_zone->GetParent()) {
			Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener")
			    << "Not checking connection to Zone '" << zone->GetName() << "' because it's not in the same zone, a parent or a child zone.";

		bool zoneConnected = false;
		int countZoneEndpoints = 0;
		double zoneLag = 0;

		Array::Ptr zoneEndpoints = new Array();

		for (const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint : zone->GetEndpoints()) {

			if (endpoint->GetName() == GetIdentity())

			double eplag = CalculateZoneLag(endpoint);

			if (eplag > 0 && eplag > zoneLag)
				zoneLag = eplag;


			if (!endpoint->GetConnected()) {
			} else {
				zoneConnected = true;

		/* if there's only one endpoint inside the zone, we're not connected - that's us, fake it */
		if (zone->GetEndpoints().size() == 1 && countZoneEndpoints == 0)
			zoneConnected = true;

		Dictionary::Ptr zoneStats = new Dictionary();
		zoneStats->Set("connected", zoneConnected);
		zoneStats->Set("client_log_lag", zoneLag);
		zoneStats->Set("endpoints", zoneEndpoints);

		String parentZoneName;
		Zone::Ptr parentZone = zone->GetParent();
		if (parentZone)
			parentZoneName = parentZone->GetName();

		zoneStats->Set("parent_zone", parentZoneName);

		connectedZones->Set(zone->GetName(), zoneStats);

	status->Set("num_endpoints", allEndpoints);
	status->Set("num_conn_endpoints", allConnectedEndpoints->GetLength());
	status->Set("num_not_conn_endpoints", allNotConnectedEndpoints->GetLength());
	status->Set("conn_endpoints", allConnectedEndpoints);
	status->Set("not_conn_endpoints", allNotConnectedEndpoints);

	status->Set("zones", connectedZones);

	perfdata->Set("num_endpoints", allEndpoints);
	perfdata->Set("num_conn_endpoints", Convert::ToDouble(allConnectedEndpoints->GetLength()));
	perfdata->Set("num_not_conn_endpoints", Convert::ToDouble(allNotConnectedEndpoints->GetLength()));

	return std::make_pair(status, perfdata);
Пример #18
Dictionary::Ptr ObjectQueryHandler::SerializeObjectAttrs(const Object::Ptr& object,
	const String& attrPrefix, const Array::Ptr& attrs, bool isJoin, bool allAttrs)
	Type::Ptr type = object->GetReflectionType();

	std::vector<int> fids;

	if (isJoin && attrs) {
		ObjectLock olock(attrs);
		for (const String& attr : attrs) {
			if (attr == attrPrefix) {
				allAttrs = true;

	if (!isJoin && (!attrs || attrs->GetLength() == 0))
		allAttrs = true;

	if (allAttrs) {
		for (int fid = 0; fid < type->GetFieldCount(); fid++) {
	} else if (attrs) {
		ObjectLock olock(attrs);
		for (const String& attr : attrs) {
			String userAttr;

			if (isJoin) {
				String::SizeType dpos = attr.FindFirstOf(".");
				if (dpos == String::NPos)

				String userJoinAttr = attr.SubStr(0, dpos);
				if (userJoinAttr != attrPrefix)

				userAttr = attr.SubStr(dpos + 1);
			} else
				userAttr = attr;

			int fid = type->GetFieldId(userAttr);

			if (fid < 0)
				BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Invalid field specified: " + userAttr));


	DictionaryData resultAttrs;

	for (int fid : fids) {
		Field field = type->GetFieldInfo(fid);

		Value val = object->GetField(fid);

		/* hide attributes which shouldn't be user-visible */
		if (field.Attributes & FANoUserView)

		/* hide internal navigation fields */
		if (field.Attributes & FANavigation && !(field.Attributes & (FAConfig | FAState)))

		Value sval = Serialize(val, FAConfig | FAState);
		resultAttrs.emplace_back(field.Name, sval);

	return new Dictionary(std::move(resultAttrs));
Пример #19
bool AttributeFilter::Apply(const Table::Ptr& table, const Value& row)
	Column column = table->GetColumn(m_Column);

	Value value = column.ExtractValue(row);

	if (value.IsObjectType<Array>()) {
		Array::Ptr array = value;

		if (m_Operator == ">=" || m_Operator == "<") {
			bool negate = (m_Operator == "<");

			ObjectLock olock(array);
			for (const String& item : array) {
				if (item == m_Operand)
					return !negate; /* Item found in list. */

			return negate; /* Item not found in list. */
		} else if (m_Operator == "=") {
			return (array->GetLength() == 0);
		} else {
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Invalid operator for column '" + m_Column + "': " + m_Operator + " (expected '>=' or '=')."));
	} else {
		if (m_Operator == "=") {
			if (value.GetType() == ValueNumber || value.GetType() == ValueBoolean)
				return (static_cast<double>(value) == Convert::ToDouble(m_Operand));
				return (static_cast<String>(value) == m_Operand);
		} else if (m_Operator == "~") {
			bool ret;
			try {
				boost::regex expr(m_Operand.GetData());
				String operand = value;
				boost::smatch what;
				ret = boost::regex_search(operand.GetData(), what, expr);
			} catch (boost::exception&) {
				Log(LogWarning, "AttributeFilter")
					<< "Regex '" << m_Operand << " " << m_Operator << " " << value << "' error.";
				ret = false;

			//Log(LogDebug, "LivestatusListener/AttributeFilter")
			//    << "Attribute filter '" << m_Operand + " " << m_Operator << " "
			//    << value << "' " << (ret ? "matches" : "doesn't match") << ".";

			return ret;
		} else if (m_Operator == "=~") {
			bool ret;
			try {
				String operand = value;
				ret = boost::iequals(operand, m_Operand.GetData());
			} catch (boost::exception&) {
				Log(LogWarning, "AttributeFilter")
					<< "Case-insensitive equality '" << m_Operand << " " << m_Operator << " " << value << "' error.";
				ret = false;

			return ret;
		} else if (m_Operator == "~~") {
			bool ret;
			try {
				boost::regex expr(m_Operand.GetData(), boost::regex::icase);
				String operand = value;
				boost::smatch what;
				ret = boost::regex_search(operand.GetData(), what, expr);
			} catch (boost::exception&) {
				Log(LogWarning, "AttributeFilter")
					<< "Regex '" << m_Operand << " " << m_Operator << " " << value << "' error.";
				ret = false;

			//Log(LogDebug, "LivestatusListener/AttributeFilter")
			//    << "Attribute filter '" << m_Operand << " " << m_Operator << " "
			//    << value << "' " << (ret ? "matches" : "doesn't match") << ".";

			return ret;
		} else if (m_Operator == "<") {
			if (value.GetType() == ValueNumber)
				return (static_cast<double>(value) < Convert::ToDouble(m_Operand));
				return (static_cast<String>(value) < m_Operand);
		} else if (m_Operator == ">") {
			if (value.GetType() == ValueNumber)
				return (static_cast<double>(value) > Convert::ToDouble(m_Operand));
				return (static_cast<String>(value) > m_Operand);
		} else if (m_Operator == "<=") {
			if (value.GetType() == ValueNumber)
				return (static_cast<double>(value) <= Convert::ToDouble(m_Operand));
				return (static_cast<String>(value) <= m_Operand);
		} else if (m_Operator == ">=") {
			if (value.GetType() == ValueNumber)
				return (static_cast<double>(value) >= Convert::ToDouble(m_Operand));
				return (static_cast<String>(value) >= m_Operand);
		} else {
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("Unknown operator for column '" + m_Column + "': " + m_Operator));

	return false;
Пример #20
static double ArrayLen(void)
	ScriptFrame *vframe = ScriptFrame::GetCurrentFrame();
	Array::Ptr self = static_cast<Array::Ptr>(vframe->Self);
	return self->GetLength();
Пример #21
String icinga::DiagnosticInformation(const std::exception& ex, bool verbose, StackTrace *stack, ContextTrace *context)
	std::ostringstream result;

	String message = ex.what();

	const ValidationError *vex = dynamic_cast<const ValidationError *>(&ex);

	if (message.IsEmpty())
		result << boost::diagnostic_information(ex);
		result << "Error: " << message;

	const ScriptError *dex = dynamic_cast<const ScriptError *>(&ex);

	if (dex && !dex->GetDebugInfo().Path.IsEmpty()) {
		result << "\nLocation:\n";
		ShowCodeFragment(result, dex->GetDebugInfo());

	if (vex) {
		DebugInfo di;

		ConfigObject::Ptr dobj = vex->GetObject();
		if (dobj)
			di = dobj->GetDebugInfo();

		Dictionary::Ptr currentHint = vex->GetDebugHint();
		Array::Ptr messages;

		if (currentHint) {
			BOOST_FOREACH(const String& attr, vex->GetAttributePath()) {
				Dictionary::Ptr props = currentHint->Get("properties");

				if (!props)

				currentHint = props->Get(attr);

				if (!currentHint)

				messages = currentHint->Get("messages");

		if (messages && messages->GetLength() > 0) {
			Array::Ptr message = messages->Get(messages->GetLength() - 1);

			di.Path = message->Get(1);
			di.FirstLine = message->Get(2);
			di.FirstColumn = message->Get(3);
			di.LastLine = message->Get(4);
			di.LastColumn = message->Get(5);

		if (!di.Path.IsEmpty()) {
			result << "\nLocation:\n";
			ShowCodeFragment(result, di);

	const user_error *uex = dynamic_cast<const user_error *>(&ex);
	const posix_error *pex = dynamic_cast<const posix_error *>(&ex);

	if (!uex && !pex && verbose) {
		const StackTrace *st = boost::get_error_info<StackTraceErrorInfo>(ex);

		if (st) {
			result << *st;
		} else {
			result << std::endl;

			if (!stack)
				stack = GetLastExceptionStack();

			if (stack)
				result << *stack;


		if (boost::get_error_info<ContextTraceErrorInfo>(ex) == NULL) {
			result << std::endl;

			if (!context)
				context = GetLastExceptionContext();

			if (context)
				result << *context;

	return result.str();