std::size_t write(SyncWriteStream& s, asio::basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b, CompletionCondition completion_condition, asio::error_code& ec) { std::size_t bytes_transferred = write(s,, completion_condition, ec); b.consume(bytes_transferred); return bytes_transferred; }
std::size_t write_at(SyncRandomAccessWriteDevice& d, boost::uint64_t offset, asio::basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b, CompletionCondition completion_condition, asio::error_code& ec) { std::size_t bytes_transferred = write_at( d, offset,, completion_condition, ec); b.consume(bytes_transferred); return bytes_transferred; }
std::size_t read_until(SyncReadStream& s, asio::basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b, const boost::regex& expr, asio::error_code& ec) { std::size_t search_position = 0; for (;;) { // Determine the range of the data to be searched. typedef typename asio::basic_streambuf< Allocator>::const_buffers_type const_buffers_type; typedef asio::buffers_iterator<const_buffers_type> iterator; const_buffers_type buffers =; iterator begin = iterator::begin(buffers); iterator start_pos = begin + search_position; iterator end = iterator::end(buffers); // Look for a match. boost::match_results<iterator, typename std::vector<boost::sub_match<iterator> >::allocator_type> match_results; if (regex_search(start_pos, end, match_results, expr, boost::match_default | boost::match_partial)) { if (match_results[0].matched) { // Full match. We're done. ec = asio::error_code(); return match_results[0].second - begin; } else { // Partial match. Next search needs to start from beginning of match. search_position = match_results[0].first - begin; } } else { // No match. Next search can start with the new data. search_position = end - begin; } // Check if buffer is full. if (b.size() == b.max_size()) { ec = error::not_found; return 0; } // Need more data. std::size_t bytes_to_read = read_size_helper(b, 65536); b.commit(s.read_some(b.prepare(bytes_to_read), ec)); if (ec) return 0; } }
std::size_t read_until(SyncReadStream& s, asio::basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b, const std::string& delim, asio::error_code& ec) { std::size_t search_position = 0; for (;;) { // Determine the range of the data to be searched. typedef typename asio::basic_streambuf< Allocator>::const_buffers_type const_buffers_type; typedef asio::buffers_iterator<const_buffers_type> iterator; const_buffers_type buffers =; iterator begin = iterator::begin(buffers); iterator start_pos = begin + search_position; iterator end = iterator::end(buffers); // Look for a match. std::pair<iterator, bool> result = detail::partial_search( start_pos, end, delim.begin(), delim.end()); if (result.first != end) { if (result.second) { // Full match. We're done. ec = asio::error_code(); return result.first - begin + delim.length(); } else { // Partial match. Next search needs to start from beginning of match. search_position = result.first - begin; } } else { // No match. Next search can start with the new data. search_position = end - begin; } // Check if buffer is full. if (b.size() == b.max_size()) { ec = error::not_found; return 0; } // Need more data. std::size_t bytes_to_read = read_size_helper(b, 65536); b.commit(s.read_some(b.prepare(bytes_to_read), ec)); if (ec) return 0; } }
inline void async_write_at(AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice& d, boost::uint64_t offset, asio::basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b, CompletionCondition completion_condition, WriteHandler handler) { async_write_at(d, offset,, completion_condition, detail::write_at_streambuf_op< AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice, Allocator, WriteHandler>(b, handler)); }
inline void async_write(AsyncWriteStream& s, asio::basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b, CompletionCondition completion_condition, WriteHandler handler) { async_write(s,, completion_condition, detail::write_streambuf_handler< AsyncWriteStream, Allocator, WriteHandler>(b, handler)); }
std::size_t read_until(SyncReadStream& s, asio::basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b, char delim, asio::error_code& ec) { std::size_t search_position = 0; for (;;) { // Determine the range of the data to be searched. typedef typename asio::basic_streambuf< Allocator>::const_buffers_type const_buffers_type; typedef asio::buffers_iterator<const_buffers_type> iterator; const_buffers_type buffers =; iterator begin = iterator::begin(buffers); iterator start_pos = begin + search_position; iterator end = iterator::end(buffers); // Look for a match. iterator iter = std::find(start_pos, end, delim); if (iter != end) { // Found a match. We're done. ec = asio::error_code(); return iter - begin + 1; } else { // No match. Next search can start with the new data. search_position = end - begin; } // Check if buffer is full. if (b.size() == b.max_size()) { ec = error::not_found; return 0; } // Need more data. std::size_t bytes_to_read = read_size_helper(b, 65536); b.commit(s.read_some(b.prepare(bytes_to_read), ec)); if (ec) return 0; } }
std::size_t read(SyncReadStream& s, asio::basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b, CompletionCondition completion_condition, asio::error_code& ec) { ec = asio::error_code(); std::size_t total_transferred = 0; std::size_t max_size = detail::adapt_completion_condition_result( completion_condition(ec, total_transferred)); std::size_t bytes_available = read_size_helper(b, max_size); while (bytes_available > 0) { std::size_t bytes_transferred = s.read_some(b.prepare(bytes_available), ec); b.commit(bytes_transferred); total_transferred += bytes_transferred; max_size = detail::adapt_completion_condition_result( completion_condition(ec, total_transferred)); bytes_available = read_size_helper(b, max_size); } return total_transferred; }
std::size_t read_at(SyncRandomAccessReadDevice& d, boost::uint64_t offset, asio::basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b, CompletionCondition completion_condition, asio::error_code& ec) { ec = asio::error_code(); std::size_t total_transferred = 0; std::size_t max_size = detail::adapt_completion_condition_result( completion_condition(ec, total_transferred)); std::size_t bytes_available = read_size_helper(b, max_size); while (bytes_available > 0) { std::size_t bytes_transferred = d.read_some_at( offset + total_transferred, b.prepare(bytes_available), ec); b.commit(bytes_transferred); total_transferred += bytes_transferred; max_size = detail::adapt_completion_condition_result( completion_condition(ec, total_transferred)); bytes_available = read_size_helper(b, max_size); } return total_transferred; }
inline void async_write_at(AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice& d, boost::uint64_t offset, asio::basic_streambuf<Allocator>& b, WriteHandler handler) { // If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does // not meet the documented type requirements for a WriteHandler. ASIO_WRITE_HANDLER_CHECK(WriteHandler, handler) type_check; async_write_at(d, offset,, transfer_all(), detail::write_at_streambuf_op< AsyncRandomAccessWriteDevice, Allocator, WriteHandler>(b, handler)); }