void STPMgr::printVarDeclsToStream(ostream &os, ASTNodeSet& ListOfDeclaredVars) { for(ASTNodeSet::iterator i = ListOfDeclaredVars.begin(),iend=ListOfDeclaredVars.end(); i!=iend;i++) { BEEV::ASTNode a = *i; switch(a.GetType()) { case BEEV::BITVECTOR_TYPE: a.PL_Print(os); os << " : BITVECTOR(" << a.GetValueWidth() << ");" << endl; break; case BEEV::ARRAY_TYPE: a.PL_Print(os); os << " : ARRAY " << "BITVECTOR(" << a.GetIndexWidth() << ") OF "; os << "BITVECTOR(" << a.GetValueWidth() << ");" << endl; break; case BEEV::BOOLEAN_TYPE: a.PL_Print(os); os << " : BOOLEAN;" << endl; break; default: BEEV::FatalError("vc_printDeclsToStream: Unsupported type",a); break; } } } //printVarDeclsToStream
void vc_printQueryStateToBuffer(VC vc, Expr e, char **buf, unsigned long *len, int simplify_print){ assert(vc); assert(e); assert(buf); assert(len); bmstar b = (bmstar)vc; // formate the state of the query stringstream os; vc_printVarDeclsToStream(vc, os); os << "%----------------------------------------------------" << endl; vc_printAssertsToStream(vc, os, simplify_print); os << "%----------------------------------------------------" << endl; os << "QUERY( "; b->Begin_RemoveWrites = true; BEEV::ASTNode q = (simplify_print == 1) ? b->SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(*((nodestar)e),false) : *(nodestar)e; b->Begin_RemoveWrites = false; q.PL_Print(os); os << " );" << endl; // convert to a c buffer string s = os.str(); const char *cstr = s.c_str(); unsigned long size = s.size() + 1; // number of chars + terminating null *buf = (char *)malloc(size); if (!(*buf)) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc(%lu) failed.", size); assert(*buf); } *len = size; memcpy(*buf, cstr, size); }
// Expr I/O void vc_printExpr(VC vc, Expr e) { //do not print in lisp mode //bmstar b = (bmstar)vc; BEEV::ASTNode q = (*(nodestar)e); // b->Begin_RemoveWrites = true; // BEEV::ASTNode q = b->SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(*((nodestar)e),false); // b->Begin_RemoveWrites = false; q.PL_Print(cout); }
void vc_printQuery(VC vc){ ostream& os = std::cout; bmstar b = (bmstar)vc; os << "QUERY("; //b->Begin_RemoveWrites = true; //BEEV::ASTNode q = b->SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(b->GetQuery(),false); BEEV::ASTNode q = b->GetQuery(); //b->Begin_RemoveWrites = false; q.PL_Print(os); // b->GetQuery().PL_Print(os); os << ");" << endl; }
static void vc_printAssertsToStream(VC vc, ostream &os, int simplify_print) { bmstar b = (bmstar)vc; BEEV::ASTVec v = b->GetAsserts(); for(BEEV::ASTVec::iterator i=v.begin(),iend=v.end();i!=iend;i++) { b->Begin_RemoveWrites = true; BEEV::ASTNode q = (simplify_print == 1) ? b->SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(*i,false) : *i; q = (simplify_print == 1) ? b->SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(q,false) : q; b->Begin_RemoveWrites = false; os << "ASSERT( "; q.PL_Print(os); os << ");" << endl; } }
void vc_printExprToBuffer(VC vc, Expr e, char **buf, unsigned long * len) { stringstream os; //bmstar b = (bmstar)vc; BEEV::ASTNode q = *((nodestar)e); // b->Begin_RemoveWrites = true; // BEEV::ASTNode q = b->SimplifyFormula_TopLevel(*((nodestar)e),false); // b->Begin_RemoveWrites = false; q.PL_Print(os); //((nodestar)e)->PL_Print(os); string s = os.str(); const char * cstr = s.c_str(); unsigned long size = s.size() + 1; // number of chars + terminating null *buf = (char *)malloc(size); *len = size; memcpy(*buf, cstr, size); }