boost::python::object NotepadPlusWrapper::prompt(boost::python::object promptObj, boost::python::object title, boost::python::object initial) { PromptDialog promptDlg(m_hInst, m_nppHandle); const char *cPrompt = NULL; const char *cTitle = NULL; const char *cInitial = NULL; if (!promptObj | !promptObj.is_none()) cPrompt = (const char *)boost::python::extract<const char *>(promptObj.attr("__str__")()); if (!title | !title.is_none()) cTitle= (const char *)boost::python::extract<const char *>(title.attr("__str__")()); if (!initial | !initial.is_none()) cInitial = (const char *)boost::python::extract<const char *>(initial.attr("__str__")()); PromptDialog::PROMPT_RESULT result; GILRelease release; result = promptDlg.showPrompt(cPrompt, cTitle, cInitial); release.reacquire(); if (PromptDialog::RESULT_OK == result) { return boost::python::str(promptDlg.getText()); } else { return boost::python::object(); } }
void update(boost::python::object source) { // See if we have a dictionary-like object. if (py_hasattr(source, "items")) { return this->update(source.attr("items")()); } if (!py_hasattr(source, "__iter__")) { THROW_EX(ValueError, "Must provide a dictionary-like object to update()"); } object iter = source.attr("__iter__")(); while (true) { PyObject *pyobj = PyIter_Next(iter.ptr()); if (!pyobj) break; if (PyErr_Occurred()) { throw_error_already_set(); } object obj = object(handle<>(pyobj)); tuple tup = extract<tuple>(obj); std::string attr = extract<std::string>(tup[0]); std::string value = extract<std::string>(tup[1]); setitem(attr, value); } }
/** Converts a one-dimensional numpy vector to eigen VectorXd. */ Eigen::VectorXd fromNumpyVector(py::object vec) { assert(("Input numpy matrix is not one dimensional.", py::extract<int>(vec.attr("ndim"))==1)); vec = np_mod.attr("array")(vec, "float64"); int size = py::extract<int>(vec.attr("size")); double* vec_data = getPointer<double>(vec); return Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>(vec_data, size); }
static Eigen::MatrixXd fromNP(py::object arr) { arr = np_mod.attr("array")(arr, "float64"); int rows = py::extract<int>(arr.attr("shape")[0]); int cols = py::extract<int>(arr.attr("shape")[1]); Eigen::MatrixXd mat(rows, cols); double* p = getPointer<double>(arr); memcpy(&mat(0,0), p, rows*cols*sizeof(double)); return mat; }
static void from2dArray(PointCloudT* cloud, py::object arr) { arr = np_mod.attr("array")(arr, "float32"); int npoints = py::extract<int>(arr.attr("shape")[0]); int floatfields = py::extract<int>(arr.attr("shape")[1]); FAIL_IF_FALSE(floatfields == sizeof(T)/4); cloud->resize(npoints); float* p = getPointer<float>(arr); memcpy(&cloud->points[0], p, npoints*floatfields*sizeof(float)); }
/** Converts a two-dimensional numpy matrix to eigen MatrixXd. */ Eigen::MatrixXd fromNumpy(py::object mat) { assert(("Input numpy matrix is not two dimensional.", py::extract<int>(mat.attr("ndim"))==2)); mat = np_mod.attr("array")(mat, "float64"); int rows = py::extract<int>(mat.attr("shape")[0]); int cols = py::extract<int>(mat.attr("shape")[1]); double* mat_data = getPointer<double>(mat); return Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd>(mat_data, rows, cols); }
static void from3dArray(PointCloudT* cloud, py::object arr) { arr = np_mod.attr("array")(arr, "float32"); int height = py::extract<int>(arr.attr("shape")[0]); int width = py::extract<int>(arr.attr("shape")[1]); int floatfields = py::extract<int>(arr.attr("shape")[2]); FAIL_IF_FALSE(floatfields==sizeof(T)/4); cloud->resize(width*height); cloud->height = height; cloud->width = width; float* p = getPointer<float>(arr); memcpy(&cloud->points[0], p, width*height*floatfields*sizeof(float)); }
/** Constructor. dtype_name determines type of matrices created. */ numpy_converter( const char * dtype_name = "float64" ) { PyObject* module = ::PyImport_Import( boost::python::object( "numpy" ).ptr() ); if( ! module ) { throw std::logic_error( "Could not import numpy" ); } numpy = boost::python::object( boost::python::handle<>( module ) ); array_type = numpy.attr( "ndarray" ); array_function = numpy.attr( "array" ); set_dtype( dtype_name ); }
static void setstate(boost::python::object w_obj, boost::python::tuple state) { using namespace boost::python; world& w = extract<world&>(w_obj)(); if (len(state) != 2) { PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_ValueError, ("expected 2-item tuple in call to __setstate__; got %s" % state).ptr() ); throw_error_already_set(); } // restore the object's __dict__ dict d = extract<dict>(w_obj.attr("__dict__"))(); d.update(state[0]); // restore the internal state of the C++ object long number = extract<long>(state[1]); if (number != 42) w.set_secret_number(number); }
// REVIEW: the poolSize can be pulled from the numeric array RDKit::INT_VECT MaxMinPicks(MaxMinPicker *picker, python::object distMat, int poolSize, int pickSize, python::object firstPicks, int seed) { if (pickSize >= poolSize) { throw ValueErrorException("pickSize must be less than poolSize"); } if (!PyArray_Check(distMat.ptr())) { throw ValueErrorException("distance mat argument must be a numpy matrix"); } PyArrayObject *copy; copy = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(distMat.ptr(), PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1); double *dMat = (double *)copy->data; RDKit::INT_VECT firstPickVect; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < python::extract<unsigned int>(firstPicks.attr("__len__")()); ++i) { firstPickVect.push_back(python::extract<int>(firstPicks[i])); } RDKit::INT_VECT res = picker->pick(dMat, poolSize, pickSize, firstPickVect, seed); Py_DECREF(copy); return res; }
T read_or_default(const boost::python::object &o, const char *key, T default_value) { // Remember AttributeError for later comparison // boost::python::object attributeError = // boost::python::import("AttributeError"); try { const boost::python::object &o2 = o.attr(key); boost::python::extract< T > extractor(o2); if (extractor.check()) { return extractor; } else { return default_value; } } catch (const boost::python::error_already_set &) { // // boost-python-and-handling-python-exceptions/ PyObject *e, *v, *t; PyErr_Fetch(&e, &v, &t); return default_value; } return default_value; }
void SystemMatrix::setToSolution(escript::Data& out, escript::Data& in, boost::python::object& options) const { if (in.isComplex() || out.isComplex()) { throw PasoException("SystemMatrix::setToSolution: complex arguments not supported."); } options.attr("resetDiagnostics")(); Options paso_options(options); if (out.getDataPointSize() != getColumnBlockSize()) { throw PasoException("solve: column block size does not match the number of components of solution."); } else if (in.getDataPointSize() != getRowBlockSize()) { throw PasoException("solve: row block size does not match the number of components of right hand side."); } else if (out.getFunctionSpace() != getColumnFunctionSpace()) { throw PasoException("solve: column function space and function space of solution don't match."); } else if (in.getFunctionSpace() != getRowFunctionSpace()) { throw PasoException("solve: row function space and function space of right hand side don't match."); } out.expand(); in.expand(); out.requireWrite(); in.requireWrite(); double* out_dp = out.getExpandedVectorReference(static_cast<escript::DataTypes::real_t>(0)).data(); double* in_dp = in.getExpandedVectorReference(static_cast<escript::DataTypes::real_t>(0)).data(); solve(out_dp, in_dp, &paso_options); paso_options.updateEscriptDiagnostics(options); }
void fill_alpha3D_complex(bp::object points, bp::object complex) { typedef std::map<AlphaSimplex3D::Vertex, unsigned> ASPointMap; Delaunay3D Dt; ASPointMap point_map; unsigned i = 0; for (bp::stl_input_iterator<bp::list> pt = points; pt != bp::stl_input_iterator<bp::list>(); ++pt) { double x = bp::extract<double>((*pt)[0]); double y = bp::extract<double>((*pt)[1]); double z = bp::extract<double>((*pt)[2]); point_map[Dt.insert(Point(x,y,z))] = i++; } AlphaSimplex3D::SimplexSet simplices; fill_simplex_set(Dt, simplices); for (AlphaSimplex3D::SimplexSet::const_iterator cur = simplices.begin(); cur != simplices.end(); ++cur) { dp::SimplexVD s; for (AlphaSimplex3D::VertexContainer::const_iterator vcur = cur->vertices().begin(); vcur != cur->vertices().end(); ++vcur) s.add(point_map[*vcur]); = bp::object(std::make_pair(cur->value(), !cur->attached())); // regular/critical rather than attached complex.attr("append")(s); } }
boost::python::object call_(const char* name,Args... args){ using namespace boost::python; try { return context_.attr(name)(args...); } catch(error_already_set const &){ PyObject *type,*value,*traceback; PyErr_Fetch(&type,&value,&traceback); // Construct a message std::string message; if(value){ extract<std::string> value_string(value); // Check a string can be extracted from the PyObject if(value_string.check()){ message += value_string() +":\n"; } } // There may not be a traceback (e.g. if a syntax error) if(value and traceback){ handle<> type_handle(type); handle<> value_handle(allow_null(value)); handle<> traceback_handle(allow_null(traceback)); object formatted_list = import("traceback").attr("format_exception")(type_handle,value_handle,traceback_handle); for(int i=0;i<len(formatted_list);i++){ extract<std::string> line_string(formatted_list[i]); // Check a string can be extracted from the PyObject if(line_string.check()){ message += line_string(); } } } throw PythonException(message); } }
static void toCPP(boost::python::object o, ImmutableTreeMap<T1, T2>& outT) { outT = ImmutableTreeMap<T1, T2>(); boost::python::object it = o.attr("__iter__")(); while(1) { T1 t1; T2 t2; boost::python::object key; try { key = it.attr("next")(); } catch(...) { PyErr_Clear(); return; } Converter<T1>::toCPP(key, t1); Converter<T2>::toCPP(o[key], t2); outT = outT + make_pair(t1, t2); } }
static void set_errors(Tango::DataReadyEventData &event_data, boost::python::object &dev_failed) { Tango::DevFailed df; boost::python::object errors = dev_failed.attr("args"); sequencePyDevError_2_DevErrorList(errors.ptr(), event_data.errors); }
void TransportProblem::setToSolution(escript::Data& out, escript::Data& u0, escript::Data& source, double dt, bp::object& options) { if (out.isComplex() || u0.isComplex() || source.isComplex()) { throw ValueError("setToSolution: complex arguments not supported"); } Options paso_options(options); options.attr("resetDiagnostics")(); if (out.getDataPointSize() != getBlockSize()) { throw ValueError("setToSolution: block size of solution does not match block size of transport problems."); } else if (source.getDataPointSize() != getBlockSize()) { throw ValueError("setToSolution: block size of source term does not match block size of transport problems."); } else if (out.getFunctionSpace() != getFunctionSpace()) { throw ValueError("setToSolution: function spaces of solution and of transport problem don't match."); } else if (source.getFunctionSpace() != getFunctionSpace()) { throw ValueError("setToSolution: function spaces of source term and of transport problem don't match."); } else if (dt <= 0.) { throw ValueError("setToSolution: time increment dt needs to be positive."); } out.expand(); source.expand(); u0.expand(); out.requireWrite(); source.requireWrite(); u0.requireWrite(); double* out_dp = out.getExpandedVectorReference(static_cast<escript::DataTypes::real_t>(0)).data(); double* u0_dp = u0.getExpandedVectorReference(static_cast<escript::DataTypes::real_t>(0)).data(); double* source_dp = source.getExpandedVectorReference(static_cast<escript::DataTypes::real_t>(0)).data(); solve(out_dp, dt, u0_dp, source_dp, &paso_options); paso_options.updateEscriptDiagnostics(options); }
PythonInterpreter::PythonInterpreter() { // private constructor Py_Initialize(); main_module = import("__main__"); main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__"); }
boost::python::object call_(const char* name,Args... args){ using namespace boost::python; // Get the Python GIL (Global Interpreter Lock). Ensure it // is released for any of the branches below. PyGILState_STATE py_gil_state = PyGILState_Ensure(); try { // Call the Python side context method auto method = context_.attr(name); auto result = method(args...); // Release the GIL PyGILState_Release(py_gil_state); return result; } catch(error_already_set const &){ // Get the error PyObject *type,*value,*traceback; PyErr_Fetch(&type,&value,&traceback); // Construct a message std::string message; if(value){ extract<std::string> value_string(value); // Check a string can be extracted from the PyObject if(value_string.check()){ message += value_string() +":\n"; } } // There may not be a traceback (e.g. if a syntax error) if(value and traceback){ handle<> type_handle(type); handle<> value_handle(allow_null(value)); handle<> traceback_handle(allow_null(traceback)); object formatted_list = import("traceback").attr("format_exception")(type_handle,value_handle,traceback_handle); for(int i=0;i<len(formatted_list);i++){ extract<std::string> line_string(formatted_list[i]); // Check a string can be extracted from the PyObject if(line_string.check()){ message += line_string(); } } } // Release the GIL PyGILState_Release(py_gil_state); throw PythonException(message); } catch(const std::exception& exc){ // Release the GIL PyGILState_Release(py_gil_state); throw PythonException(exc.what()); } catch(...){ // Release the GIL PyGILState_Release(py_gil_state); throw PythonException("Unknown exception"); } }
std::string Serialisation::modulePath( boost::python::object &o ) { if( !PyObject_HasAttrString( o.ptr(), "__module__" ) ) { return ""; } std::string modulePath = extract<std::string>( o.attr( "__module__" ) ); std::string objectName; if( PyType_Check( o.ptr() ) ) { objectName = extract<std::string>( o.attr( "__name__" ) ); } else { objectName = extract<std::string>( o.attr( "__class__" ).attr( "__name__" ) ); } typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > Tokenizer; std::string sanitisedModulePath; Tokenizer tokens( modulePath, boost::char_separator<char>( "." ) ); for( Tokenizer::iterator tIt=tokens.begin(); tIt!=tokens.end(); tIt++ ) { if( tIt->compare( 0, 1, "_" )==0 ) { // assume that module path components starting with _ are bogus, and are used only to bring // binary components into a namespace. continue; } Tokenizer::iterator next = tIt; next++; if( next==tokens.end() && *tIt == objectName ) { // if the last module name is the same as the class name then assume this is just the file the // class has been implemented in. continue; } if( sanitisedModulePath.size() ) { sanitisedModulePath += "."; } sanitisedModulePath += *tIt; } return sanitisedModulePath; }
static boost::python::tuple getstate(boost::python::object w_obj) { using namespace boost::python; world const& w = extract<world const&>(w_obj)(); return make_tuple(w_obj.attr("__dict__"), w.get_secret_number()); }
static boost::python::tuple getstate(boost::python::object obj) { using namespace std; const T& tobj = boost::python::extract<const T&>(obj); string content = diffpy::serialization_tostring(tobj); boost::python::tuple rv = pickledict ? boost::python::make_tuple(content, obj.attr("__dict__")) : boost::python::make_tuple(content); return rv; }
py::object GetTraj() { TrajArray &traj = m_result->traj; py::object out = np_mod.attr("empty")(py::make_tuple(traj.rows(), traj.cols())); for (int i = 0; i < traj.rows(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < traj.cols(); ++j) { out[i][j] = traj(i, j); } } return out; }
std::string Serialisation::classPath( boost::python::object &object ) { std::string result = modulePath( object ); if( result.size() ) { result += "."; } result += extract<std::string>( object.attr( "__class__" ).attr( "__name__" ) ); return result; }
static boost::python::tuple getstate(boost::python::object w_obj) { world const& w = boost::python::extract<world const&>(w_obj)(); return boost::python::make_tuple( w_obj.attr("__dict__"), w.get_secret_number()); }
python::list BulkWrapper(const T &bv1,python::object bvs,double a,double b, double (*metric)(const T &,const T &,double,double), bool returnDistance){ python::list res; unsigned int nbvs=python::extract<unsigned int>(bvs.attr("__len__")()); for(unsigned int i=0;i<nbvs;++i){ const T &bv2=python::extract<T>(bvs[i])(); res.append(SimilarityWrapper(bv1,bv2,a,b,metric,returnDistance)); } return res; }
/** Must be called with GIL locked * */ std::string getStrFromPy(bp::object o) { PyObject* ptr = o.ptr(); if (PyBytes_Check(ptr)) { return std::string(PyBytes_AsString(ptr), PyBytes_Size(ptr)); } bp::object bytes = o.attr("encode")("utf-8"); ptr = bytes.ptr(); return std::string(PyBytes_AsString(ptr), PyBytes_Size(ptr)); }
static void set_errors(Tango::EventData &event_data, boost::python::object &error) { PyObject* error_ptr = error.ptr(); if (PyObject_IsInstance(error_ptr, PyTango_DevFailed.ptr())) { Tango::DevFailed df; boost::python::object error_list = error.attr("args"); sequencePyDevError_2_DevErrorList(error_list.ptr(), event_data.errors); } else { sequencePyDevError_2_DevErrorList(error_ptr, event_data.errors); } }
RDKit::INT_VECT LazyMaxMinPicks(MaxMinPicker *picker, python::object distFunc, int poolSize, int pickSize, python::object firstPicks, int seed, bool useCache) { RDKit::INT_VECT firstPickVect; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < python::extract<unsigned int>(firstPicks.attr("__len__")()); ++i) { firstPickVect.push_back(python::extract<int>(firstPicks[i])); } RDKit::INT_VECT res; pyobjFunctor functor(distFunc, useCache); res = picker->lazyPick(functor, poolSize, pickSize, firstPickVect, seed); return res; }
PythonContext(void){ using namespace boost::python; // Initialise the interpreter Py_Initialize(); // Get the __main__ module's namespace object main = import("__main__"); object globals = main.attr("__dict__"); // Execute the Python-side in the glabals namespace exec(str(code_()),globals); // Create a new Python-side Context context_ = globals["Context"](); // Bind to the callback context_.attr("bind")(raw_function(callback_)); }