Пример #1
// Called with cleartext data we want to encrypt and send back... 
extern "C" DLL_PUBLIC int32_t iocba_cleartext_push(
    buffers_t* buffers,
    char* in_clr,
    uint32_t clr_length,
    char* out_enc_to_send,
    uint32_t *enc_to_send_length
    Botan::TLS::Channel* channel = buffers -> channel;
    buffers -> enc_cursor = out_enc_to_send;
    buffers -> enc_end    = out_enc_to_send + *enc_to_send_length;
    try {
        // TRACE("Before send channel=%p \n", channel);
        channel->send( (const unsigned char*) in_clr, clr_length);
    } catch (buffer_override_exception_t const& )
        TRACE("Buffer override trying to encrypt cleartext\n");
    catch (std::exception const& e)
        using namespace std;
        cout << "BotanTLS engine raised exception on send: " << e.what() << endl;
        // Clear the buffers, they shall not be used again
        buffers -> clear_cursors();
        return -1;
    *enc_to_send_length = (uint32_t) (
        buffers -> enc_cursor
        - out_enc_to_send );
    buffers -> clear_cursors();
    return 0;
Пример #2
extern "C" void iocba_close(
    void* tls_channel
    Botan::TLS::Channel* channel = (Botan::TLS::Channel*) tls_channel;
    } catch (...)
        printf("BotanTLS engine raised exception on close\n");
Пример #3
 // Checks a few hints that Botan may put here and there.
 // ALWAYS call this function after the Botan functions, to ensure
 // that some thread-local variables we are using are handled correctly.
 void check_readiness() {
     if (not ready_for_output && not (channel->is_closed()) && channel->is_active())
         ready_for_output = true;
     if ( successfull_retrieval != 0)
         session_was_resumed = successfull_retrieval;
         // Reset the value so that we can say something sensible
         // about the next session
         successfull_retrieval = 0;
Пример #4
extern "C" DLL_PUBLIC void iocba_close(
    buffers_t* buffers,
    char* out_enc_to_send,
    uint32_t *enc_to_send_length
    // TRACE("Close called on buffer_t* %p\n", buffers);
    Botan::TLS::Channel* channel = buffers->channel;
    buffers -> enc_cursor = out_enc_to_send;
    buffers -> enc_end    = out_enc_to_send + *enc_to_send_length;
    // No waiting cleartext data in this context
    buffers -> clr_cursor = 0;
    buffers -> clr_end    = 0;
    catch (buffer_override_exception_t const& e)
        TRACE("Buffer override at iocba_close!!\n");
        return ;
    catch (Botan::TLS::TLS_Exception const& e)
        if (e.type() == Botan::TLS::Alert::INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK)
            TRACE("BotanTLS engine (close) instance likely crashed before: %s \n", e.what());
            return ;
        } else
            TRACE("BotanTLS engine  (close) instance crashed (normal if ALPN didn't go well): %s \n", e.what());
            return ;
    catch (std::exception const& e)
        // TODO: control messages
        //TRACE("BotanTLS engine crashed with generic exception: %s \n", e.what());
        return ;
    }catch (...)
        TRACE("BotanTLS engine raised exception on close\n");
    *enc_to_send_length = (uint32_t) (
        buffers -> enc_cursor
        - out_enc_to_send );
    buffers -> clear_cursors();
Пример #5
extern "C" void iocba_cleartext_push(
    void* tls_channel,
    char* data,
    int length )
    // TODO: Check for "can send"!!!!!
    try {
        Botan::TLS::Channel* channel = (Botan::TLS::Channel*) tls_channel;
        // printf("Before send channel=%p \n", channel);
        channel->send( (const unsigned char*) data, length);
        // printf("After send channel=%p \n", channel);
    } catch (...)
        printf("BotanTLS engine raised exception on send\n");
Пример #6
extern "C" int iocba_receive_data(
    void* tls_channel,
    char* data,
    int length )
    Botan::TLS::Channel* channel = (Botan::TLS::Channel*) tls_channel;
    try {
        //printf("Before taking data=%p \n", channel);
        size_t more_data_required = channel->received_data( (const unsigned char*) data, length);
        //printf("More data required %d \n", more_data_required);
        //printf("After taking data=%p \n", channel);
    } catch (std::exception const& e)
        // TODO: control messages
        printf("BotanTLS engine instance crashed (normal if ALPN didn't go well): %s \n", e.what());
        return -1;
    return 0;
Пример #7
// Called with encrypted data received from the peer. 
extern "C" DLL_PUBLIC int32_t iocba_receive_data(
    buffers_t* buffers,
    char* in_data,
    uint32_t in_length,
    char* out_enc_to_send,
    uint32_t *enc_to_send_length,

    char* out_cleartext_received,
    uint32_t *cleartext_received_length
    //TRACE("Entering iocba_receive_data\n");
    Botan::TLS::Channel* channel = buffers -> channel;
    buffers -> enc_cursor = out_enc_to_send;
    buffers -> enc_end    = out_enc_to_send + *enc_to_send_length;
    buffers -> clr_cursor = out_cleartext_received;
    buffers -> clr_end    = out_cleartext_received + *cleartext_received_length;
    //TRACE("Botan receives data\n");
    try {
        size_t more_data_required =
            channel->received_data( (const unsigned char*) in_data, in_length);
    catch (buffer_override_exception_t const& e)
        TRACE("Buffer override at iocba_receive_data!! (received %d bytes for cleartext and %d bytes for encoded)\n", *cleartext_received_length, *enc_to_send_length);
        return -1;
    catch (Botan::TLS::TLS_Exception const& e)
        if (e.type() == Botan::TLS::Alert::INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK)
            TRACE("BotanTLS engine instance likely crashed before: %s \n", e.what());
            return -1;
        } else
            TRACE("BotanTLS engine instance crashed (normal if ALPN didn't go well): %s \n", e.what());
            return -1;
    catch (std::exception const& e)
        // TODO: control messages
        TRACE("BotanTLS engine crashed with generic exception: %s \n", e.what());
        return -1;

    *enc_to_send_length = (uint32_t) (
        buffers -> enc_cursor 
        - out_enc_to_send );
    //TRACE("Returning %d bytes \n", *enc_to_send_length);
    *cleartext_received_length = (uint32_t) (
        buffers -> clr_cursor 
        - out_cleartext_received 
    //TRACE("Returning %d bytes of cleartext \n", *cleartext_received_length);
    // So that we get a clean segfault if we do something wrong
    buffers-> clear_cursors();
    if ( buffers -> alert_produced )
        if ( buffers -> alert_is_fatal || buffers -> peer_closed_transport)
            // If I don't get this message we are in trouble...
            // TRACE("Alert assimilated as part of decryption call\n");
            return -1;

    return 0;