Пример #1
void DotGraph::operator () (Automaton *aut)
  Grammar *g = aut->_M_grammar;

  out << "digraph {" << endl << endl;

  out << "subgraph Includes {" << endl;
  for (Automaton::IncludesGraph::iterator incl = Automaton::IncludesGraph::begin_nodes ();
       incl != Automaton::IncludesGraph::end_nodes (); ++incl)
      for (Automaton::IncludesGraph::edge_iterator edge = incl->begin (); edge != incl->end (); ++edge)
          out << "\t\"(" << aut->id (incl->data.state) << ", " << incl->data.nt << ")\"";
          out << "\t->\t";
          out << "\"(" << aut->id ((*edge)->data.state) << ", " << (*edge)->data.nt << ")\"\t";
          out << "[label=\"" << incl->data.state->follows [incl->data.nt] << "\"]";
          out << endl;
  out << "}" << endl << endl;

  out << "subgraph LRA {" << endl;
  //out << "node [shape=record];" << endl << endl;

  for (StatePointer q = aut->states.begin (); q != aut->states.end (); ++q)
      int state = aut->id (q);

      out << "\t" << state << "\t[shape=record,label=\"{";

      out << "<0> State " << state;

      int index = 1;
      for (ItemPointer item = q->kernel.begin (); item != q->kernel.end (); ++item)
        out << "| <" << index++ << "> " << *item;

      out << "}\"]" << endl;

      for (Bundle::iterator a = q->bundle.begin (); a != q->bundle.end (); ++a)
          const char *clr = g->isTerminal (a.key ()) ? "blue" : "red";
          out << "\t" << state << "\t->\t" << aut->id (*a) << "\t[color=\"" << clr << "\",label=\"" << a.key () << "\"]" << endl;
      out << endl;

  out << "}" << endl;
  out << endl << endl << "}" << endl;
void CppGenerator::operator () ()
  // action table...
  state_count = aut.states.size ();
  terminal_count = grammar.terminals.size ();
  non_terminal_count = grammar.non_terminals.size ();

#define ACTION(i, j) table [(i) * terminal_count + (j)]
#define GOTO(i, j) pgoto [(i) * non_terminal_count + (j)]

  int *table = new int [state_count * terminal_count];
  ::memset (table, 0, state_count * terminal_count * sizeof (int));

  int *pgoto = new int [state_count * non_terminal_count];
  ::memset (pgoto, 0, state_count * non_terminal_count * sizeof (int));

  accept_state = -1;
  int shift_reduce_conflict_count = 0;
  int reduce_reduce_conflict_count = 0;

  for (StatePointer state = aut.states.begin (); state != aut.states.end (); ++state)
      int q = aut.id (state);

      for (Bundle::iterator a = state->bundle.begin (); a != state->bundle.end (); ++a)
          int symbol = aut.id (a.key ());
          int r = aut.id (a.value ());

          Q_ASSERT (r < state_count);

          if (grammar.isNonTerminal (a.key ()))
              Q_ASSERT (symbol >= terminal_count && symbol < grammar.names.size ());
              GOTO (q, symbol - terminal_count) = r;

            ACTION (q, symbol) = r;

      for (ItemPointer item = state->closure.begin (); item != state->closure.end (); ++item)
          if (item->dot != item->end_rhs ())

          int r = aut.id (item->rule);

          NameSet lookaheads = aut.lookaheads.value (item);

          if (item->rule == grammar.goal)
            accept_state = q;

          foreach (Name s, lookaheads)
              int &u = ACTION (q, aut.id (s));

              if (u == 0)
                u = - r;

              else if (u < 0)
                  if (verbose)
                    qout << "*** Warning. Found a reduce/reduce conflict in state " << q << " on token ``" << s << "'' between rule "
                         << r << " and " << -u << endl;


                  u = qMax (u, -r);

                  if (verbose)
                    qout << "\tresolved using rule " << -u << endl;

              else if (u > 0)
                  if (item->rule->prec != grammar.names.end() && grammar.token_info.contains (s))
                      Grammar::TokenInfo info_r = grammar.token_info.value (item->rule->prec);
                      Grammar::TokenInfo info_s = grammar.token_info.value (s);

                      if (info_r.prec > info_s.prec)
                        u = -r;
                      else if (info_r.prec == info_s.prec)
                          switch (info_r.assoc) {
                          case Grammar::Left:
                            u = -r;
                          case Grammar::Right:
                            // shift... nothing to do
                          case Grammar::NonAssoc:
                            u = 0;
                          } // switch


                      if (verbose)
                        qout << "*** Warning. Found a shift/reduce conflict in state " << q << " on token ``" << s << "'' with rule " << r << endl;
void ParseTable::operator () (Automaton *aut)
  Grammar *g = aut->_M_grammar;

  int rindex = 1;
  for (RulePointer rule = g->rules.begin (); rule != g->rules.end (); ++rule)
    out << rindex++ << ")\t" << *rule << endl;
  out << endl << endl;

  int index = 0;
  for (StatePointer state = aut->states.begin (); state != aut->states.end (); ++state)
      out << "state " << index++ << endl << endl;

      for (ItemPointer item = state->kernel.begin (); item != state->kernel.end (); ++item)
          out << " *  " << *item;

          if (item->dot == item->end_rhs ())
            out << " " << aut->lookaheads [item];

          out << endl;

      bool first = true;
      for (Bundle::iterator arrow = state->bundle.begin (); arrow != state->bundle.end (); ++arrow)
          if (! g->isTerminal (arrow.key ()))

          if (first)
            out << endl;

          first = false;

          out << "    " << *arrow.key () << " shift, and go to state " << std::distance (aut->states.begin (), *arrow) << endl;

      first = true;
      for (ItemPointer item = state->closure.begin (); item != state->closure.end (); ++item)
          if (item->dot != item->end_rhs () || item->rule == state->defaultReduce)

          if (first)
            out << endl;

          first = false;

          foreach (Name la, aut->lookaheads.value (item))
            out << "    " << *la << " reduce using rule " << aut->id (item->rule) << " (" << *item->rule->lhs << ")" << endl;

      first = true;
      for (Bundle::iterator arrow = state->bundle.begin (); arrow != state->bundle.end (); ++arrow)
          if (! g->isNonTerminal (arrow.key ()))

          if (first)
            out << endl;

          first = false;

          out << "    " << *arrow.key () << " go to state " << std::distance (aut->states.begin (), *arrow) << endl;

      if (state->defaultReduce != g->rules.end ())
          out << endl
              << "    $default reduce using rule " << aut->id (state->defaultReduce) << " (" << *state->defaultReduce->lhs << ")" << endl;

      out << endl;