Пример #1
// Return the Channel corresponding to the provided name
Channel::Ptr Manager::get(const char* apChannelName) {
    Channel::Ptr            ChannelPtr;
    Channel::Map::iterator  iChannelPtr = mChannelMap.find(apChannelName);

    if (mChannelMap.end() != iChannelPtr) {
        ChannelPtr = iChannelPtr->second;
    } else {
        /// @todo Add a basic thread-safety security (throw if multiple threads create Loggers)
        ChannelPtr.reset(new Channel(apChannelName, mDefaultLevel));
        mChannelMap[apChannelName] = ChannelPtr;

    return ChannelPtr;
Пример #2
void * logging_thread(void *arg) {
	Channel::Ptr ch;
	ch.reset(static_cast<Channel *>(arg)); /* casting argument */
	print(log_debug, "Start logging thread for %s-api. Running as daemon: %s", ch->name(),
				ch->apiProtocol().c_str(), options.daemon() ? "yes" : "no");

// create configured api-interface
	vz::ApiIF::Ptr api;
	if (ch->apiProtocol() == "mysmartgrid") {
		api =  vz::ApiIF::Ptr(new vz::api::MySmartGrid(ch, ch->options()));
		print(log_debug, "Using MSG-Api.", ch->name());
	} else {
		api =  vz::ApiIF::Ptr(new vz::api::Volkszaehler(ch, ch->options()));
		print(log_debug, "Using default api:", ch->name());

	//pthread_cleanup_push(&logging_thread_cleanup, &api);

	do { /* start thread mainloop */
		try {

		catch (std::exception &e) {
			print(log_error, "logging thread failed due to: %s", ch->name(), e.what());

	} while (options.logging());

	print(log_debug, "Stop logging.! (daemon=%d)", ch->name(), options.daemon());

	return NULL;