Components::CCMHome_ptr ContainerInterfaceImpl::install_home (const char* id, const char* entrypt, const Components::ConfigValues& config) throw (Components::Deployment::UnknownImplId, Components::Deployment::ImplEntryPointNotFound, Components::Deployment::InstallationFailure, Components::Deployment::InvalidConfiguration, CORBA::SystemException) { DEBUG_OUT2("ContainerInterfaceImpl: install_home() called for ", id); // // analyse the configuration values // Components::ConfigValue* value; const char* homefinder_name = 0; const char* service_name = 0; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < config.length(); i++) { value = config[i].in(); if (! strcmp (config[i]->name(), "HOMEFINDERNAME")) { config[i]->value() >>= homefinder_name; break; } if (! strcmp (config[i]->name(), "CCMSERVICE")) { config[i]->value() >>= service_name; break; }
void DDS_Servant <T>::handle_config (const ::Components::ConfigValues & config) { // Locate the DDSParticipantQoS property. size_t length = config.length (); const char * filename = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++ i) { if (0 == ACE_OS::strcmp (config[i]->name (), "ParticipantQoS")) { config[i]->value () >>= filename; break; } }
void Deployment_Common::create_attribute_configuration (const ::Deployment::Properties &props, ::Components::ConfigValues & values) { values.length (props.length ()); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < props.length (); ++i) { values[i] = new CIAO::ConfigValue_impl (props[i] (), props[i].value); } }
::Components::Deployment::Container_ptr ComponentServerImpl::create_container(const ::Components::ConfigValues& config) throw (Components::CreateFailure, Components::Deployment::InvalidConfiguration, CORBA::SystemException) { Qedo::ContainerInterfaceImpl* container_if; // handle configuration const char* container_type_string = ""; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config.length(); i++) { DEBUG_OUT2 ("ComponentServerImpl: Got ConfigValue: ", config[i]->name()); if (! strcmp (config[i]->name(), "CONTAINER_TYPE")) { config[i]->value() >>= container_type_string; break; } }
void CHAOS_Servant_T <T, CONTEXT, EXECUTOR, POA_EXEC>:: handle_config (const ::Components::ConfigValues & props) { // Call the base implementation, which calls back into load_port base_type::handle_config (props); // Find the configuration property so we can load the servants, and // configure servant. for (CORBA::ULong i = 0, length = props.length (); i < length; ++ i) { const ::Components::ConfigValue * config = props[i]; if (PROPERTY_SERVANT_CONFIG == config->name ()) { std::string value; config->value () >>= value; this->load_servant_configuration (value); } }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { cout << "Test Client for Stream Container" << endl; CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv); orb->register_value_factory ("", new FacetDescriptionFactory_impl()); orb->register_value_factory ("", new ReceptacleDescriptionFactory_impl()); orb->register_value_factory ("", new SubscriberDescriptionFactory_impl()); orb->register_value_factory ("", new EmitterDescriptionFactory_impl()); orb->register_value_factory ("", new ConsumerDescriptionFactory_impl()); orb->register_value_factory ("", new ComponentPortDescriptionFactory_impl()); orb->register_value_factory ("", new CookieFactory_impl()); CosNaming::NamingContext_var ns; try { CORBA::Object_var ns_obj = orb->resolve_initial_references ("NameService"); ns = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow (ns_obj); } catch (CORBA::ORB::InvalidName&) { cerr << "Name Service not found" << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } catch (CORBA::SystemException&) { cerr << "Cannot narrow object reference of Name Service" << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } if (CORBA::is_nil (ns)) { cerr << "Name Service is nil" << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } // Now get the Component Server Activator from the Name Service, use the name TETRA/Activators/<hostname> char hostname[256]; if (gethostname (hostname, 256)) { cerr << "Cannot determine my hostname" << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } // Get the Server Activator Components::Deployment::ServerActivator_var server_activator = get_server_activator (orb, ns, hostname); // Feed our test deployment into the Component Installer deploy_test_components (orb, ns, hostname); // // Begin tests // // Create Component Server Components::ConfigValues config; Components::ConfigValues config1; Components::Deployment::ComponentServer_var component_server; Components::Deployment::ComponentServer_var component_server1; Components::Deployment::ComponentServer_var component_server2; try { component_server = server_activator->create_component_server (config1); } catch (CORBA::Exception&) { cerr << "Exception during test run" << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } if (CORBA::is_nil (component_server)) { cerr << "I got a nil reference for the created Component Server" << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } #if 0 try { component_server1 = server_activator->create_component_server (config1); } catch (CORBA::Exception&) { cerr << "Exception during test run" << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } if (CORBA::is_nil (component_server1)) { cerr << "I got a nil reference for the created Component Server" << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } try { component_server2 = server_activator->create_component_server (config1); } catch (CORBA::Exception&) { cerr << "Exception during test run" << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } if (CORBA::is_nil (component_server2)) { cerr << "I got a nil reference for the created Component Server" << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } #endif // Create Container Components::Deployment::Container_var container; Components::Deployment::Container_var container1; Components::Deployment::Container_var container2; config.length (1); CORBA::Any any; any <<= "SESSION"; config[0] = new ConfigValue_impl ("CONTAINER_TYPE", any); try { container = component_server->create_container (config); } catch (CORBA::SystemException& ex) { cerr << "CORBA system exception during creating container : " << ex << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } #if 0 try { container1 = component_server1->create_container (config); } catch (CORBA::SystemException& ex) { cerr << "CORBA system exception during creating container : " << ex << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } try { container2 = component_server2->create_container (config); } catch (CORBA::SystemException& ex) { cerr << "CORBA system exception during creating container : " << ex << endl; orb->destroy(); exit (1); } #endif //config.length(0); Components::CCMHome_var home; home = container->install_home ("PHILOSOPHER", "", config1); dinner::PhilosopherHome_var p_home = dinner::PhilosopherHome::_narrow (home); #if 0 home = container1->install_home ("CUTLERY", "", config1); dinner::CutleryHome_var c_home = dinner::CutleryHome::_narrow (home); home = container2->install_home ("OBSERVER", "", config1); dinner::ObserverHome_var o_home = dinner::ObserverHome::_narrow (home); #else home = container->install_home ("CUTLERY", "", config1); dinner::CutleryHome_var c_home = dinner::CutleryHome::_narrow (home); home = container->install_home ("OBSERVER", "", config1); dinner::ObserverHome_var o_home = dinner::ObserverHome::_narrow (home); #endif dinner::Philosopher_var phil1; dinner::Philosopher_var phil2; dinner::Philosopher_var phil3; dinner::Cutlery_var cut1; dinner::Cutlery_var cut2; dinner::Observer_var obs; dinner::Observer_var obs1; try { phil1 = p_home->create(); phil2 = p_home->create(); phil3 = p_home->create(); cut1 = c_home->create(); cut2 = c_home->create(); obs = o_home->create(); obs1 = o_home->create(); } catch (Components::CreateFailure&) { cerr << "Create Failure exception" << endl; } catch (CORBA::SystemException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; } try { phil1->name ("Frank"); phil2->name ("Bert"); phil3->name ("Harry"); phil1->thinking_seconds (5); phil2->thinking_seconds (3); phil3->thinking_seconds (6); phil1->eating_seconds (4); phil2->eating_seconds (6); phil3->eating_seconds (3); phil1->sleeping_seconds (6); phil2->sleeping_seconds (7); phil3->sleeping_seconds (5); dinner::Fork_var a_fork; a_fork = cut1->provide_the_fork(); phil1->connect_left_hand (a_fork); phil2->connect_left_hand (a_fork); phil3->connect_left_hand (a_fork); a_fork = cut2->provide_the_fork(); phil1->connect_right_hand (a_fork); phil2->connect_right_hand (a_fork); phil3->connect_right_hand (a_fork); Components::Cookie* ck; dinner::PhilosopherStateConsumer_var consumer = obs->get_consumer_philosopher_state(); ck = phil1->subscribe_philosopher_state (consumer); ck = phil2->subscribe_philosopher_state (consumer); ck = phil3->subscribe_philosopher_state (consumer); consumer = obs1->get_consumer_philosopher_state(); ck = phil1->subscribe_philosopher_state (consumer); ck = phil2->subscribe_philosopher_state (consumer); ck = phil3->subscribe_philosopher_state (consumer); phil1->configuration_complete(); phil2->configuration_complete(); phil3->configuration_complete(); cut1->configuration_complete(); cut2->configuration_complete(); obs->configuration_complete(); obs1->configuration_complete(); } catch (CORBA::SystemException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; } sleep (30); try { phil1->remove(); phil2->remove(); phil3->remove(); c_home->remove_component (cut1); c_home->remove_component (cut2); obs->remove(); obs1->remove(); } catch (Components::RemoveFailure&) { cerr << "Remove Failure during remove_component()" << endl; } catch (CORBA::SystemException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; } try { #if 0 container1->remove_home (c_home); container2->remove_home (o_home); #else container->remove_home (c_home); container->remove_home (o_home); #endif // remove at last because of it was installed first // registering the valuetype factories container->remove_home (p_home); } catch (Components::RemoveFailure&) { cerr << "Remove Failure during removing home" << endl; } catch (CORBA::SystemException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; } try { container->remove(); } catch (Components::RemoveFailure&) { cerr << "Remove Failure during removing container" << endl; } catch (CORBA::SystemException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; } try { component_server->remove(); #if 0 getchar(); component_server1->remove(); getchar(); component_server2->remove(); #endif } catch (Components::RemoveFailure&) { cerr << "Remove Failure during removing component server" << endl; } catch (CORBA::SystemException& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; } return 0; }
Components::ConfigValues* Properties::getConfigValues() { char* fileName = strdup( descriptor_.c_str() ); parser_->parse( fileName ); document_ = parser_->getDocument(); DOM_Element property = document_.getDocumentElement(); Components::ConfigValues* config = new Components::ConfigValues(); int len = 0; DOM_Node child = property.getFirstChild(); while( child != 0) { // simple if( ( child.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE ) && ( child.getNodeName().equals( "simple" ) ) ) { DOM_NodeList nodeList; DOM_Element simple = ( DOM_Element& )child; std::string type = simple.getAttribute( "type" ).transcode(); std::string name = simple.getAttribute( "name" ).transcode(); nodeList = simple.getElementsByTagName( "value" ); DOM_Element value = ( const DOM_Element& )nodeList.item( 0 ); CORBA::Any any; std::string val = value.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().transcode(); if( type == "boolean" ) { CORBA::Boolean v; if( val == "true" ) { v = true; } else { v = false; } any <<= CORBA::Any::from_boolean( v ); } if( type == "char" ) { CORBA::Char v = val[0]; any <<= CORBA::Any::from_char( v ); } if( type == "double" ) { CORBA::Double v = atof( val.c_str() ); any <<= v; } if( type == "float" ) { CORBA::Float v = atof( val.c_str() ); any <<= v; } if( type == "short" ) { CORBA::Short v = atoi( val.c_str() ); any <<= v; } if( type == "long" ) { CORBA::Long v = atol( val.c_str() ); any <<= v; } if( type == "objref" ) { // TODO } if( type == "octet" ) { CORBA::Octet v = val[0]; any <<= CORBA::Any::from_octet( v ); } if( type == "string" ) { any <<= val.c_str(); } if( type == "ulong" ) { CORBA::ULong v = atol( val.c_str() ); any <<= v; } if( type == "ushort" ) { CORBA::UShort v = atol( val.c_str() ); any <<= v; } // new config entry config->length( ++len ); ( *config )[len - 1] = new ConfigValue_impl( CORBA::string_dup( name.c_str() ), any ); } // sequence if( ( child.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE ) && ( child.getNodeName().equals( "sequence" ) ) ) { } // struct if( ( child.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE ) && ( child.getNodeName().equals( "struct" ) ) ) { } // value if( ( child.getNodeType() == DOM_Node::ELEMENT_NODE ) && ( child.getNodeName().equals( "valuetype" ) ) ) { } // next element child = child.getNextSibling(); } return config; }